Unit 13 Credit Rating Agencies
Unit 13 Credit Rating Agencies
Unit 13 Credit Rating Agencies
13.0 Objectives
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Meaning of Credit Rating
13.3 Determinants of Credit Rating
13.4 Rating Methodology
13.5 Credit Rating Agencies in India
13.6 Credit Rating Symbols
13.7 Benefits of Credit Rating
13.8 Rating and Default Risk
13.9 Ratings and Yields
13.10 Limitations of Credit Ratings
13.11 Let Us Sum Up
13.12 Key Words
13.13 Useful Books
13.14 AnswersIHints to Check Your Progress
After going through this Unit, you will be able to :
Explain the meaning and determinants of credit rating,
Illustrate the rating methodology,
Describe the advances and limitations of credit rating,
Identify the credit rating symbols, and
Discuss credit rating agencies in India.
The removal of strict regulatory framework in recent years.
has led to a spurt in the number of companies borrowing
directly from the capital markets. There have been several
instances in the recent past where the "fly-by-nightn
operators have cheated unwary investors. In such a situation,
it has become increasingly difficult for an ordinary investor
to distinguish between 'safe and good investment
opportunities' and 'unsafe and bad investments'. Investors
find that a borrower's size or name are no longer a sufficient
guarantee of timely payment of interest and principal.
Investors perceive the need of an independent and credible
agency, which judges impartially and in a professional
manner, the credit quality of different companies and assist
investors in making their investment decisions. Credit Rating
Agencies, by providing a simple system of gradation of
corporate debt instruments, assist lenders to form an opinion
on -the relative capacities of the borrowers to meet their 5 I
Financial and Investment obligations. These Credit Rating Agencies, thus, assist and
Institutions in India form an integral part of a broader programme of financial
disintermediation and broadening and deepening of the
debt market.
Credit rating is used' extensively fqr evaluating debt
instruments. These include long-term instruments, like
bonds and debentures as will as short-term obligations,
like Commercial Paper. In addition, fured deposits, certificates
of deposits, inter-corporate deposits, structured obligations
including non-convertible portion of partly Convertible
Debentures (PCDs) and preferences shares are also rated.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the
regulator of Indian Capital Market, has now decided to
enforce mandatory rating of all debt instruments irrespective
of their maturity. Let us recall that earlier only debt issues "
of over 18 months maturity had to be compulsorily rated.
Credit Rating Agencies rate the aforesaid debt instruments
of companies. They do not rate the companies, but their
individual debt securities. Rating is an opinion regarding
the timely repayment of principal and interest thereon; It is
expressed by assigning symbols, which have definite
A rating reflects default risk only, not the price risk associated
with changes in the level or shape of the yield curve. It is
important to emphasise that credit ratings are not
recommendations to invest. They do not take into account
many aspects, which influence an investment decision. They
do not, for example, evaluate the reasonableness of the
issue price, possibilities of earning capital gains or take into
account the liquidity in the secondary market. Ratings also
do not take into account the risk of prepayment by the
issuer, or interest rate risk or exchange rate risks. Although
these are often related to the credit risk, the rating essential
is an opinion on the relative quality of the credit risk.. It
has to be noted that there is no privity of contract between
an investor and a rating agency and the investor is not
protected by the opinion of the rating agency. Ratings are
not a guarantee against loss. They are simply opinions,
based on analysis of the risk of default. They are helpful
in making decisions based on particular preference of risk
and return.
A company, desirous of rating its debt instrument, needs to
approach a credit rating agency and pay a fee for this
service. There is no compulsion on the.corporate sector to
. obtain' or publicize the credit rating except for certain
instruments. A -company can use the rating as another
mlhliritv p y p r r i ~ p <if it i~ a unnd nir~ and tn nhlitpmt~ it
from its prospectus and publicity, if it is not good. The
Credit Rating Agencies regularly analyse the financial
position of corporations and assign and revise the ratings
lor their securittes. The different rating agencie.~ seldom
give different ratings for the same security. If two rating
agencies do give the same security diflerent ratings, it is
called split rating; the few differences that occur are rarely
more than one rating grade level apart. Accepted ratings are
published in media, every week. In tune with the industrial
practice in India, rating agencies do not publish ratings
which are nqt accepted by issuers.
Credit Rating
lncies in India '
The default-risk assessment qnd quality rating assigned to
an issue are primarily determined by three factors - I
r L
t Since about 75% of yield spread and ratings variability are
explained with these variables, other subjective factors may
i play an important role. The yield-spread pattern also
changes in magnitude over the business cycle; yield spreads
I widen (narrows) during recessions (prosperous periods). A
corporate en 'ty agrees with the first rating, it has no option of getting out of ,the
-rating discipline imposed by the rating
agency. T.hii may tempt rating agencies to woo clients with
the help of an initial favourable rating, but the freedom may
eventually be misused by the rating agency because corporate
client doesn't have the option to differ with the agency, once
it initially agrees to get rated by it. To ensure that corporate
clients are not dependent on one rating agency, the system