Air Intake System
Air Intake System
Air Intake System
• The air intake system is designed to supply the gas turbine with the
required combustion air and to protect the blading of the gas turbine
compressor against premature wear.
• The combustion air taken in by the compressor is cleaned in a
combination of filters.
Air intake system includes:-
1. Weather hoods,
2. Bird screens,
3. Anti-icing-system,
4. Weather louver,
5. Pulse filter,
6. Evap-cooler and
7. Safety filter
Air Intake system
WEATHER HOODS for protection
against rain & snowfall
Screen is used
to protect
pulse filter for
Anti-icing System
• Anti-icing system are designed to
protect the filters & the intake
duct from icing during operation
under low outside temperature.
• Hot air from compressor is
guided via distribution pipes to
air intake of filter house.
Pulse Filter