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Improving The Students' Speaking Skill Through Story Joke Technique

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( A Classroom Action Research at Eighth Grade )


 English is one of the language in the world that
master in many various field globally.
 English is a media for communicating both
speaking and writing.
 Now, many companies have policy to their
employments to have English both oral and
 And English also has role in transferring science
and technology.
 The researcher would teach speaking through the
story joke for developing speaking skill SMTP’s
students in SMP. Because the researcher find, the
effective method to teach using this technique.
Especially for junior high school at eight grade.
Based on the limitation of the problem above,
the researcher formulates the study as follow:
How does the researcher improve the student’s
speaking skill through the story joke at 8th
By using story joke in teaching speaking skill to
the eighth grade students of; it motivates and
encourages students to practice speaking English.
It makes them enjoy expressing their feeling,
ideas, opinion and even in messages and
suggestions. Since it is fun activity, it helps
students to take part in practice.
• Speaking consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to
convey meaning. (Utterance is simply thing people say).
• Flores said, “Speaking is an interactive process of constructing
meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing
• Speaking is one activity to share information, idea, and felling
by sound produce that signify and then we can make some
communication with other people
 A joke is a short story or ironic depiction of a
situation communicated with the intent of being
humorous. These jokes will normally have a
punch line that will end the sentence to make it
humorous. A joke can also be a single phrase or
statement that employs sarcasm. The word joke
can also be used as a slang term for a person or
thing which is not taken seriously by others in
general. A practical joke or prank differs from a
spoken one in that the major component of the
humor is physical rather than verbal (for example
placing salt in the sugar bowl).
Joke, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke
 Try to create humorous situations for role-plays
and dialogues.
 Changing the context of that tedious role-play in
the textbook to a fun one that allows the same
structure to be practiced will make quite a
difference in the end.
 Teacher may also have students change the tone
of their voices and dress differently, reinventing
the character, while role-playing.
 Action research can be described as: any research
into practice undertaken by those involved in that
practice, with an aim to change and improve it. It
is therefore, a process of enquiry by you as a
practitioner into the effectiveness of your own
teaching and your students’ learning.
Step of CAR (Classroom Action
• Planning, data collection based on the problem and tested the
hypothesis by empirical measures based on initial observations in
general and can be as a reference to reveal the factors supporting
and inhibiting the implementation of the action
• Action is a variation of careful and prudent practices which are
recognized as the idea into action and used as guidelines for the
development of the next actions with a view to improving the
• Observation serves to document the effect of actions oriented to
the future, as well as providing a basis for reflection now.
• Reflection is a reminder and a action ponder exactly as has been
observed. Reflection is an activity analysis, interpretation and
explanation (explanation) of all information obtained value from
observations on the implementation of the action.
Purpose of the Research
Speaking process through story joke it about
learning process using a story joke collaborated
with dialogue or conversation with humorous
stories, to make the student is free to express in
speaking activities. This involves students and
teachers, thus forming a good cooperation
between students and students and also between
students and teachers.
Place and Time
The research was taken a place at Junior High
School Students Grade VIII in SMP. This research
takes place for one semester.
The class under study is class VIII. Each class
consists of twenty or thirty students. The
teaching process is carried from 07.15 am to
12.30 pm.
Subject of the Research
The subject of the research is the students at
Senior High School Grade VIII. The researcher
took 20 sampling (students) for the research.
Cycle 1:
Planning : The researcher prepared the material,
greeted and asked the student’s condition,
introduced the topic of the day is Do You
Know, explained the topic about Do You Know
Action: The researcher gave 45 minutes to
practice and activate the dialogue. Then she
divided the students in pairs and asked them
to make a dialogue about Do you know
• Observation
In this part the researcher observed that they
had problem in their pronunciation. The
teacher gave correction and comment to
student’s performance and pronunciation.
• Reflection
When first introduced to the topic of students
who passed, they still seemed confused and
were not used
Research in cycle 1:
• When learning starts, researchers were not
familiar with the character and condition of
the eighth-grade students.
• The students’ courage when they start to
make conversation is still less.
• Most of them still do not understand the
meaning of funny in a short conversation
• They still make a lot of mistakes in
pronouncing of the sentence
Cycle 2 :
The researchers divided the students in pairs; thus forming 10 pairs to
practice speaking.
The researcher read some examples of dialog text and asks to students
to follow it. Then the researcher asked students to translate dialog
text together so that students understand the meaning of the
In this part the researcher observed that they had over come their
problems, it proves that they could speak in simple dialogue even
they made mistake about the pronunciation
The researcher must make safety felling for the students. And make
the atmosphere of the class being fun. There was a little increasing
in their pronunciation from the dialogue.
Cycle 3
The researcher took the sample material from the text
book. She divided the students in pairs.
The researcher read loudly some stories joke dialogue.
Students work together in pair work
the students were so have fun and joyful with the
Their enthusiasm were high when that researcher chose
simple conversation from the story joke dialogue. The
students again invited to talk in front of the class
Analysis Data
Researcher Finding
Cycle 1
• When learning starts, researchers were not familiar
with the character and condition of the eighth-grade
• The students’ courage when they start to make
conversation is still less.
• Most of them still do not understand the meaning of
funny in a short conversation topic.
• They still make a lot of mistakes in pronouncing of the
Research finding in cycle 2 are :
• Understanding of students with story joke making
the atmosphere more fun in class.
• Students’ courage to talk to occur after the split into
• Fluency and pronunciation, have increasing when
compared with the first cycle.
• Researcher is beginning to understand the character
of each student
Research finding in cycle 3 are :
• There the competition was held among the pairs work
• The students were more interested when did the
conversation with their pairs work
• Building relationship with among students was very
• In trusting relationship, the threat that students feel is
reduced and therefore no defensive learning in
• Students can learn from their interaction with each
other as well as their interaction the teacher.
The improving process in teaching speaking through
story joke from every cycle is figured in this
graphic design:

From figure above, it’s figured two aspects from

students’ speaking skill, fluency and pronunciation.
• After the research about improvement student’s speaking skill
through Story Joke, there the conclusions from three cycles.
• Researchers found that student’s still lack confidence
• Diverse character of the students who make the researchers
experienced difficulties when it first gives the subject matter.
• Students less familiar with the funny stories that the teacher
• Classroom atmosphere of a crowded and less fun to make
students feel bored
• Contribute a better translation
• Have to prepared story joke in advance and selected
a. The recommendation as follow for teacher :
– The teacher should make conducive and make comfortable in the
– It is good for teacher to introduce the topic to be discussed to
– Before teaching, teacher should structure and plan this technique
– Teacher must be able to manage the class and the time in order to
make students be more active and involved to the activity and make it
runs well.
– The teacher should keep monitoring during the stages
– Positive reinforcement helps the students to develop correct habits.
– Ask the students to translate a short conversation on the matter of
b. For the students :
• If student find difficulties in understanding the
dialogue, they should ask the teacher for
clearer explanation.
• The students should be active in participating
during the lesson
• The students should remind their friends to
keep speaking English

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