Hasil Terbaru
Hasil Terbaru
Hasil Terbaru
CHAPTER I : Introduction
This chapter attempts to provide the introduction of this study related to the issue of
Basic Consideration
English as the world language for international communication and science, will be
used for communication in many countries. In English language learning there are fourth
skills that students must learn, there are speaking, reading, writing and listening. In this
communication, especially students use this skill as a tool to exchange their ideas, thought,
feeling, and opinion. Speaking is one of the skills that should be mastered by students
because they can easily to communicate with each other. Thornbury as cited in Sagar
Marneni and Bondeni Sravan Kumar (2007) says that speaking is a speech production that
becomes a part of our daily activities. In this case, everyone can communicate and give
information to the other. Speaking is one of four language skills in English subject that seems
to be a priority one because it is used to produce the ideas that are expressed in oral form
Speaking skill is becoming one of the basic competencies that should be mastered by
a student in junior high school. Moreover, teaching speaking in junior high school is not an
easy task for the teacher, because the teacher has to be creative and attractive in enhancing
students speaking ability. Speaking in the ninth grade based on the syllabus and curriculum is
the students share information or to communicate with the other students. Based on the
syllabus and curriculum speaking in ninth grade is the students should be to speak practice
August 2018 the students were not paying attention to the teacher. Because they do not feel
interested in the speaking subject.because students are not confident. Besides, another
problem that commonly happens in speaking the subject is about pronouncing. In this case,
students refuse to speak in front of the class, because they are afraid of mispronouncing the
Therefore the teacher should use one method for teaching speaking that makes students active
and motivated in learning speaking. In this research, the researcher will use a method that is
storytelling in teaching speaking. Harmer as citied in Mujizat (2016) stated that storytelling is
one of methods in teaching speaking that students can briefly summarize a tale or story they
heard from somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their
classmates. Based on the previous research that Dr. Akhyak (2013) has done this method
could help students be amazing to learn in the class. Because they will express their own
story told.
Besed on the researcher observation there are some method that could be used in
improving speaking. The first is simulation board. This method has some benefit to improve
speaking they are : 1. To give students chance to carryout a task or solve problem together ,
2. allowing students to do experiment with new vocabulary and structure, 3. giving students
the freedom to make their own choice and decision for expressing their opinion, 4. allowing
teacher monitor the progress and students participation. Furthermore it is a good method for
the students, because this method is able to increase students interest in speaking.However
the researcher found could cause such a lot of mispronouncing act that done by students.
Besides, one called picture. It is declared by the teacher will relative need more time to play
this game.
Then the researcher found storytelling is a good method to improve students speaking
ablity. It support by Harmer as citied in Mujizat (2016) stated that storytelling is one of
methods in teaching speaking that students can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard
from somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates.
Storytelling has many benefits for speaking class, such as; 1) Promoting a feeling of well-
being and relaxation, which means that students can express what they feel in their hearts. 2)
improve their speaking and express their idea. 3) Encouraging active participation. It means
that the students can participate in class. 4) Increasing verbal proficiency, which means
improving their skills in oral communication. 5) Encouraging the use of imagination and
creativity. It requires students to use their imagination and communicate their idea when they
with other students. 7) Enhancing listening skills. It assists the students to improve their
listening skill.
developing the speaking skill. In this case, the researcher will use narrative storytelling in
teaching speaking. The researcher focuses on the narrative text in term of fairy tale story as
narrative text is telling the story to entertain the reader or people. In this case, the narrative
text has many stories that make the students enjoy the class, and assist them to express their
There are some previous studies related to this research which will be discussed
following. First, By Susanti Musa“ The influence of digital storytelling technique improving
students speaking ability” which conducted in ten grade of a senior high school in Bandung.
This study has a goal to know whether students speaking ability in senior high school can
improve by using storytelling techniques. This research uses the quantitative method. Based
on the explanation above, the method of this study is the same as the researchers.This study
uses storytelling technique in teaching speaking, while the researcher study uses narrative
storytelling, which conducted at 9th grade of junior high school. Moreover, this study has a
similar purpose that tends to improve speaking ability. The different of this study from
researchers is the storytelling technique uses an LCD and laptop, while the researcher study
students speaking ability”. This research conduct to students of 8th grade in SMP
Bolangitang Barat. Furthermore, the differences between the researcher’s study with this
previous study could be seen at the subject that is used. The researcher is used narrative
storytelling, which means that the researcher will give the students a types of narrative text
but focused on the fairy tale story. while the previous study decided to choose everyday
storytelling. means that everyday storytelling that the students will tell their 'experience and
the entire story of their past. Moreover, this study has a similar purpose, which tends to
improve students speaking ability. The last is by Dr. Akhyak “ Improving the students
English speaking competence through storytelling. This research conduct at first semester
previous study decided to choose storytelling. This research used qualitative and quantitative
methods. Moreover, this study has a similar purpose, which tends to improve students
Problem Statement
Based on the basic consideration above, this study seeks to answer a question of how
The objective of this study is to find out whether the use of narrative storytelling can
Research Significance
- The benefit of this study for the English teachers is that storytelling is expected to
encourage the ways of the teacher in teaching speaking skill in English class.
- The benefit of this study for the students, they can express their idea in English
with their own words and the students can apply this method in learning English
Research Delimitation
In this research, the student's ability focuses on the students speaking skill, by using
narrative storytelling. In the narrative text, the researcher focuses on the fairy tale as one of
the kinds of narrative text. because the main focus of this research The teaching speaking by
using narrative storytelling. Besides, This research will be conducted at 9 grade of SMP N 5
This chapter describes some aspects related to the theoretical bases. They are the
definition of speaking, the element of speaking, the definition of storytelling, current types of
This section covers many of the relevant studies that had been conducted, which tends
to point out the speaking skill. Furthermore, it discusses the definition of speaking, the
Definition of Speaking
Speaking is one of the important parts of skills that should be mastered by students. It
teaches students to communicate and tell any information, idea, and opinion to others. Brown
(2004) as cited in Sofyan A Gani, et al.,(2015) points out that speaking is an interactive
Arta (2014) stated that speaking means the way of using language in oral
communication. Mukminatus (2017) opined that speaking is the way of people to express and
communicate ideas to others orally. Based on the two expert explanation, the researcher
concludes that speaking is the way of people to communicate or express their idea to the
others orally by using language. Iskandar Abdul Samad et al., (2017) said that speaking is
widely known as an ability to share thoughts, ideas, and intentions to the other people by
using language in oral form. Furthermore, it has meant that speaking is the ability to express
Speaking refers to the way of telling something or to share information with other
people. Munawar (2015) stated that Speaking is the human ability to produce sound or voice
to share or express feelings and thoughts with others as a means of communication in life
using. Bryne in Octavian (2012) as cited in Retno Fentari and Syaifudin Latif (2016) stated
that speaking is an as two-way process between speaker and listener that involves productive
skill and the receptive skill of understanding. It means that speaking is a process that
Element of speaking
Brown (2004) as cited in Abdurahman Harun (2016), states that there are five
Grammar is the tools of how to learn about using language properly. Al-
Mekhlafi and Nagaratnam (2011) as cited in Iskandar et al. (2017) write that grammar is a set
of rules that determines the structure of a language. Besides, it could be a way to combine
units of a language.
important role in assisting students to speak English fluently by using a lot of words in our
daily lives. Darin Okta Saputri (2016) stated that vocabulary is a basis of language, which
Comprehension is catching the purpose of what the people say and understanding
the point of the speakers' words. Hornby (1984) as cited by Riska Ananda (2017) defines it as
the ability to understand completely towards any speakers words and topics that are discussed
Yingjie (2014) as cited in Iskandar et al. (2017) mentions that fluency is the
capability to speak smoothly and speedily to produce the appropriate word without thinking
too much. In other words, fluency means the ability to speak well without any stammering
Pronunciation is very important for the speaker to say the English word because if the
speaker mispronounces the word, then it will cause a confuse or even misunderstanding. Sitti
Surrinah et al. (2015) stated that pronunciation is the way of the speaker in producing speech
This section covers many of relevant studies that had been conducted, which tends to
point out the speaking skill. Furthermore, it discusses about the definition of teaching
Teaching speaking
spoken language. Fatsah as cited in Mamonto (2017) stated that speaking is not only
communicating with the other people but also get the information or share the idea with
others. Therefore the students should be to understand, using their current proficiency.
The teacher should make interesting material and give motivate the students to speak.
The teacher should pay attention to the students when they talking is true or not what they
say. Therefore the teacher should have a good method or give the students an interesting topic
Brown as cited in Prasetya (2015)There are six types of speaking area. Those six
Brown ( 2001) stated that this category is the ability to practice pronunciation
and focused on some of the basics of language form. That is only imitating a word, phrase or
sentence. The teacher uses drilling in the teaching-learning process. By using a drill, students
will get the opportunity to listen and orally repeat some words.
some phonological and grammatical aspects of language. It usually the students make a group
to working task. The example is reading with a partner, reading aloud, reading the paragraph,
Brown and as cited in Dr. Akhyak (2013) stated that Responsive includes very
short discussion, standard greeting, and small talk, simple requests, and comments. This is a
instructions and directions. Those replies are usually sufficient and meaningful
pair work
Interpersonal (dialogue)
social relationships. The forms of interpersonal speaking performance are interview, role-
Extensive (monologue)
Brown as cited in Akhyak (2013) stated that Teacher gives students extended
monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, storytelling and short speeches, during
which the opportunity for oral interaction from the listener is either highly limited or ruled
out together.
Based on the theory above Brown explains the categories of speaking skills. In this
explanation about the student's activity in class, one statement emphasizes that storytelling is
Definition of storytelling
Storytelling is the way of people to tell the story to other people. Coconi (2013) as
cited in Ratih Inayah (2015) opined that storytelling is communicating of events through the
use of words and sound. In other word storytelling is one of the way can make the students
motivation. Ahmad Syafi’i (2018) state that storytelling is a key to change student`s
motivation. There are many different types of stories, which are told for many different
purposes. As stated by the Stole in Amirudin (2013), stories tend to explain different
phenomena, cultural beliefs, attitudes, traditions, and so forth. Storytelling has many benefits
for speaking class, such as; 1) Promoting a feeling of well-being and relaxation, which means
that students can express what they feel in their hearts. 2) Increasing children’s willingness
to communicate thoughts and feelings. It assists students to improve their speaking and
express their idea.3) Encouraging active participation. It means that the students can
participate in class. 4) Increasing verbal proficiency, which means improving their skills in
students to use their imagination and communicate their idea when they speak. 6)
Encouraging cooperation between students. It will motivate students to cooperate with other
students. 7) Enhancing listening skills. It assists the students to improve their listening skill.
Storytelling refers to one of the activities that someone can do to present a story by using
media and which functionally convey a message or information to other people. Moreover,
the researcher will give an interesting story, which easies to understand for students.
Consequently, they will easily get the point and express their thoughts about the story.
Besides, the students are also can practice retelling the story by using their own words.
as cited in Trianty Manjurungi (2017) stated that there are four types of storytelling such as
The first is Narrative storytelling; means that someone who tells a story or discusses a fiction
that has a plot as a narrative. Narrative storytelling is the series of events associated to the
kind of text, which retell the story or preceding experience and it has the purpose to amuse or
interest the person who reads about the story, second is Traditional storytellingis more
focused on culture that has a function to protect or protect stories that have been published,
conserve and promote traditional art storytelling. The activity such as event and performance,
the last is Everyday storytelling refers not only to the story but also encompass the total of
our everyday talk, narrative or else so that all our talk rework as storytelling. Storytelling is
Based on the explanation about the current types of narrative of storytelling as follow
the researcher is interested to use narrative storytelling to help the students in improving their
speaking ability. The researcher strongly believes that using narrative storytelling could
motivate the students to express their idea because it has many interesting stories that they
In this research, the researcher uses narrative storytelling as a way for students to improve
speaking through exchange their stories. When they tell the story to the other person it called
as storytelling or retell the story. Mukminatus ( 2017), opined that storytelling is to retell the
story by using the storytellers’ own words. Furthermore, when the storytelling applied its
It is empowering for a child to be able to express his or her through and feelings
articulately through oral language. It means that to motivate the students to tell
The art of storytelling can be an enjoyable tool for practicing both listening skills
and verbal expression. It means that the art of storytelling is the media to increase
The teacher can use expressive language to attract students interest to learn. It
means that the teacher considers a new method that interesting to apply in the
People learn new skills when they are interested in the topic or when it is useful to
them. Finding folktales can stimulate reading and research interest. It means that
the students get new skills when they feel attracted to the topic, which motivates
Comprehension or the ability to make sense of the plot of the story. It is facilitated
by being able to mentally map the story’s main events. It could help the students
Lie as cited in Trianty (2017) mentioned that storytelling has some advantages
such as :
1. Storytelling provides opportunities for one on one interaction among students around
school tasks and gives them opportunity to target the language community.
3. Storytelling will help students explore the words, pay attention to their own response.
Additionally it discovers layers of meaning and help the students to understand that
Agustina ( 2019) stated that there are some disadvantages of storytelling 1. The
researcher will get some difficulties to set the process of learning properly in order to get
students attention and interests. 2 It will be difficult to conduct if the class room is crowded. 3
Sometimes, it is difficult to find words that understandble for all th group. However, in order
to avoid this disadvantages, the researcher will try to control the situation to get students
attention. The researcher will ensure that storytelling is relevance and interest to the students,
and the researcher always monitor students in a group. Besides, the researcher will ensure the
1. The teacher hangs different written stories with colorful papers on the white board
3. The teacher asks every group take a paper from the white board
5. The teacher asks them to retell their story based on the group discussion
6. The teacher gives award to the group considered as the best group.
Narrative text
Text is part of the writing that you read. In the text, there are some texts namely:
descriptive text, recount text, procedure text, and narrative text. Descriptive text is to
describe something like an interesting place, picture, or the person in detail. Recount text is to
retell something that happens in the past and retell the sequence of events. Procedure text is
the text of how to do make something. The narrative text is fiction and non-fiction story.
From the explanation about the types of text, the researcher will use narrative text in this
The narrative text refers to the fiction and nonfiction story. Pardyono (2007) as
cited Purba ( 2017) stated that narrative text is a kind of text that telling activities or events in
the past it shows problematic experience or resolution to give a moral lesson to the reader.
structure of the narrative text are orientation, complication, resolution, and coda.
Set of the scene. In this part, the character will be introduced, such as the
Every story should have a problem because it makes the story sounds
interesting. Besides, the complication is the part where the problem arises.
This part is the end of the story. It is referred to as the conclusion of the
problem that happens in the complication before. The problem in the story
This is a closing remark to the narrative. This part is optional, which can be
in the story or not. It consists of moral lessons and advice from the writers.
Nurlaely (2017) stated that types of narrative text are a legend, fairy tale, and
and historic. Some define legend as a folktale. The example of a legend in the
a. Malin Kundang
b. Sangkuriang
Fairy tale
The fairy tale is an English language term for the type of short narrative text.
Fairy tale typical features are a folkloric character as fairies, dwarves, giants
and usually magic and enchantment. The example of the fairy tale in the
a. Cinderella
b. Pinocchio
e. Snow white
Fable is a short narrative text that makes a sense of moral point, which
including animal as a character that could speak and act like a human. The
Based on the explanation about the types of narrative text the researcher will use a
There are some of the previous of the study related to this research which discusses in
following. First, by Susanti Musa“ The influence of digital storytelling technique improving
students speaking ability” which conducted in ten grade of a senior high school. The result of
this study shows the students post-test scores of students 2,106 and pre-test was 1,684. It
concludes that the use of storytelling techniques can improve students speaking ability.
ability” the result of this study is the researcher use analyzed the data by using t-test and the
result shows that t coun = -7,13 at the level significance (α =0,05) and degree of freedom (df)
= 26-1 = 25, and t list was 2,06. It means that there are significant differences after applying
the storytelling method. Furthermore, this research found that everyday storytelling can
improve students speaking ability. The last is by Dr. Akhyak “ Improving the students
English speaking competence through storytelling. This research conduct at first semester
students of Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic college (STAI) of Nganjuk, East Java. The result of
The hypothesis of this research is the use of narrative storytelling which expected to
This chapter describes a brief overview of research that begins with the research
method, research variable, population and ample, data collection, data analysis, and
hypothesis verification.
Method of research
method that used statistically to analyze the data. It is because the researcher used numerical
Research design
research that used one class pre-test and a post-test. Through this way, the researcher wants to
know whether narrative storytelling can improve students speaking ability or not.
O1 X O2
O1 = pre-test
X = tretmeant
O2 = post-test
The pre-test is the first step. Pre-test was given to the students before treatment. The
purpose of this technique is to find out student's basic skill in speaking before applying
narrative storytelling. The researcher used oral test. In this case, the researcher gave one
narrative text (Snow White) and they will be asked to tell the story in front of the class. In
this section the researcher provide a text that contains a story about Snow white. After that,
students join in pairs and the researcher gave them 30 minutes to read and then tell each other
about the story. In addition, the researcher will ask to the students some of question.
Therefore, the researcher evaluated students speaking skill by asking them to speak the
In this section, the researcher gave the treatment to the students by applying narrative
storytelling in teaching speaking. This technique used as the way to improve students
speaking skill. The treatment conducted in six meetings. The treatment as follows below:
First meeting
In the first meeting, the researcher explain to the students about how to speak well
comprehension) after that, the researcher explain how to retell the story in front of the class.
Second meeting
At the second meeting, the students divided into five groups. Then, the researcher
taught the topic of Narrative text titled Cinderella. After explain the material and the story of
Cindrella the researcher asked the students to discuss with their group. Next, the researcher
asked each group to retell the story of Cinderella in front of class. The researcher asked all
Third meeting
In the third meeting, the researcher asked the students to make a group as they did in
the previous meeting. Then, the researcher taught the topic about Beauty and the Beast. After
that the students discuss with their group. The researcher asked each group to retell the story
of Beauty and the Beast in front of the class. Next, the researcher asked the all of member of
Fourth meeting
In the fourth meeting, the researcher taught the topic about Rapunzel. Then, the
teacher asked to the students to discuss with their group. After that, the researcher asked each
Fifth meeting
In the fifth meeting the researcher asked the students to make a group. Next the
researcher taught the topic about goldilocks and the three bears. Then, the researcher asked
Six meeting
In the last meeting, the researcher taught the topic about The Little Mermaid. Then,
After the process of pre-test and treatment has done, the researcher gave the post-test.
In this step, the researcher gave them the same test as well as in the pre-test. Furthermore,
This test gave in the last meeting. The purpose of this technique is the researcher can find out
the differences in the result in pre-test and post-test and get the students average score before
Research variable
Arikunto (2006) opined that variable is all thing that become the object of research.
Arikunto (2009), stated that population is the totality of research subject. The
population of this research is students of the 9th grade of junior high school. The researcher
choose nineth grade because narrative text is frequently taught in ninth grade.
In taking the sample, the researcher used purposive sampling. Arikunto (2009) states
that purposive sampling is the sampling technique that is used to take a sampling from the
population which tended to one object depending on some consideration. In this study, the
researcher will choose class 9-1 as the sample of this study. It consisist of 25 students.
Data Collection
The researcher was collected the data by gave an oral test for students. The researcher
asked the students to tell the story one of the narrative text ( Snow white ). This test was
given in pre-test and post-tets. The researcher gave this test aimed to evaluate students
speaking ability after treatment that covers pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and
Data Analysis
Brown (2004) use to measure the students speaking skill before and after applying narrative
storytelling. In this case, the researcher scoring their speaking ability by using a theory which
Errors never in pronounciation are quite rare
Equivalent and fully accepted by educated native
5 speakers
of precision vocabulary
Speech on all levels is fully accepted by educated native
control of grammar
Control grammar is good able to speak the language
quite rare
5 Equivalent of that of an educated native speakers
autobiographical information.
Can discuss particular interest of competence with
Can get the gist of most conversation of nontechnical
2 subject
Comprehension is quite complete a normal rate of
3 speech
Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker
Normality Test
In analyzing the data, the normality test aims to know whether the data is normal.
X: Mean score
S: Derivation Score
2. Every definition has used the distribution of normal to count the definition by using
3. Then, count the proportion Z1, Z2, Z3,...........Zn which small or similar to Zi. If the
4. Counting the deviation from F (Zi) – S (Zi). Then, set the absolute value.
After collect the data the researcher used the statistical analysis to analyzing the data.
In analyzing the data the researcher used T-testing. The purpouse of this formula is to
∑ x 2d
√ N (N −1)
N : number of sample
Testing Hypothesis
This chapter describe the research finding and discussion of this study. The finding
section will explain the description about the result of students pre - test and post - test.
This section expalined about some point score of students in pre-test, treatment and
post-test form. Its aimed to know the students achievment before and after apply the narrative
This step was analyzed with the pre-test data result. The pre-test was applied before
conducting the treatment and post-test. In the pre-test data the total number of sample is 25
students. As a result of pre-test data it found that the lowest score was 5 and the highest score
was 9.
By the range of interval class of class (R) was 4, the amount of interval class (K) was
5, the wide of class (P) was 1. In adition the researcher present the frequency relative of each
5 6 24%
6 6 24%
7 6 24%
8 5 20%
9 2 8%
Based on the table above, the researcher noticed that most of these students have such
a lack ability in speaking skill. It can be seen by paying attention to the number of student
who got the lowest score ( 5 ). Meanwhile, there were only 2 of students who got the highest
score . This score ( 9 ). Was not hit the perfect number already. However, it was such an
unexpected level of speaking ability that could be reach by those two students in this pre-test.
As the first step in doing this research, the researcher conducted a pre-test. In this
case, the researcher did not give any treatment to these twenty five students as the
participants. In the other words, the result of the students test was originally came up from
their thoughts. Accordingly, the researcher applied five aspect of speaking as follows:
Pronounce 38 22,9%
According to the table above, the researcher has decided to give more explanation
1. Pronounce
As the data that has displayed on the table showed that pronounce became the
aspect which got the highest total of score. However, this number of score was not
reach the perfect level. In this thing, the researcher noticed that most of students
were frequently mispronounce some words, especially a word when they use
2. Vocabulary
The result of the data showed that vocabulary was considering as one of the aspect
that still got the low score. In addition, the reearcher found that the students had a
problem in choosing an appropriate word that will be put into their speaking
3. Grammar
In this case, the researcher found that the students got the worst score.
Additionally,this score considering as the aspect which got the lowest total of
score. This atmosphere proved that grammar is the aspect that possible became the
biggest problem among those four other aspect. In the other words, tihs aspect
4. Fluency
After analyzing the data, the researcher noticed that students fluency were totally
lack. The fact, said that most of students ability in speaking were low, it is because
the students did a lot of mistakes in performing their speakig in front of the class.
They often did pause, because they felt stuck, shy possibly confused, and afraid of
making mistakes.
5. Comprehension
In this aspect, the researcher found that the total score of this 25 students are 34.
This result proved that most of students have such a lack comprehension in
mastering speaking skill. It was probably beacause of some factors that affect their
ability in speaking skill. It was pointed out to two biggest problems that might a
distract the students. These two problems are about their first language
After doing the pre-test, the result of data pre-test the students score still low.
Therefore, in this section the researcher using narrative storytelling in teaching speaking .
This technique help to improve students speaking skill. The researcher use this technique in
six meetings. In every meeting has different topic they such as : Cinderella, Beauty And The
Beast, Rapunzel, Goldilocks And The Three Bears, And The Little Mermaid. The results
First meeting
The first meeting was held on 15 January 2020 . I purposely came to their class to do
research that related to English. Most of students did not understand what the researcher
talked about. Therefore, the researcher tried to used Bahasa to make the student understand.
The researcher explained the way to retel the story in front of the class. In this case, the
researcher asked the students to retell story in front of the class. Morever, the researcher gave
- First, the researcher explain about the pronounce. In this meeting, when the
researcher gave the explanation, some of students asked and they want the
- Second, how to use the vocabulary. In this section, the students asked teacher
about the meaning of some words that they did not know. Then the researchers
- Third, the researchers consider the grammar. In this step, the students felt
confused about the grammar, because when they learn English subject, they
did not pay attention about the grammar. They just simply follow the teachers
the researcher tried to re-explain about the garmmar or how to use the
structure of language.
- Fourth, the researcher explained about how to speak fluently. In this section,
the students ask to the reseracher how to speak fluently, therefore the
- The last is the researcher explained about how to understand the purpose or
the meaning of sentence that the speaker talks about. In this section, the
Second meeting
The second meeting was held on january 16, 2020. The treatment was given to the
students and the topic was about “ Cinderella”. The procedure of use storytelling as below
- First, the researcher divided the students into five group. Each group consisted of 5
students. In this section, when the researcher divided them into a group, the students
got quite noisy to find their members of group. Therefore the students want to sit with
their classmate. Then the researcher tried to control the class to be on the set.
- Then the researcher gave one of narrative text in each group with the titled Cinderella.
In this step, all of the group members got one story. Every member in each group
must help each other in order to make all of the members mastered the text that has
given. Accordingly, students asked about how to retelling the story. Furthermore, the
researcher explained the way in retelling story that has been given.
- Then the researcher asked to understand the meaning of that story. Every member of
each group discussed about the story in 15 minutes. In this step, When the researcher
gave topic, the students look confused, because they did not pay attention to the
teacher instruction.
- At the solution, the teacher tried to re-explained the step of how to speak in front of
the class. In this meeting, most of students knew about the story, because the story is
sounded familiar for them. However, the students did not know how to pronounce
the word and feel affraid of mispronouncing the words. Then, the researcher gave the
student an example of how to produce the word. In this section, the researcher guide
the students how to pronounce the word and the students follow.
- After that every group star to retell the story in front of the class. In this section the
students retell their story based on the group discussion. In this situation, all the
students got a chance to retell the story that has been given by the researcher to their
group. In this case, the students delivered the story by taking their turn from the first
to the fifth students. In this meeting, every group just one or two can retell the story in
front of the class because the other students felt affraid to mispronounce.
- So in this section the students pronounce was low because the students are
Third meeting
In this meeting, the students sit in a group seme with a previous meeting.each group
consist of 5 students. In this section the student loocked calm because the students still with
the same group as in the first meeting. However, the story has been discussed was different,
- First, the researcher divided the students into five groups. Each group consists of 5
students. In this section, when the researcher divides the student into a group, the
students looked calm because they were still with the same group in the first meeting.
- However, the story that has been discussed was different, this are was about Beauty
and The Beast. The researcher asked to understand the meaning of that story. Every
member of each group discussed about the story in 15 minutes. In this meeting the
students was noisy because the students said that the story is very long it made the
- In this section, they have lack vocabulary in English, because this story has a few
newly vocabulary for the student. some students asked the teacher about the meaning
of some unfamiliar word. Thus, the researcher guided them to translate the difficult
- After that every group retell the story in front of the class based on the group
- In this section, in every group some of students have started to retell the story in front
of the class, although they still wrong in pronounce the word. At the solution when
the students mispronounce the researcher tried to give them the way how to
- In this meeting the students lack of vocabulary. Therefore the story in this meeting
was new for students and the story was very long.
Fourth meeting
The fourth meeting was held on April 23, 2020. The treatment was given to the students
and the topic about “ Rapunzel”. The researcher use storytelling in the learning process. The
- In this meeting, the researcher divided the students into five groups that consist of
five students. In this step, the teacher changed the member of groups because Some
of them looked unhappy because they are already comfortable to discuss with their
- In this section, the researcher gave the students a narrative text which titled Rapunzel.
- The teacher asks the students tried to understand the meaning of the story. Every
- In this meeting, the students looked happy because the story are familiar for them, in
this case, the students understand about the story, but they did not know how to
pronounce the word. Besides, some students felt afraid of mispronouncing the words.
- After that every group retell the story in front of the class. In this section the students
retell their story based on their group discussion. In this section almost of the students
begin to retell the story in front of the class compare in the second day of meeting just
- At the end of the class, the students were felt more enjoyable and they were more
Fifth meeting
The fifth meeting was held on April 29, 2020. The researcher taught about the new
topic that is about “Goldilocks And Three Bears”. Then, the researcher use storytelling in the
- First, the researcher divided the students into group each group consist of five
students. In this step, the students enjoy playing the game because the teacher did not
- The researcher gave a story titled Goldilocks and Three Bears. Most of students did
know about this story, because this story sounded unfamiliar for them.
- The teachers ask the students tried to understand the meaning of the story. Every
- Therefore, the researcher helped them to understand the story. Every meeting, the
students get more active by giving many feedbacks. In this case, the students are
being able to pronounce the word well. However, some students still asked how to
- After that, the researcher guided them to pronounce the word and translate the difficult
word. Then, the researcher asked the students to retell the story in front of the class.
- Then, the researcher asked the students to retell the story based on their group
discussion. In this section, the students begin accustomed with the activity in the
Sixth meeting
The sixth meeting was held on April 30, 2020. The treatment was given to the students
and the different topic that is about “Little Mermaid”. The researcher applied the Fun Easy
Learn English application in the learning process. The step of this playing this application
- In the last meeting, the researcher divided the students into five groups. Each group
consists of five students. In this section, the students were very noisy. Then, the
- Then, the researcher ask the students to discuss the story in 15 minutes
which given by the researcher. Some of the students asked about the way of
- Nevertheless, most of them felt easily to understand and speak it out in front of the
class. In this step, every group more active in retell the story. Although some of
students asked about some of the word that they did not know.
- At the solution, the researchers give them to try to understand the word that they did not
After gave treatmen, the post-test was given to the students. The instrument is the same
in the pre-test. The post-test data was conducted to know students’ speaking ability after use
As a result of post-test data it found that the lowest score was 10 and the highest score
was 15. The mean score of pre-test was 11,88 and the score of standar deviation was 1,42, the
range of class (R) was 5, the amount of interval class ( K ) was 6, the widw of class (P) was
1. In adition the researcher present the frequency relative of each score those students got in
Based on the table distribution frequency of the post-test, there were a lot of students
who got a low score. This number of students proved that most of students still got lack
ability in speaking. Although the students had some treatments before, but the fack said that
the students could not make their score much more better. By looking at the table, the
number of students (6) who got the lowest score (10) is bigger than the number of student (1)
After doing some treatments, the researcher conducted a post test. In this case, the
result of the test showed the improvment in every aspect of speaking that assess by the
researcher. The students score getting a little bit better. However, the total score of each
aspect did not hit the excellent number. The detail of the five aspect have displayed in this
tabel below:
According to the table above, the the researcher has decided to give more explanation
1. Pronounce
In this aspect, the researcher noticed that students pronounce was became a lot better.
The students seemed to be able to pronounce the word well. Althought the total score
did not hit the perfect level, but pronounce is considering as the aspect which got the
2. Vocabulary
The total score and the table were seemed to be increased. This fact proved that
students vocabulary were became better. Regarding to this, the students adapted and
applied some new vocabularies through the treatment in some previous meetings.
3. Grammar
The result of the post-test showed that grammar ability of students made a little
improvment. In this case, the researcher found that students grammar was became
better, especially in word structure. However, same as the total score of the fluency,
grammar aspect is also got the lowest score among others aspect.
4. Fluency
Some treatments that has been given to the students in some previous meetings gave
the positive result. It can be seen at the number of the total score that seemed to be
improved. Additionally, through the post test that has been conducted, the researcher
found that students fluency were became better.the students seemed to be rare in
doing pause. However, fluency is considering as the aspect that got the lowest total of
5. Comprehension
comprehension aspect. By looking at the number of score that has displayed. On the
table it can be conclude that treaments in some previous meetings gave a positive
40 Pre test
Post test
Comprehension Fluency Grammar VocabularyPronounciation
Based on the comparing the pre-test and the post-test. graphs on each aspects of
speaking, it could be concluding that: this aspect of pronounce, vocabulary highest increased
score on the post-test from the score of the pre-test. Even the researcher found that the
students can improve the students speaking ability, but the students have low in some aspect.
The aspect are grammar and fluencey. It was happend because in the test the students are not
pay attention about their grammar, they just speak and pay attention their correct sentence.
In analyzed the data pretest the researcher used the Liliefors method, it was found L0=
0,154 This value is obtained from the big value of∑ F (¿ Zi )−S(Z i)¿. Moreover, the level of
significance with α = 0,05, the critical of value Llist25 = 0,173; it obtained from the number of
samples was 25 students. Thus, it could be conclude that the data of pre-test was normal
In analyzing the data the researcher used Liliefors method to analyze the normality of
post-test. Based on result normality testing it was found L0 =0,152 This value is obtained
from the big value of∑ F (¿ Zi )−S( Z i)¿. Moreover, the level of significance with α = 0,05,
the critical of value Llist25 = 0,173; it obtained from the number of samples was 25 students
also found that the Ltable= 0,173. It means that L0< Ltable or 0,152<0,173. It could be concluding
that the data in post-test was normal distribution because the score of L0 low than Llist
(appendix ).
Testing hypothesis
The researcher used T-Test formula is to measure the speaking ability in pre-test and
∑ Xd2
√ N (N −1)
√ 25(25−1)
√ 600
¿ 26
Based on the T-test calculation, the result of the T-Test was 26. The result of the T-
The tcount is the result T-. While the analyses of the ttable used two tailed test with the
Tlist = (1 – ½ α) (n - 2)
= (0,975) (23)
= 22,43 23
= 2,069
N Df (n-1) Md Ƹxd2
25 24 5,2 24,6
It was found that the tcount was 26 and the ttable was 2,069. It showed that the hypothesis = H1
Therefore, it could be conclude that the using of narrative storytelling can improve
In this section, the researcher expalined about the discussion that related to the
answer the research question. It is about improving the students speaking ability. Based on
the data analysis pre-test section, the researcher found that the students speaking ability was
vocabulary and pronuciation. In this case, of students revealed that feeling nerveous because
one of the factors that cause a problem, especially when they try to speak in front of the class.
Besides, they also affraid of mispronouncing some english word. Thus, the researcher gave
treatment to the students by using narrative story telling to help students in improving
speaking ability. In speaking skill, five components of speaking is important for speaker.
In the pre – test, students got low score in retelling the story. The students know about
the story but they were frequetly mispronounce some words. It shows that most of students
were lack in vocabulary and fluency as well. Accordingly, the researcher organized the
treatment section in six meeting. As the result, the researcher found that using narrative
storytelling can help students to improve students speaking ability. There are some factors
Firstly, the result of this study found that using storytelling in teaching speaking could
make students relax and active. Stoyle as cited in Amirudin (2013) stated that the storytelling
in classroom could assist the students to feel more relax, active, creative and communicate
their feelings and thought as well. It can be seen by considering the result in every meeting.
An example in first meeting some of students can rettel the story and the next meeting until
the last meeting the all of the students were going to try to speak in front of the class.
Therefore, it will affect for students to learn and improve their speaking skill. Based on this
explanation, it can conclude that the students felt relax that can improve their speaking
Secondly, the result of this study the researcher found that the students got more
active in learning process. The researcher divided the students in five groups to discuss about
some narrative stories. The purpose of this groupwas to trigger the students interest to be
active in doing discussion and sharing their opinion with their group. Morever, the students
could add their knowledge by learning vocabularies and also the way to speak and understand
the story. Therefore, it can made the other members of group to understood the story and
participated in group. Accordingly, the theory by Lie as cited in Trianty ( 2017) ) stated that
working in pair improving group relation, increase self-estem and new vocabulary. It can
conclude that the students working in group can improve their speaking and new vocabulary.
Furthermore, Agustina (2019) stated that there are some disadvantages during the
The researcher found this problem in the second meeting when the researcher divided
the students in group, They were more noisy, because they wanted to choose the member of
group on their own. Their complained that in group sometimes can not work together. They
have different character such as some are quiet, some are lazy, or naughty. Additionally, the
researcher found that the students were lack of confident in doing their task. It was
happened they did their task with their close friend. Conseguently, the researcher decided to
Correspondingly, the researcher found that the students still about confused how to retell
the story in front of the class. As the solution to this situation, the researcher explaned again
about the wayto retell the story and how to pronounce the word well.
This problem was occured at the third meeting, because in this meeting the researcher
give the story which tittled Beauty and the best. The students found some words that difficult
to understand. It is because the story has a few newly vocabulary for them. Besides, some of
the students did not know how to pronounce the word . As the solution, the researcher to
In fact, story telling could help the students to improve their speaking ability. They
could be more active in class, enjoy, relax, and felt be motivate the students to speak. It
support by Stole as cited in Amirudin ( 2013) stated that some of the benfits of storytelling
for teaching speaking is the studentd feel relax, share their idea, participation in class,
improve their oral comunication, imagination and creativity, and motivate students to
This chapter presents the conclusion of this study. Besides, there are some
suggestions that gave in relation with this research and for English education.
Based on the data findings, narrative storytelling had some advantages in the learning
The first the students can relax and excited in learning because they feel fun and relax
in the classroom it can be seen from the students attitude during in the teaching and learning
process. Second, by using narrative storytelling in learning process the students more active
in retelling the story. The last is working in group can make students more active and shre
Based on the result of data analyzed the researcher concludes that by using narrative story
telling in the class, the students speaking had improve . it was proved the differences
between pre-test and post-test data results. Morever, it was proved that the hypothesiss ( H1 )
In other contrast, the use of storytelling not really improve, especially in compenent of
speaking. The students speaking was improved, but the students have low ability in some of
component. The component are grammar and fluency. it is because in componet of grammar,
the students do not pay attention with the rule of sentence, and in fluency the students did a
lot of mistake and sometimes they often did pause when they told the story. Therefore, it can
conclude that the use of narrative storytelling can improve students speaking ability.
According to the result of this study, the researcher would like to give some
1. The first, the teacher has to consider using this method in English learning especially
in teaching speaking it is because this method can help students improve their
speaking skill.
2. The researcher should found the best way that can make the students motivated and
3. The second is the other researcher can use this method as their reference in doing the
4. The researcher should controlling the students in make group, it is because the
students have different character such as some are quite some are lazy, or naughty.
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