Characteristics of Terrestrial Plants
Characteristics of Terrestrial Plants
Characteristics of Terrestrial Plants
of Terrestrial
* A terrestrial plant is a plant that grows on or in or from
land.Some Terrestrial plants are small, others are big.
There are plants with big trunks while others have soft
stem. Other plants bear flowers while others do not.
* Other types of plants are aquatic (living in water),
epiphytic (living on trees) and lithophytic (living in or on
* Terrestrial Plants grow in different places. There are
plants that grow directly on the soil. While other grow on
rocks.Other plants cling to the fence while the most
number of plants are found in the field.
* Plants living in different places are exposed to varied
conditions however, are their structures are suited to
particular needs. For example, forest plants tend to grow
tall and sturdy.
* Shapes and sizes of the leaves are also important for
survival. Plants like bananas produce big, broad leaves to
efficiently trap more energy.
* Plants with waxy leaves help to protect themselves from
dehydration as a result of too much exposure to the
* Some plants have also developed structures to store
water especially in the dessert. Cactus is the best examples
* Roots of the plants adapt themselves too their habitat. They differ in
sizes and shapes too. These characteristics are determined by their
They are also referred to as
hydrophytes or macrophytes. These
plants require special adaptations for
living submerged in water, or at the
water's surface. The most common
adaptation is aerenchyma, but
floating leaves and finely dissected
leaves are also common.
•Aquatic Plants
- are plants that have adapted to living
within aquatic environments. They are also
reffered to as Hydrophytes. These plants require
special adaptations for living submerged in
water or at the water’s surface.
•Aquatic Plants
- can only grow in water or in soil that’s is
permanently saturated with water.
•Specialized structures are important to plants in order
to adapt to their environment.
- Thorns and hairs are some of the specialized
structures of plants. Not all plants have thorns and
- The water lily leaves have thick and buoyant
leaves while lotus leaves are flat and broad. Water
lilies have wide flat leaves that help distribute weight
over a large area thus helping them float.
- The hyacinths have long roots so that they can
reach the soil underwater.