Pemicu 4 KGD A Dire Situation(s) : Muhammad Fahmi Rosyadi 405140220
Pemicu 4 KGD A Dire Situation(s) : Muhammad Fahmi Rosyadi 405140220
Pemicu 4 KGD A Dire Situation(s) : Muhammad Fahmi Rosyadi 405140220
A Dire Situation(s)
Muhammad Fahmi Rosyadi
Penurunan Kesadaran
LI 1
• Disorders of consciousness may be divided into processes; affect:
– Arousal:
• wakefulness and basic alerting.
• neurons responsible for these arousal functions reside in the reticular
activating system, a collection of neurons scattered through the
midbrain, pons, and medulla.
– content of consciousness
• neuronal structures responsible for the content of consciousness reside
in the cerebral cortex.
• self-awareness, language, reasoning, spatial relationship integration,
emotions, and the myriad complex integration processes that make us
– OR combination of both.
• Dementia = failure of the content portions of consciousness with relatively
preserved alerting functions.
• Delirium = arousal system dysfunction with the content of consciousness
affected as well.
• Coma = failure of both arousal and content functions.
States of Normal & Impaired consciousness
terminologies for describing sates of awareness &
responsiveness of patients
• Normal consciousness
– Awake
– Fully responsive to thought & perception
– Indicates by behavior & speech
– (+) attention to & interaction w/ immediate
– May fluctuate to mild general inattentiveness but
latter circumstances can be brought back to state
of full alertness & fx
– Mildest degree:
• Confusion • slight & overlooked
• Roughly oriented time & place,
– Inability to think w/ occasional irrelevant & slowness of
customary speed, thinking
clarity, coherence • Responses inconsistent, attention span
reduced, unable to stay to one topic
– Marked by degree of • Disoriented & easily distractable
inattentiveness & – Severe confused & inattentive
disorientation persons
– Implies degree of • Unable to do more than carry out
imperceptiveness & simplest commands
distractibility • Inconsistent & brief in sequence
“clouding of the • Speech limited to few words or phrases
• Appearance of unaware
• Disoriented in time & place
• Don’t grasp immediate situation
• Miss identify people or objects
• Illusions may lead to fear & agitation
• Degree of confusion varies from 1
time of day to another
• Tends to be least pronounced in
• Increases as day wears on
• Peaking in early evening hours
“sundowning” = pts is fatigued,
environmental cues not as clear
• Extreme state of confusion is
termed delirium
• Observed most often in alcoholics
(not exclusively)
• Vivid hallucinations
• Extreme agitation
• Trembling, startling
• Convulsion
• Overactivity of autonomic nervous
• Drowsiness • Stupor
– Inability to sustain – Patient can be roused only
wakeful state w/out by vigorous + repeated
application of external stimuli
stimuli – Cannot be sustained
– Mental, speech, physical w/out repeated
activity reduced stimulation
– Pts shift positions – Responses to spoken
naturally; lids droop, commands (-) or curtailed
snoring, jaw & limb or slow & inadequate
muscles slack, limbs – Restless/stereotyped
relaxed motor activity common
indistinguishable from light – When left unstimulated,
sleep pts quickly drift back to
– Sometimes slow arousal deep sleep-like state
elicited by speaking to pts – Eyes move outward
or apply tactile stimulus upward
• A state of reduced alertness and responsiveness from which
the patient cannot be aroused.
• GCS is a widely used clinical scoring system for alterations in
– Advantages: simplicity of the scoring system and assessment of
separate verbal, motor, and eye opening functions.
– Disadvantages: lack of acknowledgment of hemiparesis or other focal
motor signs and lack of testing of higher cognitive functions.
• Another coma scale, FOUR (Full Outline of Un-
Responsiveness) score, has been used in ICU & has the
advantages of assessing simple brainstem functions &
respiratory patterns, eye and motor responses.
Coma can result from Systemic causes brain
deficiency of substrates globally affected, (x) signs that
needed for neuronal function localize dysfunction to a
(as with hypoglycemia or specific area of the brainstem
hypoxia). or cortex
LI 2
Head injuries
• Among the most common • Primary goal of treatment for pts w/
types of trauma suspected TBI= prevent secondary brain
encountered in EDs injury.
• Many pts in severe brain • (+) adeq oxygenation & maintaining BP
injuries die before reaching that is sufficient to perfuse the brain =
a hospital = ~90% most important ways to limit secondary
• ~75% minor injuries, 15% brain damage improve outcome
as moderate, 10% as • ABCDEs identification of a mass lesion
severe. that requires surgical evacuation is critical
• Survivors of TBI are often best achieved by CT scan of head.
left with neuropsychologic – should not delay patient transfer to a
impairments disabilities trauma center that is capable of
affecting work & social immediate and definitive neurosurgical
activity. intervention.
• Triage of a patient with brain injury depends on the
severity of the injury & facilities
– For facilities without neurosurgical coverage, prearranged
transfer agreements with higher-level facilities should be in
– Consultation with a neurosurgeon early in the course of
treatment is strongly recommended
• Head trauma may include:
• skull fractures
• intracranial lesions (contusions, hematomas, diffuse injuries,
resultant swelling (edema/hyperemia).
Severity of
• GCS score =
objective clinical
measure of the
severity of brain
• < 8 = coma or
severe brain injury.
• 9 - 12 are
categorized as
• 13 - 15 are
designated as
Skull Fractures
• Occur in cranial vault or skull base; • Fractures traverse carotid canals
– linear or stellate, damage the carotid arteries
– open or closed. (dissection, pseudoaneurysm, or
• Basilar skull fractures require CT thrombosis) given to cerebral
scanning bone-window settings for arteriography (CT angiography
identification. [CT-A] or catheter-based).
• Clinical signs of a basilar skull fracture: • Open or compound skull
– periorbital ecchymosis (raccoon fractures direct
eyes), communication between the
scalp laceration & the cerebral
– retroauricular ecchymosis (Battle’s
surface, (dura may be torn)
• A linear vault fracture in
– CSF leakage from the nose
conscious patients >> likelihood
(rhinorrhea) or ear (otorrhea),
of intracranial hematoma ~400
– 7th & 8th nerve dysfunction (facial times.
paralysis and hearing loss),
may occur immediately or a few days after
the initial injury.
Diffuse Brain Injuries
• Mild concussions: CT scan of the head is normal severe hypoxic
ischemic injuries.
• Concussion: transient, non-focal neurologic disturbance: loss of
• Severe diffuse injuries: hypoxic, ischemic insult to the brain due to
prolonged shock or apnea occurring immediately after the trauma.
• CT scan may initially appear normal, or the brain may appear
diffusely swollen, with loss of the normal gray-white distinction.
• Diffuse pattern in high-velocity impact or deceleration injuries
multiple punctate hemorrhages throughout the cerebral
hemispheres ( >> seen in the border between the gray matter and
white matter)
• “shearing injuries,”/diffuse axonal injury (DAI) = clinical syndrome
of severe brain injury + variable poor outcome.
Focal Brain injuries:
Epidural Hematomas Subdural Hematomas
• Uncommon, ~ 0.5% of patients brain • >> than epidural hematomas,
injuries & 9% of patients TBI comatose. – ~ 30% of patients with severe
• Hematomas biconvex or lenticular in shape brain injuries.
push adherent dura away from the • Shearing of small surface or
inner table of the skull. bridging blood vessels of the
• >> located in temporal or temporoparietal cerebral cortex.
region • CT = conform to the contours of
• often result from tear of middle meningeal the brain.
artery result of a fracture. • Brain damage underlying an
• Clots are classically arterial in origin; may acute subdural hematoma is
result from disruption of a major venous typically much more severe than
sinus or bleeding from a skull fracture. that associated with epidural
hematomas due to the presence
• A lucid interval between time of injury &
of concomitant parenchymal
neurologic deterioration = classic
presentation of an epidural hematoma.
Epidural Hematoma
• The development of symptoms and tear develop more slowly, and clinical
signs of EDH is entirely dependent on manifestations may be delayed, with
how quickly the EDH is developing resultant delays in detection.
within the cranial vault. • A posterior fossa EDH is the result of
• Patients with an EDH often complain of direct occipital trauma resulting in a
a severe headache, sleepiness, skull fracture that disrupts a venous
dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. A sinus is the usual cause, and most
small EDH may remain asymptomatic, patients have external evidence of
but this is rare. occipital injury.
• If the EDH is rapidly detected and • Most patients become symptomatic
evacuated, the functional outcome is within 24 hours after injury, with
excellent. Because of their rapid complaints of headache, nausea,
formation, EDHs from arterial bleeding vomiting, and nuchal rigidity.
are usually detected within hours after • Most patients eventually have a
injury and often earlier in children. decreased LOC
• EDHs that develop from a dural sinus
Subdural Hematoma
• SDHs classified by time of manif: • A chronic SDH may have initially been
• Acute SDHs are symptomatic within a small asymptomatic SDH that
24 hours after trauma. eventually expanded owing to a
• Patients with acute SDHs often have a combination of recurrent hemorrhage
decreased LOC. and escape of plasma into the
• Most patients with an SDH have a GCS
score less than 8. • At some point, a critical mass is
reached, and the chronic SDH
• A chronic SDH becomes symptomatic becomes symptomatic.
2 weeks or more after trauma.
• Clinical manifestations of posterior
• The signs and symptoms may be very SDH vary but usually include nausea,
subtle or nonspecific, but many vomiting, headache, and decreased
patients demonstrate unilateral LOC.
weakness or hemiparesis.
• Occasionally, CN palsies may be
• Patients with unilateral chronic SDH found, as well as nuchal rigidity,
have more frequent occurrence of cerebellar signs and symptoms, and
hemiparesis than those with bilateral papilledema
chronic SDH
Contusions & Intracerebral
• Fairly common (~20% - 30% of severe brain injuries).
• >> in frontal & temporal lobes
– may occur in any part of the brain.
• Contusions (hrs - days) form intra cerebral hematoma or a
coalescent contusion + enough mass effect require
immediate surgical evacuation.
– repeat CT scanning to evaluate for changes in the pattern of injury
w/in 24 hrs of initial scan.
• ~20% of patients presenting with contusions on initial CT scan
of the head.
Management of
Minor Brain Injury
(GCS 13-15)
Most patients with minor brain injury
make uneventful recoveries.
~3% have unexpected deterioration,
potentially resulting in severe neurologic
dysfunction unless the decline in mental
status is detected early
• The secondary survey = particularly important in evaluating patients with MTBI.
• Note:
– mechanism of injury
– particular attention to any loss of consciousness:
• length of time the patient was unresponsive,
• any seizure activity,
• subsequent level of alertness.
– Determine the duration of amnesia = before (retrograde) and after (antegrade) the
traumatic incident.
• Serial examination and documentation of the GCS score is important in all
patients with a GCS score <15.
• CT scanning is the preferred method of imaging
Management of
Moderate Brain
Injury (GCS 9-12)
• ~ 15% in the ED
• Still are able to follow simple
commands, but usually are
confused or somnolent & can
have focal neurologic deficits:
• ~ 10% to 20% pts deteriorate &
lapse into coma serial
neurologic examinations are
critical in the treatment of these
Management of Severe Brain Injury (GCS 3-8)
LI 3
• An episode of abnormal neurologic function caused by inappropriate
electrical discharge of brain neurons.
– Neuronal electrical discharge, in its most simple form, can be thought
of as the homeostasis of glutaminergic (excitatory) and γ-
aminobutyric acid (inhibitory) activity.
• Epilepsy
– Clinical condition in which an individual is subject to recurrent
– It implies a fixed, more excitatory condition of the brain with a lower
seizure threshold.
– The term epileptic does not refer to an individual with recurrent
seizures caused by reversible conditions
• alcohol withdrawal, toxins, hypoglycemia, or other metabolic
• Primary, or idiopathic, seizures
– those in which no evident cause can be identified.
• Secondary, or symptomatic, seizures
– Consequence of an identifiable neurologic condition, such
as a mass lesion, previous head injury, or stroke.
• Electrical stimulation of the brain, convulsant
potentiating drugs, profound metabolic disturbances,
or a sharp blow to the head all may cause reactive
seizures in otherwise normal individuals.
• Reactive seizures are generally self-limited, and a
reactive seizure is not considered to be a seizure
disorder or epilepsy
Further definitions of seizures based on clinical factors:
• Provoked seizure = acute precipitating event within 7
days of the insult;
• Unprovoked seizure = no acute precipitating factor or
may result from a very remote incident;
• Status epilepticus = seizure activity for ≥5 minutes or
two or more seizures without regaining
consciousness between seizures;
• Refractory status epilepticus = persistent seizure
activity despite the IV administration of adequate
amounts of two antiepileptic agents.
The International League Against Epilepsy recommends dividing seizures
into two major groups: generalized seizures and partial seizures
Generalized Seizures
• Thought to be caused by a nearly extremities are extended, and the
simultaneous activation of the entire patient falls to the ground tonic
cerebral cortex, phase subsides, there is increasing
– perhaps caused by an electrical coarse trembling symmetric,
discharge originating deep in the rhythmic (clonic) jerking of the trunk
brain and spreading outward. and extremities.
• The attacks begin with abrupt loss of – Patients are often apneic during
consciousness. this period and may be cyanotic.
– Loss of consciousness may be the – They often urinate and may vomit.
only clinical manifestation of the • As the attack ends, the patient is left
seizure (as in absence attacks), or flaccid and unconscious, often with
there may be a variety of motor deep, rapid breathing.
manifestations (e.g., tonic • Typical attacks last from 60 to 90
posturing, clonic jerking of the seconds;
body and extremities). • Consciousness returns gradually, and
• Generalized tonic-clonic seizures (grand postictal confusion, myalgias, and
mal) = most familiar & dramatic of fatigue may persist for several hours or
generalized seizures. more.
• In a typical attack, patient suddenly
• Absence seizures (petit mal) are very • Patients and witnesses may be
brief, generally lasting only a few unaware that anything has
seconds. happened.
• Patients suddenly develop altered • Classic absence seizures occur in
consciousness but no change in school-age children and are often
postural tone. attributed by parents or teachers to
• They appear confused, detached, or daydreaming or inattention.
withdrawn, and current activity • The attacks can occur as frequently
ceases. as 100 or more times daily and may
• They may stare or have twitching of result in poor school performance.
the eyelids. • They usually resolve as the child
• They may not respond to voice or to matures.
other stimulation and may exhibit • Similar attacks in adults are more
involuntary movements or lose likely to be minor complex partial
continence. seizures and should not be termed
• The attack ceases abruptly, and the absence.
patients typically resume previous • The distinction is important because
activity without postictal symptoms. the causes and treatment of the two
seizures are different.
Partial (focal) Seizures
• Partial seizures are due to electrical discharge from the clinical features
discharges beginning in a localized at the onset of the attack.
region of the cerebral cortex. • For example, unilateral tonic or
• The discharge may remain localized clonic movements limited to one
or may spread to involve nearby extremity suggest a focus in the
cortical regions or the entire motor cortex, whereas visual
cortex. symptoms suggest an occipital
• Focal seizures are more likely to be focus.
secondary to a localized structural • Bizarre olfactory or gustatory
lesion of the brain. hallucinations suggest a focus in the
• In simple partial focal seizures, the medial temporal lobe.
seizure remains localized, and • Such sensory phenomena, known
consciousness and mentation are as auras, are often the initial
not affected. symptoms of attacks that then
• It is possible to deduce the likely become more widespread, termed
location of the initial cortical secondary generalization.
• COMPLEX PARTIAL SEIZURES = repeating short phrases.
focal seizures in which consciousness • Visceral symptoms: sensation of
or mentation is affected. “butterflies” rising up from the
• They are often caused by a focal epigastrium.
discharge originating in the temporal • Hallucinations may be olfactory,
lobe and are sometimes referred to as gustatory, visual, or auditory.
temporal lobe seizures. • There may be complex distortions of
• Complex partial seizures are visual perception, time, and memory.
commonly misdiagnosed as • Affective symptoms: intense
psychiatric problems because sensations of fear, paranoia,
symptoms can be so bizarre. depression, elation, or ecstasy.
• Symptoms: • Because such seizures result in
– automatisms, visceral symptoms, alterations of thinking and behavior,
hallucinations, memory they were previously referred to as
disturbances, distorted psychomotor seizures, but to avoid
perception, and affective any confusion with psychiatric illness,
disorders. the term complex partial seizure is
• Common automatisms : lip smacking,
fiddling with clothing or buttons, or
• As noted, a focal seizure may spread to
involve both hemispheres, mimicking a
typical generalized seizure.
– For the purpose of classification, diagnosis, and
treatment, such attacks are still regarded as focal
– In some patients, the discharge may spread so
rapidly that no focal symptoms are evident, and
the correct diagnosis may depend entirely on
demonstration of the focal discharge on an EEG
Clinical Features
• Patient presents after the event 1st step = determine whether episode
was truly a seizure.
• Obtain a careful history of the details of the attack from the patient and
any bystanders who witnessed the attack.
• Inquire about physical description of the attack, because witnesses may
mislabel the activity and mistake non-seizure activity as a seizure.
• Important avenues of inquiry:
– presence of a preceding aura,
– abrupt or gradual onset,
– progression of motor activity,
– loss of bowel or bladder control,
– presence of oral injury,
– whether the activity was localized or generalized and symmetric or
• Ask about the duration of the episode and determine the presence of
postictal confusion or lethargy.
• Next, determine the clinical context of the episode.
– If the patient is a known epileptic, clarify the baseline
seizure pattern.
– If the attack is consistent with the previous seizure
pattern, identify precipitating factors of the current
• Common precipitating factors:
– missed doses of antiepileptic medications;
– recent alterations in medication: dosage change or
conversion from brand name;
– sleep deprivation;
– increased strenuous activity;
– infection;
– electrolyte disturbance;
– alcohol or substance use or withdrawal.
• If there is no previous history of seizures, a more detailed inquiry
is needed.
• Symptoms:
– unexplained injuries, nocturnal tongue biting, or enuresis
suggest previous unwitnessed or unrecognized seizures.
• Ask about a history of recent or remote head injury.
• Ask about any previous similar episodes that may be suspect as
• Persistent, severe, or sudden headache suggests intracranial
• Pregnancy or recent delivery raises the possibility of eclampsia.
• A history of metabolic or electrolyte abnormalities,
– hypoxia, systemic illness (especially cancer), coagulopathy or anticoagulation,
exposure to industrial or environmental toxins, drug ingestion or withdrawal,
and alcohol use may point to predisposing factors
Physical Exam
• Immediately obtain a complete set of vital signs & a point-of-care
glucose determination.
• In the post-seizure setting: focus the initial exam on checking for injuries,
especially to the head or spine, as a result of the seizure itself.
• A posterior shoulder dislocation is an injury that is easy to overlook.
• Lacerations of the tongue and mouth, dental fracture, and pulmonary
aspiration are also frequent sequelae.
• Perform a directed, complete neurologic examination and subsequent
serial examinations.
• Follow the patient’s level of consciousness and mentation closely to avoid
missing nonconvulsant status epilepticus
• A transient focal deficit (usually unilateral) following a simple or complex
focal seizure is referred to as Todd’s paralysis and should resolve within
48 hours.
• Clinical features distinguish seizures from other non-seizure attacks:
– Abrupt onset & termination.
• Some focal seizures are preceded by auras that can last 20 - 30
seconds, but most attacks begin abruptly.
• Attacks reported to develop over several minutes or longer should be
regarded with suspicion.
• Most seizures last only 1 - 2 minutes,
– unless the patient is in status epilepticus.
• Lack of recall.
– Except for simple partial seizures, patients usually cannot recall the
details of an attack.
• Purposeless movements or behavior during the attack.
• Most seizures followed by a period of postictal confusion and lethargy.
– except for simple absence attacks or simple partial seizures, are
• Many episodic disturbances of
Usually presents w/
neurologic function may be mistaken
prodromal symptoms:
for seizures (seizure mimics). A
complete review of these conditions
diaphoresis, nausea,
is too lengthy for inclusion here, but
“tunnel vision.”
several important entities are
But cardiac syncope may
occur suddenly without
any prodromal warning.
Syncope may be
associated with injury,
incontinence, or even
brief tonic-clonic
Recovery is usually
rapid, with no postictal-
like symptoms.
• Psychogenic in origin – clonic extremity motions that are
– often associated with a conversion alternating rather than symmetric.
disorder, panic disorder, psychosis, • Incontinence and injury are
impulse control disorder, uncommon, and there is usually no
Munchausen syndrome, or postictal confusion.
malingering. • Patients will often stop the seizure-like
• Suspect the diagnosis of activity on command.
pseudoseizures when seizures occur in • Accurate diagnosis of pseudoseizures
response to emotional upset or only may require prolonged EEG or video
occur with witnesses present. monitoring to demonstrate normal EEG
• These attacks are often bizarre and activity during an attack.
highly variable. • The lack of a lactic acidosis or elevated
• Patients often are able to protect prolactin level drawn within 10 to 15
themselves from noxious stimuli minutes of the cessation of seizure-like
during the attack. activity makes true seizures much less
• Characteristic movements: likely
– side-to-side head thrashing,
– rhythmic pelvic thrusting,
Hyperventilation syndrome
• Can be misdiagnosed as a seizure disorder. Movement disorders:
• A careful history will reveal the gradual • such as dystonia, chorea, myoclonic jerks,
onset of the attacks with shortness of tremors, or tics, may occur in a variety of
breath, anxiety, and perioral numbness. neurologic conditions.
• Such attacks may progress to involuntary • Consciousness is always preserved during
spasm (especially carpopedal) of the these movements, and the patient can
extremities and even loss of often temporarily suppress the
consciousness, although postictal movements.
symptoms are rare.
• Asking the patient to hyperventilate often
reproduces the episodes.
Migraine headaches
• may be preceded by an aura similar to that seen in some partial
• The most common migraine aura = scintillating scotoma.
• Migraine headaches may also be accompanied by focal neurologic
symptoms, such as homonymous hemianopsia or hemiparesis.
• However, active movement disorders are inconsistent with migraine.
Lab Test
• Individualize the use of laboratory studies.
• In a patient with a well-documented seizure disorder who has had a single
unprovoked seizure, the only tests that may be needed are a glucose level and
pertinent anticonvulsant medication levels.
• In the case of an adult with a first seizure or unclear seizure history, more
extensive studies are usually needed and depend on the clinical context.
• Obtain serum glucose, basic metabolic panel, lactate, calcium, magnesium, a
pregnancy test, and toxicology studies.
• Consider assays for anticonvulsant drug levels.
• A seizure may result in a lactate driven, wide anion gap metabolic acidosis.
• Most lactate abnormalities will clear within 30 minutes.
• The prolactin level may also be elevated for a brief period (15 to 60 minutes)
immediately after a seizure.
• These tests can prove helpful in distinguishing true seizures from a
• Interpret the results of anticonvulsant levels with caution.
• If the patient history is limited, a positive serum assay for anticonvulsant
drugs suggests (but does not prove) the presence of a chronic seizure
• The usual therapeutic and toxic levels indicated in laboratory reports are
helpful only as rough guides.
• The therapeutic level of a drug is the level that provides adequate seizure
control without unacceptable side effects.
• A marked change in previously stable drug levels may indicate
noncompliance, a change in medication, malabsorption of a drug, or
ingestion of a potentiating or competing drug.
• A very low serum anticonvulsant drug level suggests noncompliance with
medication and is the most common cause of a breakthrough seizure.
• CT scan of head in ED for patients studies, a follow-up contrast-
with a first-ever seizure or a change enhanced CT or MRI is often needed.
in established seizure patterns to • Obtain other radiographic studies as
evaluate for a structural lesion. indicated by the clinical presentation
– A non-contrast CT is an to avoid missing injuries acquired as a
appropriate screening tool. result of the seizure.
• Obtain a CT scan if there is any – Obtain radiographs of the cervical
concern for an acute intracranial spine if there is suspicion of head
process or neck trauma.
– based on history, comorbidities, – Chest radiographs may reveal
or findings on physical primary or metastatic tumors or
examination. aspiration.
• Concern for an acute intracranial – Shoulder radiographs may help
process is an important indication for rule out posterior dislocations.
obtaining CT imaging, even if there is Special examinations, such as
a coexistent metabolic process. cerebral angiography, are rarely
• Because many important processes: part of the ED evaluation.
tumors or vascular anomalies, may
• Lumbar puncture in • Although EEG is very helpful, it is often
the setting of an not readily available in most EDs.
acute seizure is • Emergent EEG can be considered in the
evaluation of:
indicated if the
– Patient with persistent, unexplained
patient is febrile or altered mental status to evaluate for
immunocompromise nonconvulsive status epilepticus,
d or if subarachnoid – subtle status epilepticus,
hemorrhage is – paroxysmal attack when a seizure is
suspected and the suspected,
noncontrast head CT – ongoing status epilepticus after
is normal. chemical paralysis for intubation.
• Patients in whom an emergent EEG is
warranted typically require neurologic
consultation & admission to a critical
care setting.
Treatment: Uncomplicated Seizures
PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE should be readily available.
SEIZURES • It is not necessary or recommended
to give IV anticonvulsant
• Typically, little is required during the
medications during the course of an
course of an active seizure other
uncomplicated seizure Most
than supportive & protective
seizures will self-resolve within
5 minutes.
• If possible, turn the patient to the
• Any unnecessary sedation at this
side reduce the risk of aspiration.
point will complicate the evaluation
• It is usually not necessary or even and result in a prolonged decrease
possible to ventilate a patient in level of consciousness.
effectively during a seizure, but once
• Seizures that fail to abate after 5
the attack subsides, clear the
minutes status epilepticus and
require more aggressive medical
– Suction and airway adjuncts interventions
• Identify and correct potential precipitants that may lower the seizure
threshold. Many seizures occur because of failure to take anticonvulsant
medication as prescribed.
• Some anticonvulsants have very short serum T ½ , and missing even a
single dose may result in a sharp drop in serum levels.
• If anticonvulsant levels are very low, supplemental doses are
appropriate, and the regular regimen can be restarted or adjusted.
• A loading dose is also frequently provided. Without a loading dose, the
patient may not achieve anticonvulsant effects for days to weeks risk
for subsequent seizures.
• Because there are no data comparing parenteral versus oral replacement,
this issue is left to the discretion of the medical provider and should be
based on knowledge of pharmacology.
– For example, the oral loading dose of phenytoin is 20 milligrams/kg given in
three divided doses every 2 to 4 hours, a time frame not acceptable for a
typical ED stay, so the IV route is needed to achieve the proper loading dose.
• In the known or suspected noncompliant patient, obtain a
serum anticonvulsant level before administering a
supplemental or loading dose to avoid drug toxicity.
• If anticonvulsant levels are adequate and the patient has had
a single attack, specific treatment may not be needed if the
seizure pattern and frequency fall within the expected range
for the patient.
• If anticonvulsant levels are not locally available (e.g.,
levetiracetam or lacosamide), and there is a missed dose or
noncompliance, give the usual dose in the ED before
• Even well-controlled patients may have occasional breakthrough
• Attempt to identify any precipitants or conditions that have
lowered the seizure threshold.
• If none is found, a change or adjustment of medication may be
needed and should be made in consultation with the patient’s
primary care physician or neurologist.
• If the maintenance dose is increased, ensure follow-up within 1 to
3 days.
• There are no specific guidelines for the duration of ED observation
in the situation of an individual with a prior history of seizures.
• Some clinicians discharge patients with seizures resulting from
nontherapeutic anticonvulsant levels after administration of a
loading dose of an anticonvulsant if vital signs are normal and the
mental status has returned to baseline. Ideally, discharge patients
with a reliable family member or friend and with medical follow-up
arranged, as above.
• Guidelines do not recommend hospital admission or initiation of
anticonvulsant therapy in the patient with a first unprovoked seizure, as
long as the patient has returned to neurologic baseline.
• The most important predictors of seizure recurrence are: underlying
cause of the seizure and the results of the EEG.
– The decision to begin outpatient treatment with antiepileptics
depends on the risk of recurrent seizures weighed against the risk–
benefit ratio of anticonvulsant therapy.
• In general, patients with a first unprovoked seizure who have a normal
neurologic examination, no acute or chronic medical comorbidities,
normal diagnostic testing (non-contrast head CT, normal mental status)
can safely be discharged from the ED.
– Initiation of antiepileptic medication may be deferred to the
outpatient setting where further studies, including an EEG and MRI,
can be performed.
• Consider consultation and/or admission for patients who do not meet the
above criteria
• Due to an identifiable underlying condition often require
admission and should generally be treated to minimize
seizure recurrence.
• The ideal initial antiepileptic regimen is a single-drug therapy
that controls seizures with minimum toxicity If treatment
is initiated, drug selection is based on the type of seizure and
should be done in consultation with a neurologist.
• Antiepileptic agents: valproate, lamotrigine, topiramate,
levetiracetam, and oxcarbazepine options for adults with
new-onset seizures.
• Instruct discharged patients to take precautions to minimize
the risks for injury from further seizures:
– Swimming, working with hazardous tools or machines, and
working at heights should be prohibited.
Special populations
• Mass lesions, encephalopathy, herpes • Most seizures in pregnancy are not first-
zoster, toxoplasmosis, Cryptococcus, time seizures, and initial evaluation is
neurosyphilis, and meningitis are all generally as discussed earlier, with the
seen more frequently in this population addition of an obstetric evaluation to
and can all provoke seizure activity. determine gestational age and fetal well-
• Perform an extensive investigation for being.
the cause of the seizure. • When a woman >20 weeks of gestation
• If no space-occupying lesion is identified develops seizures in the setting of
on non-contrast head CT scan & there is hypertension, edema, and proteinuria,
no evidence of increased intracranial the condition is defined as eclampsia.
pressure, perform a lumbar puncture to • Magnesium sulfate has long been used to
exclude CNS infection. treat eclampsia with good results.
• If no explanation for seizures is found, • In eclamptic women, magnesium sulfate
then obtain a contrast-enhanced head infusion compared to diazepam and
CT or MRI. phenytoin resulted in a >50% reduction
in recurrence of seizures and a lower
incidence of pneumonia, intensive care
unit admission, and assisted ventilation.
Hypertensive Encephalopathy
• Sudden increase in BP (+/- preexisting chronic HTN)
encephalopathy & headache (dev over period of sev hrs to days
• Vomiting, visual disturbances, focal neurologic deficits, focal or
generalized seizures can occur
• BP >250/150 mmHg usually req to precipitate the syndr in pts
w/ chronic HTN
• Prev normotensive pts may be affected at lower pressures
• Coexisting renal failure increase risk of HE
• Cerebrovasc spam, impaired autoregulation of cerebral BF,
intravasc coagulation = proposed as cause of neurossx
• small infacts & petechial hemorrhage affect brainstem most
prominently + other subcortical gray & white matter regions
LI 4
Febrile Seizure
• Seizures that occur between the age of 6 - 60 mo w/ temperature
>= 380C; not a result of CNS infection or any metabolic imbalance,
occur in the absence of a history of prior afebrile seizures.
enters motor retrograde
toxin binds at
Toxin is released nerve by axonal transport
endocytosis to the cytoplasm
of α-motoneuron
blocks (N)
enters adjacent inhibition of
spinal inhibitory antagonistic affected muscles
toxin exits interneurons,
muscles on sustain maximal
motoneuron in prevents release of
neurotransmitters which voluntary contraction &
the spinal cord
glycine & γ- coordinated cannot relax.
aminobutyric acids movement
Because C. tetani is not an invasive organism, its toxin-producing vegetative cells remain where
introduced into the wound, which may display local inflammatory changes and a mixed bacterial
• Tetanus is most often generalized but may also be localized.
• The incubation period ~2-14 days
– but may be as long as months after injury.
• In generalized tetanus, the presenting symptom in ~1/2 of cases is trismus
(masseter muscle spasm, or lockjaw).
• Headache, restlessness, irritability = early symptoms,
– often followed by stiffness, difficulty chewing, dysphagia, neck muscle spasm.
• So-called sardonic smile of tetanus (risus sardonicus) results from
intractable spasms of facial & buccal muscles.
• When the paralysis extends to abdominal, lumbar, hip, and thigh
muscles, the patient may assume an arched posture of extreme
hyperextension of the body, or opisthotonos
– head and the heels bent backward and the body bowed forward with only the
back of the head and the heels touching the supporting surface.
• Opisthotonos = equilibrium position; results from unrelenting total
contraction of opposing muscles, all of which display the typical
board-like rigidity of tetanus.
• Laryngeal and respiratory muscle spasm airway obstruction &
• Because tetanus toxin does not affect sensory nerves or cortical
function, the patient unfortunately remains conscious, in extreme
pain, and in fearful anticipation of the next tetanic seizure.
• The seizures are characterized: sudden, severe tonic contractions
of the muscles, with fist clenching, flexion, and adduction of the
arms and hyperextension of the legs.
• W/out th seizures range from a few seconds to a few minutes in
length with intervening respite periods as illness progresses,
spasms become sustained & exhausting.
• The smallest disturbance by sight, sound, or touch may
trigger a tetanic spasm.
• Dysuria & urinary retention bladder sphincter spasm;
forced defecation may occur.
• Fever, occasionally as high as 40°C (104°F), is common
because of the substantial metabolic energy consumed by
spastic muscles.
• Notable autonomic effects: tachycardia, dysrhythmias, labile
hypertension, diaphoresis, & cutaneous vasoconstriction.
• Tetanic paralysis usually becomes more severe in the 1st wk
after onset, stabilizes in the 2nd wk, and ameliorates
gradually over the ensuing 1-4 wk.
Neonatal Tetanus
• Infantile form of generalized tetanus, typically manifests
within 3-12 days of birth as: progressive difficulty in feeding
(sucking and swallowing), associated hunger, crying.
• Paralysis or diminished movement, stiffness and rigidity to
the touch, and spasms, with or without opisthotonos, are
• The umbilical stump may hold remnants of dirt, dung, clotted
blood, or serum, or it may appear relatively benign.
• Localized tetanus painful spasms of the muscles
adjacent to the wound site and may precede
generalized tetanus.
• Cephalic tetanus is a rare form of localizaed tetanus
involving the bulbar musculature that occurs with
wounds or foreign bodies in the head, nostrils, or
– It also occurs in association with chronic otitis media.
– characterized by: retracted eyelids, deviated gaze, trismus,
risus sardonicus, and spastic paralysis of the tongue and
pharyngeal musculature.
• The typical setting is an unimmunized patient (and/or mother)
who was injured or born within the preceding 2 wk, who presents
with trismus, other rigid muscles, and a clear sensorium.
• Results of routine laboratory studies are usually normal.
• A peripheral leukocytosis may result from a secondary bacterial
infection of the wound or may be stress induced from the
sustained tetanic spasms.
• The CSF is normal, although the intense muscle contractions may
raise intracranial pressure.
• Neither the electroencephalogram nor the electromyogram shows
a characteristic pattern.
• C. tetani is not always visible on Gram stain of wound material and
is isolated in only approximately 30% of cases.
• Fully developed, generalized • Although strychnine poisoning may
tetanus cannot be mistaken for any result in tonic muscle spasms and
other disease. generalized seizure activity, it
• However, trismus may result from seldom produces trismus, and unlike
parapharyngeal, retropharyngeal, or in tetanus, general relaxation
dental abscesses or, rarely, from usually occurs between spasms.
acute encephalitis involving the • Hypocalcemia may produce tetany
brainstem. that is characterized by laryngeal
• Either rabies or tetanus may follow and carpopedal spasms, but trismus
an animal bite, and rabies may is absent.
manifest as trismus with seizures. • Occasionally, epileptic seizures,
– Rabies may be distinguished from narcotic withdrawal, or other drug
tetanus by hydrophobia, marked reactions may suggest tetanus.
dysphagia, predominantly clonic
seizures, and pleocytosis
• Management of tetanus requires:
– Eradication of C. tetani
– Wound environment conducive to its anaerobic multiplication,
• Surgical wound excision and debridement are often needed to
remove the foreign body or devitalized tissue that created
anaerobic growth conditions.
• Surgery should be performed promptly after administration of
human tetanus immunoglobulin (TIG) and antibiotics.
• Excision of the umbilical stump in the neonate with tetanus is no
longer recommended.
– neutralization of all accessible tetanus toxin,
– control of seizures and respiration,
– palliation,
– provision of meticulous supportive care,
– prevention of recurrences.
• Tetanus toxin cannot be neutralized by TIG after it has begun
its axonal ascent to the spinal cord.
• TIG should be given ASAP so as to neutralize toxin that
diffuses from the wound circulation before toxin can bind
at distant muscle groups.
– The optimal dose of TIG has not been determined.
• A single IM injection of 500 units of TIG = sufficient to
neutralize systemic tetanus toxin
– but total doses as high as 3,000-6,000 units are also recommended.
• If TIG is unavailable, use of Human IV Ig may be necessary.
• IVIg contains 4-90 units/ mL of TIG;
– the optimal dosage of intravenous immunoglobulin for treating tetanus is not
known, and its use is not approved for this indication.
• Another alternative is equine- or bovine-derived
tetanus antitoxin (TAT).
– Usual dose = 50,000-100,000 units,
• half given IM and half IV, but as little as 10,000 units may be
– ~15% of patients given the usual dose of TAT experience
serum sickness.
– When TAT is used, it is essential to check for possible
sensitivity to horse serum; desensitization may be
• The human-derived Ig are much preferred because of
their longer T ½ (30 days) & virtual absence of allergic
& serum sickness adverse effects.
• Penicillin G (100,000 units/kg/day divided every 4-6
hr IV for 10-14 days) remains the antibiotic of choice
because of its effective clostridiocidal action and its
diffusibility, which is an important consideration
because blood flow to injured tissue may be
• Metronidazole (500 mg every 8 hr IV for adults)
appears to be equally effective.
• Erythromycin and tetracycline (for persons >8 yr of
age) are alternatives for penicillin-allergic patients.
• All patients with generalized tetanus need muscle relaxants.
• Diazepam relaxation and seizure control.
– Initial dose = 0.1-0.2 mg/kg @3-6 hr IV is subsequently titrated to control the
tetanic spasms, after which the effective dose is sustained for 2-6 wk before a
tapered withdrawal.
• Magnesium sulfate, other benzodiazepines (midazolam), chlorpromazine,
dantrolene, and baclofen are also used.
• Intrathecal baclofen produces such complete muscle relaxation that
apnea often ensues; like most other agents listed, baclofen should be
used only in an ICU setting
• The highest survival rates in generalized tetanus are achieved with
neuromuscular blocking agents: vecuronium & pancuronium produce
a general flaccid paralysis; then managed by mechanical ventilation.
• Autonomic instability is regulated with standard α- or β- (or both)
blocking agents; morphine has also proved useful.
The seizures & severe, sustained rigid paralysis of tetanus predispose
the patient to many complications.
• Aspiration of secretions & pneumonia may have begun before the first medical
attention was received.
• Maintaining airway patency often mandates endotracheal intubation &
mechanical ventilation w/ their attendant hazards: pneumothorax &
mediastinal emphysema.
• The seizures may result in lacerations of the mouth or tongue, in intramuscular
hematomas or rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinuria and renal failure, or in long
bone or spinal fractures.
• Venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, gastric ulceration with or without
hemorrhage, paralytic ileus, and decubitus ulceration are constant hazards.
• Excessive use of muscle relaxants, which are an integral part of care, may
produce iatrogenic apnea.
• Cardiac arrhythmias; asystole, unstable BP, and labile temperature regulation
reflect disordered autonomic nervous system control that may be aggravated
by inattention to maintenance of intravascular volume needs
• Tetanus is an entirely preventable disease.
• A serum antibody titer of ≥0.01 units/mL = protective.
• Active immunization should begin in early infancy + diphtheria toxoid–
tetanus toxoid–acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine at 2, 4, 6 and 15-18 mo
of age + boosters at 4-6 yr (DTaP) & 11-12 yr (Tdap) of age & at 10 yr
intervals thereafter throughout adult life with tetanus and reduced
diphtheria toxoid (Td).
• Immunization of women with tetanus toxoid prevents neonatal tetanus,
and pregnant women should receive 1 dose of reduced diphtheria and
pertussis toxoids (Tdap) during each pregnancy, preferably at 27-36 wk
• Arthus reactions (type III hypersensitivity reactions), a localized vasculitis
associated with deposition of immune complexes and activation of
complement, are reported rarely after tetanus vaccination.
Stroke and cerebrovascular disease are caused by some
disturbance of the cerebral vessels in almost all cases.
2 major types: ischemic and hemorrhagic.
• Ischemic stroke = most common variety (80% - 85% of all stroke)
– hemorrhagic stroke accounts for the remainder.
• Process leading to HS mostly due to lost affect integrity of the vessel wall in some
• Ischemic stroke can undergo secondary hemorrhagic transformation;
• Cerebral hemorrhage (particularly a subarachnoid hemorrhage [SAH])
can cause a secondary ischemic stroke via vasospasm.
• Ischemic stroke occurs = blood vessel in or around the brain becomes
occluded or has a high-grade stenosis that reduces the perfusion of distal
cerebral tissue.
– On rare occasions, venous thrombosis can occlude a cerebral vein and
lead to ischemic + hemorrhagic strokes (venous infarction).
• It is not uncommon for there to be some overlap, such as an ICH also
causing some degree of SAH and/or an intraventricular hemorrhage. SAH
can produce some elements of an ICH if the aneurysmal rupture directs
blood into the brain parenchyma.
G.S. Silva et al. Causes of Ischemic Stroke
• Defined as “a transient episode of neurological
dysfunction caused by focal brain, spinal cord, or
retinal ischemia, without acute infarction.”
• This tissue-based definition recognizes that although
TIA symptoms typically last less than 1 to 2 hours,
– duration of symptoms is an unreliable discriminator
between TIA and infarction.
– A TIA should be viewed as analogous to unstable angina—
that is, an ominous harbinger of a potential future
vascular event.
In contrast to TIA, acute ischemic stroke implies a persistent focal neurologic deficit,
which may be improving, stable, or worsening (stroke in evolution or progressing
stroke) when the patient is seen.
• Some data suggest that 50% of these subsequent events
occur within 2 days after presentation to the ED.
• Published risk factors associated with increased risk for
subsequent stroke:
– hypertension,
– diabetes mellitus,
– symptom duration of ≥10 minutes,
– weakness,
– speech impairment.
• A study of admitted patients found increased risk with:
– male sex,
– age ≥65 years,
– hyperlipidemia, and
– dysarthria
• View TIAs as ominous
signs of cerebral vascular
disease indicating a high
risk of stroke in the near
• In 2007, the ABCD2
scoring system was
intended to replace two
previous scoring scales
(California score and
ABCD score)
LI 5
• Status epilepticus can occur in
patients with a history of seizures
or can be a first epileptic event.
• The most common causes of status
– subtherapeutic antiepileptic levels;
– preexisting neurologic conditions, e.g:
• prior CNS infection, trauma,
hemorrhage, or stroke; acute stroke;
anoxia or hypoxia;
– metabolic abnormalities;
– alcohol or drug intoxication or
> 20 minutes
As seizures > 5-minute mark