Virtual Reality in Education2
Virtual Reality in Education2
Virtual Reality in Education2,101.6569844,3a,75y,260.0
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
• Hands-on VR
Virtual Reality: Introduction
• Immersive experience
• Entertainment industry
• Gaming
• Virtual tours of museums/art
• Locations in and out of this world
• Viewing real estate
Virtual Reality: Introduction
Applications in industry
• Design
• Manufacturing
• Engineering
• Medicine
• Education and training
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
• Hands-on VR
Virtual Reality: Definition
• A tool for simulation in computer-generated
settings where users act in real-time at • Immersive experience
artificial locations interacting synchronously
via an interface that can track and display
the users actions (Innocenti, 2017).
Devices for Virtual Reality
VR headsets:
• Untethered headsets (mobile VR).
• A mobile device
• The quality of the mobile device's processing power
for real-time 3D content may be a limitation.
• Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, and Google
• Tethered devices.
• These headsets contain a display
• Internal and/or external sensors to track the user's
• The user is attached to the personal computer (PC)
via a cable.
• The PC processes the superior quality graphics, for
real-time tracking and interactions, These devices
include the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and OSVR.
(Tussyadiah, Wang, Jung, & tom Dieck, 2018)
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
• Hands-on VR
Philosophy of the Virtual World
• How real is the virtual world?
• The objects? The events?
• A real object and a virtual object?
• Are actions real? A real event?
“Virtual environments, and the digital
realm more generally, create
ontological confusion and challenge
us to draw and redraw the boundaries
between reality and fiction, and truth
and falsehood.” (Brey, 2014, p. 53).
Characteristics of the Virtual
Representational Fidelity Learner Interaction
Presence Co- Presence Identity conceptual &
Sense of being Sense of being Constructed by
in a place in a place with the user's immersion
Dependent on other users embodied
the context & actions & social
psychological interactions Dalgarno, B. & M. J. W. Lee (2010). What are the learning affordances of
3-D virtual environments? British Journal of Educational
response of the within the virtual Technology, 41(1), 10–32. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.01038.x
user environment.
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
• Hands-on VR
History of Virtual Reality
• Steroscopes- handheld and boxed (1850)
• Simulators- commercial flight simulator (Edward
Link, 1929).
• Sensorama (Morton Heilig, 1956):
The Sensorama was a single user console for
a highly immersive experience (Merchant et al.,
• Telesphere Mask (Morton Heilig, 1960)
• The Ultimate Display (Ivan Sutherland, 1968)
• Artifical Reality (Myron Kruegere, 1969)
• Virtual Reality (Jaron Lanier, 1987)
Highly Immersive Virtual Environments
VR in Education
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
• Hands-on VR
VR in Education: Research
1. Children's cognitive modifiability by
dynamic assessment in 3D Immersive
Virtual Reality environments (Passig et
al., 2016)
2. Peer learning in virtual reality for
geometry problem solving (Hwang & Hu,
3. Direct manipulation in a 3D environment
compared to passive viewing for learning
anatomy (Jang et al., 2017)
4. Comparison between desktop-based
(Oculus Rift) and mobile-based (Gear VR)
virtual reality (Moro et al., 2017)
5. Designing mobile virtual reality learning
environments: DBR framework (Cochrane
et al., 2017)
Children's cognitive modifiability in 3D
Immersive Virtual Reality environments
Passig, D., Tzuriel, D. & Eshel-Kedmi, E. (2016). Improving children's cognitive modifiability by dynamic assessment in 3D
Immersive Virtual Reality environments. Computers & Education, 95, 296-308
Peer learning in virtual reality for geometry
problem solving
• Fifth grade primary maths: Calculation of the volume and
surface area of 3-D objects over 8 weeks
• Experimental and control groups: 29 students in each group
• The Interactive Future Mathematics Classroom (IFMC) :
Collaborative Virtual Reality Learning Environment (CVRLE)
(Open Wonderland): table, white board, chat.
• Two representational tools: the virtual manipulative and a
white board
1.The experimental group performed significantly better than the control
group on geometric learning achievement.
2.Various peer learning behaviours with multiple representations lead to
different types of strategies for geometric problem solving in the IFMC.
Hwang, W-Y, & Hu, S-S. (2013). Analysis of peer learning behaviors using multiple representations in
virtual reality and their impacts on geometry problem solving. Computers & Education, 62, 308–319.
Direct manipulation in a 3D environment
compared to passive viewing
• Medical students at a medical school in the United States in Year 1 to 4,
the majority (65%) aged between 22 - 24 years.
• A haptic input device (hand-held VR controller) coupled with direct
manipulation and exploration of the anatomical structures or “optimal view”
during passive viewing for learning gains.
• Mental Rotation Test (MRT), Building Memory Test of spatial ability,
1) Participants are capable of successfully embodying virtual
representations of internal anatomical structures if they can control
the presentation.
2) Participants who passively view the movement had limited
3) In the VR environment, participants with low spatial ability benefit
most from the advantages of manipulation and interactivity, as
compared with those with high spatial ability.
Jang, S., Vitale, J. M., Jyung, R. W., & Black, J. B. (2017). Direct manipulation is better than passive viewing for
learning anatomy in a three-dimensional virtual reality environment. Computers & Education 106 (2017) 150-165
Comparison between desktop-based (Oculus
Rift) and mobile-based (Gear VR) virtual reality
• Desktop-based VR (the Oculus Rift) has considerably higher setup
• Mobile-based VR (Gear VR) cannot produce the quality of
environment due to its limited processing power.
However, 40% of participants
• 20 participants : Students of Faculty of Health Sciences and experienced significantly
Medicine at Bond University 17-28 years
higher rates of nausea and
• An identical lesson on spine anatomy was presented to subjects blurred vision when using
using either the Oculus Rift or Gear VR
the Gear VR (P < 0.05).
Cochrane, T., Cook, S., Aiello, S., Christie, D., Sinfield, D., Steagall, M., & Aguayo, C. (2017). A DBR
framework for designing mobile virtual reality learning environments. Australasian Journal of Educational
Technology, 33(6), 54-68.
VR in Education: Research
1. Children's cognitive modifiability by • 3D immersive VR environments and tangible
dynamic assessment in 3D Immersive blocks were better than 2D environments or
Virtual Reality environments (Passig et no tangibles.
al., 2016) • Virtual manipulatives and peer learning in a
2. Peer learning in virtual reality for virtual environment were effective
geometry problem solving (Hwang & Hu,
2014) • Embodied manipulation better than passive
3. Direct manipulation in a 3D environment • More cost effective mobile-based VR was
compared to passive viewing for learning just as suitable for teaching isolated-
anatomy (Jang et al., 2017) systems than the more expensive desktop-
4. Comparison between desktop-based based VR
(Oculus Rift) and mobile-based (Gear VR) • Curriculum design should explore new
virtual reality (Moro et al., 2017) pedagogical strategies that enable student-
5. Designing mobile virtual reality learning determined learning
environments: DBR framework (Cochrane
et al., 2017)
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
Affordances of VR
Dalgarno and Lee (2010) have noted the Merchant, Goetz, Cifuentes, Keeney-
following affordances for learning in 3-D Kennicutt, & Davis (2014).
virtual environments: • the illusion of being in a 3-D space,
• Enhance the representation of spatial • ability to build and interact with the 3D
knowledge. objects,
• Facilitate learning tasks which may be • digital representation of learners in form
impractical or impossible in the real of avatar,
• Increased intrinsic motivation and • ability to communicate with other
engagement. learners in the virtual worlds.
• Improved transfer of knowledge and • open-ended environments in which
skills to real situations through users design and create their own
contextualisation of learning. objects.
• Richer and more effective collaborative
learning than with 2-D alternatives
Benefits of VR in education
Benefits and potentials according to Bower (2017)
• Enabling and encouraging communication
Merchant et al. (2014) notes the benefits as
follows: • Facilitating collaborative learning
• Better student performance when in control of • Providing access to learning
navigation as compared to teacher control
• Gains in self efficacy • Embodiment and identity construction
• Improvement in skill-based measures because of • Representation of 3D environments
the open, unstructured virtual spaces affords
greater flexibility of the amount of time to be • Enabling simulation
spent in these environments
• Allowing student construction and modelling
• Not affected by retention interval as benefits of
virtual reality instruction are maintained over • Enabling role play
time or transferred to other contexts
• Facilitating situated and experiential learning
• Students learned better when simulations were
used in the form of practice sessions than when • Fostering presence, co-presence and immersion
they were used in a stand-alone format.
• Motivating and engaging learners
• Facilitating assessment
• Community building
• Engaging a wider community
Issues in using VR for education
Bower (2017)
• Technical constraints
• Fidelity • Need to be used in conjunction with other
methods of instruction/ with guidance and
• Student technical skills practice. (Merchant et al., 2014)
• Cognitive overload
• Communication and collaboration constraints
• Negative student dispositions
• Distraction
• Safety
• Assessment
• Teacher technical skills
• Negative educator disposition
• Time
• Institutional support
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
Guided by pedagogy
• Traditional models of pedagogy
for immersive experiences:
passive viewing: for experience of
cultural, countries and situations
• Interactive models of pedagogy:
User manipulation and user-
control in simulations and virtual
• Creative model of pedagogy:
• Game-based learning
• Students as designers
Teachers and Students
as Designers of VR
Cospaces Edu
• Online VR creation.
• Free 3D objects provided to build on,
and other pre-made 3D objects which can
be purchased to be added.
• Motions and interactivity can be
programmed with Blockly or Javascript.
• There is class management to manage the
students assignments on Cospaces.
• Can be used on Android and iOS.
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
• Hands-on VR
Virtual Reality Futures
Virtual Reality Futures
Virtual Reality in Education:
• Introduction
• Definition, Environments & Devices
• Philosophy and Characteristics of the Virtual World
• History of Virtual Reality
• Virtual Reality Environments in education
• Research on VR in education
• Affordances, Benefits, Issues and Limitations
• Recommendation for use
• Teachers and Students as Designers of VR
• VR Futures
• Hands-on VR
More information
Hands-on: Suggested apps
Samsung Gear VR
• Human Anatomy VR as part of medicine. Claims to have a unique Your Own Devices: Android (Google PlayStore)
approach of learning general anatomy and excellent graphics,
informative content and innovative features for a learning rich • WITHIN - VR (Virtual Reality). After downloading the app,
and engaging experience. download individual videos and insert your phone into the
• InCell game within the body using organelles and cell parts to viewer (Google Cardboard or other headset) to watch. Clouds
protect cell over Sidra. 360° video of a Syrian refugee camp
• InMind is an adventure VR game to experience the journey into • InMind is an adventure VR game to experience the journey into
the patient's brains in search of the neurons that cause mental the patient's brains in search of the neurons that cause mental
disorder (Download for Cardboard). You need to shoot
“disordered neurons” when travelling through the brain. An
experience of being in the brain at the cellular level.
Your Own Devices: iOS (Apple Store)
• Incell VR for iOS game within the body using organelles and cell
• WITHIN - VR (Virtual Reality). After downloading the app, parts to protect cells
download individual videos and insert your phone into the
viewer (Google Cardboard or other headset) to watch. Clouds • Bacteria Interactive learning by Mozaik Education, is a 3D
over Sidra. 360° video of a Syrian refugee camp interactive way to learn about bacteria.