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GESI Presentation January 08, 2018

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EEAP/Outputs 1: Schools are Rebuilt and Upgraded

GESI-Action Plan-Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting

January 08, 2018
Maheshwar Presad Yadav
GESI Expert
Outlines of Presentation
1. Background Information = 10 Minutes

2. Mainstreaming GESI in EEAP = 10 Minute

3. GESI Tasks/Activities and

Monitoring Mechanism; = 15 Minutes

4. Data Collection Format; and = 10 Minutes

5. GESI Progress = 10 Minutes

6. GESI Component Progress = 5 Minutes

Total = 60 Minutes
1. Background Information
1.1 GESI-Definition
“Sex” refers to the biological differences between women and men and is genetically determined. Small proportion of roles
attributed to physical differences. These are static and universal.

“Gender” refers to the socially constructed roles and identities of men and women as well as the relationship between them.
These roles change over time and vary by culture. In Nepal, women face unequal power relations and gender-based barriers
due to a patriarchal society.

“Gender Equality” refers that all human beings are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the
limitations set by strict gender roles. The different behaviours, aspirations, and needs of women and men are considered,
valued and favoured equally.

“Gender Equity” refers to the process of being fair to women and men. Gender equity means steps taken to achieve
fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities between women and men.

“Disaggregated Data” refers to distinguishing men and women, ethnic minorities, people with a disability, people with HIV
and other excluded people in the data to reveal quantitative differences between them.

“Disadvantaged Groups (DAGs) or Marginalized Castes and Ethnic Groups” refers to people who are discriminated
based on their caste/ethnicity and income, such as the marginalized Janajatis/Adibasis, other backward classes (OBCs), or
Madheshi, Dalits and Muslims.

Social Inclusion is the removal of institutional barriers and the enhancement of incentives to increase the access of diverse
individual and groups to development opportunities.
World Bank
Social Exclusion describes the experience of groups who are systematically disadvantaged because they are discriminated
on the basis of their caste, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, HIV status, migrant status or
where they live. Exclusion happens in public (formal) institutions like the legal system, as well as social (informal) institutions
like households.
DFID-Nepal Strategy to Address Social Exclusion
1.2 Classification of Castes/Ethnic and
Religious Minority Groups in Nepal
S. Ethnic
N. Groups
1 Brahmin/ 1.1 Hill Brahmin
Chhetri 1.2 Hill Chhetri: Chhetri, Thakuri, Sanyasi
1.3 Madheshi Brahmin/Bhumihar
1.4 Madheshi Chhetri: Chhetri, Thakuri, Sanyasi
2 Janajati 2.1 Hill Janajati: Newar, Magar, Chhantyal, Rai, Sherpa, Bhujel/Gharti, Yakha, Thakali, Limbu,
Lapcha/Rong, Bhote, Byansi/Sauka, Jirel, Yholmo, Walung, Gurung, Dura, Tamang, Kumal,
Sunuwar, Majhi, Danuwar, Thami/Thangmi, Darai, Bote, Baramu, Pahari, Hayu, Kusunda,
Chepang, Raji, Raute, Bankariya, Surel, Siyar, Lohami, Thudam, Jagad, Topkegola, Dolpo, Fri,
Mugal, Lorke, Lohpa, Chairotan, Tangbe, Barhagaule, Marfali Thakal
2.2 Terai Janajati: Tharu, Jhangar/Dhagar, Dhanuk, Rajbanshi, Gangai, Santhal/Satar, Dhimal,
Tajpuriya, Meche, Koche, Kisan, Munda, Kusbadiya/Patharkata,

3 Other 3.1 Madheshi/OBC: Kusbaha, Kurmi, Kumhar, Kahar, Kewat, Kanu, Kalwar, Teli, Nuniya,
Backward Baniya, Bhediyar, Mali, Malah, Worai, Yadav, Rajbhar, Rajdhob, Lohar, Lodha, Sudhi, Saini,
Class Sonar, Haluwai, Hajam, Amaat, Kewarat, Barnamala, Jogiya, Bing, Beldar, Kalabaj, Bot, Badhai,
(OBC/Mad Turuha, Chanai
4.1 Hill Dalit: Gandharve(Gaine), Paryar (Damai, Darji, Suchikar, Nagarchi, Dholi, Hudke),
4 Dalit Badi, Bishwokarma (Kami, Lohar, Sunar, Odha, Chunara, Parki, Tamta) Sarki (Mijar, Charmkar,
4.2 Madheshi Dalit: Chamar, Musahar, Dusadh/Paswan, Tatma, Khatbe, Dhobi, Baantar,
Chidimar, Dom, Halkhor, Kalar, Kakaihiya, Kori, Pasi, Mestar, Sarwanga, Patharkata
5 Muslim 5.1 Muslim, Churoute
6 Other 6.1 Marwari, Jain, Bangali, Panjabi/Sikh
1.3 Equality vs Equity
1.4 Dimensions of Exclusion
The definition of exclusion in Nepal primarily takes into account at least six
dimensions of i. Poverty ii. Gender iii. Caste/ethnicity iv. Sexual orientation v.
Disability and vi. Geography. However, these six dimensions can be categorized
into four major dimensions of exclusion: Economical, Social, Geographical and

S. Dimensions of Excluded Groups

N. Exclusion
1 Economical Poor of All: Castes, Ethnicities, Gender and Geographic

2 Social Women, Third Gender, Adivasi Janajati, Dalit, Madheshi,

Muslim and Disable People
3 Geographical Terai-Madhesh and Remote Areas in Hills and Mountain
4 Political  Exclusion from Practices of Power (Some caste holds
excessive power- Vertical Relation)
 Lacks authority- participation in governance system)
1.5 Barriers to Social Inclusion

Social Barriers to Inclusion

Social Category Gender Caste Ethnicity Language Religion Age Geo-



Dominant Men/ Brah- Indo- Nepali Hindu Adult Hill

Boys min/ Aryan People

Subordinates Women Dalit & Janajati Other Non- Child/ Madhesh

/Girl Occu- Hindu Old and
pational Himal
Castes People

Source: Bhatia, Kiran et al: Vulnerable Communities Development Plan, Education for All,
2004, World Bank/DFID/DANIDA
2. Mainstreaming GESI in EEAP
2.1 Steps for Mainstreaming Gender
Equality/Equity and Social Inclusion
Figure 1.2: Steps for Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

1. Identify
Barriers of the excluded:
 Who are excluded, causes of their
 Their existing situation barriers in
accessing services and opportunities
offered by the policy/project/program
being designed

2. Design & 4. Monitor, Evaluate &

3. Implement 5. Adjust Implementation
Interventions to address barriers, based on  Inputs: Have planned resources and
review/assessment of GESI responsiveness of benefits reached women, the poor and
 Sector policy mandates excluded?
 Institutional arrangements & accountabilities  Results Disaggregated
 Program interventions, budget allocations  Outcomes: In the 3 domains of change
Section criteria, control of decisions & funds
 Monitoring and reporting
2.2 GESI Target Groups in EEAP

A. Students B. Teachers
C. SMC D. Guardians
E. Construction Labour

2.3 Partners Organizations in EEAP

A. MoE/Imlementing Agency (CLPIU/DLPIU) B. DSC

C. SMC D. Teacher-Student Committee/Group (If exists)
E. Guardians’ Association (If exists) F. Contractor
2.4 Road Map for Implementation, Monitoring and
1 2 3 4

Capability Implementation and Monitoring and

Development Delivery Reporting

1. Data
1. Orientation on
1. Assessing and 1. CLPIU collection &
Understanding Data
needed for GESI- AP and Disaster at
District and School
2. DSC administration

2. Joint GESI Planning of

Individual School Site 3. DLPIU 2. Documentation of
and District 2. Implementation of
Issues and
Needs of Girls and DAGs
Considering GESI-AP
4. Municipality successful stories
and impact
3. Preparation of Required
Formats (Data Collection,
Monitoring and Reporting) 3. Incorporation of GESI-
Related to GESI-AP 5. SMC AP related aspects in
Bidding and Contract 3. Reporting
Documents (Monthly, Quarterly,
6. Teacher/
Semi-Annually and
4. Issue of Letters on GESI-AP Students/
Implementation Support &
annually) using
Guardian reporting format
Coordination from Centre to District 4. Advocacy &
and School Site Implementation of
7. Contractor Equitable Staffing
2.5 Institutional/Implementation Arrangement

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 and so on

DSC-D = District Office of DSC

3. GESI Action Plan’s Tasks and Monitoring
Mechanism under EEAP (Output 1)
A. Output 1: School are Rebuilt and Upgraded
Activity 1: Rebuild 154 schools of which 11 schools are upgraded to model schools addressing GESI concerns meeting
universal design and accessibility standards in fourteen (8 project districts and 6 additional districts) earthquake
affected districts.
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Indicator Monitoring Responsible Responsible Schedule/
Method Implementing Monitoring Frequency
Agency Agency
Consultation Meeting a) Engineered school-premises rebuilt based Review of MOE DSC-C/DSC-D Monthly,
at district level and on international best-practice and safety Documents (CLPIU/DLPIU), with support Quarterly
school site level for standards [≥80,000 students in eight and municipality from GESI and
discussing on affected districts] Interaction education offices, Expert Annually
international best- b) [Unchanged] Needs of girls and DAGs with support from the
practice and safety addressed in site selection for destroyed GESI expert of the
standard of school schools (high/secondary and primary) Design and
building and water c) [Unchanged] Sex-segregated toilets and Supervision
access and sex access to water for teachers and students Consultant (DSC)
segregated toilets built according to accessibility standards

Activity 2: Conduct GESI-sensitive risk assessment for 154 schools and build capacity of teachers
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Indicator Monitoring Responsible Implementing Responsible Schedule/
Method Agency Monitoring Frequency
Conduction of GESI- a) GESI-sensitive risk assessments Review of MOE, municipality education DSC-C/DSC-D Quarterly
sensitive risk in consultation with student, Documents offices, with support from the with support from and Annually
assessments for all teachers and school management and DRM expert and mobilizers GESI Expert
154 projects schools committees for all projects schools Interaction to be engaged under TA
to be conducted as part of the 8910
individual school DRM plan
Activity 3: Build capacity of schools and students for disaster preparedness and emergency
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Indicator Monitoring Responsible Responsible Schedule/
Method Implementing Monitoring Frequency
Agency Agency
Conduction of a) [unchanged] Capacity building for Review of MOE, municipality DSC-C/DSC-D Quarterly and
Training on disaster preparedness and emergency Documents education offices, with support Annually
disaster carried out at times and venues that and with support from from GESI
preparedness and facilitate girls’ participation [Target: 50% Interaction the DRM expert Expert
emergency women and girls] and mobilizers to
[Target: 50% b) Ensure GESI considerations are be engaged under
women and girls] addressed in the Type Designs for TA 8910
Classroom Construction

C. General (Applicable for Outputs 1 and 2)

Activity C1: [Unchanged] Provide GESI orientation to project staff at central level
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Monitoring Method Responsible Responsible Schedule/
Indicator Implementing Agency Monitoring Agency Frequency
Meeting and a) Formal meetings held Review of Central-level Project DSC-C/DSC-D with Annually
Orientation on with IAs’ project staff at Documents and Implementation Units support from GESI
GESI at center central level and Interaction (CLPIUs) of MOE and Expert
level consultants –as MOFALD and DOR PD
needed- to raise Office with support of
awareness on the EEAP GESI expert/focal
GESI Action Plan persons
Activity C2: [Unchanged] Provide GESI orientation to project staff at district level
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Indicator Monitoring Responsible Responsible Schedule/
Method Implementing Monitoring Frequency
Agency Agency
Training on GESI a) Training sessions carried out targeting Review of Central-level Project DSC-C/DSC-D Quarterly and
specific needs, issues specific needs and constraints faced by Documents Implementation with support Annually
and constraints faced the District-level Project Implementation and Units (CLPIUs) of from GESI
by IAs during project Units (DLPIUs) in GESI concepts and Interaction MOE and MOFALD Expert
implementation ro activities during EEAP project and DOR PD Office
district level project implementation [Target: 1/year in with support of GESI
staffs participating IAs] expert/focal persons
Activity C3: Ensure that bidding and contractual documents reflect GESI provisions and practices related to
equitable access to labour opportunities for women and DAGs
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Monitoring Responsible Responsible Schedule/
Indicator Method Implementing Agency Monitoring Agency Frequency
Bidding and a) All EEAP bidding Review of Central-level Project DSC-C/DSC-D with Monthly,
Contractual documents include Documents and Implementation Units support from GESI Quarterly and
documents include clauses on promoting Interaction (CLPIUs) of MOE and Expert Annually
GESI aspects related equitable access to MOFALD and DOR PD
to labour opportunities labor opportunities for Office with support of
for women and DAGs women and DAGs GESI expert/focal persons

Activity C4: Appoint a team of GESI experts at center and Focal Persons at district to support implementation of EEAP
GESI activities
Tasks Targets Include
Activity C5: and sex,
Monitoring Indicator
caste and ethnicity disaggregated indicators in Monitoring Responsible
monitoring system and collect data Responsible Schedule/
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Indicator Monitoring Responsible Responsible Schedule/
Implementing Agency Monitoring Agency
Frequency Frequency
Disaggregated data a) System established for collection and analysis of Review of Agency
Central-level Project Agency
DSC-C/DSC-D with Monthly,
collection sex, caste- and ethnicity disaggregated data and Documents and Implementation Units support from GESI Quarterly and
Appointment of a) GESI expert/information
focal atpersons based
center and district inrelevant
levels and Review of
Interaction Central-level
(CLPIUs) of MOE and Project
Expert DSC-C/DSC-D
information/data included in relevant reports (incl. MOFALD and DOR PD
GESI Expert and Kathmandu,Semi-annual
districts andReports)
Progress school Documents Implementation
Office with support of Units with support from
GESI expert/focal
Focal Persons sites to support the implementation and (CLPIUs) of MOE and GESI Expert

of GESI action plan in project Interaction MOFALD and DOR

districts PD Office

Activity C5: Include sex, caste and ethnicity disaggregated indicators in monitoring system and collect data
Tasks Targets and Monitoring Indicator Monitoring Responsible Responsible Schedule/
Method Implementing Agency Monitoring Agency Frequency
Disaggregated a) System established for collection Review of Central-level Project DSC-C/DSC-D with Monthly,
data collection and analysis of sex, caste- and Documents Implementation Units support from GESI Quarterly and
ethnicity disaggregated data and and (CLPIUs) of MOE and Expert Annually
information at center and district Interaction MOFALD and DOR PD
levels and relevant Office with support of GESI
information/data included in expert/focal persons
relevant reports (incl. Semi-
annual Progress Reports)
4. Data Collection Format
Table 1: Labour (Sex) Used and Per Day Rate in Construction of Schools in October 2017

Sex Rate/Day in NRs.

No. of No. of Skilled/
S. N. District Remarks
Package School Unskilled
Male Female Female % Total Male Female

Skilled 84 0 0 84 1000 0
1 Kavreplanchowk 8 28
Unskilled 175 0 0 175 800 0

Skilled 31 0 0 31 1200 0
2 Sindhupalchowk 12 37
Unskilled 39 0 0 39 1000 0

Skilled 1260 0 0 1260 1000 0

3 Ramechhap 5 12
Unskilled 3030 0 0 3030 800 0

Skilled 1470 0 0 1470 1000 0

4 Okhaldhunga 7 19
Unskilled 1350 0 0 1350 850 0

Skilled 700 0 0 700 1000 1000

5 Sindhuli 4 13
Unskilled 2100 275 11.58 2375 800 800

Total 36 109 10239 275 2.62 10514 NA NA

Table 2: Disaggregated Data of SMC Members in All ADB Funded (same also for USAID and JFPR)
Schools of …….. District Under EEAP/Output 1

Ethnic Groups Remarks
N. Sex Age (Years) Disable
>18-40 >40-58 >58
M F T Total Total M F T Total
Yrs Yrs Yrs
1 Brahmin/Chhetri

2 Janajati

3 Other Backward

4 Dalit

5 Muslim

6 Other


Note: Sex (M = Male; F = Female and T = Third Gender), Yrs = Years

Table 3: Disaggregated Data of Teachers in All ADB Funded (same also for USAID and JFPR)
Schools of …….. District Under EEAP/Output 1

S. Disability
Ethnic Groups Sex (No) Age in Years (No) Remarks
N. (No)
M F T Total >18-40 Yrs >40-58 Yrs >58 Yrs Total M F T Total

1 Brahmin/Chhetri

2 Janajati

3 Other Backward Class


4 Dalit

5 Muslim

6 Other


Note: Sex (M = Male; F = Female and T = Third Gender), Yrs = Years

Table 4: Disaggregated Data of Learners/Students in All ADB Funded (same also for USAID and
JFPR) Schools of …….. District Under EEAP/Output 1

S. Disability
Ethnic Groups Sex (No) Age in Years (No) Remarks
N. (No)
>6<10 10-14 >14-19 >19
M F T Total Total M F T Total
Yrs Yrs Yrs Yrs
1 Brahmin/Chhetri

2 Janajati

3 Other Backward
4 Dalit

5 Muslim

6 Other


Note: Sex (M = Male; F = Female and T = Third Gender), Yrs = Years

5. GESI Action Plan (Revised): Progress as of
December 2017 and Plan for Till September 2018
Activities Targets and Indicators Progress as of end- Status as of Plan for till
December 2017 December 2017 September 2018
A. Output 1: Schools are rebuilt and upgraded with improved learning environment
Revised: Revised:
Activity-1: Rebuild 154 a) Engineered school-premises rebuilt a) School designs a) Achieved. Continue in 2018
schools of which 11 based on international best- have been based b) Achieved. (In needed
schools are upgraded to practice and safety standards on the international c) Achieved. Schools)
model schools [≥80,000 students in eight affected best-practice and
addressing GESI districts] safety.
concerns meeting b) [Unchanged] Needs of girls and b) Needs of school
universal design and DAGs addressed in site selection site selection for
accessibility standards for destroyed schools girls and DAGs has
in eight affected districts (high/secondary and primary) been addressed.
c) [Unchanged] Sex-segregated c) Each school design
toilets and access to water for includes sex-
teachers and students built segregated toilets
according to accessibility standards

Revised: Revised:
Activity-2: Conduct GESI-sensitive risk assessments in Planned to be initiated Not achieved. February-July
GESI-sensitive risk consultation with student, teachers and during Q1 2018 (ADB Consultant
assessment for 154 school management committees for all and Mobilisers)
schools and build projects schools to be conducted as part
capacity of teachers of the individual school DRM plan
Progress and Plan Cont…

Revised: Revised:
Activity-3: Build a) [unchanged] Capacity building for a) Planned to be a) Not a) August-
capacity of schools and disaster preparedness and initiated during Q1 achieved September
students for disaster emergency carried out at times and 2018 b) Achieved (ADB Consultant
preparedness and venues that facilitate girls’ b) GESI considerations and Mobilisers)
emergency participation [Target: 50% women have been
and girls] addressed in the
b) Ensure GESI considerations are Type Designs
addressed in the Type Designs for
Classroom Construction.

C. General (Applicable for Outputs 1 and 2)

Revised: Revised
Activity-C1: Formal meetings held with IAs’ project a) Provided GESI a) Achieved a) March
[Unchanged] staff at central level and consultants –as orientation to project b) Achieved (Instead of
Provide GESI orientation needed- to raise awareness on the EEAP staff at central level January due
to project staff at central GESI Action Plan b) Frequent meetings to Election)
level held and organized b) Achieved
as needed.

Revised: Revised:
Activity-C2: a) Training sessions carried out a) One training a) Achieved. a) February-
[Unchanged] targeting specific needs and undertaken in 2017 March
Provide GESI orientation constraints faced by the District- for DLPIU and DSC- (Instead of
to project staff at district level Project Implementation Units D staffs January-
level (DLPIUs) in GESI concepts and February due to
activities during EEAP project Election)
implementation [Target: 1/year in
participating IAs]
Progress and Plan Cont…

Revised: Revised:
Activity-C3: Ensure that bidding a) All EEAP bidding a) Clauses on a) Achieved. Continue in 2018
and contractual documents documents include promoting equitable (In needed
reflect GESI provisions and clauses on promoting access to labor Schools)
practices related to equitable equitable access to labor opportunities for
access to labor opportunities for opportunities for women women and DAGs
women and DAGs and DAGs included

Revised: Revised: a) GESI expert and a) Achieved. a) Done

Activity-C4: Appoint a team of GESI expert/ focal persons focal persons b) Not b) March-
GESI experts/focal persons at based in Kathmandu to support appointed achieved September
central level to support the implementation of GESI b) GESI Guidelines c) Achieved c) Continue
implementation of EEAP GESI action plan in project districts c) Monthly and
activities Quarterly Reports

Activity-C5: Include sex-, caste- System established for a) MIS was developed a) Partially a) March End
and ethnicity disaggregated collection and analysis of sex, and disaggregated achieved. (Q1)
indicators in monitoring system caste- and ethnicity data is being
and collect data disaggregated data and collected.
information at center and b) GESI Guidelines
district levels and relevant c) Monthly and
information/data included in Quarterly Reports
relevant reports (incl. Semi-
annual Progress Reports)
6. Component-wise Implementation Progress
GESI Action Plan Component Progress as of
December 2017
Activity Component Sub-activity Activity Component
Sub-activity Progress (%) Progress Progress
Weight main Indicators Remarks
weight (%) (%) (%)
(%) activities
Implementati % Consultation Meetings
20 95
on of GESI with SMCs
Action Plan % GESI -Sensitive Risk
10 related Assessment & Disaster -
activities Training
% Orientation on GESI
20 20
Action Plan
% Inclusion of GESI
1 65.0 0.7
10 Requirements in Bid 95
% Disaggregated Data of
20 Schools (SMC, Teacher & 63
% Appointment of GESI
20 Expert/Focal Persons & 100
Thank You
Your Patience

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