Legal Med
Legal Med
Legal Med
- Forensic Medicine
- Medical Jurisprudence
denotes knowledge of Law in relations to the
practice of medicine
Rules on Evidence
sanctioned by the Rules of Court, of ascertaining in a judicial
proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact
indecency and impropriety
repulsive objects and those offensive in the
a physician may be commanded to appear before the court to give
his testimony
MD testifies in court on matters he perceived from his patient in the
course of doctor-patient relationship
in account to his training and expertise can give his opinion on a set
of medical facts
These are the articles and materials which was found in
connection with the investigation and aid in which establishing the
identity of the perpetrator or the circumstances under which the
crime was committed.
The term given to the testimony that is given by the
should be objective
b. Unexpected death especially when the deceased was
in apparent good health
b. Vehicular accident
c. Asphyxia
f. Poisoning
5. Cases of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual
abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse
b. Sharp instruments
g. Infection
3. As to Manner of Infliction
b. Thrust or stab
c. Gunpowder explosion
d. Sliding or rubbing
a. Superficial – when the wound involves only the layer of skin
b. Contre-coup Injury
– injury found at the opposite site of the application of force
2. Internal Hemorrhage
3. Cerebral Concussion
Open Wound
there is a breach of continuity of the skin or mucous
a. Abrasion
b. Incised wounds
c. Stab Wounds
d. Punctured Wounds
e. Lacerated Wounds
this is a circumscribed extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous
tissue or underneath the mucous membrane.
On medico-legal viewpoint
a contusion as indicated by its external pattern may correspond
to the shape of the object or weapon used to produce it
is the jarring or stunning of the brain characterized by more or
less complete suspension of functions, as a result of injury to the
head, which leads to some commotion of the cerebral
ABRASIONS – (graze, scratch, impression mark, friction mark) it is
an injury characterized by the removal of the superficial epithelial
layer of the skin caused by rub or friction against a rough surface.
Characteristics of Abrasion
1. It develops at the precise point of impact of the force causing
2. Grossly the injury consists of parallel linear injury which are
in line with the direction of rub or friction causing it.
3. It may exhibit the pattern of the wounding material.
4. It is usually ignored by the attending physician for it does
not require medical treatment but it has far-reaching importance in
the medico-legal viewpoint.
a. Abrasions caused by fingernails may indicate
struggle or assault and are usually located in the face, neck,
forearms or hands
b. Abrasions resulting from friction on rough surfaces,
either intentional or accidental are located on a bony surface and
usually associated with contusion or lacerations.
c. Nature of abrasion may infer degrees of pressure,
nature of the rubbing object and direction of movement.
Vital reaction With intravital reaction and Shows no vital reaction and is
may show remains of characterized by a separation
damaged epithelium of the epidermis from
complete loss of the former
This is produced by a sharp-edged (cutting) or Sharp-
linear edge of an instruments, like knife, razor, bolo, metal
sheets, glass, edge of a shell etc.
If the sharp edge portion is the first come in contact with the skin
it produces incised wound,