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History of Communication

Face to Face – original most personal form of

Written Messages – non-real time communications
with the use of writing by foot, animal (horse) and
automobile by ship and air
Telegram – non-real time communications that
is written but send over electronic media
Telephone – real time communications
Video Conference – real time face-to-face
Chapter one
History of Communication

In 1870, Alexander Graham Bell

invented the Telephone
Long distance voice
communications over
electronic media
It was invented to allow
for voice-based communications
History of Communication
 Handsets were connected to wires directly connected to
a manually operated switch boards. Switch boards used
plugs and lamps These were the first telephone
 Birth of the PSTN.
 PSTN Developed as circuit switch-based system to allow
sharing of cables was originally manual it is now
electronic Faster, cheaper and smaller than manual
Chapter two
Introduction to Telecommunications
1.1 What Is Telecommunications?
Telecommunications has been defined as a technology
concerned with communicating from a distance.
It includes mechanical communication and electrical
communication because telecommunications has evolved
from a mechanical to an electrical form using increasingly
more sophisticated electrical systems. This is why many
authorities such as the national post, telegraph, and
telephone(PTT) companies are involved in
telecommunications using both forms.
1.2 Significance of Telecommunications
Many different telecommunications networks have been
interconnected into a continuously changing and extremely
complicated global system.
Some examples of services that depend on
 Banking, telebanking;
 Aviation, booking of tickets;
 Sales, wholesale and order handling;
 Credit card payments;
 Booking of hotel rooms by travel agencies;
 Government operations, such as taxation
Basic Telecommunications Network
• The basic purpose of a telecommunications network is to
transmit user information in any form to another user of the
network. These users of public networks, for example, a
telephone network, are called subscribers. User information
may take many forms, such as voice or data, and subscribers
may use different access network technologies to access the
network, for example, fixed or cellular telephones.
• The three technologies needed for communication through
the network are:
(1) transmission,
(2), switching, and
(3) signaling. Each of these technologies requires specialists
for their engineering, operation, and maintenance.
2.1.1 Transmission
• Transmission is the process of transporting
information between end points of a system or a
network. Transmission systems use four basic media
for information transfer from one point to another:
1. Copper cables, such as those used in LANs and
telephone subscriber lines;
2. Optical fiber cables, such as high-data-rate
transmission in telecommunications networks;
3. Radio waves, such as cellular telephones and satellite
4. Free-space optics, such as infrared remote controllers.
• In a telecommunications network, the transmission
systems interconnect exchanges and, taken together,
these transmission systems are called the transmission
or transport network. Note that the number of speech
channels(which is one measure of transmission
capacity) needed between exchanges is much smaller
than the number of subscribers because only a small
fraction of them have calls connected at the same
2.1.2 Switching

The first switches were not automatic so switching was

done manually using a switchboard.
Strowger developed the first automatic switch
(exchange) in 1887. At that time, switching had to be
controlled by the telephone user with the help of pulses
generated by a dial. Modern exchanges usually have
quite a large capacity—tens of thousands subscribers—
and thousands of them may have calls ongoing at the
same time.
2.1.3 Signaling

• Signaling is the mechanism that allows network

entities (customer premises or network switches) to
establish, maintain, and terminate sessions in a
network. Signaling is carried out with the help of
specific signals or messages that indicate to the other
end what is requested of it by this connection.
• Some examples of signaling examples on subscriber
lines are as follows:
• Off-hook condition: The exchange notices that the
subscriber has raised the telephone hook (dc loop is
connected) and gives a dial tone to the subscriber.
• Dial: The subscriber dials digits and they are received
by the exchange.
• • On-hook condition: The exchange notices that the
subscriber has finished the call (subscriber loop is
disconnected), clears the connection, and stops
2.2 Operation of a Conventional Telephone
The ordinary home telephone receives the electrical power
that it needs for operation from the local exchange via two
copper wires. This subscriber line, which carries speech
signals as well, is a twisted pair called a local loop.
The principle of the power supply coming from the
exchange site makes basic telephone service independent of
the local electric power network. Local exchanges have a
large-capacity battery that keeps the exchange and
subscriber sets operational for a few hours if the supply of
electricity is cut off. This is essential because the operation
of the telephone network is especially important in
emergency situations when the electric power supply may
be down.
Figure 2.2 shows a simplified illustration of the
telephone connection. Elements of the figure and
operation of the subscriber loop.
2.2.1 Microphone
• When we raise the hook of a telephone, the on/off hook
switch is closed and current starts flowing on the
subscriber loop through the microphone that is connected
to the subscriber loop. The microphone converts acoustic
energy to electrical energy.
• Originally telephone microphones were so-called carbon
microphones that had diaphragms with small containers
of carbon grains and they operated as variable resistors
supplied with battery voltage from an exchange site (see
the subscriber loop on the left-hand side of Figure 2.2).
• When sound waves pressed the carbon grains more
tightly, loop resistance decreased and current slightly
increased. The variable air pressure generated a variable,
alternating current to the subscriber loop. This variable
current contained voice information.
2.2.2 Earphone

• Alternating current, generated by the microphone, is

converted back into voice at the other end of the
connection. The earphone has a diaphragm with a
piece of magnet inside a coil. The coil is supplied by
alternating current produced by the microphone at the
remote end of the connection.
2.3 Signaling to the Exchange from the
• Telephone exchanges supply dc voltage to subscriber
loops, and telephone sets use this supplied voltage for
• The conventional telephone does not include any
electronics, and the supplied voltage and current are
directly used for speech transmission in addition to
signaling functions that include the detection of
on/off-hook condition and dialing.
• However, getting the power supply from the
exchange is still an important feature because it
ensures that the telephone network operates even in
emergency situations when the power network may
be down.
2.3.1 Setup and Release of a Call

• Each telephone has a switch that indicates an on- or

off-hook condition. When the hook is raised, the
switch is closed and an approximately 50 mA of
current starts flowing. This is detected by a relay
giving information to the control unit in the exchange
(Figure 2.2).
• which then receive dialed digits from subscriber A.
(We call a subscriber who initiates a call subscriber A
and a subscriber who receives a call subscriber B.)
The control unit in the telephone exchange controls
the switching matrix that connects the speech circuit
through to the called subscriber B. Connection is
made according to the numbers dialed by subscriber
• When the call is being routed to subscriber B, the
telephone exchange supplies to the subscriber loop a
ringing voltage and the bell of subscriber B’s telephone
starts ringing.
• The ringing voltage is often about 70V ac with a 25-Hz
frequency, which is high enough to activate the bell on
any telephone. The ringing voltage is switched off
immediately when an off-hook condition is detected on
the loop of subscriber B, and then an end-to-end speech
circuit is connected and the conversation may start.
• When subscriber B answers, the exchange switches
off both the ringing signal and the ringing tone and
connects the circuit. At the end of the conversation,
an on-hook condition is detected by the exchange and
the speech circuit is released.
2.3.2 Rotary Dialing
• The telephone set has a switch that is open in the on-
hook condition and closed when the hook is off. This
indicates to the telephone exchange when a call is to
be initiated and when it has to prepare to receive
dialed digits.
• In old telephones, which exchanges still have to
support, this method of local loop
connection/disconnection is used to transmit dialed
digits as well (Figure 2.4). We call this principle
rotary or pulse dialing.

• In rotary dialing a local loop is closed and opened

according to the dialed digits, and the number of
current pulses is detected by the exchange. This
signaling method is also known as loop disconnect
signaling. The main disadvantages of this method are
that it is slow and expensive due to high resolution
mechanics and it does not support supplementary
services such as call forwarding.
• For example, digit 1 has one period, 2 has two
periods, and 0 has 10 periods or cycles. Mechanics
make the homing speed approximately constant and
each period is about 100 ms long with a 60-ms
break(Figure 2.4). This method for the transmission
of digits has also been used for signaling between
exchanges and then it is known as loop disconnect
2.3.3 Tone Dialing
• Digital exchanges do not require high-power pulses
to drive the selectors as old electromechanical
switches did. However, subscriber lines are still, and
will be, supplied by a –48- or –60-V battery so that
telephones continue to operate independent of the
electric power supply. Electronic telephones use 50-
to 500-μA current all the time to supply power to
their electronic circuitry.
• All frequencies are inside the voice frequency band
(300–3,400 Hz) and can thus be transmitted through the
network from end to end, when the speech connection is
• This signaling principle is known as dual-tone multi-
frequency (DTMF) signaling.
Advantages of tone dialing are as follows:
• It is quicker and dialing of all digits takes the same
• Fewer dialing errors result.
• End-to-end signaling is possible.
• Additional push buttons are available (*, #, A, B, C, D)
for activation of supplementary services.
• Supplementary services enable subscribers to
influence the routing of their telephone calls.
• We use tone dialing also to control value-added
services. Value-added services are services that we
can use via the telephone network but that are usually
provided by another service provider, not the
telecommunications network operator.
2.3.4 Local Loop and 2W/4W Circuits
• Any use of telephone channels involves two
unidirectional paths, one for transmission and one for
reception. The local loop, which connects a telephone to
a local exchange is a two-wire (2W) circuit that carries
the signals in both transmission directions (Figure 2.6).
2.5 Telephone Numbering
An international telephone connection from any
telephone to any other telephone is made possible by
unique identification of each subscriber socket in the
world. In mobile telephone networks, each telephone
set (or subscriber card) has a unique identification
2.5.1 International Prefix

• An international prefix or international access number

is used for international calls. It tells the network that
the connection is to be routed via an international
telephone exchange to another country. The
international prefix may differ from country to
country,. For example, all of Europe uses 00;
elsewhere it may be different.
• For ethiopia uses +;
2.5.2 Country Code
 The country code contains one to four numbers that
define the country of subscriber B.
 Country codes are not needed for national calls because
their purpose is to make the subscriber identification
unique in the world. A telephone number that includes the
country code is called an international number and it has
a maximum length of 12 digits.
 Example:united states 1;
 canada 49;and
 ethiopia 251;
 ITU-sets out codes for each country.
 Country decide how to run local system.
2.6 Switching and Signaling

To build the requested connection from one subscriber

to another, the network has switching equipment that
selects the required connection. These switching
systems are called exchanges.
In the network, signaling is needed to transmit the
control information of a specific call and circuits from
one exchange to another.
2.6.1 Telephone Exchange
 The speech channel is connected from the time when
the circuit was established to the time when the call is
cleared. This principle is called the circuit switching.
 When two nodes communicate with each other over a
dedicated communication path,
 Circuit switching do;
• Establish a circuit
• Transfer the data
• Disconnect the circuit
Packet switching

The entire message is broken down into smaller chunks

called packets.
The switching information is added in the header of
each packet and transmitted independently.
Packets are stored and forwarded according to their
priority to provide quality of service.
2.6.2 Signaling

Usually the call is routed via many exchanges and the

signaling information needs to be transmitted from one
exchange to another. This can be done via;
 channel associated signaling (CAS) or
 common channel signaling (CCS) methods.
Channel associated signalling(CAS)
Common channel signalling(CCS)
2.7 Local-Access Network

The local-access network provides the connection

between the customer’s telephone and the local
exchange. Ordinary telephone and ISDN subscribers
use two wires, a pair, as a subscriber loop, but for
business customers a higher capacity optical fiber or
microwave radio link may be required.
 Most subscriber connections use twisted pairs of copper
wires. Subscriber cables contain many pairs that are
shielded with common aluminum foil and plastic shield.
 An optical connection is used when a high transmission
capacity (more than 2 Mbps) or very good transmission
quality is required.
 A microwave is often a more economical solution than
optical fiber when there is a need to increase data
capacity beyond the capacity of an existing cable
 In suburban or country areas, overhead cables are often a
more economical solution than underground cables.
2.7.1 Local Exchange
• Local or subscriber loops connect subscribers to local
exchanges, which are the lowest-level exchanges in the
switching hierarchy.
• One technology for implementation of ordinary
subscriber loops for fixed telephone service is known as
wireless local loop (WLL). WLL uses radio waves and
does not require installation of subscriber cables;
 WLL is also used for replacement of old fixed overhead
subscriber telephone lines in rural areas.
•Detect off-hook condition, analyze the dialed number, and
determine if a route is available.
• Connect the subscriber to a trunk exchange for longer
distance calls.
• Connect the subscriber to another in the same local area.
• Determine if the called subscriber is free and connect
ringing signal to her.
• Convert 2W local access to 4W circuit of the network.
• Convert analog speech into a digital signal (PCM).
 All subscriber lines are wired to the main distribution
frame (MDF).
2.8 Trunk Network
The local exchanges are connected to these trunk
exchanges, which are linked to provide a network of
connections from any customer to any other subscriber
in the country.

• The transmission systems that interconnect trunk

exchanges make up a transmission or transport network.
• The trunk exchanges are usually located in major cities.
• it requires media gateways (MGWs) between the
exchange and IP network to take care of signaling and
real-time transmission through the IP network.
2.9 International Network

• Each country has at least one international switching

center to which trunk exchanges are connected.
• High-capacity optical systems interconnect
international exchanges or switching centers of
national networks. Submarine cables (coaxial cable or
optical cable systems), microwave radio systems, and
satellites connect continental networks to make up the
worldwide telecommunications network.
2.10 Telecommunications Networks
• We can divide telecommunications networks into two
broad categories: public networks and private or
dedicated networks.
2.10.1 Public Networks
• Public networks are owned and managed by
telecommunications network operators. These network
operators have a license to provide telecommunications
services and that is usually their core business.
• Any customer can be connected to the public
telecommunications network if he has the correct
equipment and an agreement with the network operator.
some public networks;

• Telephone Network
• Mobile Telephone Networks
• Telex Network
• Paging Networks
• Public Data Networks
• Internet
• Radio and Television Networks
2.10.2 Private or Dedicated Networks
• Private networks are built and designed to serve the
needs of particular organizations. They usually own and
maintain the networks themselves. Services provided are
a tailored mix of voice, data, and, for example, special
control information.
• Voice Communication Networks.
• Data Communication Networks.
2.11 Network Management
telecommunications network have been known as
operation and maintenance (O&M) systems. Nowadays
we prefer to use the term network management system.
 Operation functions cover subscriber management
functions and enable the network operator, for example,
 to collect charging data
 move and terminate subscriptions.
 traffic monitoring and controlling the network
Maintenance includes;
 monitoring of the network and,
 when a fault occurs, corrective actions are performed.
 Bit error rates and other parameters are continuously
measured for the early detection of faults.
 When a fault is detected, the operator’s staff starts
troubleshooting in order to localize the fault.
2.11.2 Who Manages Networks?
Network management responsibility is often divided
 Local or site managers only take care of LAN networks
at each office.
 A centralized organization of the company manages the
usage and availability of wide-area network (WAN)
connections between sites.
The main concerns of network managers of a
company include these:
• Network change management (hardware updates);
• The location and repair of malfunctions;
• Software updates and version control;
• Network security.
2.12 Traffic Engineering
• Traffic engineering is a key issue for telecommunications
network operators trying to keep customers (subscribers)
happy while minimizing network investments.
• traffic engineering used to solve traffic problems in
telephone NW.
Telephone Traffic

Demand Facilities Grade of services

(Paths road) (Congestion)
2.12.1 Grade of Service
Q1.How happy subscribers are depends on the grade of service
• Availability or quality of the service) they receive.
• GoS depends on the network capacity that should meet the
service demand of the customers.

Traffic lost = traffic(A) x grade of service (GoS).

• queuing systems where calls that cannot be handled
immediately are queued.
2.12.2 Busy Hour
• Busy hour is an hour in the year when the average traffic
intensity gets the highest value.
• The occurrence of high telephone traffic through 60
minute continuous a day.
• To be accurate, the busy hour is determined by first
selecting the 10 working days in a year with the highest
traffic intensity; four consecutive 15-minute periods (of
those 10 days) with the highest traffic intensity make up
the busy hour.
Q.What is Congestion ?
• Congestion is defined as the situation when
exchanges or circuit groups are are unable to serve all
the subscribers .
No call b/c all ckts are busy
2.12.3 Traffic Intensity and the Erlang
The measure of traffic intensity is called the erlang in honor
of the Danish mathematician A. K. Erlang, the founder of
traffic theory.
The erlang unit is defined as ;
 a unit of telephone traffic specifying the percentage of
average use of one channel or
 the ratio of time during which a circuit is occupied and
the time for which the circuit is available to be occupied.
 Traffic that occupies a circuit for 1 hour during a busy
hour is equal to 1 erlang.
• If the traffic intensity of a subscriber line is 1 erlang, the
line is occupied for 60 minutes in an hour.
• If a subscriber line is in use 6 minutes out of an hour (on
average), the traffic intensity is 6 minutes/60 minutes or
100 mErl.
Q.What is the maximum traffic intensity of a 2-Mbps?
2.12.4 Probability of Blocking
The term offered traffic refers to the average generated
total traffic including the traffic that is blocked in the
Clearly, the capacity should (at least usually) be higher
than offered traffic; otherwise, many users would not be
able to get service because all lines would be occupied all
the time (on average). If all trunk lines are occupied, new
users are blocked, they receive a busy tone, and they have
to blocked and they have to try again.
blocking occurs if more than n subscribers make external
calls at a time.
Q. How much higher should the capacity be for the
subscribers to feel that the grade of service is acceptable?
This probability of blockage for an acceptable GoS is
usually set to be in the range of 0.2% to 5%, which means
that every 500th to 20th call is blocked during a busy hour.
When the average traffic load is estimated to increase to a
certain volume, the network operator should increase the
network capacity to keep the blocking probability below
the defined GoS level.
The Poisson distribution is used as a probability model
for these calculations and it gives a probability for
occurrence of x events when the average number of
events is A according to this formula:

where e = 2.71828 and x! is the factorial of x, 1⋅2⋅3…⋅x.

Now the average number of occupied channels is A in
erlangs and (2.1) gives the probability that x number of
channels is occupied at a time when a subscriber makes a
call. Blocking occurs if all n channels are occupied or there
may even be a need for a larger number of channels.
This probability is given by:
P (x ≥ n) = P (n) + P (n + 1) + P (n + 2) + ... (2.2)
On the other hand, one number of channels is always in
use, giving this probability for
P (0) + P (1) + P (2) + ...P (n) + P (n + 1)...= P (x <n) +
P (x ≥ n ) = 1 (2.3)
and we change (2.2) into this form:
P (x ≥ n) = 1− P (x <n) (2.4)
for blocking probability and it is as follows:
To determine the grade of service, we compute blocking
probability(using the Poisson distribution);
The offered traffic load may be higher than n even
though actual traffic can never exceed n.) We get this by
subtracting from 1 the probability that traffic is smaller
than n according to equation (2.6).
• Example: where average offered traffic intensity A = 1
erlangs and the number of available channels n = 3. The
probability density function P(x) in the figure tells the
probability for each value of x, that is, the number of
occupied channels.
• The probability that all channels are free (x = 0) is P(0)
= 0.37,
• one channel is occupied is P(1) = 0.37,
• and two channels are occupied (and one is free) is P(2)
= 0.18. We subtract the sum of these probabilities from 1
and get the blocking probability, that is, the probability
that the number of occupied channels x ≥ 3.
• We get the result, when there are three channels
available and average offered traffic is 1 Erl (i.e.,
on average, one call on all the time), that the
blocking probability is 8%.
• This means that every twelfth call the user makes is
blocked and a busy signal is received. Note that this
blocking rate allows that only one channel is in use,
two channels are free, and only one-third of the
capacity can be utilized on average.
Table 2.1 are used for network planning. Such a table gives
the required number of servers n when the GoS (=
blocking probability in our study) and estimated offered
traffic intensity A are given.
For example, if the GoS is set to be 2% and offered traffic
is 5 Erl (e.g., 100 subscribers with average offered traffic
intensity of 50 mErl per subscriber), the network capacity
should support at least 10 simultaneous calls (n = 10). If
the capacity is smaller,
for example, n = 9, we get 2% with offered traffic 4.34 Erl;
an offered traffic 5 Erl would give a higher blocking rate.

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