Basics of Telecom Networks: Chapter-2
Basics of Telecom Networks: Chapter-2
Basics of Telecom Networks: Chapter-2
The three technologies needed for communication through the network are
(1) transmission,
(2), switching, and
(3) signaling.
Each of these technologies requires specialists for their engineering, operation, and maintenance.
1. Copper cables, such as those used in LANs and telephone subscriber lines;
2. Optical fiber cables, such as high-data-rate transmission in telecommunications networks;
3. Radio waves, such as cellular telephones and satellite transmission;
4. Free-space optics, such as infrared remote controllers.
In principle, all telephones could still be connected to each other by cables as they were
in the very beginning of the history of telephony. However, as the number of telephones grew,
operators soon noticed that it was necessary to switch signals from one wire to another. Then
only a few cable connections were needed between exchanges because the number of
simultaneously ongoing calls is much smaller than the number of telephones.
Signaling is the mechanism that allows network entities (customer premises or network
switches) to establish, maintain, and terminate sessions in a network. Signaling is carried out
with the help of specific signals or messages that indicate to the other end what is requested of it
by this connection.
Off-hook condition: The exchange notices that the subscriber has raised the telephone hook (dc
loop is connected) and gives a dial tone to the subscriber.
Dial: The subscriber dials digits and they are received by the exchange.
On-hook condition: The exchange notices that the subscriber has finished the call (subscriber
loop is disconnected), clears the connection and stops billing.
Signaling is naturally needed between exchanges as well because most calls have to be
connected via more than just one exchange. Many different signaling systems are used for the
interconnection of different exchanges. Signaling is an extremely complex matter in a
telecommunications network.
The ordinary home telephone receives the electrical power that it needs for operation
from the local exchange via two copper wires.
This subscriber line, which carries speech signals as well, is a twisted pair called a local
loop. The principle of the power supply coming from the exchange site makes basic
telephone service independent of the local electric power network.
Local exchanges have a large-capacity battery that keeps the exchange and subscriber
sets operational for a few hours if the supply of electricity is cut off.
This is essential because the operation of the telephone network is especially important in
emergency situations when the electric power supply may be down.
When we raise the hook of a telephone, the on/off hook switch is closed and current starts
flowing on the subscriber loop through the microphone that is connected to the subscriber
When sound waves pressed the carbon grains more tightly, loop resistance decreased and
current slightly increased. The variable air pressure generated a variable, alternating
current to the subscriber loop. This variable current contained voice information.
Alternating current, generated by the microphone, is converted back into voice at the
other end of the connection. The earphone has a diaphragm with a piece of magnet inside
a coil.
The coil is supplied by alternating current produced by the microphone at the remote end
of the connection.
The current generates a variable magnetic field that moves the diaphragm that produces
sound waves close to the original sound at the transmitting end.
Signaling Functions:
The microphone generates the electrical current that carries voice information, and the
earphone produces the voice at the receiving end of the speech circuit.
The telephone network provides a dialed-up or circuit-switched service that enables the
subscriber to initiate and terminate calls.
The subscriber dials the number to which she wants to be connected. This requires
additional information transfer over the subscriber loop and from the exchange to other
exchanges on the connection, and this transfer of additional information is called
This is detected by a relay giving information to the control unit in the exchange. The
control unit is an efficient and reliable computer (or a set of computers) in the telephone
exchange. It activates signaling circuits, which then receive dialed digits from subscriber
The control unit in the telephone exchange controls the switching matrix that connects
the speech circuit through to the called subscriber B.
Rotary Dialing:
The telephone set has a switch that is open in the on-hook condition and closed when the
hook is off. This indicates to the telephone exchange when a call is to be initiated and
when it has to prepare to receive dialed digits.
In old telephones, which exchanges still have to support, this method of local loop
connection/disconnection is used to transmit dialed digits as well We call this principle
rotary or pulse dialing.
In rotary dialing a local loop is closed and opened according to the dialed digits, and the
number of current pulses is detected by the exchange. This signaling method is also
known as loop disconnect signaling.
The main disadvantages of this method are that it is slow and expensive due to high
resolution mechanics and it does not support supplementary services such as call
Tone Dialing:
Modern telephones usually have 12 push buttons (keys A to D of are not included in an
ordinary subscriber set) for dialing, each generating a tone with two frequencies. One of
the frequencies is from theupper frequency band and the other from the lower band.
All frequencies are inside the voice frequency band (300–3,400 Hz) and can thus be
transmitted through the network from end to end, when the speech connection is
established. This signaling principle is known as dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF)
Supplementary services enable subscribers to influence the routing of their telephone
calls. These services, for example, call transfer, are not available with telephones that use
pulse dialing.
To control these services we need control buttons * and #, which are available only in
push-button telephones that use tone dialing.
Telephone Signaling:
The control unit of the local exchange receives the subscriber signaling, such as dialed
digits, from the subscriber line and makes consequent actions according to its program.
Usually the call is routed via many exchanges and the signaling information needs to be
transmitted from one exchange to another.
This can be done via channel associated signaling (CAS) or common channel signaling (CCS)
When a call is connected from a local exchange to the next exchange, a speech channel is
reserved between exchanges for this call.
At the same time another channel is reserved only for signaling purposes and each speech
path has its own dedicated signaling channel while the call is connected.
This channel can be, for example, a signaling channel in time slot 16 of the primary
PCM frame
Then the telephone number of subscriber B is transmitted to exchange B, which activates
the ringing signal. When subscriber B answers, the speech connection is switched on and
the conversation may start.
The modern interexchange signaling system is called CCS. It is based on the principles of
computer communications in which data frames containing information are exchanged
between computers only when required.
Signaling frames contain, for example, information about the connection to which the
message belongs, the address of the destination exchange, dialed digits, and information
about whether subscriber B has answered.
In most cases only one data channel between two exchanges is required to serve all
established calls. This is usually one 64-Kbps time slot of a primary 2- or 1.5-Mbps PCM
A widely used international standard of CCS is called CCS7, also known as signaling
system number 7 (SS7).
An ordinary fixed network subscriber, subscriber A, calls subscriber B when CCS is used
between exchanges in the network. The dialed digits are transmitted from subscriber A to
the local exchange, When a set of digits is received by exchange A, it analyzes the dialed
digits to determine to which direction it should route the call.
From this information it looks up an address of the exchange to which it should send the
signaling message for call connection. Then the exchange builds a data packet that
contains the address of exchange B.
This signaling message, called the initial address message (IAM), is then sent to
exchange B. The remaining digits that did not fit into the IAM are transmitted in one or
more subsequent address messages (SAMs)n
When all the digits that identify subscriber B are received by exchange nB, it
acknowledges this with an address complete message (ACM), to confirm that all digits
have been successfully received. This message also contains information about whether
the call is to be charged or not and if the subscriber b is free or not.
Exchange B transmits the ringing tone to subscriber A and the ringing signal to
subscriber B, and telephone B rings. When subscriber B lifts the handset, an answer
signal charge (ANC) is sent in order to activate charging.
Exchange B switches off the ringing signal and ringing tone. Then both exchanges
connect the speech channel through so the conversation can start.
When subscriber B hangs up, exchange B detects an on-hook condition and sends a CBK
to exchange B. Exchange A responses with CLF signal. All exchanges on the line
transmit the CLF message to the next one, and each receiving exchange acknowledges it
with a release guard (RLG) signal.
The RLG message indicates to the receiving exchange that the connection has been
cleared and the channel released by the other exchange. It also ensures that both
exchanges have cleared the circuit to make it available for a new call.
Cable TV Networks:
Local programs are added and the set of TV channels is directed to various
neighborhoods by fiber optic cables, which terminate into various fiber nodes.
Some hundreds of homes nearest to each fiber node receive their programs in analog
form from the coaxial cables .
The hybrid fiber coaxial cable infrastructure was originally designed for unidirectional
TV broadcast distribution only.
High-speed interactive communications across a cable TV access network are made
possible by the combination of an upgraded two-way hybrid fiber coaxial cable (HFCC)
infrastructure, with a cable modem installed in the home and a cable modem termination
system, installed at the HEs
The 54- to 550-MHz frequency band is allocated for broadcast TV channels of 6 MHz
each One or more of these 6-MHz channels is reserved for downstream data and voice.
Upstream data carrying data or voice use 6-MHz channels in the 5- to 42-MHz
frequency range. Major modifications are required in the network to carry upstream
traffic. First, strands of optical fiber must be allocated for upstream signals.
The HE has to be equipped with a modulator and combiner for downstream and
receiverand demodulator for upstream signals.
Second, fiber nodes and coaxial cable amplifiers have to be changed to bidirectional
devices. A customer premises network interface unit (NIU) splits up voice/data signals
and TV broadcast channels.
Data between the LAN switch at the HE and the cable modem at the customer premises
are transmitted in standard 10BaseT/Ethernet frames.
In the downlink direction 64 QAM or 256 QAM with 6-bit or 8-bit symbols, respectively,
is used and data rates around 30 or 40 Mbps are achieved through each 6-MHz downlink
Uplink frequency band is noisier because of the branching structure, which adds noise
from all branches, when you approach the HE.
In the uplink direction robust modulation scheme QPSK is used, restricting the total data
rate via one 6-MHz channel to a few megabits per second.
Another problem in the uplink direction is congestion when many users share the same
Quality of Service (QoS):
The main motivation for a QoS unit in a data network port processor is to control
access to available bandwidth and to regulate traffic.
Traffic regulation traffic is always necessary in WANs in order to avoid congestion.
A network must be designed to support both real-time and non-real-time applications.
Voice and video transmissions over IP must be able to request a higher degree of
assurance from the network.
IP Best Effort:
Standard Internet Protocol (IP) based networks provide "best effort" data delivery by
default. IP
Best Effort corresponds to the operation of the Internet as it is provided presently by the
great majority of ISP.
Best-effort IP allows the complexity to stay in the end-hosts, so the network can remain
relatively simple.
As more hosts are connected, network service demands eventually exceed capacity, but
service is not denied. Instead it degrades gracefully.
Although the resulting variability in delivery delays (jitter)and packet loss do not
adversely affect typical Internet applications, like email, file transfer and Web
applications, other applications cannot adapt to inconsistent service levels.
Delivery delays and delay variation cause problems for applications with real-time
requirements, such as those that deliver multimedia, the most demanding of which are
two-way applications like telephony and streaming audio and video.
These applications require a minimum bit-rate, low delay and/or low delay variation,
which usually are not guaranteed in the public Internet.
DiffServ defines QoS mechanisms that operate on groups of microflows that have similar
QoS requirements.
This approach is scalable to large networks and is capable of providing a variety of end-
to-end services across multiple separately administered domains.
The DiffServ model concentrates policy activities at edge nodes, providing simple
aggregate data handling in the core. This way, core routers do not need to maintain excessive
state information or make expensive forwarding decisions.
Each data packet that enters a DiffServ network is marked by ingress routers with a
DiffServ Codepoint (DSCP) with a length of 6 bits.
This marking will depend from a previous service agreement between the ingress router
and the user.
Each data packet that enters a DiffServ network is marked by ingress routers with a DiffServ
Codepoint (DSCP) with a length of 6 bits.
Between distinct DiffServ Domains, and between a client and his ISP, there will be a
service contract, called SLA.
An SLA may be either static or dynamic being negotiated by a Bandwidth Broker (BB)
either statically or periodically.
SLAs can contain rules for the traffic conditioning that will constitute a TCA.
1. Guaranteed Service: aimed to support real time applications with stringent bandwidth
and latency requirements. It provides firm (mathematically provable) bounds on end-to-
end queuing delays by combining the parameters from the various network elements in a
path, in addition to ensuring bandwidth availability.
2. Controlled Load aimed to support traditional applications, whose users require a
performance similar to the one offered by a Best-Effort, under a lightly loadednetwork,
but cannot provide the strictly bounded service of Guaranteed service.
The first service class, the guaranteed service class, is defined for applications that cannot
tolerate a delay beyond a particular value. This type of service class can be used for real-
time applications, such as voice or video communications.
The second, controlled- load service class, is used for applications that can tolerate some
delay and loss. Controlled-load service is designed such that applications run very well
when the network is not heavily loaded or congested
RSVP - Resource reservation:
The ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) is a signaling protocol that provides reservation setup
and control to enable the integrated services, which is intended to provide the closest
thing to circuit emulation on IP networks.
Provides the highest level of QoS in terms of service guarantees, granularity of resource
allocation and detail of feedback to QoS-enabled applications and users.
Case 1: Source attempts to connect to destination, and attempts to reserve 4 Mbps for the
Result: Connection accepted. There is enough bandwidth available. Available link
bandwidths updated.
Case 2: Source attempts to connect to destination, and attempts to reserve 5 Mbps for the
Result: Failure. There is not enough bandwidth available on one of the links.
Together, theRSpec and filter spec represent a flow-descriptor that routers use to identify
each reservation (a "flow" or a "session").
When each RSVP router along the upstream path receives the RESV message, it uses the
admission control process to authenticate the request and allocate the necessary
resources. If the request cannot be satisfied (due to lack of resources or authorization
failure), the router returns an error back to the receiver. If accepted, the router sends the
RESV upstream to the next router.
Reservations in each router are "soft," which means they need to be refreshed
periodically by the receiver(s).
RSVP is not a transport, but a network (control) protocol. As such, it does not carry data,
but works in parallel with TCP or UDP data "flows”.