Introduction To International Law: Gilbert R. Hufana
Introduction To International Law: Gilbert R. Hufana
Introduction To International Law: Gilbert R. Hufana
International Law
• Significant milestones:
– The Peace of Westphalia (1648) – established a
treaty based framework for peace cooperation
– Congress of Vienna (1815) – created a
sophisticated system of multilateral political and
economic cooperation
– Covenant of the League of Nations (1920) – ended
World War I
– The League created the International Court of
Justice (ICJ)
– The League failed to prevent WWII hence the
United Nations was founded in 1945
The Need for Int’l Law
• Monistic Theory
– origin and sources of international and domestic
laws are the same
– both spheres of law simultaneously regulate the
conduct of individuals and the two systems are in
their essence groups of commands which bind
the subjects of the law independently of their will
International Law vs. Municipal
• Dualistic Theory
– International law and municipal law are separate and
self contained to the extent to which rules of one are
not expressly tacitly received into the other system.
• Municipal law – product of local custom/legislation
• International law – treaties & customs grown among
– The two are separate bodies of legal norms
emerging in part from different sources comprising
different difference subjects and having application
to different objects.
International vs. Municipal Law