Gloria Macapagal Arroyo: By: Multidisciplinarians
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo: By: Multidisciplinarians
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo: By: Multidisciplinarians
By: Multidisciplinarians
• Oakwood Mutiny
• Hello Garci
• North Rail Project
• Fertilizer Fund Scam
• Maguindanao Massacre
First Term (2001-2004)
• The Arroyo administration is, hopefully end its term lasting for nine
years and a half, it is the longest-running presidency since the Marcos
dictatorship. Thus her attempts her bid for a congress seat and and
recently she became a speaker, men have dominated the field. But
with Arroyo’s accumulated experience and political clout, she was able
to secure the position. it would take more than a change in president
to effectively address the worsening economic and political crisis, if
Arroyo are able to get away with keeping themselves in power. The
Filipino people would sink faster and deeper into the hazardous
situation of backwardness and poverty.
• As the first former Philippine head of state to become Speaker, Arroyo
can be said to have a greater understanding of President Rodrigo
Duterte’s legislative agenda, and she has stressed as much in saying
she wants to give importance to the good relationship between the
Office of the President and the House.
• It is unusual in fact, the first time in over a decade that a new Speaker
takes the reins of the House in the middle of a presidential and a
congressional term. Despite being on her last term, Arroyo vowed to
put the House on a faster lawmaking pace, mirroring her renowned
workaholic ethic.
• combatting inflation can be an even more drawn out
war if wage inflation starts. that oil and rice prices,
coupled with the weakening of the peso, were among
factors that activated the spike in inflation. Arroyo is
indeed an economic professional, a tactic she
observed in arresting a 6.4 % inflation rate during her
term, remains key in addressing the soaring inflation
being experienced in the country. That may could
transform the current inflation rate into a more
permanent one. For medium-term measures, seeking
rice tariffication until 2019 and increase public
investments in agriculture would be useful in
achieving the 4% inflation rate by August 2019.