Science LP
Science LP
Science LP
I. Objective: Explain the use of water from different sources in the context of daily
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic Uses of Water in our Daily Activities
B. Reference: TG pages 306-308, LM pages 263-266
C. Materials: Manila paper, permanent marker, paper tape, colored papers or
assorted construction paper, old magazine, a pair of scissors, paste or glue,
information card
D. Process skills: observing, describing, comparing and inferring
E. Values Integration:
Conservation Education
Environmental Sanitation
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Ask: What are the three main sources of water?
What are the three different kinds of water?
B. Developmental Activities’
1. Setting of Standards in preparation for the Group Activity
Here are the things you need to do:
1. Using the cooperative learning roles, assign each member a role.
2. Read the instruction card given to your group. (provided by the
3. Using the materials, perform the activity assigned to your group for
15-20 minutes following step by step the instructions.
2. Group Activity
Your group presentation will be graded.
Here is the rubric for rating your group presentations.
Content Originality Creativity Impact Total
40% 20% 20% 20% 100%