Lecture6 Evapotranspiration
Lecture6 Evapotranspiration
Lecture6 Evapotranspiration
Open Plants
Soil Vegetation Surfaces
Potential vs. Actual ET
• Potential ET (PET) is the amount of evaporation that will occur
if an unlimited amount of water is available.
• Actual vapor pressure (ed)is the amount of pressure the water vapor
in the air exerts on the surface it contacts
• Vapor pressure deficit (es-ed) is the difference between saturation
and actual vapor pressures.
• Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water present in the
air to the amount required for saturation of the air at the same dry
bump temperature and barometric pressure, expressed as a
Saturation vapor pressure (es)
• vapor pressure of water is the partial pressure exerted by the
water molecules in their gaseous form.
• For example, if liquid water is introduced into a closed
container, water will evaporate from the surface until there is
a balance or equilibrium between the molecules leaving the
water and those re-entering the water.
• A pressure guage attached to the container will indicate an
increase in pressure. This increase is the vapor pressure of the
• Related to temperature
o Phase change of water from a liquid to a gas.
o Latent heat of vaporization is the energy needed by a molecule to
penetrate the water surface (540 cal/g of water evaporated at 100°C.
o Rate of evaporation is driven by the vapor pressure deficit. Function
1. The ability of air to hold water based on air temperature and
relative humidity.
2. The energy in the water largely based on temperature.
o Net evaporation ceases when the air has reached the saturation
vapor pressure.
• For evaporation to continue, some mechanism is needed to
remove water vapor from the air above the evaporating
surface (wind).
Evaporation From Open Water
• Gives good estimation of PET rates.
ET = evapotranspiration
ETo= potential ET or reference crop ET
Kc = crop coefficient
Calculating Evapotranspiration
Potential ET
- the maximum rate at which water, if available, can be
removed from soil and plant surfaces
- varies from day to day
Reference crop ET
- potential ET for a specific crop (usually either grass or alfalfa)
and set of surrounding conditions
- ET from surface of 8 to 15 cm tall, green grass of uniform
height, shaded, not short of water (Doorenbos and Pruitt,
- daily alfalfa ET, actively growing, 20 cm tall, well watered
(Wright, 1981)
Calculating Evapotranspiration
• Aerodynamic Method
• Energy Balance Method
• Combination Method
• Empirical Methods
Pan Evaporation
Oldest / simplest method to
measure evaporation
Measure water depths in a pan
U.S. Weather Bureau has standard
Class A pan
Cylindrical container made of
galvanized steel
10 inches deep and 48 inches in
Pan placed on a 6 inch wooden
Site should be flat and free of
Water filled to 8 inches deep
Refill when water drops to 7 inches
Water level measurements made
using a hook gage
Measurements to 0.01 inch
Determining Pan factors
• Etr=kp Epan
• Lake evaporation
• Typically taken as 70%
of pan evaporation
• Pan evaporation times
a coefficient ranging
from 0.6 to > 1.0.
Pan Evaporation / Example Problem
Set up below with a class A pan
Average wind speed = 4.3 km/hr to the east
Average relative humidity = 67%
Measured water change in pan on July 1 = 7.5 mm
200 m
Class A Pan
200 m
Turfgrass (4 in.)
Pan Evaporation / Example Problem
• Required:
• Calculate the PET for July 1
• Solution:
• Fetch =
• Wind speed =
• Set up =
• Kp =
• PET = Kp x depth change =
• PET =
Problem No. 2
• Estimate the grass reference crop ETo if pan evaporation for
July 10 and 11 was 16 mm. The wind was 3 m/s, relative
humidity was 50%, and the pan has a 10 m grass fetch.
Calculating Evapotranspiration
Seasonal Variation of the crop coefficient, Kc (Doorenbos and
Calculating Evapotranspiration
Average Interval of Units of ET
Irrigation or Rainfall
mm/day In/day
a b a b
2 1.049 -0.119 0.714 -0.119
4 0.904 -0.216 0.450 -0.216
7 0.742 -0.319 0.264 -0.319
10 0.580 -0.408 0.155 -0.408
20 0.438 -0.455 0.101 -0.455
k t p
U = K.F = k. f = u =
In which,
U=seasonal consumptive use of water by the crop for a given period,
u=monthly consumptive use, inches
K=empirical seasonal consumptive use crop coefficient for the
growing season
F=sum of the monthly consumptive use factor(f) for the growing
K=empirical consumptive use crop coefficient for the month=u/f
t=mean monthly temperature, F
p=monthly daylight hours expressed as percentage of day light hours
of the year
Doorenbas and Pruitt (1975) have rejected the
use of crop coefficient(K)normally applied in
the original Blaney Criddle approach, because
Step 2:
Step 1: Step 3:
Determination of Determination of
the mean daily the mean daily
ETo, using the
temperature: T percentage of
formula: ETo = p
mean annual daytime
(0.46 T mean + 8)
hours: p
Step 1:
Determination of the mean daily temperature:
Step 3
Step 3:
Calculate ETo, using the formula:
ETo = p (0.46 T mean + 8)
For example, when p = 0.29 and T mean = 21.5°C the ETo is
calculated as follows:
In 1948, Penman combined the energy balance
with the mass transfer method and derived an
equation to compute the evaporation from an
open water surface from standard climatological
records of sunshine, temperature, humidity and
wind speed.
This so-called combination method was further
developed by many researchers and extended to
cropped surfaces by introducing resistance
• The Penman-Monteith form of the combination equation is:
Rn is the net radiation, D represents the slope
of the saturation
G is the soil heat flux,
vapour pressure
(es - ea) represents the temperature
vapour pressure deficit relationship,
of the air,
g is the psychrometric
r a is the mean air constant, and
density at constant
rs and ra are the (bulk)
surface and
cp is the specific heat aerodynamic
of the air resistances.
A consultation of experts and researchers was organized by
FAO in May 1990, in collaboration with the International
Commission for Irrigation and Drainage and with the World
Meteorological Organization, to review the FAO
methodologies on crop water requirements and to advise on
the revision and update of procedures.
The panel of experts recommended the adoption of
the Penman-Monteith combination method as a new
standard for reference evapotranspiration.
By defining the reference crop as a hypothetical crop
with an assumed height of 0.12 m having a surface
resistance of 70 s m-1 and an albedo of 0.23, closely
resembling the evaporation of an extension surface
of green grass of uniform height, actively growing
and adequately watered.
The method overcomes shortcomings of the
previous FAO Penman method and provides values
more consistent with actual crop water use data
From the original Penman-Monteith equation the FAO
Penman-Monteith method to estimate ETo can be
ETo reference evapotranspiration [mm day-1],
Rn net radiation at the crop surface [MJ m-2 day-1],
G soil heat flux density [MJ m-2 day-1],
T mean daily air temperature at 2 m height [°C],
u2 wind speed at 2 m height [m s-1],
es saturation vapour pressure [kPa],
ea actual vapour pressure [kPa],
es - ea saturation vapour pressure deficit [kPa],
D slope vapour pressure curve [kPa °C-1],
g psychrometric constant [kPa °C-1].
• Among the ET models evaluated, the Hargreaves model is the
simplest one for practical use, since it requires only two easily
accessible parameters, temperature and solar energy.
• The Hargreaves model is expressed as follows:
ETo= 0.0135 (T + 17.78) RS
ET = potential daily evapotranspiration,
T = mean temperature, °C;
RS = incident solar radiation converted to depth of water,
There are two common units for solar
1. Megajoule per square meter (MJ/m2)
2. Langley
One Langley is equivalent to one calorie per square
centimeter. When the solar energy is express as
ETo= 0.0135 (T + 17.78) RS {10/(595.5-0.55T)}
where Rs becomes the incident solar radiation expressed as
1. Compute the grass reference crop ETo for June 20, 2002,
near Ampayon, Butuan City , 8°Latitude, 125°Longitude,
using the Standardized Penman-Monteith equation and
these values:
maximum temperature = 38°C
minimum temperature = 22°C
maximum relative humidity = 75%
minimum relative humidity = 35%
wind speed at 2 m = 1.5 m/s
measured solar radiation = 50 MJ m-2 day-1
elevation = 1600 m assume G = 0.0