Understanding Leadership Process
Understanding Leadership Process
Understanding Leadership Process
• Only successful managers can have the attributes of both managership and
leadership The following attributes of leaders further point out the distinction
between leadership and mangership.
• 1. Leaders have followers.
• Not all managers are leaders. Managers have other people to supervise, but if
these people are not willing to accept and follow the supervisory authority, the
managers are not leaders. Subordinates may comply with the supervisory
command out of fear, but such compliance is not a response to leadership. Some
leaders may have followers, but if they lack the formal authority to manage,
they are not managers, For example, informal leaders in a work group are
leaders, but they are not managers.
• 2. Leaders have emotional appeal.
• Zalezink points out the differences in our expectations of the behavior of managers and leaders.
Managers are expected to be rational decision makers and problem solvers. They are expected
to use their analytical mind in the process of establishing and achieving organizational goals.
Leaders, however, are expected to be charismatic people with great visions who can alter the
mood of their followers and raise their hopes and expectations.
• 3. Leaders meet the needs of followers.
• Both managers and leaders are responsible to meeting the demands of the organization as well
as the demands of its members. However, managers are expected to be more concerned with
attaining organizational goals, while leaders are expected to be more concerned with meeting
the needs of their followers. Managers cannot be good managers without meeting organizational
goals. Likewise, leaders cannot be good leaders without satisfying their followers’ needs.