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CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms: Instructor: Haifeng YU

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Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

Lecture 9
Instructor: Haifeng YU
Review of Last Lecture

Failure Model and Timing Model Consensus Protocol

Ver 0: No node or link failures Trivial – all-to-all broadcast
Ver 1: Node crash failures; Channels (f+1)-round protocol can
are reliable; Synchronous; tolerate f crash failures
Ver 2: No node failures; Channels may Impossible without error
drop messages (the coordinated attack Randomized algorithm with
problem) 1/r error prob
Ver 3: Node crash failures; Channels This lecture
are reliable; Asynchronous;
Ver 4: Node Byzantine failures; This lecture
Channels are reliable; Synchronous;
(the Byzantine Generals problem)

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 2

Today’s Roadmap
 Chapter 15 “Agreement”
 Also called consensus
 8-page handout

 Ver 3: Node crash failures; Channels are reliable;


 Ver 4: Node Byzantine failures; Channels are

reliable; Synchronous; (the Byzantine Generals

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 3

Distributed Consensus Version 3: Consensus
with Node Crash Failures/Asynchronous
 Failure model:
 Nodes may experience crash failures
 Communication channels are reliable
 Timing model:
 Asynchronous: Process delay and message delay are finite but

 The delay of each message is finite, but you cannot find a bound
such that all message delays are below that bound
 In practice, there can be messages delayed for a long time
 We can no longer define a round
 If we don’t receive a message for a long time, we don’t know if the
sender has failed or the message is just delayed

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 4

Distributed Consensus Version 3: Consensus
with Node Crash Failures/Asynchronous
 Goal:
 Termination: All nodes (that have not failed) eventually decide
 Agreement: All nodes that decide should decide on the same
 Validity: If all nodes have the same initial input, that value
should be the only possible decision value. Otherwise nodes
are allowed to decide on anything (except that they still need to
satisfy the Agreement requirement)

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 5

Distributed Consensus Version 3:
How does the round-based protocol fail

input = 2 input = 1 input = 3

{1, 2, 3} {2, 3}

{1, 2, 3} {1, 2, 3}

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 6

Distributed Consensus Version 3:
How does the round-based protocol fail

input = 2 input = 1 input = 3

{2, 3} {2, 3}

{1, 2, 3} {2, 3}

Will using 3 rounds solve the problem?

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 7

Distributed Consensus Version 3:
The FLP Impossibility Theorem
 FLP Theorem [Fischer,Lynch,Paterson’85]:
 The distributed consensus problem under the asynchronous
communication model is impossible to solve even with a
single node crash failure
 Arguably the most fundamental result in distributed
computing so far

 Fundamental reason:
 The protocol is unable to accurately detect node failure

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 8

Formalisms for FLP Theorem
 Goal: Abstract the execution of any possible deterministic protocol
 Each process has some local state and two special variables
 input  {0, 1} and decision  {null, 0, 1}
 decision is initially null, and can be written exactly once
 Each communication channel has some state:
 Messages “on-the-fly”
 The message system captures the state of all communication channels
 {(p, m) | message m is on the fly to process p}
 All messages are distinct
 Send = add (dest, content) to the message system
 Receive (when invoked by process p) =
 Remove some (p, content) from message system and then return content,
 Leave the message system unchanged and return null
 Out-of-order or FIFO?
 Non-blocking receive or blocking receive?

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 9

Formalisms for FLP Theorem
 Global state of the system include all process states and message system
 A deterministic state machine

 A step of in a protocol takes the system from one global state to another:
 By executing the following on process p
receive a message m (m can be null);
based on p’s local state and m, send an arbitrary but finite number of messages
based on p’s local state and m, change p’s local state to some new state

 Given a global state, each step is fully described by p’s receiving m

 Call (p, m) as an event
 Events are inputs to the state machine that cause state transitions
 An event e can be applied to global state G if either m is null or (p, m) is in the
message system

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 10

Formalisms for FLP Theorem
 The “execution” of any protocol can be abstracted to be an infinite
sequence of events
 Each “execution” may be different though
 Can always make a protocol not to terminate
 Each process must be able to handle null messages
 Decisions are made when the decision variable is set
 This abstraction is necessary to properly define failed (faulty) processes

 A schedule  is a sequence of events that captures the execution of

some protocol
  can be applied to G if the events can be applied to G in the order in 
 G’ = (G) means that if we apply  to G, we will end up with G’
 Need to be careful when we write (G), since  may or may not be
applied to G

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 11

Formalisms for FLP Theorem
 Given a consensus protocol A, a global state G2 is reachable from G1 if
there is a schedule  (of A) such G2 = (G1).

 By requirements of consensus, the protocol A must satisfy

 Agreement: No reachable global state from any initial state has more than one
 Validity: If all nodes have the same initial input, they should all decide on that
 Termination: Eventually all processes decide

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 12

Formalisms for Asynchronous System and Failures
 Abstracting asynchronous systems

 Processes have unbounded but finite delay:

 A nonfaulty process takes infinite number of steps.
 A faulty process takes a finite number of steps.
 If we consider only finite sequences, then we cannot distinguish faulty
from nonfaulty processes

 Messages have unbounded but finite delay:

 Every message is eventually delivered
 If there is a message (p, m) in the message system and p invokes
receive() multiple times, then the message system can only return null
finite number of times

 At most one faulty process

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 13

Proof for FLP Theorem
 An extremely beautiful but hard proof
 Perhaps the hardest proof in this course
 General proof technique:
 We will act as the adversary to defeat the consensus protocol
 We (scheduler) can pick which messages to deliver and which process will take
the next step (under the constraints of asynchronous system)
 Our goal is to prevent the protocol from ever deciding (if it does decide, it will
risk violation of agreement)

 Classification of global states

 G is 0-valent if 0 is the only possible decision reachable from G
Processes in G may or may not yet decided on 0, but if not, they will eventually
decide on 0
 G is 1-valent if 1 is the only possible decision reachable from G
 G is univalent if G is either 0-valent or 1-valent
 G is bivalent if it is not univalent

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 14

Proof for FLP Theorem
 We will proof that we (the adversary) can always keep the system
in a bivalent state even when no processes fail

 Lemma 1: For any protocol A, there exists a bivalent initial state.

 Prove by contradiction and consider n+1 initial states with input vector
being (0,0,…, 0), (1, 0, …, 0), (1, 1, 0, …0), …, (1, 1, …, 1)

0-valent 1-valent
(0, 0, 0, 0) (1, 0, 0, 0) (1, 1, 0, 0) (1, 1, 1, 0) (1, 1, 1, 1)
 There must be two adjacent initial states S0 and S1 where S0 is 0-
valent and S1 is 1-valent. (We are assuming no bivalent state.)
 S0 and S1 differ by the input to a single process p.
 Consider an execution starting from S0 where p fails at the very
beginning. If the decision is 1, then S0 is not 0-valent. If the decision is
0, then S1 is not 1-valent. Contradiction.

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 15

Proof for FLP Theorem
 Lemma 2: Let 1 and 2 be two schedules such that the set of processes
executing steps in 1 are disjoint from the set that execute steps in 2.
Then for any G that 1 and 2 can both be applied, we have 1(2(G)) =
2 (1(G)).
 Proof by induction on k = max(|1|, |2|)

 Induction base k = 1: e1(e2(G)) = e2(e1(G))

 Suppose e1 = (p1, m1) and e2 = (p2, m2). Since e1 can be applied to
G, it means either m1 is null or (p1, m1) is in the message system. The
same is for e2. Because p1  p2, e1 can be applied to e2(G) and e2
can be applied to e1(G).
 Let G1 = e1(e2(G)) and G2 = e2(e1(G)). Then the state of the message
system is the same in G1 as in G2. The states of all processes are the
same in G1 and G2 as well. Thus G1 = G2.

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 16

Proof for FLP Theorem
 Lemma 2: Let 1 and 2 be two schedules such that the set of processes
executing steps in 1 are disjoint from the set that execute steps in 2.
Then for any G that 1 and 2 can both be applied, we have 1(2(G)) =
2 (1(G)).
 Proof by induction on k = max(|1|, |2|)

 Induction step for k+1:

 Case 1: |1| = k+1 and |2|  k
Suppose the first event in 1 is e and 1 = (|e) where || = k. Then
1(2(G)) = (e(2(G)) = (2(e(G))) = 2((e(G))) = 2(1(G))
 Case 2: |1|  k and |2| = k+1. Same as case 1
 Case 3: |1| = k+1 and |2| = k+1
Suppose the first event in 2 is e and 2 = (|e) where || = k. Then
1(2(G)) = 1((e(G))) = (1(e(G))) = (e(1(G))) = 2(1(G)).
(Notice that we use case 1 in the proof.)

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 17

Proof for FLP Theorem
 Lemma 3: Let G be a global state, and e = (p,m) is an event that can be
applied to G. Let W be the set of global states that is reachable from G
without applying e, then e can be applied to any state in W.
 Proof is trivial.

 Lemma 4: Let G be a bivalent state, and e = (p,m) is any event that can be
applied to G. Let W be the set of global states that is reachable from G (G
is in W) without applying e, and V = e(W) to be the set of global states by
applying e to the states in W. Then V contains a bivalent state.
 We will prove later.

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 18

Proof for FLP Theorem
 Proof for FLP Theorem:
 We act as the scheduler.
 Processes take steps in round-robin fashion. Imagine that it is process
p’s turn.
 If the message system contain no messages for p, let e = (p, null).
 Otherwise consider the oldest message m destined to p, and let e =
 Let G be the current state.
 Execute (p, m) if e(G) is bivalent (how to determine bivalency?).
 Otherwise find (how?) a finite length  that does not contain e and
e((G)) is bivalent (by Lemma 4).
 Apply  and then apply e.
 The system will always be in a bivalent state (if we start from a bivalent

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 19

Proof for FLP Theorem
 The scheduler plays by rules:
 All nonfaulty processes takes infinite number of steps
 All messages are eventually delivered
 Process delays and message delays may not be bounded (why? and
why is this OK?)

 If process delays and message delays are bounded, then

consensus is solvable.

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Implications of FLP Theorem
 Complete correctness if not possible

 In practice, we may live with very low probability of disagreement

 In practice, we may live with very low probability of blocking (non-

 Two-phase commit or even three-phase commit can block forever

 Randomization

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 21

Proof for Lemma 4
 Lemma 4: Let G be a bivalent state, and e = (p,m) is any event that can be
applied to G. Let W be the set of global states that is reachable from G (G
is in W) without applying e, and V = e(W) to be the set of global states by
applying e to the states in W. Then V contains a bivalent state.
 Prove by contradiction and assume that V does not.
 This assumption is always carried along when proving the next 4 claims.

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 22

Proof for Lemma 4
 Claim 1: There must be a 0-valent state F, such that F = (G) and 
contains the event e.
 Proof: G is bivalent thus we must have a 0-valent state G0 reachable
from G where G0 = 1(G). Now consider two cases.
 Case 1: 1 contains event e. Here we will let F = G0 and  = 1. We
are done.
G e 0-valent
G0 F = G0

 Case 2: 1 does not contain event e. We let F = e(G0) and  = e|1.

Because G0 is 0-valent, F must be 0-valent as well.

G no e 0-valent
G0 F

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 23

Proof for Lemma 4
 Claim 2: There must be a 0-valent state G0 in V.
 Proof: Consider the  as defined in Claim 1 such that (G) is 0-valent
and  contains e. Consider the prefix ’ of  whose last event is e. Let
G0 = ’(G)  V.
Because V does not contain bivalent states and because the 0-valent
state (G) is reachable from G0, G0 must be 0-valent.

 Claim 3: There must be a 1-valent state G1 in V.

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 24

Proof for Lemma 4
 Claim 4: There must be F0 and F1 in W, such that e(F0) is 0-valent, e(F1)
is 1-valent, and either F1 = d(F0) or F0 = d(F1).
 Proof: Let G0 be a 0-valent state in V and G1 be a 1-valent state in V.

e e 1-valent

e G0
e e 0-valent


CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 25

Proof for Claim 4
 Claim 4: There must be F0 and F1 in W, such that e(F0) is 0-valent, e(F1)
is 1-valent, and either F1 = d(F0) or F0 = d(F1).
 Proof: Let G0 be a 0-valent state in V and G1 be a 1-valent state in V.

e e 1-valent

e G0
e e 0-valent

1-valent 0-valent

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 26

Proof for Claim 4
 W.l.o.g., assume e(G) is 0-valent. Suppose G1 = e(1(G)). |1| must be at
least 1 (otherwise e(G) will be G1 and will be 1-valent).


e e 1-valent

e G0
e e 0-valent

0-valent 0-valent 0-valent

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 27

Proof for Lemma 4
 Remaining proof for Lemma 4:
 Consider F0 and F1 in W, such that e(F0) = G0 is 0-valent, e(F1) = G1 is 1-
valent, and w.l.o.g. assume F1 = d(F0). (By Claim 4)
 e and d must occur on the same process p because otherwise G1 = e(F1) =
e(d(F0)) = d(G0) will have a decision of 0. (By Lemma 2)
 Consider all possible executions starting from state F0. By termination
requirement (and also to tolerate one process failure), there must be an
execution where i) some process decides, and ii) process p does not execute
any steps. Let the state immediately after some process decides be T where T =
(F0) and  does not contain any step by p.
 We have e(T) = e((F0)) = (e(F0)) = (G0) which is 0-valent (by Lemma 2)
 We also have e(d(T)) = e(d((F0))) = (e(d(F0))) = (e(F1)) = (G1) which is 1-
valent (by Lemma 2).
 But some process has already decided in T. Regardless of whether the decision
is 0 or 1, agreement can be violated. Contradiction.

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 28

Distributed Consensus Version 4: Consensus
with Node Byzantine Failures/Synchronous
 Failure model:
 Nodes may experience byzantine failures
 Communication channels are reliable
 Timing model:
 Synchronous

 Goal:
 Termination: All non-faulty nodes eventually decide
 Agreement: All non-faulty nodes should decide on the same value
 Validity: If all non-faulty nodes have the same initial input, that
value should be the only possible decision value. Otherwise nodes
are allowed to decide on anything (except that they still need to
satisfy the Agreement requirement)

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 29

First (Unsuccessful) Attempt
 Simplified problem – 3 processes (A, B, C), 1 failure
 Don’t know which process fails
 Broadcast input to all other processes

B sees 1 from A, 1 1 0 C sees 0 from A, 1

from B, 0 from C  1 0 from B, 0 from C 
B has to decide on C has to decide on
1, because C can 1 0, because B can
be faulty B C be faulty
input: 1 input: 0

Seems that B and C need to figure out that

A is faulty in order for the protocol to work

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 30

Second (Unsuccessful) Attempt
 A second round (“C:1” means “C told me 1 in first round”)

First Round Second Round


1 0 C:0 B:1
1 0 C:1 B:0

1 A:1
0 A:0
input: 1 input: 0

B knows that some process is faulty;

But B still cannot figure out whether the faulty process is A or C

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 31

Byzantine Consensus Threshold
 Let n be the total number of processes, f be the
number of possible byzantine failures

 Theorem: If n ≤ 3f, then byzantine consensus

problem (i.e., distributed consensus version 4) cannot
be solved.
 A non-trivial proof.
 The earlier example does NOT constitute a proof (even for f
= 1).

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 32

Byzantine Consensus Intuition
 We will develop a protocol for n ≥ 4f+1
 The definition of phase and round in the textbook is slightly
confusing, we will use the definition as in the lecture notes
 Intuition:
 A rotating coordinator paradigm – very useful!
 Number the processes from 1 to n
 Imagine a protocol with n phases – process i being the
coordinator for phase i (only possible because we can define
 Coordinator sends a value to all processes
 Each phase has a coordinator round to do this
 If coordinator is nonfaulty, all processes sees the same value
– consensus!
 A phase is a deciding phase if the coordinator is nonfaulty
CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 33
Byzantine Consensus Intuition
 With at most f failures and f+1 phases, at least one
phase is a deciding phase
 But what if the last phase has a faulty coordinator ?
 Consensus decisions will be overruled!

 Avoiding a faulty coordinator to overrule the outcome

of a deciding phase
 After a deciding phase: All non-faulty processes have the
same value

 Do not listen to the coordinator if

 I see a lot of identical values from other processes
 Each phase will also have a all-to-all broadcast round

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 34

n processes; at most f failures; f+1 phases; each phase has two rounds
Code for Process i:
V[1..n] = 0; V[i] = my input;
for (k = 1; k ≤ f+1; k++) { // (f+1) phases
send V[i] to all processes;
round for set V[1..n] to be the n values received;
broadcast if (value x occurs (> n/2) times in V) decision = x;
else decision = 0;

coordinator if (k==i) send decision to all; // I am coordinator

round receive coordinatorDecision from the coordinator
whether to if (value y occurs (> n/2 + f) times in V) V[i] = y;
listen to else V[i] = coordinatorDecision;
decide on V[i];

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 35

 Lemma 1: If all non-faulty processes P_i have V[i] = y
at the beginning of phase k, then this remains true at
the end of phase k.
for (k = 1; k ≤ f+1; k++) { // (f+1) phases
send V[i] to all processes;
set V[1..n] to be the n values received;
if (value x occurs (> n/2) times in V) decision = x;
else decision = 0;

if (k==i) send decision to all; // I am coordinator

receive coordinatorDecision from the coordinator

if (value y occurs (> n/2 + f) times in V) V[i] = y;

else V[i] = coordinatorDecision;

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 36

 Lemma 2: If the coordinator in phase k is nonfaulty,
then all nonfaulty processes P_i have the same V[i] at
the end of phase k.
for (k = 1; k ≤ f+1; k++) { // (f+1) phases
send V[i] to all processes;
set V[1..n] to be the n values received;
if (value x occurs (> n/2) times in V) decision = x;
else decision = 0;

if (k==i) send decision to all; // I am coordinator

receive coordinatorDecision from the coordinator

if (value y occurs (> n/2 + f) times in V) V[i] = y;

else V[i] = coordinatorDecision;

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 37

 Case 1: Coordinator has decision = x; (x must be unique on
 On coordinator: x appears (>n/2) times in V  (>n/2-f ) must be from
nonfaulty processes
 On any other process: x appears (>n/2-f ) times in V  Impossible for y
to appear (>n/2+f) times in V
for (k = 1; k ≤ f+1; k++) { // (f+1) phases
send V[i] to all processes;
set V[1..n] to be the n values received;
if (value x occurs (> n/2) times in V) decision = x;
else decision = 0;

if (k==i) send decision to all; // I am coordinator

receive coordinatorDecision from the coordinator

if (value y occurs (> n/2 + f) times in V) V[i] = y;

else V[i] = coordinatorDecision; }

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 38

 Case 2: Coordinator has decision = 0;
 On coordinator: no value x appears (>n/2) times in V
 On any other process: Impossible for y to appear (>n/2+f) times in V

for (k = 1; k ≤ f+1; k++) { // (f+1) phases

send V[i] to all processes;
set V[1..n] to be the n values received;
if (value x occurs (> n/2) times in V) decision = x;
else decision = 0;

if (k==i) send decision to all; // I am coordinator

receive coordinatorDecision from the coordinator

if (value y occurs (> n/2 + f) times in V) V[i] = y;

else V[i] = coordinatorDecision;

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 39

Correctness Summary
 Lemma 1: If all nonfaulty processes P_i have V[i] = y at the beginning
of phase k, then this remains true at the end of phase k.
 Lemma 2: If the coordinator in phase k is nonfaulty, then all nonfaulty
processes P_i have the same V[i] at the end of phase k.

 Termination: Obvious (f+1 phases).

 Validity: Follows from Lemma 1.
 Agreement:
 With f+1 phases, at least one of them is a deciding phase
 (From Lemma 2) Immediately after the deciding phase, all nonfaulty
processes P_i have the same V[i]
 (From Lemma 1) In following phases, V[i] on nonfaulty processes P_i
does not change

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 40

Failure Model and Timing Model Consensus Protocol
Ver 0: No node or link failures Trivial – all-to-all broadcast
Ver 1: Node crash failures; Channels (f+1)-round protocol can
are reliable; Synchronous; tolerate f crash failures
Ver 2: No node failures; Channels may Impossible without error
drop messages (the coordinated Randomized algorithm with 1/r
attack problem) error prob
Ver 3: Node crash failures; Channels Impossible (the FLP theorem)
are reliable; Asynchronous;
Ver 4: Node Byzantine failures; If n ≤ 3f, impossible.
Channels are reliable; Synchronous; If n ≥ 4f + 1, we have a (2f+2)-
(the Byzantine Generals problem) round protocol.
How about 3f+1 ≤ n ≤ 4f ?

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 41

Homework Assignment
 Page 249, Problem 15.1
Why does the following algorithm not work for consensus under
FLP assumptions? Give a scenario under which the algorithm fails.
It is common knowledge that there are six processes in the system
numbered P0 to P5. The algorithm is as follows: Every process
sends its input bit to all processes (including itself) and waits for
five messages. Every process decides on the majority of the five
bits received.

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 42

Homework Assignment
 Page 249, Problem 15.3
Atomic broadcast requires the following properties.
 Validity: If the sender is correct and broadcasts a message m, then all correct processes
eventually deliver m.
 Agreement: If a correct process delivers a message m, then all correct processes deliver
 Integrity: For any message m, q receives m from p at most once and only if p sent m to
 Order: All correct processes receive all broadcast messages in the same order.
Show that atomic broadcast is impossible to solve in asynchronous systems.

 Homework due a week from today

 Read Chapter 18

CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 43

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