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• Pointers in C

• Introduction
• Pointer Variable Definitions and Initialization
• Pointer Operators
• Pointer expressions and arithmetic
• Pointers
– Powerful, but difficult to master
– Simulate call-by-reference
– Close relationship with arrays and strings
Let’s look to something interesting
Which one to go and grab first?
Address1 :: Address2 => Nearness
Value1 :: Value2 => Quantity
Need of quickness or more food


Pointer Variable Definitions and
• Pointer variables
– Contain memory addresses as their values
– Normal variables contain a specific value (direct
reference) count

– Pointer is a variable that contains address of a

another variable that has a specific value (indirect
– Indirection – referencing a pointer value
countPtr count
Pointer Variable Definitions and
• Pointer definitions
– * used with pointer variables
int *myPtr;
– Defines a pointer to an int (pointer of type int *)
– Multiple pointers require using a * before each
variable definition
int *myPtr1, *myPtr2;

– Can define pointers to any data type

– Initialize pointers to NULL or an address
Pointer Operators
• & (address operator)
– Returns address of operand
int y = 5;
int *yPtr;
yPtr = &y; /* yPtr gets address of y */
yPtr “points to” y

y ypt y
5 50000 60000 60000 5
yPtr 0 0 0

Value of yptr
is the address
of y
Pointer Operators
• * (indirection/dereferencing operator)
– Returns the value of the variable that it points to.
– *yptr returns value of y (because yptr points to y)
– * can be used for assignment
*yptr = 7; /* changes y to 7 */
Example Code
This program
the use of the
operators: &
and *
The address of a is 0012FF7C
The value of aPtr is 0012FF7C
The value of a is 7
The value of *aPtr is 7
Showing that * and & are complements of each other.
&*aPtr = 0012FF7C
*&aPtr = 0012FF7C
Pointer Expressions and Pointer
• Arithmetic operations can be performed on
– Increment/decrement pointer (++ or --)
– Add an integer to a pointer( + or += , - or -=)
– Pointers may be subtracted from each other
• Operations are meaningless unless performed
on an array.
Pointer Expressions and Pointer
• An array int v[5] has been defined on machine
with 2 byte integers.
– int *vPtr;
– vPtr = v;
– vPtr points to first element v[0]
• at location 3000 (vPtr = 3000)
– vPtr += 2; sets vPtr to 3004
• vPtr points to v[2] (incremented by 2), but the
machine has 2 byte ints, so it points to address 3004

location 3000 3002 3004 3006 3008

v[0] v[1] v[2] v[3] v[4]

pointer variable vPtr

Pointer Expressions and Pointer
• Subtracting pointers
– Returns number of elements from one to the other. If
vPtr2 = v[2]; //address 3004
vPtr = v[0]; //address 3000
x = vPtr2 - vPtr
assign to x the number of array elements from vPtr to
vPtr2, in this case 2.
• Pointer comparison ( <, == , > )
– See which pointer points to the higher-numbered
element of the same array.
– Pointer comparison is used to determine whether
pointer is NULL
Pointer Expressions and Pointer
• Pointers of the same type can be assigned to
each other
– If not the same type, a cast operator must be used
– Exception: pointer to void (type void *)
• Generic pointer, represents any type
• No casting needed to convert a pointer to void
• void pointers cannot be dereferenced.
Pointer Expressions and Pointer
• Increment/decrement
– Increments the pointer to point next location in array.
• ++ vPtr; or
• vPtr++;
vPtr = 3000;
++vPtr; //points to 3002
– Decrements the pointer to point the previous element.
• --vPtr; or
• vPtr--;
vPtr = 3002;
--vPtr; //points to 3000
Types of pointers
• Void pointer
• Wild pointer
• Const pointer
Void pointer
• Is a pointer that can hold the address of variables of
different data types at different times also called
generic pointer.
• The syntax for declaring a void pointer is
void *pointer_name;
• Here, the keyword void represents that the pointer
can point to value of any data type.
• But before accessing the value through generic pointer
by dereferencing it, it must be properly typecasted.
• To Print value stored in pointer variable:
*(data_type*) pointer_name;
Limitations of Void pointers:
• Void pointers cannot be directly dereferences.
They need to be appropriately typecasted.
• Pointer arithmetic cannot be performed on
void pointers.
Program to
void main()
show use of
int a=10; void pointer.
char c=‘R’;
void *ptr;
ptr=&a; // assigns address of int variable a to ptr

printf(“\n value pointed to by generic pointer is %d”,

(*(int *)ptr));

ptr=&c; // assigns address of char variable a to ptr

printf(“\n value pointed to by generic pointer is %d”,

(*(char *)ptr));

Wild pointer
• Pointer which are not initialized during its
definition holding some junk value( a valid
address) are Wild pointer.
• Example of wild pointer:
int *ptr;

• Every pointer when it is not initialized is defined

as a wild pointer.
• As pointer get initialized, start pointing to some
variable its defined as pointer, not a wild one.
Constant Pointers
• A constant pointer, ptr, is a pointer that is
initialized with an address, and cannot point
to anything else.
• But we can use ptr to change the contents
of variable pointing to
• Example
int value = 22;
int * const ptr = &value;
Constant Pointer
• Constant pointer means the pointer is
• Constant pointer is NOT pointer to constant.
• For eg:
int * const ptr2

indicates that ptr2 is a pointer which is

constant. This means that ptr2 cannot be
made to point to another integer.
• However the integer pointed by ptr2 can be
#include<stdio.h> Program on
void main()
{ constant pointer
int i = 100,k;

int * const ptr = &i;

*ptr = 200; // value of i is changed.
ptr = &k; //won't compile .

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