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 Why Data Science?

 What is Data Science?

 What are some prominent examples of Data Science?

 How to become a Data Scientist?

 Who are hiring Data Scientists Now?

What is Big Data
 Big Data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that
they are difficult to process using traditional data processing

 Challenges include analysis, capture, search, sharing, storage,

transfer, visualization, and information privacy.
What is Data Science?

 Data Science is the science which uses computer

science, statistics and machine learning,
visualization and human-computer interactions to
collect, clean, integrate, analyze, visualize, interact
with data to create data products.
The Life of Data (state-of-the-art)



Collect Clean Integrate Analysis Visualization

Data Sources
How Big is Your Data?

 Kilobyte (1000 bytes)

 Megabyte (1 000 000 bytes)

 Gigabyte (1 000 000 000 bytes)

 Terabyte (1 000 000 000 000 bytes)

 Petabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)

 Exabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)

 Zettabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)

 Yottabyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes)
Why Data Science?
Google, Yahoo today
– Web Search and Computational advertising
– Google: 35,000 searches/sec
– Yahoo! scale: 600 million users per month, 4 billion clicks per day, 25
terabytes of data collected every day

Netflix 20012
– Movie recommendations, netflix prize
– 100 million ratings, 500,000 users, 18,000 movies

Amazon 2013
– Product recommendations, reviews
– 29 million customers, millions of products

Word Economic Forum 2014 at Davos

– Personal data – digital data created by and about people – represents a
new economic “asset class”, touching all aspects of society.
Data Science
 Performing Data Science requires the extraction of
timely, actionable information from diverse data
sources to drive data products. Examples of data
products include answers to questions such as:
 “Which of my products should I advertise more heavily to increase

 How can I improve my compliance program, while reducing costs?

 What manufacturing process change will allow me to build a better


 The key to answering these questions is: understand the data you have
and what the data inductively tells you.
 The term Data Science appeared in the computer science
literature throughout the 1960s-1980s.

 It was not until the late 1990s however, that the field as we
describe it here, began to emerge from the statistics and data
mining communities.

 Data Science was first introduced as an independent discipline

in 2001.

 Since that time, there have been countless articles advancing

the discipline, culminating with Data Scientist being declared
the highly required job of the 21st century.
What makes Data Science Different?
 Data Science supports and encourages shifting between deductive
(hypothesis-based) and inductive (pattern-based) reasoning.

 This is a fundamental change from traditional analytic approaches.

 Inductive reasoning and exploratory data analysis provide a means

to form or refine hypotheses and discover new analytic paths.

 By actively combining the ability to reason deductively and

inductively, Data Science creates an environment where models of
reality no longer need to be static and empirically based.

 Instead, they are constantly tested, updated and improved until

better models are found.
5 Vs of Big Data

 Raw Data: Volume

 Change over time:Velocity

 Data types:Variety

 Data Quality:Veracity

 Information for Decision Making:Value

5 Vs of Big Data
 Volume refers to the vast amount of data generated
every second. Just think of all the emails, Twitter messages,
photos, video clips and sensor data that we produce and
share every second.

 We are not talking terabytes, but zettabytes or brontobytes of data. On

Facebook alone we send 10 billion messages per day, click the like
button 4.5 billion times and upload 350 million new pictures each and
every day.

 With big data technology we can now store and use these data sets with
the help of distributed systems, where parts of the data is stored in
different locations, connected by networks and brought together by
 Velocity refers to the speed at which new data is
generated and the speed at which data moves around.

 Example such as social media messages going viral in minutes,

the speed at which credit card transactions are checked for
fraudulent activities or the milliseconds it takes trading systems
to analyze social media networks to pick up signals that trigger
decisions to buy or sell shares.

 Big data technology now allows us to analyze the data while it

is being generated without ever putting it into databases.
 Variety refers to the different types of data we can now
use. In the past we focused on structured data that neatly
fits into tables or relational databases such as financial
data (for example, sales by product or region).

 In fact, 80 percent of the world’s data is now unstructured and

therefore can’t easily be put into tables or relational
databases—think of photos, video sequences or social media

 With big data technology we can now harness differed types of

data including messages, social media conversations, photos,
sensor data, video or voice recordings and bring them together
with more traditional, structured data.
 Veracity refers to the messiness or trustworthiness
(quality) of the data. With many forms of big data, quality
and accuracy are less controllable, for example Twitter
posts with hashtags, abbreviations and typos
 Big data and analytics technology now allows us to work with
these types of data. The volumes often make up for the lack of
quality or accuracy.

 But all the volumes of fast-moving data of different variety and

veracity have to be turned into value! This is why value is the
one V of big data that matters the most.

 Value refers to our ability turn our data into value. It is

important that businesses make a case for any attempt to
collect and leverage big data.
Goal of Data Science

 Turn data into data products.

Data to Data Products

 Transaction Databases Fraud Detection

 Wireless Sensor Data Smart Home

 Text Data, Social Media Data Product Review and

Consumer Satisfaction

 Software Log Data Automatic Trouble Shooting

 Genotype and Phenotype Data New treatment

for Cancer
Challenges in Data Science

 Preparing Data (Noisy, Incomplete, Diverse, Streaming


 Analyze Data (Scalable, Accurate, Real-time, Advanced

Methods, Probabilities and Uncertainties ...)

 Represent Analysis Results (i.e. data product) (Story-

telling, Interactive, explainable…)
Skill Set of a Data Scientist
 Data Management
– Data collection, storage, cleaning, filtering, integration …

 Large-scale Parallel Data Processing

– Parallel computing

 Statistics and Machine Learning

– Data modeling, inference, prediction, pattern
recognition …

 Interface and Data Visualization

– HCI design, visualization, story-telling …
Data Science Vs Traditional analytic
 The differences between Data Science and traditional analytic
approaches do not end at seamless shifting between deductive and
inductive reasoning.

 Data Science offers a distinctly different perspective than capabilities

such as Business Intelligence.

 Data Science should not replace Business Intelligence functions within

an organization, however.

 The two capabilities are additive and complementary, each offering a

necessary view of business operations and the operating environment.
Business Intelligence and Data Science – A
Comparison, highlights
How does Data Science Actually Work?
“It’s not rocket science… it’s something better - Data Science”
 Data Science is a complex field. It is difficult, intellectually
taxing work, which requires the sophisticated integration of
talent, tools and techniques.

 To do this, the field of Data Science can be transformed into

a set of simplified activities as shown in the figure, The Four Key
Activities of a Data Science Endeavor.

 Data Science purists may disagree with this approach, but in

the real world, we need clear and simple operating models to
help drive us forward.
 All analysis starts with access to data. But there are
some significant differences – particularly with respect to the
question of who stores, maintains and owns the data in an

 Traditionally, rigid data silos artificially define the data to be


 Without a broad and expansive data set, we can never

immerse ourselves in the diversity of the data. We instead
make decisions based on limited and constrained information.

 Eliminating the need for silos gives us access to all the data at
once – including data from outside sources.
This first activity is heavily dependent upon the situation and

Some general guidance to help ensure maximum value:

Look inside first: What data do you have current access to that you are not
using? This is in large part the data being left behind by the filtering process,
and may be incredibly valuable.

Remove the format constraints: Stop limiting your data acquisition

mindset to the realm of structured databases. Instead, think about
unstructured and semi-structured data as viable sources.

Figure out what’s missing: Ask yourself what data would make a big
difference to your processes if you had access to it.Then go find it!

Embrace diversity: Try to engage and connect to publicly available sources

of data that may have relevance to your domain area.
»» Not All Data Is Created Equal
 When we begin to aggregate data, we should remember that
not all data is created equally.

 Organizations have a tendency to collect any data that is

available. Data that is nearby (readily accessible and easily
obtained) may be cheap to collect, but there is no guarantee it
is the right data to collect.

 Striking a balance between the data that you need and the data
that you have.

 Collecting huge volumes of data is useless and costly if it is not

the data that you need.
 Once you have the data, you need to prepare it for analysis.

 Organizations often make decisions based on inexact data. They are not
able to see the whole picture and fail to look at their data and challenges
holistically. The end result is that valuable information is withheld from
decision makers.

 Research has shown almost 33% of decisions are made without good
data or information.

 When Data Scientists are able to explore and analyze all the data, new
opportunities arise for analysis and data-driven decision making.

 The insights gained from these new opportunities will significantly change
the course of action and decisions within an organization.

 Gaining access to an organization’s complete repository of data, however,

requires preparation.
 Data Scientists to prepare for analysis is a lake – specifically, the
Data Lake.

 This is a new approach to collecting, storing and integrating data

that helps organizations maximize the utility of their data.

 Instead of storing information in discrete data structures, the Data

Lake consolidates an organization’s complete repository of data in a
single, large view.

 It eliminates the expensive and cumbersome data-preparation

process, known as Extract/Transform/Load (ETL), necessary with
data silos.

 The entire body of information in the Data Lake is available for

every inquiry – and all at once.
 We have acquired the data… we have prepared it… now it is
time to analyze it.

 The Analyze activity requires the greatest effort of all the

activities in a Data Science.

 The Data Scientist actually builds the analytics that create

value from data. Analytics in this context is an iterative
application of specialized and scalable computational resources
and tools to provide relevant insights from exponentially
growing data.

 This type of analysis enables real-time understanding of risks

and opportunities by evaluating situational, operational and
behavioral data.
 With the totality of data fully accessible in the Data Lake,
organizations can use analytics to find the kinds of connections
and patterns that point to promising opportunities.

 This high-speed analytic connection is done within the Data

Lake, as opposed to older style sampling methods that could
only make use of a narrow slice of the data.

 In order to understand what was in the lake, you had to bring

the data out and study it.

 Now you can dive into the lake, bringing your analytics to the
 Data Scientists work across the spectrum of analytic goals
– Describe, Discover, Predict and Advise.

 Many variables play key roles in determining the difficulty

and suitability of each goal for an organization.

 Some of these variables are the size and budget of an

organization and the type of data products needed by the
decision makers.
 Now that we have analyzed the data, it’s time to take action. Here
are some key points to keep in mind when presenting your results:

 The finding must make sense with relatively little up-front training
or preparation on the part of the decision maker.

 The finding must make the most meaningful patterns, trends and
exceptions easy to see and interpret.

 Every effort must be made to encode quantitative data accurately so

the decision maker can accurately interpret and compare the data.

 The logic used to arrive at the finding must be clear and compelling
as well as traceable back through the data.

 The findings must answer real business questions.

Data Science Maturity within
an Organization
 The four activities discussed thus far provide a simplified view of Data Science.

 Organizations will repeat these activities with each new Data Science endeavor.

 Over time, however, the level of effort necessary for each activity will change.
As more data is Acquired and Prepared, significantly less effort will need to be
expended on these activities. This is indicative of a maturing Data Science

 The Data Science Maturity Model as a common framework for describing the
maturity progression and components that make up a Data Science capability.

 This framework can be applied to an organization’s Data Science capability or

even to the maturity of a specific solution, namely a data product. At each stage
of maturity, powerful insight can be gained.
 The maturity model provides a powerful tool for
understanding and appreciating the maturity of a Data Science

 Organizations need not reach maximum maturity to achieve

success. Significant gains can be found in every stage.

 We believe strongly that one does not engage in a Data

Science effort, however, unless it is intended to produce an
output – that is, you have the intent to Advise.

 This means simply that each step forward in maturity drives you
to the right in the model diagram.
Fractal Analytic Model
 Fractals are mathematical sets that display self-similar patterns.
As you zoom in on a fractal, the same patterns reappear.
Imagine a stalk of broccoli.

 Rip off a piece of broccoli and the piece looks much like the
original stalk. Progressively smaller pieces of broccoli still look
like the original stalk.

 Data Science analytics are a lot like broccoli – fractal in nature

in both time and construction.

 At any given iteration, the analytic itself is a collection of

smaller analytics that often decompose into yet smaller
Iterative by Nature
 Good Data Science performs an iterative process. Getting an imperfect solution out the
door quickly will gain more interest from stakeholders than a perfect solution that is
never completed.

 Set up the infrastructure, aggregate and prepare the data, and incorporate domain expert

 Try different analytic techniques and models on subsets of the data.

 Evaluate the models, refine, evaluate again, and select a model.

 Do something with your models and results.

 Deploy the models to inform, inspire action, and act.

 Evaluate the business results to improve the overall product.

Smaller Pieces of Broccoli: A Data
Science Product
 Components inside and outside of the Data Science product will change with each
iteration. Let’s take a look under the hood of a Data Science product and examine
the components during one such iteration.

 In order to achieve a greater analytic goal, you need to first decompose the
problem into sub-components to divide and conquer.
Decomposing the Problem
 Decomposing the problem into manageable pieces is the
first step in the analytic selection process.

 Achieving a desired analytic action often requires

combining multiple analytic techniques into a holistic, end-
to-end solution.

 Engineering the complete solution requires that the

problem be decomposed into progressively smaller sub-

 The Fractal Analytic Model embodies this approach.

 At any given stage, the analytic itself
is a collection of smaller
computations that decompose into
yet smaller computations.

 When the problem is decomposed

far enough, only a single analytic
technique is needed to achieve the
analytic goal.

 Problem decomposition creates

multiple sub-problems, each with
their own goals, data, computations,
and actions.

 The concept behind problem

decomposition is shown in the
figure, Problem Decomposition Using
the Fractal Analytic Model.

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