Atlas Copco: Stationary Air Compressors
Atlas Copco: Stationary Air Compressors
Atlas Copco: Stationary Air Compressors
Parts list
No.9829 3083 20
Parts list
Contents Indice
Inhoud Innholdsfortegnelse
Innehll Indice
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indholdsfortegnelse
Table des matires Sisllysluettelo
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Contents Indice
Inhoud Innholdsfortegnelse
Innehll Indice
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indholdsfortegnelse
Table des matires Sisllysluettelo
Air oulet ........................................................................ Regulating system - C146............................................... 22
Coolers Regulating system - C190................................................. 23
- Aircooled ................................................................ 16
Drain system ................................................................. 24
- Watercooled - G 110 ................................................ 17
- Watercooled - G 132, G 160 ..................................... 18 - Aircooled ................................................................ 25
- Watercooled ............................................................ 26
Fan and cooling duct plates - Aircooled - G 110 .......... 19
Cubicle box ................................................................... 27
Fan and cooling duct plates - Aircooled - G 132, G 160 20
Control panel ................................................................ 28
Frame and motor ........................................................... 21
Service kits .................................................................. 29
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Gearbox - C146
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1 010 Gear box 1140 0663 2107 76 1 O-ring
1621 7939 00 1 C146 1150 0147 1366 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1020 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer 1160 0337 0009 91 1 Key parallel
1030 1623 0972 00 1 Shaft 1170 0147 1557 03 8 Hexagon bolt
1040 0211 1480 00 1 Spacer 1180 0147 1411 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1080 0504 0110 01 1 Bearing 1190 1088 0019 02 2 Washer
1090 1616 5518 00 1 Washer 1200 1202 6668 07 2 Spacer
1100 1616 5519 00 1 Bushing 1220 0147 1479 03 1 Hexagon bolt
1110 1623 0611 00 1 Bushing 1230 0333 3244 00 1 Lock washer
1120 1616 5515 00 1 Retainer 1240 0574 8235 32 1 Hose assembly
1130 1621 4840 00 1 Seal 1250 1079 5840 15 1 Nipple
1260 1614 9252 00 1 Plug
1270 0266 2116 00 8 Nut
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Gearbox - C190
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1 Gearbox
1621 7397 01 G 132/6.9/8.6/10.4, 60Hz 1100 1616 5515 00 1 Retainer
G 132/7.5/8.5/10,50Hz 1110 1621 4840 00 1 Seal
1621 7335 01 G 160 1120 0663 2107 76 1 O-ring
1020 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer 1130 0147 1366 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1030 1623 3920 00 1 Shaft 1170 0337 0009 91 1 Key parallel
1040 0211 1480 00 8 Hex.Sock.Screw 1180 0147 1411 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1190 1088 0019 02 2 Washer
1060 1 Bearing 1200 0147 1479 03 1 Hexagon bolt
0504 0110 01 1 C190 1210 1619 6032 00 1 Plug
1070 1 Washer 1220 1202 6668 07 2 Spacer
1616 5518 00 C190 1230 0333 3244 00 1 Lock washer
1080 1616 5519 00 1 Bushing 1240 0266 2116 00 8 Nut
1090 1 Bushing 1250 0211 1480 00 8 Hex. Sock. Screw
1623 0611 00 C190 1260 0574 8235 32 1 Hose assembly
1270 1079 5840 15 1 Nipple
1280 1614 9252 00 1 Plug
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Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1623 0385 00 1 Valve check 1140 0147 1413 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1020 2254 8075 00 1 Compr.spring 1150 2255 2813 00 1 Piston
1030 1623 1354 00 1 Valve stop 1160 0686 3716 01 1 Plug
1040 1623 1767 00 1 Spring 1170 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1050 2252 6269 00 1 Spring guide 1180 0686 3716 10 1 Plug
1060 0335 2145 00 1 Int.circlip 1190 0661 1000 32 1 Seal washer
1070 0663 2108 12 2 O-ring 1200 0686 6441 00 1 Plug
1080 0663 2106 20 1 O-ring 1210 0686 3101 00 1 Plug
1090 0663 2106 15 1 O-ring 1250 1623 3082 00 1 Nozzle
1100 0663 3116 00 1 O-ring
1110 0301 2358 00 4 Washer
1120 0147 1421 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1130 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
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Gears - C146
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
60Hz 50Hz
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Gears - C190
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
60Hz 50Hz
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Air inlet
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Unloader - C146
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1623 1786 80 1 Unloader assy 1080 1622 3687 00 1 Piston
1010 1622 3778 00 1 Housing 1090 1622 3689 00 1 Guidance tape
1020 1622 3688 00 1 Rod 1100 0261 1099 32 1 Nut
1030 0335 2182 00 1 Int.circlip 1110 1622 3182 00 1 Guide
1040 0663 7151 00 1 O-ring 1120 1622 3183 00 1 Seal
1050 1622 3691 00 1 Quadring c146 1130 1622 3184 00 1 Bushing
1060 1622 3690 00 1 Bushing 1140 1622 3185 00 1 Spring
1070 1623 1785 00 1 Valve 1150 1622 3649 00 1 Cover
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Unloader - C190
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Air receiver
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Air outlet
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Coolers - Aircooled
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Drain system
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Bodywork - Aircooled
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Bodywork - Watercooled
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Cubicle box
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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Control panel
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
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29 Service kits
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
3001 5006 21 1 Air/oil filter kit 3001 5006 25 1 Oil separator kit
0653 1046 00 1 Flat gasket G 132 (W), G 160 (W)
0653 1100 00 1 Flat gasket 0663 2106 17 1 O-ring
0653 1124 00 1 Flat gasket 0663 2109 45 2 O-ring
0661 1000 25 2 Seal washer 1614 9056 99 1 Oil separator element
0661 1000 27 3 Seal washer
0661 1000 31 1 Seal washer 2906 0973 00 Element overhaul kit(C190)
1621 7376 00 1 Heavy duty air filter element G 132(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar
1621 7378 90 2 Oil filter G 160(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar/13.8bar
0663 2103 25 1 O-ring
2906 0960 00 1 CV-OSV kit for C146 0663 2108 14 1 O-ring
0663 7135 00 1 O-ring
G 110(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar/13.8bar 0508 1101 07 2 Bearing
G 132(W) 13.8bar 0211 1362 00 2 Bolt
G 160(W) 13.8bar 1616 7355 00 2 Bearing
0147 1409 03 2 Bolt
1622 0977 00 1 Gasket 1616 7353 00 2 Wave spring
1622 9639 00 1 Check valve 0663 2106 20 2 O-ring
0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1622 5662 00 1 Spring 2906 0971 00 1 Element exchange kit (C146)
1622 0796 00 1 Spring
0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer G 110(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar/13.8bar
0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer G 132(W) 13.8bar
0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer 0663 2109 78 1 O-ring
0663 2111 46 1 O-ring
2906 0961 00 1 CV-OSV kit for C190 0663 2107 37 1 O-ring
G 132(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar 1622 0977 00 1 Gasket
G 160(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer
1623 0385 00 1 Check valve 0337 0009 77 1 Paralley key
2254 8075 00 1 Spring 0211 1409 00 1 Cap screw
0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
1623 1767 00 1 Spring
0663 2108 12 1 O-ring
0663 2106 20 1 O-ring 2906 0972 00 1 Element exchange kit (C190)
0663 2106 15 1 O-ring G 132(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar
0663 3116 00 1 O-ring G 160(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar/13.8bar
0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 0663 2114 07 1 O-ring
0663 2114 23 1 O-ring
0661 1000 32 1 Seal washer 0663 2124 00 1 O-ring
3001 5006 26 1 Min. pressure valve kit 0663 2109 68 1 O-ring
0663 2106 58 1 O-ring 0663 2108 12 2 O-ring
1621 4976 00 1 Nut 0663 2106 20 1 O-ring
1614 6957 00 1 Washer 0663 2106 15 1 O-ring
9125 7289 00 3 Set screw 0663 3116 00 1 O-ring
0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer
2901 1089 00 Element overhaul kit(C146) 0337 8350 00 1 Parallel key
0147 1407 03 1 Bolt
G 110(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar/13.8bar 2906 0957 00 1 Unloading valve kits C146
G 132/(W) 13.8bar 0663 7151 00 1 O-ring
0663 2111 77 1 O-ring 1622 3694 80 1 Assembly Blow off valve
0508 1310 00 2 Bearing 1622 3690 00 1 Bushing
0512 0510 12 1 Bearing 1622 3689 00 1 Guidance tape
1616 7149 00 1 Wave spring 1622 3691 00 1 Quadring C146
0512 0510 13 1 Bearing 1622 3182 00 1 Guide
1616 7148 00 1 Wave spring 1622 3183 00 1 Seal
1616 7266 00 1 Clamping ring 1622 3185 00 1 Spring
0147 1409 03 1 Cap screw 0663 2107 37 2 O-ring
3001 5006 24 1 Oil separator kit 1623 1785 00 1 Valve
G 110 (W) 0663 7154 00 1 O-ring
0663 2106 17 1 O-ring 0211 1957 79 1 Screw
0663 2109 45 2 O-ring 0661 1000 40 1 Washer
1614 9054 99 1 Oil separator element 0663 2111 46 1 O-ring
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Parts list
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2906 0958 00 1 Unloading valve kits C190 3001 5006 22 1 Flexmaster joint
0663 2114 23 1 O-ring G 110 (W)
1622 3694 80 1 Assembly Blow off valve 0291 1114 00 2 Locknut
0661 1000 29 1 Seal washer 0300 0276 03 4 Washer
0663 2109 49 1 O-ring 1614 9115 00 4 Rubber joint
1623 0540 00 1 Guidance tape 1614 8926 00 4 Absorber
1623 0904 00 1 Bushing 3001 5006 23 1 Flexmaster joint
0663 2114 22 1 O-ring G 132 (W), G160 (W)
0517 1424 00 1 Bearing ball 0291 1114 00 2 Locknut
0663 2111 66 1 O-ring 0300 0276 03 4 Washer
1614 9064 00 4 Rubber joint
2906 0566 00 1 Cooler kit 1614 8926 00 4 Absorber
G 110 - 160
0663 2106 15 1 O-ring 3001 5006 27 1 Maintenancekit 4000h or yearly
0663 2106 17 1 O-ring G 110 (W)
0663 2109 68 4 O-ring 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
0663 2106 18 1 O-ring
0663 2106 19 1 O-ring 0663 2106 20 1 O-ring
2254 8075 00 1 Spring
2906 1000 00 1 Cooler kit 3001 5006 21 1 Air/Oil filter kit
G 110 W - 110 W
1092 0147 00 4 O-Ring 3001 5006 28 1 Maintenancekit 4000h or yearly
1092 0147 00 4 O-Ring G 132 (W), G160 (W)
0663 2106 20 2 O-Ring 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
0663 2106 11 2 O-Ring 0663 2106 18 1 O-ring
0663 2106 20 1 O-ring
0663 2106 12 3 O-Ring 2254 8075 00 1 Spring
2906 1001 00 1 Cooler kit 3001 5006 21 1 Air/Oil filter kit
G 132 W - 160 W 2906 0578 00 1 Seal washer kit
1092 0147 00 8 O-Ring 0653 0500 08 3 Flat Cu gasket
1092 0147 00 4 O-Ring 0653 1046 00 3 Flat Cu gasket
0663 2106 20 1 O-Ring 0653 1062 00 12 Flat Cu gasket
0663 2106 11 4 O-Ring 0653 1100 00 3 Flat Cu gasket
0663 2106 12 4 O-Ring 0653 1124 00 3 Flat Cu gasket
0653 1165 00 3 Flat Cu gasket
2906 0969 00 1 Gearbox overhaul kit 0653 1189 00 3 Flat Cu gasket
0653 1227 00 3 Flat Cu gasket
0611 1000 27 1 Seal washer 0653 9078 00 3 Flat Cu gasket
0211 1325 00 4 Cap screw 0661 1000 25 9 Seal ring
0337 0009 74 1 Parallel key 0661 1000 27 12 Seal ring
0504 0110 01 1 Ball Bearing 0661 1000 29 6 Seal ring
0508 1158 01 1 Bearing 0661 1000 31 3 Seal ring
0337 8352 00 1 Paralel key 0661 1000 36 3 Seal ring
2906 0968 00 1 Shaft seal kit 3001 5006 29 Maintenance kit - 8000h or
every two years (C146)
G 110(W) 6.9bar/8.6bar/10.4bar
0663 2107 77 1 O-ring
1619 7560 00 1 Thermostatic valve
2901 0749 00 1 Drain valve kit
3001 5006 21 1 Air/oil filter kit
2906 0960 00 1 CV-OSV kits
3001 5006 26 1 Min press valve kit
2906 0957 00 1 Unloading valve kit
3001 5006 24 1 Oil separator kit
3001 5006 22 1 Flexmaster joint kit
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Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
3001 5006 30 Maintenance kit - 8000h or 3001 5006 32 Maintenance kit - 8000h or
every two years (C146) every two years (C190)
G 132(W) 7.4bar/9.1bar/10.9bar
G 110(W) 14bar G 160(W) 7.4bar/9.1bar/10.9bar
0663 2107 77 1 O-ring 0663 2107 77 1 O-ring
1202 5869 03 1 Thermostatic valve 1619 7560 00 1 Thermostatic valve
2901 0749 00 1 Drain valve kit 2901 0749 00 1 Drain valve kit
3001 5006 21 1 Air/oil filter kit 3001 5006 21 1 Air/oil filter kit
2906 0960 00 1 CV-OSV kits 2906 0961 00 1 CV-OSV kits
3001 5006 26 1 Min press valve kit 3001 5006 26 1 Min press valve kit
2906 0957 00 1 Unloading valve kit 2906 0958 00 1 Unloading valve kit
3001 5006 24 1 Oil separator kit 3001 5006 25 1 Oil separator kit
3001 5006 22 1 Flexmaster joint kit 3001 5006 23 2 Flexmaster joint kit
3001 5006 31 Maintenance kit - 8000h or 3001 5006 33 Maintenance kit - 8000h or
every two years (C146) every two years (C190)
G 132(W) 14bar G 160(W) 14bar
0663 2107 77 1 O-ring 0663 2107 77 1 O-ring
1202 5869 03 1 Thermostatic valve 1202 5869 03 1 Thermostatic valve
2901 0749 00 1 Drain valve kit 2901 0749 00 1 Drain valve kit
3001 5006 21 1 Air/oil filter kit 3001 5006 21 1 Air/oil filter kit
2906 0960 00 1 CV-OSV kits 2906 0961 00 1 CV-OSV kits
3001 5006 26 1 Min press valve kit 3001 5006 26 1 Min press valve kit
2906 0957 00 1 Unloading valve kit 2906 0958 00 1 Unloading valve kit
3001 5006 25 1 Oil separator kit 3001 5006 25 1 Oil separator kit
3001 5006 23 2 Flexmaster joint kit 3001 5006 23 2 Flexmaster joint kit
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Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors
G 110 - G 132 - G 160 UL
G 110W - G 132W -G 160W UL
Parts list
What sets Atlas Copco apart as a company is our convic-
tion that we can only excel in what we do if we provide the best
possible know-how and technology to really help our customers
produce, grow and succeed.
There is a unique way of achieving that - we simply call it
the Atlas Copco way. It builds on interaction, on long-term
relationships and involvement in the customers process, needs
and objectives. It means having the
flexibility to adapt to the diverse demands of the people
we cater for.
Its the commitment to our customers business that drives
our effort towards increasing their productivity through better
solutions. It starts with fully supporting existing products and
continuously doing things better, but it goes much further,
creating advances in technology through innovation. Not for the
sake of technology, but for the sake of our customers bottom
line and peace-of-mind.
That is how Atlas Copco will strive to remain the first
choice, to succeed in attracting new business and to maintain
our position as the industry leader.
No. 9829 3083 20 / DC 2010.02