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• Patient's father and maternal

grandmother with fair reliability
• Patient S.J.
• 12 year old, Male
• Roman Catholic
• From Bago Bantay, Quezon City
• Admitted for the first time
5 days PTC 4 days PTC 3 days PTC
2 days PTC 1 day PTC
Day of Consult
• No weight loss, good appetite
• No Eye pain, ear pain, epistaxis, gum
• No vomiting, hemoptysis, hematemesis
• No difficulty of breathing, chest pain
• No diarrhea, constipation
• No dysuria
• No joint pain
• No asthma
• No known allergies
• No previous hospitalizations nor
• No previous trauma/accidents
39 76 60 59

42 38

18 16 15 14 13 12

(+) Hypertension - Paternal side

(+) Depression - maternal side
• H - patient lives with 4 other siblings in a well-lit,
well ventilated 2 bedroom apartment.
• E - Currently a grade 5 student with reported poor
performance at as school as evidenced by low
• A - Usually plays games on his tablet and
occasionally plays basketball
• D- Denies illicit drug use and expresses no desire
in using it in the future
• S- Currently has no girlfriend and denies crushes
in school but was masturbating and was reported
to be watching porn in his tablet and
• Well-lit, well ventilated 2 bedroom
• 5 household members
• Distilled water
• Garbage collected 3 times a week
• No creek or river near their
• (+) Smoker in the house
• Born to a 26 y/o G6P6 (6006)
• Delivered full term via NSD at Home
attended by a traditional birth
• Unrecalled BW
• Mother was reported to have no
prenatal check-ups, no maternal
illnesses but was smoking and using
illicit drug during pregnancy
• Formula fed with Nestogen with
unrecalled dilution from birth due
to no production of milk
• Complementary feedings was
started at 6 months
• Currently patient likes eating
Chicken and Vegetables
• unknown to informants
• Able to walk alone - 1 year old
• Sits alone - 6 months
• Able to say mama - 8 months
• Currently a grade 5 student with
poor performance at school. With
good relationship with peers
General Awake, alert, not in cardiorespiratory distress

Anthropo Wt- 27kg

metrics Ht- 141cm zscore -1= Normal
BMI- 12.86 kg/m2 zscore below -2= Wasted

Vital Signs BP- 100/60

HR- 102
RR- 19
Temp- 37.4

Skin Flushed appearance, warm to touch, moist, with petechial

and erythematous confluent macular rash on trunk and
extremities (LE>UE). Nails without clubbing or cyanosis,
No other lesions noted.
Head and Head- No lesions no masses, hair with average texture
Neck Eyes- Anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctivae
Ears- No ear tags, no aural discharge
Nose- nasal mucosa pink, septum midline, no sinus
tenderness, no nasal discharge
Throat- Pink oral mucosa, good dentition, no
tonsillopharyngeal congestion, no exudates
Neck- Trachea midline, supple neck, no cervical

Chest and Symmetrical chest expansion, clear breath sounds, no

Lungs retractions

Cardiovas Adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular rhythm,

cular distinct S1 and S2, no murmurs, no thrills

Abdomen Flat, normoactive bowel sounds, soft, direct tenderness

on epigastric area, no palpable masses, liver span is 6cm
in right midclavicular line, edge not felt, no costovertebral
angle tenderness
Genitalia Grossly male, Tanner stage II on Genitalia and pubic hair

Extremities Full and equal pulses, CRT <2sec, no edema, no pallor

Neurologic Mental status exam

Frontal: Awake, alert, coherent, cooperative
Parietal: No R-L disorienttaion, no finger agnosia
Temporal: Intact remote, recent, immediate memory,
oriented to time place person
Occipital: Recognizes objets and colors
GCS: 15 ( E4 V5 M6)
Cranial Nerves
CN I: Can smell
CN II: Pupils 2-3mm equal and briskly recative to light
CN III, IV, VI: EOMs intact
CN V: Intact corneal reflex, good masseteric and
temporalis muscle tone
CN VII: No facial assymetry
CN VIII: Intcat gross hearing
CN IX, X: Intact gag reflex
CN XI: Good shoulder shrug
CN XII: Tongue midline
Motor: Good muscle tone, 5/5 strength on both upper and lower extremities
Sensory: 100% to light touch
Reflexes: 2+ on biceps, brachioradialis, knee, ankle; no babinski
Meninges: No neck rigidity
Cerebellar: No nystagmus, no dysdiadochokinesia, good gait
(+) Fever
(+) Abdominal pain
(+) Rashes on both upper and
lower extremities
Disease Measles Rubella Chikungunya Chickenpox Dengue
Rash -Maculopapular -Pink macules that -Diffuse erythematous-Initially, intensely -Occurs 1-2 days
rash coalesce maculopapular rash ofpruritic erythematous after defervescence
-Begins on forehead, -Begins on face, the trunk and macules that evolve to -generalized,
behind ears and on neckthen spreads extremities, papular stage to form morbiliform,
upper neck then spreads centrifugally sometimes involving clear, fluid filled vesicle maculopapular rash
downward -Fades in 3 days the palms and soles. -Begins on scalp, face sparing palms and
-Fades over about 7 -No desquamation -May evolve into or trunk soles
days petechiae, urticaria, -Clouding and -Fades in 1-5days
-Leaves fine xerosis, or umbilication occurs -Desquamation may
desquamation hypermelanosis; or occur
resolves with
Age 90% before 15 yr of age Pre-school age and All age groups -Most children infected All age groups
school age by 15 years of age
-<5% adult

Clinical Prodromal phase: Prodrome phase: -High fever (40°C/ Prodrom phase: -Sudden onset of
Manifestation -mild fever -low grade fever 104°F) with flushed -Fever 37.8-41.1oC fever (39.4-41.1oC)
-conjuctivitis with -sore throat appearance -malaise -Frontal or
photophobia -red eyes -Chills -anorexia retroorbital pain
-coryza -headache -Joint pain (lower -headache -Severe back pain
-prominnet cough -malaise back, ankle, knees, -occasional mild -Myalgia, arthralgia
-increasing fever -anorexia wrists or phalanges) abdominal pain -2nd -6th day of
-Koplik spots 1-4 days -lymphadenopathy -Joint swelling fever nausea and
before rash -Headache vomiting,
Rash occurs with -Muscle pain gen.lymphadenopat
Rash on 4th day Forchheimer spots -Nausea hy, anorexia
-Abdominal pain
-Retro-orbital pain

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