Cognitive Process of Organizational Behaviour: Motivation
Cognitive Process of Organizational Behaviour: Motivation
Cognitive Process of Organizational Behaviour: Motivation
Organizational Behaviour
Learning Outcomes
Illustrate the motivation process
Discuss the four content motivation theories:
hierarchy of needs theory, ERG theory, two-factor
theory, and acquired needs theory
Discuss the three process motivation theories: equity
theory, goal-setting theory, and expectancy theory
Explain the Reinforcement theory and four types of
reinforcement tools
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What is Motivation?
The processes that account for an individual’s
intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward
attaining goal
Key elements
Intensity – how hard a person tries
Direction – toward beneficial goal
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Evolution of Employee Motivation
Traditional Approach
Human Relations Approach
Human Resource Approach
Contemporary Approach
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The Basic Process of Motivation
Needs Behaviour Incentives
Content Theories Process Theories Reinforcement
Hierarchy of Needs Equity Theory Reinforcement Theory
ERG Theory Expectancy Theory
McClellond’s Theory
of Needs
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Content Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of
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Content Theory: Alderfer’s ERG Theory
A modification of the needs hierarchy theory that
proposes three categories of needs:
Existence needs
Relatedness needs
Growth needs
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Content Theory: Herzberg’s Two- Factor
Theory of Motivation
A theory that relates intrinsic factors to job satisfaction
and associates extrinsic factors with dissatisfaction.
Motivation factors
increase job satisfaction
• Company policy &
• Supervision • Achievement
• Interpersonal relations • Recognition
• Working conditions • Autonomy
• Salary • Responsibility
• Security • Advancement
• Growth
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Relationships between Content Theories
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Process Theory: Adam’s Equity Theory
A theory that says that individuals compare their job
inputs and outcomes with those of others and then
respond to eliminate any inequities
Referent Comparison
Self –inside
Self- outside
Other- inside
Other- outside
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Process Theory: Equity Theory (Cont’d)
Person Comparison
Equity Outcomes = Outcomes
Inputs Inputs
Negative Outcomes < Outcomes
Inequity Inputs Inputs
Positive Outcomes > Outcomes
Inequity Inputs Inputs
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Process Theory: Equity Theory (Cont’d)
Choices for dealing with inequity:
Change inputs
Change outcomes
Distort/change perceptions
Choose a different referent person
Leave the field (quit the job)
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Process Theories: Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of
The strength of a tendency to act in a certain way
depends on the strength of an expectation that the act
will be followed by a given outcome and on the
attractiveness of that outcome to the individual
Major factor of motivation
Valence - value or importance placed on a particular
Instrumentality - belief that performance is
related to rewards
Expectancy - belief that effort leads to performance
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Expectancy Model of Motivation
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Process Theory: Edwin Locke’s
Goal-Setting Theory
The theory that says that specific and difficult goals,
with feedback, lead to higher performance
Key components of goal setting theory
Goal specificity
Goal difficulty
Goal acceptance
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Reinforcement Theory
The theory that says that behaviour is a function of its
Proposes that through the consequences for behavior
employees will be motivated to behave in
predetermined ways
Behavior is environmentally caused.
Behavior can be modified (reinforced) by providing
(controlling) consequences.
Reinforced behavior tends to be repeated
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Reinforcement Theory (Cont’t)
Responding Consequences of
Stimulus Behavior Behavior
Reinforcement Tools
Positive reinforcement
Avoidance learning
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Thank You
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