Earth and PlateTectonics
Earth and PlateTectonics
Earth and PlateTectonics
What are the tectonic plates?
• Is the hotter upper mantle below the lithospheric
• Can flow like silly putty; and
• Is a viscoelastic solid, NOT liquid!!
Tectonic Plates
There are a dozen large lithospheric plates (smaller plates not shown).
Some plates have continents; some don’t. All are in motion.
Sea-Floor Spreading
Sea-Floor Spreading
•Harry Hess proposed that new ocean floor is
formed at the rift of mid-ocean ridges. The ocean
floor, and the rock beneath it, are produced by
magma that rises from deeper levels. Hess
suggested that the ocean floor moved laterally
away from the ridge and plunged into an oceanic
trench along the continental margin.
Seafloor Spreading
•As new ocean floor
is created by sea-
floor spreading at the
mid-oceanic ridges it
is consumed at the
subduction zones
where the
lithosphere sinks
under the
Convergent Boundaries
• Oceanic-Continental Convergence
• Continent-Continent Convergence
• Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence
• When the leading edge of
an oceanic crust collides
with continental crust.
• Oceanic crust is denser –
it is subducted, or forced
under the less dense
continental crust.
• A deep oceanic trench
forms along a subduction
• When two leading edges of continental crust
• Neither crust is conducted – they have the same
• Colliding edges are crumpled and uplifted,
producing mountains.
Convergent Boundaries
•Places where plates
crash or crunch into each
other. All the folding and
bending makes rock in
both plates break and slip,
causing earthquakes.
Rock deep in the Earth
melts, builds up pressure
causing volcanoes.
•An ocean Crush
floor will always slide under the land
mass. This is because the land mass is more
buoyant, or lighter, than the ocean floor. When two
land masses meet neither will slide under the other.
Instead, the two crush together at what is known as
a collisional boundary. They crumple and fold.
Some pieces of land are thrust over
or under other pieces. The result is
a mountain range.
Divergent Boundaries
•Places where plates come apart are called
divergent boundaries. When Earth's brittle surface
layer is pulled apart, it breaks along parallel faults
that tilt slightly outward from each other. As the
plates separate along the boundary, the block
between the faults cracks and drops down into the
soft, plastic interior. The sinking of the block forms a
central valley called a rift. Magma (liquid rock)
seeps upward to fill the cracks. In this way, new
crust is formed along the boundary.
Divergent Boundaries
Transform Boundaries
Places where plates slide past each other are
called transform boundaries. The most famous
transform boundary in the world is the San
Andreas fault. Los Angeles will not crack off and
fall into the ocean as popularly thought, but it
will simply creep towards San Francisco at
about 6 centimeters per year. In 16 million
years, the plates will have moved so much that
Los Angeles will be north of San Francisco!
Transform Boundaries
•Summary Illustration
Collision of ‘Drifting’ India with Eurasia
Note on Source: First 8 slides are modified from a slide show prepared by Dr. Robert
Butler, University of Portland, and Jenda Johnson,
…the full source of which can be found at: