Decay Effects in Online Advertising: Quantifying The Impact of Time Since Last Exposure
Decay Effects in Online Advertising: Quantifying The Impact of Time Since Last Exposure
Decay Effects in Online Advertising: Quantifying The Impact of Time Since Last Exposure
• Starcom IP
– Leading interactive agency
• Dynamic Logic
– Independent research company specializing in measuring marketing
– Has conducted studies for 47 out of Top 50 U.S. Advertisers
Purpose of this research
• To quantify the decay dynamics of brand metrics following OTS of
online advertising
– Magnitude of decay
– Rate of decay
• Normative data
– Mine Dynamic Logic MarketNorms database
– Based on time stamp field, identify cases which represent various periods of times
between OTS and survey completion
– Benefits: large amount of data readily available, cost, timing
– Cons: Heterogeneous data could limit analysis
Data summary
• Stratified sample of 2003 MarketNorms data
– All cases where difference between OTS and survey completion is
greater than one day
– Random sample of 5,200 cases where survey occurred immediately
following OTS
• Aggregated-level data
– Cross-tab brand metrics with time (in days) since exposure
– OLS regression against the tabbed data
– Independent variable: Recency of OTS
– Dependent variable: Percent of respondents at Day X who indicate
affirmative response to brand metric
Results: Respondent Level Data
Findings – Respondent-level
• Binary logistic regression testing relationship between time since last
exposure (day intervals) and brand scores
– Data tested with a variety of time intervals and controls
• Overall respondent-level analysis indicates significant, but very small,
negative impact of decay on 4 brand metrics at 95% level
– Aided Brand Awareness
– Aided Online Advertising Awareness
– Brand Favorability
– Purchase Intent
• Positive impact of frequency on Aided Brand Awareness, Brand
Favorability, and Purchase Intent at 95% level
• No significant interaction effects between time since last exposure and
frequency were observed
Findings – Respondent-level
• Differences were observed across industry
verticals for some metrics
– Pharmaceutical category was the only vertical to
exhibit significant decay in Online Ad Awareness at the
individual respondent level
– No significant effect of online ad exposure frequency
was seen at the individual level within Automobile
category when controlling for recency and
demographic differences
Decay of Aided Brand Awareness
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time since last exposure (in weeks)
• Relationship between brand score and time since last exposure is not
monotonic and appears to be affected by intervening and other individual
factors; other variables (such as demographics) played a significant role
Results: Aggregated Data
Distribution of cases
Time Cases Time Cases
differential differential
(days) (days)
1 27,039 8 76
2 253 9 59
3 160 10 35
4 103 11 32
5 85 12 28
6 83 13 21
7 85 14 23
Findings – Aggregated data
• Only one of five brand metrics measured exhibited
evidence of decay
– Aided Online Advertising Awareness
– “Days since last OTS” contributed a significant
coefficient at 95% confidence
Respondents aware of
onlin advertising
y 0.317 (.008 DSO)
10% Adj. r2 = 0.603
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
• For every day since last OTS, aggregate aided online advertising
awareness decreases 0.8 percentage points.
• Both analytical methods suggest effects of decay on
advertising effectiveness are limited