Afro Asian Literature
Afro Asian Literature
Afro Asian Literature
• It is the second largest continent (after Asia),
covering about one-fifth of the total land
surface of Earth. The continent is bounded on
the west by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north
by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by the
Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and on the
south by the mingling waters of the Atlantic
and Indian oceans.
• ETYMOLOGY: The name Africa came into
Western use through the Romans, who used the
name Africa terra – “land of the Afri” (plural, or
“Afer” singular) – for the northern part of the
continent, as the province of Africa with its
capital Carthage, corresponding to modern-
day Tunisia.
•Asia is bounded by the Arctic Ocean to the
north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the
Indian Ocean to the south, the Red Sea (as
well as the inland seas of the Atlantic Ocean
– the Mediterranean and the Black) to the
southwest, and Europe to the west.
•ETYMOLOGY: The word Asia is originated
from the Ancient Greek word Aoia, first
attributed to Herodotus (about 440BCE) in
reference to Anatolia or to the Persian
Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt.
It originally was a name for the east bank
of the Aegean Sea, anareaknownto the
Hittites asAssuwa.
• It refers to the literary output of the
various countries and cultures in Africa and
Asia. This includes their oral traditions and
from the first to the contemporary written
and/or published prose and poetry.
• Asian Literature alone is diverse and
vibrant. Add to that the splendor of African
Literature,and you get enriching AfroAsian
• AFRICA - Africa has 300 distinct ethnic groups, 2000
language. Home to the most genetically diverse
people on Earth. So diverse that two Africans are
more genetically different from each other than a
Chinese and European are from each other.
• Sense of Community
A popular African proverb comes to mind here to
express the African sense of community. It says: "Go
the way that many people go; if you go alone, you
will have reason to lament“. The African idea of
security and its value depends on personal
• Sense of Good Human Relations
The art of dialogue and conversation is a cherished
value in African human People freely discuss their
problems and look for suggestions and solutions
together . The unwillingness to talk to people about
either private or public affairs can be interpreted as
bad manners or sign of enmity.
• Sense of hospitality
The Africans easily incorporate strangers and give
them lands to settle hoping that would go one day,
and the land would revert to the owner . Africans have
symbolic ways of expressing welcome.
• ASIA - Asian values are very much inter-related. They
all support the view of the individual.