1 Laigle - Large and Deep Caverns FV2
1 Laigle - Large and Deep Caverns FV2
1 Laigle - Large and Deep Caverns FV2
Dr François LAIGLE
EDF Hydro Engineering Center
Some few examples of Large and/or Deep underground caverns
Sequences of Excavation
Large ? Deep ?
Mining chambers
Hydroelectric power plants
Hydrocarbon underground storages
Water storages
Underground waste repositories
Underground nuclear laboratories
Military underground chambers
Transportation infrastructures
Underground stations
Temporary caverns From A. Glazer et al – Revival of Burial tunnels: Underground Cemetery Construction in
Cross over stations Jerusalem – Congrès International de l’AFTES – Paris 13-15 Novembre 2017
Underground cemeteries
Car parks
Leisure facilities
Sporting infrastructures
Artistic creations
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Average span : 20 m
Highest span: 35 m
Deepest: 1 600 m
•Q: 0.7 to 5
• RMR: 40 to 60
Elongated Shape !
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Some few examples of “Deep and/or Large Caverns”
Permanent thick concrete vault
Longwalls supported
with shotcrete, bolts
and anchors
grouted bars
Good rock
Section de la caverne de Kops II (http://www.jaegerbau.com) From P. Briand – Geostock –. Mai 2017 - AFTES
Significant participation of the Rock mass to its own support and stability
“Good” knowledge of the geological/geotechnical context
“Good” Understanding and anticipation of the rock mass behaviour
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Some few examples of “Deep and/or Large Caverns”
Underground laboratories
Super Kamiokande
laboratory (1996)
UX 15
USA 15 under construction
32 m span
- Underground stations
- Connection chambers and galleries
- Temporary chamber (TBM erection…)
- …
Leisure facilities
Depth: 100 m
From P. Duffaut
Cavernes Artificielles pour l’énergie – Pourquoi et
From P. Duffaut comment?
NNN05 Techniques de l’Ingénieur. 2014.
Engineering of Large & Deep Rock Caverns for Physics Research – Aussois 7-9 April 2005
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Some few examples of “Deep and/or Large Caverns”
Nuclear facilities
Driven Mechanism
Block Instability
« Continuity » Factor
“Continuity Factor”
Geometrical Factor
From AFTES WG 30 “Design and Dimensioning of a Radial Bolting Support System in Tunnels”
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Rockmass behavior mechanisms
Roche fortement fracturée
50 à 100
Massif fracturé
Roche massive
Diederichs 2007
Mechanistic interpretation and practical application of damage
and spalling prediction criteria for deep tunnelling. Canadian
Geotechnical journal . 44(9): PP 1082-1116
Large and Deep Underground Caverns Stress Driven Mechanism
From S. Shengwu et al
Measures for controlling large deformations of underground
caverns under high in-situ condition – A case study of Jinping I
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – 8 2016
Maillage déformée
(échelle=1 / ouvrage)
Delayed behavior – Need of a relevant constitutive model taking into consideration both the post-peak behavior and the
coupled delayed behaviour
EDF-L&K Constitutive model
Constitutive model taking into account
the viscous behavior of the rockmass:
• Creep
• Relaxation
• Influence of the loading rate
• Post-peak behavior and induced
damage of the rock in time
Tertiary creep EDF-L&K Constitutive model – Development of a damaged/plastic zone in time in front of the tunnel
Large and Deep Underground Caverns Shear Mechanism
Theri Powerhouse
3D simulation Flac3D
0 With support
0 5 10 15 20 0,02 Without support
axial strain (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
excavation phases
Large and Deep Underground Caverns Shear Mechanism
Dip of phyllite
Large and Deep Underground Caverns Shear Mechanism
From AFTES WG 30 “Design and Dimensioning of a Radial Bolting Support System in Tunnels”
Large and Deep Underground Caverns Structurally Driven Mechanism
Empirical approaches
Discrete (discontinuous)
numerical simulations in 2D or 3D
Gavet Powerhouse
(simulations Vinci-DITS & Itasca)
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Rockmass behavior mechanisms
Shear mechanism
Continuous and Plastic behaviour
Stress Driven UCSi> 60 Mpa
Shear Strain
Driven Cf Hoek et al
Mechanism 2000
Cf Barton
Proof Q
From F. Laigle
Rockbolts Characteristics General considerations regarding the behaviour and Design of
Large Underground Caverns. Tunnels et Espace Souterrain –
n°251 – Septembre/Octobre 2015
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Support and linings
Support mainly composed of:
- A reinforced shotcrete “Skin” (type 2 AFTES)
About 20 to 25 cm SHOTCRETE
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Support and linings
Is it a issue ?
Yes and No
Tartaiguille Railway tunnel
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Support and linings
If crack appears on vault
If no any anticipation
- Safety issues
- Need to be protected by a steel mesh
- Difficulties to access in case of high caverns
- Stoppage of excavation works
- Loose of confidence if phenomenon not expected,
anticipated and understood
- …
13/01/00 12h00 USA15-45-TPC1
Contraintes dans le béton projeté USA15-45-EX1-15
(plaque de pression totale) USA15-45-EX1-05
25/09/99 23/10/99 20/11/99 18/12/99 15/01/00 12/02/00 11/03/00 08/04/00 06/05/00
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Support and linings without
Inclusion of the support into
the continuous numerical
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Support and linings
The optimal shape stays the “Circular” one in case of weak rocks
From www.chantier.smp4.eu
Large and Deep Underground Caverns
Sequences of Excavation
Gavet Powerhouse
Large and Deep Underground Caverns Sequences of Excavation
- Their dimensions and induced issues regarding mainly Construction process (sequence,
potential repairs, …)
- Their shape often elongated far away from a circular tunnel and thus consequences on the
support design philosophy
- The design concept: The general stability is relied on the ground contribution itself, allowing
to withstand additional stresses induced by the excavation (NATM)
- The need to identify and understand early the ground behaviour and potential failure
mechanisms: Observational method and anticipation.
- The shape, support, lining and construction process may be adapted in case of very bad rock
mass: circular shape and adaptive support accompanying ground displacements
- More than any other underground works, Large caverns are really some GEOTECHNICAL
STRUTURES because we must adapt to the GROUND (or “play” with)
Useful papers/books on this topic:
• ITA Report n°19 / May 2017.
TBM Excavation of Long and Deep Tunnels Under Difficult Rock Conditions
• AFTES WG 30.
Design and Dimensioning of a Radial Bolting Support System in Tunnels” –Guideline to be published
• F. Laigle for the WG30 (2018)
AFTES Guideline related to the « Design and Dimensioning of Radial Bolting Support Systems in Tunnels »
World Tunnelling Congress – Dubai - 2018
• E. Gilli (1984)
Recherche sur le creusement et la Stabilité des grands volumes karstiques souterrains
Thèse de 3eme cycle - Laboratoire de Géologie Appliquée - Université de Provence Aix Marseille - 1984
• A. Glazer et al (2017)
Revival of Burial tunnels: Underground Cemetery Construction in Jerusalem
Congrès International de l’AFTES – Paris 13-15 Novembre 2017
• F. Laigle (2015)
General considerations regarding the behaviour and Design of Large Underground Caverns.
Tunnels et Espace Souterrain – n°251 – Septembre/Octobre 2015
• P. Duffaut (2014)
Cavernes Artificielles pour l’énergie – Pourquoi et comment?
Techniques de l’Ingénieur.