ARTICLE I (Weld. Gen. Requirement)
ARTICLE I (Weld. Gen. Requirement)
ARTICLE I (Weld. Gen. Requirement)
WPS and Welder/Welding Operator Performance Qualification
records meeting the above requirements (Sec.IX, 1962 or later
edition) do not need to be amended to include any variables
required by later Edition and Addenda.
Qualification of new and re-qualification of WPS or Welder/
Welding Operators shall be in accordance with the current Edition
and Addenda of Sec. IX
QW-101 Scope
The rules in this Section apply to the preparation of WPS and
Qualification of welding proc., welders and welding operators .
QW-102 Term and Definitions, are defined in QW-492
QW-103 Responsibility,
QW-103.1 Welding. Each manufacturer (include installer or
assembler) or contractor is responsible for the welding done by his
organization and shall conduct the test required in this section to
qualify the welding procedures he uses in the construction of the
weldments built under this Code, and the performance of welders
and welding operators who apply these procedures.
QW-103.2 Records. Each manufacturer or contractor shall maintain a
record of the results obtained in welding procedure and welder and
welding operator performance qualifications. These records shall
be certified by the manufacturer or contractor and shall be
accessible to the AI.
QW-110 WELD ORIENTATION are illustrated in QW-461.1 or
Groove welds may be made in test coupons oriented in any of the
position in QW-461.3 or QW-461.4
QW-121 Plate Positions
QW-122 Pipe Position
QW-123 Stud Welds