Stress Faults and Folds
Stress Faults and Folds
Stress Faults and Folds
Hanging Wall
When the hanging wall moves down it is
called a normal fault. Normal faults occur
in places where there is tension or the rocks
are being pulled apart.
When the hanging wall moves up it is called
a reverse fault. Reverse faults are caused
by compressional forces.
A low angle reverse fault is called a thrust
fault because one side is being thrust onto
the other.
The last type of faults are called strike-slip
faults. Strike-slip faults slide horizontally
past one another.
If you are looking across to the other side of a strike-slip
fault and that side moves to the left of you it is called a
left lateral strike-slip fault. Strike-slip faults occur in and
around transform plate boundaries like where we live
near the San Andreas fault. This is also where shearing
takes place.