Policy On The Provision of Educational Services To Learners With Special Educational Needs
Policy On The Provision of Educational Services To Learners With Special Educational Needs
Policy On The Provision of Educational Services To Learners With Special Educational Needs
A. Assessment Services
1. Classroom assessment
2.Screening assessment for learners-at-risk
3. Assessment and diagnosis of special
educational needs
4. Progress evaluation based on IEP goals
5. National assessment
VI. Educational Ser vices for LSENs
E. Educational Placement
E. Educational Placement
F. Teachers
A. Schools
B. Schools Division Offices
C. Regional Offices
D. Central Office
VII. Program Management
A. Schools:
A. Schools:
• involve and communicate to teachers,
nonteaching personnel, learners, and families
how schools can accommodate LSENs and make
the environment more inclusive for them.
• ensure that data on LIS and EBEIS are correct
and properly encoded.
• use school data in planning for and allocating
resources for the school
VII. Program Management
A. Schools:
• ensure that provisions for LSENs are
included in the School Improvement Plan
(SIP) and Annual Improvement Plan (AIP)
of the school.
• setup and establish resource rooms
within the school to support additional
needs of LSENs.
VII. Program Management
A. Schools:
• manage and sustain resources of the school
and/or center and ensure that services are
available to all.
• establish and lead the multidisciplinary team
and ensure that needs of learners are met in the
achievement of their educational goals.
• support the special education teacher in the
implementation of the IEP and other programs
and services for LSENs.
VII. Program Management
A. Schools:
• advocate the conduct of LAC sessions.
• discuss with regular and SpEd teachers
during LAC sessions strategies on how
LSENs can be better accommodated in
regular classroom and how remediation
classes can be conducted.
VII. Program Management
A. Schools:
• plan with the SDO and the teachers
how they may be mobilized in
providing access to basic education
to learners in remote areas and to
learners with special needs.
VII. Program Management
A. Schools:
• guarantee participation of LSENs in
national assessments, services, programs,
and other school and community
• establish and sustain partnerships with
families and the community.
VII. Program Management