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Fundamentals of Vacuum - Short Course

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Vacuum laboratory

D. Alesini, S. Bini, F. Cioeta

1. Vacuum Definition and Applications
2. Pressure measurements and Vacuum classification
3. Vacuum in particle accelerators

1. Mean free path and Gas Flow Regimes ( Transition, Molecular and Viscous)
2. Gas flow rate and pumping speed
3. Desorption, Outgassing and Degassing
4. Leaks
5. Throughput Q=p*S
6. Pumping Speed
7. Residual Gas Composition
8. Vacuum Conductance, Series and Parallel
9. Electrical Analogy and Examples

1. Primary pumping systems: Scroll Pump, Turbomolecular Pump,
2. UHV pumping system: Ion Pump, Getter Pump,
3. Vacuum Gauge
4. Leak Detectors


1. Materials
2. Clean Process
3. Laboratory experience description

1. Vacuum Definition and Applications

2. Pressure measurements and Vacuum classification

3. Vacuum in particle accelerators

Vacuum Definition and Applications
 Vacuum science studies behavior of rarefied gases,
A vacuum is the state of a gas where interactions between gas and solid surfaces (adsorption
the pressure is lower than and desorption), etc.
atmospheric pressure at the Earth's  Vacuum technology covers wide range of vacuum
surface. pumping, instrumentations, materials engineering, and
surface engineering,…

a) To Avoid chemical and physical processes caused
by atmospheric gases (e.g: during the fusion of
particular reactive metals, like Ti,…);

b) To increase the mean free path of molecules,

atoms and ions avoid the impacts with residual gas
molecules (e.g: Metalization processes under
vacuum, particles accelerators, ion implantation,…)

c) To increase thermal insulation ( e.g: in the Dewars,

criogenics systems)

d) To simulate some particulars physical situations

(e.g. chamber of space simulation for test on
satellites or space stations)

e) Food and packaging, brazing in furnaces,

sputtering processes,…
Pressure measurements and Vacuum Classification

Extreme UltraHigh
Vacuum (XHV)
~10-12 mbar

Low Vacuum Medium Vacuum Very High Vacuum Ultra High Vacuum
(LV) (MV) (VHV) (UHV)
30 to 103 mbar 10-3 to 30 mbar 10-6 to10-9 mbar 10-9 to 10-12 mbar

Industrials Scope High Vacuum (HV)

10-3 to 10-6 mbar Particles Accelerator -P~10-8-10-10 mbar

NB: P=10-10 mbar

 106 molecules/cm3 !!!
Vacuum in Particle Accelerators
1) Circular machines like synchrotrons (multi-passage, high current)
The interaction between the residual gas and the particles beam can have several
 reduction of beam lifetime (because of scattering and energy lost by
bremsstrahlung). The lifetime is proportional to 1/P where the P is the residual gas
 instability of the stored particles beam (ion trapping, fast ion instability)
 betatron tune variation
 Increase in beam emittance

Typical vacuum pressures in synchrotons are 10-8-10-11 mbar

2) Linear accelerators (single-passage, low current)

In LINAC the vacuum requirements are less demanding because of the single passage (no
cumulative effects) and less average current. The vacuum can still have impact on:
 Increase in beam emittance
 discharges in high gradient (10-100 MV/m) accelerating structures
 Contaminations of targets, …

Typical vacuum Pressures are 10-8-10-9 mbar

1.Mean free path and Gas Flow Regimes ( Transition, Molecular and Viscous)

2.Gas flow rate and pumping speed

3.Desorption, Outgassing and Degassing


5.Throughput Q=p*S

6.Pumping Speed


8.Residual Gas Composition

9.Vacuum Conductance, Series and Parallel

10.Electrical Analogy and Examples

Gas Flow Regimes
The mean free path is the average distance that a gas molecule can travel
before colliding with another molecule and is determined by:

- Size of molecule (2r) T

K .
- Pressure (p) a =
- Temperature (T)  2 (2r)2 p

The gas in a vacuum system can be in a viscous state, in a

molecular state (or in a transition state) depending on the
dimension-less parameter know as the Knudsen number (Kn)
that is the ratio between the mean free path and the
characteristic dimension of the flow channel.

Viscous Flow Molecular Flow

(momentum transfer (molecules move
between molecules) independently)

P> 1 mbar P<10-3 mbar

Typical pressure values

Gas flow rate and pumping speed
In a vacuum system (to the 1° order) the total gas load is the sum of several contributions.

The main important (for our typical applications) are:

1. Desorption or outgassing ( Qdes);

Desorption or Outgassing
2. Leaks (Real or Virtual , QL) (Qdes)

Leaks (QL)
Qtot = Qdes+ QL Pumping speed (S)

The final pressure in the system is given by the equilibrium
between the total gas load (Qtot) and the gas flowing into the
pump (pS).

The pressure p(t) can be obtained solving this equation:

Desorption, outgassing, degassing
Gas molecules, (primarily water) are bound to the interior surfaces of the vacuum chamber and gradually desorb again
under vacuum. The desorption rate of the metal and glass surfaces in the vacuum system produces a gas yield that
decreases over time.





Qdes Desorption rate [mbar l s-1]
Desorption rate
qdes density or specific [mbar l s-1 m-2]
desorption rate
A Area [m2]

QL describes the leak rate, i.e. a gas flow, which enters the vacuum system through leaks.
The leakage rate is defined as the pressure rise over time in a given volume:

QL Leak rate [mbar l s-1]

Pressure change during
Δp [mbar]
measurement period
V Volume of the system [l]
Δt Measurement period [s]
Gas flow rate and throughput of a vacuum pump
• Gas flow rate is the volume of gas, at a known pressure, that passes through a plane per
unit time

• The throughput of a vacuum pump is the gas flow rate that a pump is able to absorb and is
related to the pressure at the pump inlet as: S is called pumping speed

dn 𝑝𝑑𝑉 𝑃𝑑𝑉
= ⇒𝑄= = PS [mbar*l/s]
dt 𝑅𝑇𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
This equation is directly obtained from the main ideal gas equation.

P = Pressure of gas
P V = Volume
PUMP PV=nRT n= number of molecules
R= Boltzman Constant (8,314472 J/mol K)
T= Temperature
Pump Inlet
Q is define as the quantity of gas that leaves the pipe in the unit time.
The lower the pressure, the «Better» or «Higher» the vacuum
Pumping Speed
Is the volume of gas flowing through the cross section of the inlet port of a vacuum pump.
The pump’s maximum achievable pumping speed is always referred to as its rate pumping
speed. Determination of the pumping speed is described in base standard ISO 21360-1.

𝒔= [l/s]
The pumping speed
depends on the
system pressure and
gas type

All pumps have both high

and low applicable
pressure limit
Residual Gas Composition
When working in ultra-high vacuum, it can be important to know the composition of the residual gas.

A residual gas analyzer (RGA) is a small and usually rugged mass spectrometer(*), typically designed for process
control and contamination monitoring in vacuum systems.

As example the percentages of water (m/e = 18) and its fragment OH (m/e = 17) will be large in the case of vacuum
chambers that are not clean or well baked.

Leaks can be identified by the peaks of nitrogen (m/e = 28) and oxygen (m/e = 32) in the ratio N2/O2 of approx. 4 to 1.
Hydrogen (m/e = 2), water (m/e = 17 and 18), carbon monoxide (m/e = 28) and carbon dioxide (m/e = 44) will be found in
well-baked chambers.

No hydrocarbons have to be present in well cleaned chambers.

Typical residual gas spectrum of a vessel evacuated by a turbomolecular pump

Vacuum Conductance

Gases moving through elements (pipes, tubes, Section A

vessels, and orifices) in a vacuum system encounter P1 P2
resistance to their motion. We can define the Pump
impedance of a tube as:

Z=( P1-P2 )/ Q
C= 1/Z=Q/P1-P2 Defines the pressure
drop in a pipe
Conductance is an abstract concept used to describe the
behavior of gas in a vacuum system.
The Condutance is the
capability to let through a • Conductance is specific to a particular geometrical
particular gas volume in a configuration.
known time • Conductance is specific to the actual gas species and
Conductance Properties
The conductance of pipes
and pipe bends will differ in
the various flow regimes.
In viscous flow they are
proportional to the mean
pressure p and in molecular
flow they are independent of
pressure. Knudsen flow
represents a transition
between the two types of flow,
and the conductivities vary
with the Knudsen number.

10-2 mbar 1 mbar

Conductance in Molecular Flow of a Long Round Tube
Under molecular flow conditions doubling the pipe diameter increases the
conductance eight times. The conductance is INVERSELY related to the
pipe length.
Electrical Analogy of a Vacuum System (1/2)
A vacuum system can be analized/designed using an equivalent electrical model.

In this model:

1-pressures at a given point is the voltage

2-gas flow rate Q is the current

3-the conductances are electrical resistors

4-the pumping system are voltage generator

5- leacks as resistors that connect a given point to the mass.

Conductances Conductances
in Series in Parallel
Electrical Analogy of a Vacuum System (2/2)

= 1/Z f.e.m = electromotive force

Pump Vacuum Chamber (V)
Z = Pipe Impedance

Z Zc = Leaks Impedance

Zp , Zs = Pump’s Impedance

C C = Volume of Vacuum
f.e.m Zc
Zp Chamber
Pumping Technology

1. Primary pumping systems: Scroll Pump, Turbomolecular Pump,

2. UHV pumping system: Ion Pump, Getter Pump, Titanium

Sublimation Pump

3. Vacuum Gauge and Leak Diagnostic

Pumping Technology
Overview of vacuum pumps
Pumping Technology
a) Primary pumping systems are mechanical pumps that work to decrease the pressure from atmospheric pressure

to the pressure (10-6-10-8) to start the ion pump or other UHV pumping systems. We have:

• Scroll Pump ( atmospheric pressure to about 10-3 mbar)

• Turbomolecular Pump ( from 10-2 mbar to about 10-8 mbar )

b) UHV pumping system are the pumps that work at low pressure or in ultra high vacuum. The tipical pumps are :

• Ion Pump (from 10-6 mbar to 10-11 mbar)

• Getter Pump

• Titanium Sublimation Pump

In particles accelerator ion, Ti Sublimation and NEG pumps are in general used.

Different pumps are more effective for different chemical species.

In a vacuum system we find these typical gases:

Nitrogen N2, CO, CO2, methane , Argon , Oxygen , Hydrogen, Helium, Water ..
Scroll Pump Turbomolecular Pump
A scroll compressor (also called spiral compressor,
A turbomolecular pump is a type of
scroll pump and scroll vacuum pump) is a device for vacuum pump, used to obtain and
compressing air or refrigerant. It is used in air maintain high vacuum.
conditioning equipment, as an automobile
supercharger (where it is known as a scroll-type • These pumps work on the
supercharger) and as a vacuum pump. principle that gas molecules can
be given momentum in a desired
Interior view of
direction by repeated collision a
with a moving solid surface. turbomolecular
A scroll compressor uses pump
two interleaving spirals • In a turbomolecular pump, a
that allow to physically rapidly spinning fan rotor (50000-
remove the gas from The 100000 rpm) 'hits' gas molecules
system. It allows to reach from the inlet of the pump
pressure of the order 10-2- towards the exhaust in order to • These pumps can be a
create or maintain a vacuum. very versatile pump. It
10-3 mbar .
can operate from
intermediate vacuum
Schematic of a turbomolecular pump. (~10−2 mbar) up to
ultra-high vacuum
levels (~10 mbar).
These devices are
known for operating
more smoothly, quietly,
and reliably than Their design is similar to
conventional that of a turbine. A multi-
compressors in some
stage, turbine-like rotor
with bladed disks rotates
in a housing.
Ion Pump
An ion pump (also referred to as a sputter ion pump) is a type of vacuum pump capable
of reaching pressures as low as 10−11 mbar under ideal conditions. An ion pump ionizes
gas within the vessel appling a strong electrical voltage, typically 3–7 kV, which allows
the ions to accelerate and be captured by a solid electrode.

Ion pumps and are available in four types:

 StarCell
 Triode
 Noble Diode
 Diode
Getter Pump
Evaporable Getters Non-Evaporable Getters - NEG
The active Ti surface is obtained under Also in this case, a particular material alloy
vacuum with subsequent depositions of a (NEG coating) has the property to absorb
metal film of Ti in the system the molecules of gas. To activate the
surface it is necessary to simply heat it at
250-300 C.
Main Getter Elements are:
The titanium is heated to the Barium, zirconium, tantalum, molybdenum,
sublimation temperature (about 1100 ° vanadium, titanium, niobium

The gas particles which collide on the NEG Coating : i.e. 84% Zr; 16% Al or Zr, Fe, V
layer of titanium are linked via chemi- About 0,07 mm

Support: plated iron or nickel, tickeness 0,2 mm

Thermal Conductivity VacuumGauge
This measurement principle utilizes the thermal conductivity of gases for the purpose of
pressure measure in the range from 10-4mbar to atmospheric pressure.

Two platinum filaments are used as two

arms of a Wheatstone bridge:
 Stable measurements
 The filament in the reference tube is
immersed in a gas at a fixed pressure
within a wide
in the high vacuum regime; temperature range
 The measurement filament is
 Highly resistant to
exposed to the vacuum system overpressure
Both filaments are heated to a constant
temperature by the current through the
bridge. The resistance change define
the vacuum pressure

When gas molecules in the vacuum system hit

the filament, thermal energy is conducted
Pirani gauges have inherent errors because the
away. This loss in thermal energy is detected
thermal conductivity and viscosity for each
and replaced by the feedback circuit to the
specific gas is different and varies non-linearly
power supply. The amount of electrical current
with pressure. They are therefore not used for
needed to restore the temperature of the
measuring absolute pressures.
filament is then converted to a pressure
Vacuum Gauge based on Ionization Probability
Penning gauge: more stable, less precise Bayard-Alpert gauge: less stable, more
• cold-cathode gauge
• 2 electrodes: anode, cathode+ permanent magnetic
• hot-cathode gauge,
• 3 electrodes: filament, collector, grid
• invented 1937 by Penning
• invented 1950, revolution in vacuum technology linear
• precursor of sputter-ion pump
• nonlinear dependence

Here the pressure is measured through a gas

• Molecules are
discharge in the gauge head where the gas discharge ionized and
is obtained by applying a high voltage. collected.
The pressure range from 10-4 to 1 x 10-9 mbar. • Pressure reading is
determined by the
electronics from
the collector

 The sensitivity of the
device is more different
for each gas;
 is rugged enough
 is necessary to degas the
 is resistant to sudden variations of pressure.
head of measure to
 Low tendency for contamination (also during argon operation)
avoid outgassing
due to high voltage reduction after ignition of the plasma and
due to the titanium cathodes
Helium Leak Detectors
What is a Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector?
1. It is a Helium-specific partial pressure analyzer
2. It detects Helium applied as a tracer or probe gas
3. It consists of:
 the mass spectrometer tube tuned on He
 it’s own vacuum system capable of 10-5 mbar in the spectrometer tube
 a sensitive and stable amplifier valves, and auxiliary pumps for interfacing to vacuum system
 a display for monitoring leak rate
 Sensitivity is 10-10 mbar or better

A helium leak detector permits the localization of leaks and the quantitative determination of the leak rate, i.e.
the gas flow through the leak. Such a leak detector is therefore a helium flow meter.

In practice the leak detector performs this task by firstly

evacuating the part which is to be tested, so that gas from
the outside may enter through an existing leak due to the
pressure difference present. If there is a leak, helium can System
enter in the system from the leak (for example by using a
spray gun). This helium flows into the leak detector and is
detected. He

1. Vacuum Materials

2. Clean Process

3. Laboratory Experience
Vacuum Materials
Materials to use: Metals
 Most common choice in HV and UHV systems
 304 – common,
 304L – Low carbon variant of 304 especially in UHV systems
 321 – for when low magnetic permeability is required
BUT…. Avoid 303 grade – contains sulphur and tends to outgas

COPPER (Oxygen-free) C10100 & C10200

 ‘Oxygen-free’ type is widely used
 Easy to machine
 Impermeable to hydrogen and helium
 Low sensitivity to water vapour

 Can be used at high temperatures
 Can be used for filaments
BUT…Becomes brittle when work-hardened


 Low outgassing
 Easy to machine
 Low weight and lower cost
BUT…Some alloys contain a high proportion of Zinc ; Must NOT be anodised; Poor strength at high temperatures ;
Not easy to weld
Materials to use: Ceramics Materials to use: Polymers
 Excellent electrical insulation  Good electrical insulator
 Non-porous if fully vitrified  Tolerant to high temperatures
 Low coefficient of thermal expansion – usable  Low outgassing
to 1500oC BUT…Cannot be used as a barrier between vacuum and
atmosphere as it is permeable to gases
 Used for viewports  Good electrical insulator
 Can be machined and joined with metals  Tolerant to high temperatures
 Low coefficient of thermal expansion –  Very low outgassing
resistant to thermal shock  Available in tape and film form

PEEK – Polyether ether ketone

 Excellent mechanical & chemical resistance
 Suitable for UHV applications
 Very low outgassing
BUT…Has a melting point of 343oC

 Used for demountable seals (‘O’ rings etc.)
 Can also be used as a seating face in valves
 Good electrical insulator
 Good chemical resistance
 Bakeable to 200oC
Materials To Avoid
because of the high vapor pressure
Often present in the form of plating (fasteners etc.) or in some brazing alloys

Is a problem in high vacuum and high temperatures. Present in some alloys like brass (some
electrical fittings)

 Low melting point (650oC at atmosphere). Contains free hydrogen gas

 Often found in wire insulation, dust caps etc.

 Many have an affinity to water
 Especially plastic tapes. Mould release residue can be an issue too. Polymers may
generate a static charge attracting dust
 Nylon has a high outgassing rate
Synchrotron Radiation
When work with a circular machine we have a important radiation due at the synchrotron light .

Two main parameters assist to select the vacuum chamber material:

1. the synchrotron radiation power density;

2. the secondary electron yield coefficient.

The material that fulfills these requirements is Aluminum. Moreover, a suitable water cooling must be adopted

The main process of gas desorption in beam operation is photodesorption i.e. desorption caused by SR.
In order to evacuate the beam pipes we can use:

• A distribuited pumping scheme using a stryp-type nonevaporable getter (NEG) and we can use these
pumps irrespective of the presence of magnetic fields.(The maximum Pumping Speed is 160l/s )

• Lumped NEGs can be used for the straight section as necessary.

• Coating: NEG (Ti-Zr-V), TiN, Graphite

To achieve pressures in the ultra-high vacuum range (<10-8 hPa) the following conditions must be met:
• The base pressure of the vacuum pump should be a factor of 10 lower than the required ultimate
• The materials used for the vacuum chamber and components must be optimized for minimum
outgassing and have an appropriate surface finish grade.
• Metallic seals (e. g. CF flange connections or Helicoflex seals for ISO flange standards) should be used.
• Clean work is a must for ultra-high vacuum, i. e. all parts must be thoroughly cleaned before
installation and must be installed with grease-free gloves.
• The equipment and high vacuum pump must be baked out.
• Leaks must be avoided and eliminated prior to activating the heater.
• A helium leak detectors or mass spectrometer must be used for this purpose.

Bake-out significantly increases desorption and diffusion rates, and this produces significantly shorter
pumping times. As one of the last steps in the manufacturing process, chambers for UHV use can be
annealed at temperatures of up to 900 °C.

N.B: If stainless steel vessels with an appropriate surface finish grade and metal seals are used, bake-out
temperatures of 120°C and heating times of approximately 48 hours are sufficient for advancing into the
pressure range of 10-10 mbar.

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