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• Valence bond model of semiconductors:- Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor
• Energy band model
• p-n junction diode
• Depletion region
• I-V characteristics of p-n junction diode
• Temperature Dependance
Valence Bond Model Of Intrinsic
• The term intrinsic semiconductor refers to a pure semiconductor whose conductivity is due to the presence of
intrinsic charge carriers (electrons and holes) and not due to any impurity.
• In an intrinsic semiconductor the number of electrons in the conduction band is equal to the number of holes in
the valence band.
• The current which will flow in an intrinsic semiconductor consists of both electron and hole current.
Fig:-Covalent Bonding in Silicon Fig:-Generation of Hole

Consider the crystal of a semiconductor (Ge or Si). Each Silicon (Si) atom has four valence electrons
which it shares with the four nearest neighboring atoms to form four covalent bonds. Such a crystal
structure is called diamond -like structure. However, such a structure with all bonds exists at low
temperature. As the temperature increases, the thermal energy of the valence electrons increases.
As a result, an electron may break away from the covalent bond and create a vacancy in its position.
This vacancy of an electron with an effective positive electronic charge is called a hole. As each free
electron creates one hole, so in an intrinsic semiconductor, the number density of free electrons is
equal to the number density of holes.
Valence Band Model Of Extrinsic
A semiconductor doped with some suitable impurity atoms so as to increase its number of charge carriers is
called an extrinsic semiconductor.
• Extrinsic Semiconductors are of two types:- n type and p-type.
• Pentavalent (valency 5) atoms like Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Phosphorous (P), etc. impurities are added to
create a n-type semiconductor.
• Trivalent (valency 3) atoms like Indium (In), Boron (B), Aluminium (Al), etc. impurities are added to create a p-
type semiconductor.
Valence Bond Model of Extrinsic
N-type semiconductor is obtained by doping the tetravalent semiconductor Si
(or Ge) with pentavalent impurities such as Arsenic (As), Phosphorus (P) or
Antimony (Sb) of group V of the periodic table. When a pentavalent impurity
atom (here Phosphorus (P)) substitutes the Si atom, it uses four of its valence
electrons in forming four covalent bonds with neighboring Si atoms while the
fifth electron is loosely bound to the impurity atom. At room temperature,
the thermal energy is enough to set free this electron. As each pentavalent
impurity atom donates one extra electron for conduction, hence it is known
as a donor. These semiconductors have free electrons contributed by donors
and generated by the thermal process while the holes are only due to thermal
generation. Hence, the electrons are the majority charge 
carriers and holes are the minority charge carriers in the n-type 
semiconductor. As most of the current is carried by negatively charged
electrons, so the semiconductor doped with donor type impurities are known
as n-type semiconductors.
Energy Band Model Of Semiconductor
In semiconductors, there is a band gap, but compared to insulators it is so
small that even at room temperature electrons from the valence band can
be lifted into the conduction band. The electrons can move freely and act
as charge carriers. In addition, each electron also leaves a hole in the
valence band behind, which can be filled by other electrons in the valence
band. Thus wandering holes in the valence band are created, which can be
viewed as positive charge carriers. Since the electrons always assume the
energetically lowest state, they fall back into the valence band and
recombine with the holes if there is no energy supply. With increasing
temperature the number of electrons that can leap the band gap is
increased, and thus increasing the conductivity of semiconductors.
The band gap energy for Si is 1.14eV and for Ge it is 0.67eV.
Fig:- Energy band Model
Insulators vs Semiconductors vs
p-n junction diode
• P type and N type semiconductors, taken separately are of very limited use. It they are joined together a P-N
junction is formed.
• A p-n junction is a device formed by joining p-type with n-type semiconductors and seperated by a thin junction
is called a p-n junction diode or junction diode.
• A p-n junction diode is two-terminal or two-electrode semiconductor device, which allows the electric current
in only one direction while blocks the electric current in opposite or reverse direction. If the diode is forward
biased, it allows the electric current flow. On the other hand, if the diode is reverse biased, it blocks the electric
current flow.
• The p-n junction diode is made from the semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium, and gallium

Fig:- Symbol of p-n junction diode

Forward Biased p-n junction diode
If the voltage applied decreases the width of the depletion layer, then the diode is assumed to be in forward bias.

With the externally applied voltage, a potential difference
is altered between the P and N regions. When positive
terminal of the source is connected to the P side and the
negative terminal is connected to N side then the junction
diode is said to be connected in forward bias condition.
Forward bias lowers the potential across the PN junction.

The majority charge carriers in N and P regions are attracted towards the PN junction and the width of the depletion
layer decreases with diffusion of the majority charge carriers. With the increase in forward bias greater than the
built in potential, at a particular value the depletion region becomes very much thinner so that a large number of
majority charge carriers can cross the PN junction and conducts an electric current.
Reverse Biased p-n junction diode
If the applied voltage increases the depletion layer width then the diode is assumed to be in reverse bias.

When positive terminal of the source is connected to the N side
and the negative terminal is connected to P side, then the
junction diode is said to be connected in reverse bias condition. In
this type of connection majority charge carriers are attracted
away from the depletion layer by their respective battery
terminals connected to PN junction.

The width of the depletion region increases, thereby electric field at the PN junction increases and the PN junction
diode acts as a resistor. But the time of diode acting as a resistor is very low. There will be no recombination of
majority carriers taken place at the PN junction; thus, no conduction of electric current. In reverse bias condition,
no current flows through the PN junction diode with increase in the amount of applied external voltage. However,
leakage current due to minority charge carriers flows in the PN junction diode that can be measured in micro
Depletion Region
At the instant of doping, free electrons near the junction from the N-
type region pass the joining point toward the P-type region and
combine with a hole near the junction. As the N-type region losses
electrons and P-type regions losses hole, so they are not electrically
neutral. But a small region near the junction in the P-type region
become negatively charged and similarly a small region near junction
N-type region become positively charged. Both these charged regions
are cumulatively called depletion region which contains neither free
electrons nor holes. This depletion region is very thin and formed very
After the first surge, the very thin depletion region expands to some
extent and make it impossible for free electrons to pass the region and
diffuse into another side. As the electrons diffuse to the P-type region,
the negative charge increase inside the P-type after some diffusion,
the negatively charged region in P-type repel the diffusion of
electrons. Thus after the formation of the depletion layer, no free
electrons can pass the depletion region.
I-V Characteristics of p-n junction diode
Forward Bias characteristics Reverse bias characteristics

The VI characteristics of PN junction diode in forwarding bias are

nonlinear, that is, not a straight line. This nonlinear In this type of bias, the characteristic curve of the diode is
characteristic illustrates that during the operation of the N shown in the fourth quadrant of the below figure. The current in
junction, the resistance is not constant. The slope of the PN this biasing is low till breakdown is reached and hence the diode
junction diode in forwarding bias shows the resistance is very looks like an open circuit. When the input voltage of the reverse
low. When a forward bias is applied to the diode then it causes a bias has reached the breakdown voltage, reverse current
low impedance path and permits to conduct a large amount of increases enormously.
current which is known as infinite current. This current starts to
flow above the knee point with a small amount of external
Temperature Dependence in Semiconductors
• The energy required to break a covalent bond in a semiconductor is known as energy gap. It is equal to the
difference of energy levels between the conduction band and valence band of the semiconductor crystal
structure. The forbidden energy gap decreases with the increase in temperature.
• The mobility means the movement of charge carriers. The mobility of intrinsic semiconductor decreases with
increase in temperature because at higher temperature, the numbers of carriers are more and they are
energetic also. This causes an increased number of collisions of charge carriers with the atoms and thus the
mobility decreases.
• The conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor depends upon the number of hole electron pairs and mobility.
The number of hole electron pairs increases with increase in temperature, while its mobility decreases.
However, the increase in hole electron pairs is greater than the decrease in their mobility’s. Therefore, the
conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor increases with increase in temperature. The conductivity of an
extrinsic semiconductor decreases with the increase in temperature, the number of majority carriers is nearly
constant, but mobility decreases. Thus causes the conductivity to decrease.
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