Introduction 2
It is a device which condenses working fluid with the help of cooling media
(another circulating fluid).
Condensation can be done by removing heat from steam using circulating cooling
During condensation, the working substance changes its phase from vapour to
liquid and rejects latent heat.
Jet Condensers 4
Jet Condensers Surface Condensers
1) Cooling water and steam are mixed up 1) Cooling water & steam aren’t mixed up
2) The condensate cannot be used as feed 2) The condensate can be used as feed water
water to boiler unless it is free from to boiler as it is not mixed with cooling
impurities water
3) More power is required for air pump 3) Less power is required for air pump
4) Less power is required for water pump 4) More power is required for water pump
5) Requires less quantity of cooling water 5) Requires large quantity of cooling water
6) Less suitable for high capacity plants due 6) More suitable for high capacity plants as
to low vacuum efficiency vacuum efficiency is high
Elements in condensing plant 9
Classification of condensers 10