Camptodactyly: Amalia Irsha Adhari (1506668510) Eldesta Nisa Nabila (1406642233)
Camptodactyly: Amalia Irsha Adhari (1506668510) Eldesta Nisa Nabila (1406642233)
Camptodactyly: Amalia Irsha Adhari (1506668510) Eldesta Nisa Nabila (1406642233)
Gender : Male
Age : 3 y.o
Religion : Islam
MRN : 4388198
Chief Complaint
Difficulty in moving the right 4th digit since 1 month before admission
History of present Illness
A patient, 3 y.o came to the policlinic with chief complaint of difficulty in performing finger movement for
daily activities (i.e drawing and writing) since 1 month before admission. The mother said that there is a
“Web like” structure connecting the 4th finger and the right palm which results in a flexion posture of the
right 4th finger during resting condition. The mother noticed the web like structure since the patient was 1
year old, but did not seek for any medical help because she claimed that it did not interfere with the
patient’s daily activity.
There is no redness, swelling, lump, and pain. Sensation of the finger is intact. History of hand trauma or
laceration was denied. No abnormality was found in the left palm.
Family History
● Similar condition was denied
● Other congenital disease was denied
History of pregnancy
● Preterm (30 week), SC : Very preterm (WHO)
● BW : 1380 g(before incubator), 2100 g (1.5 mo incubator)
● No history of alcohol consumption and smoking
● No history of drug consumption during pregnancy
● History of TORCH
History of immunization
Physical Examination (General status)
● Vital sign (04/09/2019)
○ General condition : mildly ill
○ Alertness : Compos mentis
○ Blood pressure : 114/82
○ Pulse : 86 x / minute, regular rhythm
○ Temperature : 36.7 C
○ Respiratory rate : 24 x / minute, regular, rhythm, abdominothoracal
○ SaO2 : 98%
○ BW : 19 kg
○ Height : 105 cm
Head Normocephal, symmetric
Move Right palm : ROM of digiti 1-3 within normal range, limited extension of the
4th digit
Left palm : ROM within normal range
Working Diagnosis
Camptodactyly of the left digiti 4
● Tenotomy of the hand
● application of splint
● Application of external fixation device
● Relaxation of scar or web contracture of the skin
Literature review
Embryology of the upper limb
● Limb bud (4th week)
○ Zone of polarizing (AP axis)
○ nonridge ectoderm (DV axis)
○ Apical ectodermal ridge
● Hand plate formation (8th week)
● Digital separation completed
○ 51 days → apoptosis (distal to
● SHH stimulation → anteroposterior bone morphogenic protein (BMP) gradient in the handplate →
formation of interdigital (ID) signalling centers, → phalanx-forming region (PFR) and repress the
interdigital apical ectodermal ridge (AER).
Congenital Hand anomaly: Epidemiology
● Congenital upper limb anomaly: 21 cases per 10.000 live births (11-year total
population study of the Stockholm region of Sweden, 2010)
● Most common congenital anomaly of upper limb: polydactyly, syndactyly,
● Anomaly of upper limb differentiation (syndactyly, camptodactyly, clinodactyly) : 1 in
750 birth
Classification of congenital hand anomaly
International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH)
Joseph UptonIII MD, Benjamin J. Childers MD, in Plastic Surgery Secrets Plus (Second
Edition), 2010
Non Operative
● Stretching the PIP joint should be performed two to three times per day, taking care to deliver
dorsally directed force to the middle phalanx and not the distal phalanx. Otherwise, DIP
hyperextension deformity may result.
● Stretching exercises are supplemented with splinting. Splinting should consist of a forearm-based
splint worn a minimum of 8 hours per night, and extending up to 23 hours per day.
● If the deformity persists after 6 to 12 months of stretching and splinting, consideration is given to
operative management in moderate to severely afflicted individuals (>30° PiP flexion deformity).
Singh V, Haq A, Priyadarshini P, Kumar P. Camptodactyly: An unsolved area of plastic surgery. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2018;45(4):363-
● A patient who has functional impairment and a severe flexion deformity with extension lag more than
60 degrees or a flexion contracture more than 30 degrees
● A deformity that persists after 6 to 12 months of stretching and splinting
● Camptodactyly with a flexion contracture less than 30 degrees causes minimal function limitation for
most patients. A patient may be more concerned about the appearance of the flexed finger. Surgery
should be cautioned in these individuals because surgery may lead to a decrease in function due to
recurrent contracture.
Singh V, Haq A, Priyadarshini P, Kumar P. Camptodactyly: An unsolved area of plastic surgery. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2018;45(4):363-
● Volar plate tightening procedure
● Tenolysis
● Z-Lenghtening
Singh V, Haq A, Priyadarshini P, Kumar P. Camptodactyly: An unsolved area of plastic surgery. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2018;45(4):363-
1. Skin and Facial Contracture Releasing and Dorsolateral
Flap Elevation
2. Released FDS Tendon