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Purposive Communication

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It is a process of exchanging –

 Information
 Ideas
 Thoughts
 Feelings
 Emotions
 Speech
 Signals
 Writings
 Behavior
People communicate with each other in a
number of ways that depend upon the message
and its context in which it is being sent.
Types of communication based on the
communication channels used are-
Verbal communication
Nonverbal communication
 It refers to the form of communication in which message
is transmitted verbally.
 Communication is done by word of mouth and a piece
of writing.
 In verbal communication remember the acronym
“KISS” (keep it short and simple).

Verbal Communication is divided into:

o Oral Communication
o Written Communication
In oral communication, Spoken words
are used.
It includes face-to-face conversations,
speech, telephonic conversation, video,
radio, television, voice over internet.
Communication is influence by pitch,
volume, speed and clarity of speaking.
 Advantages
It brings quick feedback.
In a face-to-face conversation,
by reading facial expression
and body language one can
guess whether he/she should
trust what's being said or not.

 Disadvantages
In face-to-face discussion, user is
unable to deeply think about
what he is delivering, so this can
be counted as a fault.
 Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of
wordless messages, such as gesture, body language,
posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is called
nonverbal communication.
 Nonverbal communication is all about the body language
of speaker.
Nonverbal communication has the following three elements:
1. Appearance

Speaker – clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics

Surrounding- room size, lighting, decoration, furnishings

2. Body Language- facial expressions, gestures, postures

3. Sounds- voice tone, volume, speech rate
Small Group Communication is a
communication within formal or informal groups or
teams. It is group interaction that results in decision
making, problem solving and discussion within an
- Examples would be a group planning a surprise
birthday party for someone. A team working
together on a project.
One-to-group communication involves a speaker
who seeks to inform, persuade or motivate an
- Examples are a teacher and a class of students. A
preacher and a congregation. A speaker and an
assembly of people in the auditorium.
 Taking the receiver more seriously
 Crystal clear message
 Delivering messages skillfully
 Focusing on the receiver
 Using multiple channels to communicate
instead of relying on one channel
 Ensuring appropriate feedback
 Be aware of your own state of
 Be Brief
 Manners
 Using “I”
 Be Positive
 Good Listener
 Spice up your words
 Clarity
 pronunciation
Prepared by;
Ms.Pearly E. Zuniga
1st semister
Encoding- developing a message

Decoding- interpreting the message


1. Principles of Clarity
2. Principles of Attention
3. Principles of Feedback
4. Principles of Informality
5. Principles of Consistency
6. Principle of Timeliness
7. Principles of Adequacy
1. This Communication is influence by pitch,
volume, speed and clarity of speaking.
2. What do you mean by the acronym KISS?
3. Communications that occurs in your own mind.
4. It is a process of exchanging Information,
Ideas, Thoughts, Feelings or Emotions.
5. It is the electronic or print transmission of messages
to the general public

1-7 Barriers of Communication.

8-10 Two types of communication.

What is the advantage and disadvantages of
written communications. (10pts)

1. It does not necessarily formal or

informal, and it is incorporated
with non emotional.
2. This is most common among
family members and close
friends, private talk.
3. Also referred to as static register.
4. It informs using words of fact
and step by step procedures,
examples are announcement
posted in bulletin board, news
broadcast in tv.
5. The tone of words is
commanding and may use formal
and direct words.
6. Can be a film, an artifact,
anything in a language and culture
that conveys meaning.
7. It is one-way participation, no
interruption; technical vocabulary or
exact definitions are important;
includes presentations or
introductions between strangers.
8. It is two way participation;
background information is
provided-prior knowledge is
not assumed.
9-10 Give at least two example
of neutral languages register.
Identify the meaning and what is
asked by the image
1. What is the message of the
2. What is the purpose of the message?
3. How is the message conveyed by the
4. Who is the target audience?
5. And what are the other ways of
presenting the message?
Using Communicative Strategies
to Obtain, Provide and
Types of Communicative Strategies
1. Nomination- a speaker nominates to
collaborate and produce a sensible topic.
When the strategy is being employed, it
opens a good topic with people using it.

Examples: “Do you have anything to

say/or add?”, It’s your turn to ask question”.
2. Restriction- it refers to any
limitation you may have as a

Example: You were asked by your

teacher to deliver a speech un a
specific language.
3. Turn-taking- it pertains to the
process by which people decide who
takes conversational floor. The idea is to
always give communicators a chance to

Example: “Go on with your ideas.

4. Topic Control- it consists of procedural
formality and informality that affects the
development of topics in conversation.

5. Topic Shifting- it involves moving from

one topic to another.

Example: By the way, there’s a new shop

opening at the mall.
6. Repair- it shows how the speaker
address the problems that may
encounter in a conversation.

Example: “Excuse me, but there are

5 functions of communication not
7. Termination- refers to the
conversation participants’ close
initiating expressions that end a
topic in a conversation.

Examples; “Best regards to yours

parents, See you around.”
Communication for Academic Purposes

 Academic Communication
 Importance of Academic Communication
Activity !

 Write down a conversation you

once had with your teacher. In a
brief paragraph, describe the
manner and content of
Achieving Effective Communication
for Academic Purposes

1. Audience’s information needs

2. Audience’s technical background
3. Audience’s cultural background
4. Audience’s gender
5. Audience’s knowledge of the subject
Possibility for Communication Failure

1. Audience’s resistance. We can

never pleas everybody..

2. Communication Constraints.
Time is a factor for a failure
Communication Constraints.
a. Legal- happens when both of the receiver
and sender have an insufficient knowledge
about legal terms that creates
b. Socioeconomic- different perception

c. Cultural- number one factor why there is a

3. Institutional- happens when the
community, these are norms or any
factor that holds individual to speak

4. Psychological- inability to
Activity !

 Present in class how effective communication takes

places using academic purposes.

 Why is communication important in an academe?


 What are the possible reason for communication

Communication for Works Purposes

 Workplace Communication
- is the process of exchanging
information and ideas, both
verbal and non-verbal, within
an organization.
Methods of Communication in a Workplace

Effective Communication “ It’s not what your

say, but how you say it”.

 Open Meeting – it is the easier way to

tell your officemate about your ideas and
passion through an open meeting, they
will hear what you say and get their
feedback in return
 Emails- easier to communicate because
of tech, electronic mail from one or more
computer user via network, less effort in
comm. Workplace.
 One on One- aside from open meeting,

one on one works well at all times. You

got to understand their ideas w/o a prior
 Use Simple Word- not everyone
has a good vocabulary, so to
make communication more
effective with the teams or
officemates, use a word that can
be easily understood.
 Use Visual- communication can be
presented using visual. They should not
just hear the message but also see it.

 Use Body Language- faster to

communicate w/o using much of an
explanation because your body and
facial expression says it all.
 Phone Conversation- might be
toxic for some, but it promotes
confidence upon communication
with other people.
- vital tool for communication.

 What are the problems

encountered by some employees
in the working place?

 What are the ways to improve

communication in a workplace?
Components of Communication

 The individual sending the

- the sender must present the
message clearly and with adequate
details in order for the receiver to
share meaning with sender.
The context for the message.
- emotion portrayed by the
- Human emotion affects the
delivery of message.
 The person receiving the message.
- must be attentive to the sender in
order to avoid misconception. He/she may
ask for questions for clarity.

 The delivery method you choose.

- includes, email, letters, sign etc…
 The delivery method you choose.
- the content of the message
should be clear and understandable
and most of all should be free from
any bias when delivered by the sender
and perceived by the receiver
Asking Good Questions Enhances Comm.


1. Direct – form of interrogative

2. Control- knowing the answer to your
question but still wanted to ask it to
check if someone knows the answer.
3. Repeat- asking two diff. questions after the
same info.
4. Persistent- asking same question in a
different way to explore all preferred info.
5. Summary- asking question that allows
revisiting an answer.
6. Non-pertinent- asking question that does
not pertain to the subject you want to know
Benefits Effective Communication in
a workplace.

Building a team
Making things clear

Making diversity

Dealing with problems

Surviving catastrope

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