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Introduction to Python
 Python is a high-level programming language
 Open source and community driven
 “Batteries Included”
 a standard distribution includes many modules
 Dynamic typed
 Source can be compiled or run just-in-time
 Similar to perl, tcl, ruby

Why Python?
 Unlike AML and Avenue, there is a considerable base
of developers already using the language
 “Tried and true” language that has been in
development since 1991
 Can interface with the Component Object Model
(COM) used by Windows
 Can interface with Open Source GIS toolsets

Example Python
 Hello World
print “hello world”
 Prints hello world to
standard out
 Open IDLE and try it out
 Follow along using IDLE

String Methods
 Assign a string to a
 In this case “hw”
 hw.title()
 hw.upper()
 hw.isdigit()
 hw.islower()

 Think of a list as a stack of cards, on which your
information is written
 The information stays in the order you place it in until
you modify that order
 Methods return a string or subset of the list or modify
the list to add or remove components
 Written as var[index], index refers to order within set
(think card number, starting at 0)
 You can step through lists as part of a loop

Conditional Branching
 if and else
if variable == condition:
#do something based on v == c
#do something based on v != c
 elif allows for additional branching
if condition:
elif another condition:

else: #none of the above

Looping with For
 For allows you to loop over a block of code a set
number of times
 For is great for manipulating lists:
a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']
for x in a:
print x, len(x)
cat 3
window 6
defenestrate 12

Looping with For
 We could use a for loop to perform geoprocessing tasks
on each layer in a list
 We could get a list of features in a feature class and
loop over each, checking attributes
 Anything in a sequence or list can be used in a For loop
 Just be sure not to modify the list while looping

 Files are manipulated by creating a file object
 f = open("points.txt", "r")
 The file object then has new methods
 print f.readline() # prints line from file
 Files can be accessed to read or write
 f = open("output.txt", "w")
 f.write("Important Output!")
 Files are iterable objects, like lists

What Is a Program?
 Usually, one or more algorithms written in a
programming language that can be translated to run
on a real machine

 We sometimes call programs software

What Is a Programming Language?
 A programming language is somewhat like a
natural language, but with a very limited set of
statements and strict syntax rules.

 Has statements to implement sequential,

conditional and iterative processing - algorithms

 Examples: FORTRAN, COBOL, Lisp, Basic, Pascal,

C, C++, Java, C#, Python, …
 A compiler is a program that converts a program
written in a programming language into a program
in the native language, called machine language, of
the machine that is to execute the program.
Three kinds of errors
 Syntax error : Some statement in the program is not a
legal statement in the language.

 Runtime error : An error occurs while the program is

executing, causing the program to terminate (divide by
zero, etc.)

 Logic error : The program executes to completion, but

gives incorrect results.
Language terminology

 SYNTAX: The formal rules for legal statements in the


 SEMANTICS: The meaning of the statements - what

happens when the statement is executed.
The Basic Pattern
 Most of our programs will use the basic pattern of

 Get some user input

 Perform some algorithm on the input

 Provide results as output

Keywords are reserved words that have special
meaning in the Python language. Because they are
reserved, they can not be used as identifiers.
Examples of keywords are if, while, class, import.
Variables in Python
 A variable has

 A name – identifier

 A data type - int, float, str, etc.

 Storage space sufficient for the type.

Numeric Data Types
 Int:
This type is for whole numbers, positive or
negative. Examples: 23, -1756

 Float:
This type is for numbers with possible fraction
parts. Examples: 23.0, -14.561
Integer operators
The operations for integers are:
+ for addition
- for subtraction
* for multiplication
/ for integer division
Example - Fahrenheit to Centigrade
 We want to convert a Fahrenheit temperature to

 The formula is C = (F -32) x 5/9

 We use type float for the temperatures.

Python Session


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