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• Electricity is a form of energy and it
occurs in nature, so it was not “invented.”

• Benjamin Franklin for

discovering electricity. Benjamin Franklin
had one of the greatest scientific minds of
his time.
• Electricity meters read inkWh (kilowatt-hour)
– this is a unit of energy: power times time
– 1 kWh is 1,000 W over 1 hr = 3,600 seconds
• or 1 W over 1000 hours, or 100 W over 10 hours
– thus 1 kWh = 3,600,000 J (= 860 kcal)
• My electricity bill indicates a cost of $0.13 per
– try getting 860 kcal of food for $0.13
– lesson: eat your electricity—it’scheap!
– tastes bad, though: burnt tongue smell/taste
House hold electric metres

• Its is used to measure electric bill

• 4 Bulb of 100W and use it 6 hours per day,
Also you have 4 fans of 60W each and the usage is
8 hours per day

• So your total energy consumption will be =4x100x6

+4x60x8 = 4320 Wh perday
Per monthly consumption will be = 4.32x30 =73.92
KWh =73.92 Units (1KWh =1units)

• The cost of 1 unit is 4.4 RS/Units

• Therefore ,The Total cost will be

73.92x4.4=318.72 Rs
Measuring your electricity
• All houses/apartments have energy meters to monitor
electricity usage

– the bill is based on

• Dials accumulate KWh of usage
• Disk turns at rate proportional to power consumption
– Kh value is the number of Watt-hours per turn (1 Wh = 3600 J)
• Example: one turn in 10 sec
(7.2 Wh)(3600 J/Wh)/(10 sec)  2592 J/s  2.6 kW
• Takes 138.9 turns for 1 kWh
Reading those tricky dials
• Let’s say you want to read a utility electricity meter…
• Be careful to note the direction of the numbers (usually
flips back and forth)
• Rounddown is the safe bet
• Note the third dial below looks like 5, but it’s really 4.9
(next digit is anine)
– so looking at next dial helps you figure out rounding
– note second dial halfway between 0 and 1: next digit ~5
• This meter reads 5049.9
– the 9.9 reads between the lines in the last dial
Measuring the wheel rate
• Recall that the Kh constant is Watt-hours per turn of the disk
– so power is Kh3600diskrate
– units are: (Watt-hour)(sec/hour)(turns/sec)
• On top of the rotating disk are tick marks with labels every
10 units.
– 100 units around disk
• If disk is moving slowly, can measure half a rotation*
– example: from 30 to 80 or 70 to 20
• If disk is moving fast, can measure time for 5 or 10 rotations
• The the turns/sec could be, for example:
– 0.5 turns / 132.0 sec  98 W for Kh  7.2
– 10 turns / 44.0 sec  5890 W for Kh  7.2
– 0.2 turns / 35.0 sec  148 W for Kh  7.2
Example day electricity profile
• Run microwave (1000 W) for 12 minutes total (0.2 hr)
– 0.2 kWh
• Clothes washer (300 W) for 1hour
– 0.3 kWh
• Clothes dryer (5000 W) for 1hour
– 5 kWh
• Movie on TV/DVD (200 W) for 2hours
– 0.4 kWh
• Desktop computer (100 W) on all day
– 2.4 kWh
• Refrigerator (average 75 W) on all day
– 1.8 kWh
• Lights (total 400 W) for 5 hours
– 2 kWh
• Total comes to 12.1kWh: nottoo different from average usage
– costs about $1.50 at $0.13 per kWh
Energy Profile
• Looking at my bills April 2018–March
2019, I saw that my household (2 people)
– 3730 kWh of electricity in a year  10.3 kWh/
• Refrigerator and freezer
• Automatic dryers are good, but not good for the health of your
electricity bill
• Turning on all the gadgets simultaneously
• Do you use air conditioners?
• Off-peak times could be a great idea
• When did you check on your HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning) the last?
• What temperature does your home water heater run on?
• Washing machine and dish wash hacks
• Dimmer switches
• Look for energy star label when buying appliances
• Again dishwasher
• Microwaves
• Compact fluorescent lightbulbs
• Plant a lot of trees

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