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Pricing With Market Power

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Chapter 11

Pricing with Market Power

Topics to be Discussed

 Capturing Consumer Surplus

 Price Discrimination
 Intertemporal Price Discrimination and
Peak-Load Pricing
 The Two-Part Tariff
 Bundling
 Advertising

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 2


 Pricing without market power (perfect

competition) is determined by market
supply and demand
 The individual producer must be able to
forecast the market and then concentrate
on managing production (cost) to
maximize profits

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 3


 Pricing with market power (imperfect

competition) requires the individual
producer to know much more about the
characteristics of demand as well as
manage production

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Capturing Consumer Surplus
 All pricing strategies we will examine are
means of capturing consumer surplus
and transferring it to the producer
 Profit maximizing point of P* and Q*
But some consumers will pay more than P*
for a good
 Raising price will lose some consumers, leading
to smaller profits
 Lowering price will gain some consumers, but
lower profits

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 5

Capturing Consumer Surplus
$/Q The firm would like to
charge higher price to
Pmax those consumers
A willing to pay it - A
P1 Firm would also like to
sell to those in area B but
P* B without lowering price to
all consumers
MC Both ways will allow
the firm to capture
PC more consumer

Q* MR Quantity
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 6
Capturing Consumer Surplus
 Price discrimination is the practice of
charging different prices to different
consumers for similar goods
Must be able to identify the different
consumers and get them to pay different
 Other techniques that expand the range
of a firm’s market to get at more
consumer surplus
Tariffs and bundling

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 7

Price Discrimination
 First Degree Price Discrimination
 Charge a separate price to each customer: the
maximum or reservation price they are willing to pay
 How can a firm profit?
 The firm produces Q*  MR = MC
 We can see the firm’s variable profit – the firm’s profit
ignoring fixed costs
Area between MR and MC
 Consumer surplus area between demand and price

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 8

Price Discrimination

 If the firm can price discriminate perfectly,

each consumer is charged exactly what
they are willing to pay
MR curve is no longer part of output decision
Incremental revenue is exactly the price at
which each unit is sold – the demand curve
Additional profit from producing and selling
an incremental unit is now the difference
between demand and marginal cost

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 9

Perfect First-Degree Price
$/Q Without price discrimination,
output is Q* and price is P*. Consumer surplus is the area
Variable profit is the area above P* and between
Pmax 0 and Q* output.
between the MC & MR (yellow).

With perfect discrimination, firm

MC will choose to produce Q**
P* increasing variable profits to
include purple area.


D = AR


Q** Quantity
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 10
First-Degree Price Discrimination

 In practice, perfect price discrimination

is almost never possible
1. Impractical to charge every customer a
different price (unless very few customers)
2. Firms usually do not know reservation price
of each customer
 Firms can discriminate imperfectly
 Can charge a few different prices based on
some estimates of reservation prices

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 11

First-Degree Price Discrimination

 Examples of imperfect price

discrimination where the seller has the
ability to segregate the market to some
extent and charge different prices for the
same product:
Lawyers, doctors, accountants
Car salesperson (15% profit margin)
Colleges and universities (differences in
financial aid)

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 12

First-Degree Price
Discrimination in Practice
$/Q Six prices exist resulting
in higher profits. With a single price
P*4, there are fewer consumers.
P2 Discriminating up to
P3 P6 (competitive price)
MC will increase profits.


Q* Quantity

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 13

Second-Degree Price

 In some markets, consumers purchase

many units of a good over time
Demand for that good declines with
increased consumption
 Electricity, water, heating fuel
Firms can engage in second-degree price
 Practice of charging different prices per unit for
different quantities of the same good or service

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 14

Second-Degree Price

 Quantity discounts are an example of

second-degree price discrimination
Ex: Buying in bulk at Sam’s Club
 Block pricing – the practice of charging
different prices for different quantities of
“blocks” of a good
Ex: electric power companies charge
different prices for a consumer purchasing a
set block of electricity

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 15

Second-Degree Price Discrimination
$/Q Without discrimination:
Different prices are
charged for different P = P0 and Q = Q0. With
P1 quantities or second-degree
“blocks” of same discrimination there are
P0 good. three blocks with prices
P1, P2, & P3.


Q1 Q0 Q2 Q3 Quantity
1st Block 2nd Block 3rd Block
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 16
Third-Degree Price Discrimination

 Practice of dividing consumers into two

or more groups with separate demand
curves and charging different prices to
each group
1. Divides the market into two groups
2. Each group has its own demand function

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 17

Price Discrimination

 Third Degree Price Discrimination

 Most common type of price discrimination
Examples: airlines, premium vs. non-
premium liquor, discounts to students and
senior citizens, frozen vs. canned vegetables

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Third-Degree Price Discrimination

 Same characteristic is used to divide the

consumer groups
 Typically, elasticities of demand differ for
the groups
College students and senior citizens are not
usually willing to pay as much as others
because of lower incomes
These groups are easily distinguishable with

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 19

Creating Consumer Groups

 If third-degree price discrimination is

feasible, how can the firm decide what
to charge each group of consumers?
1. Total output should be divided between
groups so that MR for each group is equal
2. Total output is chosen so that MR for each
group of consumers is equal to the MC of

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 20

Third-Degree Price

 Algebraically
P1: price first group
P2: price second group
C(QT) = total cost of producing output
QT = Q 1 + Q 2
Profit:  = P1Q1 + P2Q2 - C(QT)

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Third-Degree Price

 Firm should increase sales to each group

until incremental profit from last unit sold
is zero
 Set incremental  for sales to group 1 = 0
 ( P1Q1 ) C
  0
Q1 Q1 Q1
( P1Q1 ) C
 MR1  MC
Q1 Q1
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Third-Degree Price

 First group of consumers:

MR1= MC
 Can do the same thing for the second
group of consumers
 Second group of customers:
MR2 = MC
 Combining these conclusions gives
MR1 = MR2 = MC

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 23

Third-Degree Price

 Determining relative prices

Thinking of relative prices that should be
charged to each group of consumers and
relating them to price elasticities of demand
may be easier

Recall: MR  P 1  1 Ed 
Then: MR1  P1 (1  1 E1 )  MR2  P2 (1  1 E2 )
E1 and E2 elasticities of demand for each group

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 24

Third-Degree Price

 Determining relative prices

Equating MR1 and MR2 gives the following
relationship that must hold for prices
The higher price will be charged to consumer
with the lower demand elasticity

P1 ( 1  1 E 2 )

P2 ( 1  1 E1 )

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 25

Third-Degree Price

 Example
E1 = -2 and E2 = -4
P1 should be 1.5 times as high as P2

P1 (1  1 4) 3 / 4
   1.5
P2 (1  1 2) 1 / 2

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 26

Third-Degree Price Discrimination
$/Q Consumers are divided into
two groups, with separate
demand curves for each group.

MRT = MR1 + MR2

D2 = AR2


MR1 D1 = AR1

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Third-Degree Price Discrimination
$/Q •QT: MC = MRT
MC = MR1 at Q1 and P1
•Group 1: more inelastic
•Group 2: more elastic
P1 •MR1 = MR2 = MCT
•QT control MC



MCT D2 = AR2


MR1 D1 = AR1
Q1 Q2 QT Quantity
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No Sales to Smaller Market

 Even if third-degree price discrimination

is possible, it may not be feasible to try to
sell to both groups
It is possible that the demand for one group
is so low that it would not be profitable to
lower price enough to sell to that group

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 29

No Sales to Smaller Market
$/Q Group one, with
demand D1, is not
willing to pay enough
MC for the good to make
price discrimination
P* profitable.




Q* Quantity
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 30
The Economics of Coupons
and Rebates

 Those consumers who are more price

elastic will tend to use the coupon/rebate
more often when they purchase the
product than those consumers with a less
elastic demand
 Coupons and rebate programs allow
firms to price discriminate

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 31

The Economics of Coupons
and Rebates

 About 20 – 30% of consumers use

coupons or rebates
 Firms can get those with higher
elasticities of demand to purchase the
good who would not normally buy it
 Table 11.1 shows how elasticities of
demand vary for coupon/rebate users
and non-users

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Price Elasticities of Demand:
Users vs. Nonusers of Coupons

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Airline Fares

 Differences in elasticities imply that some

customers will pay a higher fare than
 Business travelers have few choices and
their demand is less elastic
 Casual travelers and families are more
price-sensitive and will therefore be

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 34

Elasticities of Demand for
Air Travel

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Airline Fares
 There are multiple fares for every route
flown by airlines
 They separate the market by setting
various restrictions on the tickets
Must stay over a Saturday night
21-day advance, 14-day advance
Basic restrictions – can change ticket to only
certain days
Most expensive: no restrictions – first class

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Other Types of Price
 Intertemporal Price Discrimination
Practice of separating consumers with
different demand functions into different
groups by charging different prices at
different points in time
Initial release of a product, the demand is
 Hard back vs. paperback book
 New release movie
 Technology

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 37

Intertemporal Price

 Once this market has yielded a maximum

profit, firms lower the price to appeal to a
general market with a more elastic
 This can be seen graphically looking at
two different groups of consumers – one
willing to buy right now and one willing to

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 38

Intertemporal Price
Initially, demand is less Over time, demand becomes
elastic, resulting in a more elastic and price
P1 price of P1 . is reduced to appeal to the
mass market.

D2 = AR2


MR1 D1 = AR1

Q1 Q2 Quantity
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 39
Other Types of Price

 Peak-Load Pricing
Practice of charging higher prices during
peak periods when capacity constraints
cause marginal costs to be higher
 Demand for some products may peak at
particular times
Rush hour traffic
Electricity - late summer afternoons
Ski resorts on weekends

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 40

Peak-Load Pricing

 Objective is to increase efficiency by

charging customers close to marginal
Increased MR and MC would indicate a
higher price
Total surplus is higher because charging
close to MC
Can measure efficiency gain from peak-load

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Peak-Load Pricing

 With third-degree price discrimination,

the MR for all markets was equal
 MR is not equal for each market because
one market does not impact the other
market with peak-load pricing
Price and sales in each market are
Ex: electricity, movie theaters

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 42

Peak-Load Pricing
$/Q MC MR=MC for each
group. Group 1
P1 has higher
demand during
peak times.

D1 = AR1



D2 = AR2
Q2 Q1 Quantity
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 43
How to Price a Best-Selling
 How would you arrive at the price for the
initial release of the hardbound edition of
a book?
Hardback and paperback books are ways for
the company to price discriminate
How does the company determine what price
to sell the hardback and paperback books
How does the company determine when to
release the paperback?

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 44

How to Price a Best-Selling

 Company must divide consumers into

two groups:
Those willing to buy the more expensive
Those willing to wait for the paperback
 Have to be strategic about when to
release paperback after hardback
Publishers typically wait 12 to 18 months

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 45

How to Price a Best-Selling
 Publishers must use estimates of past
books to determine how much to sell a
new book for
 Hard to determine the demand for a
NEW book
 New books are typically sold for about
the same price, to take this into account
 Demand for paperbacks is more elastic
so we should expect it to be priced lower

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The Two-Part Tariff
 Form of pricing in which consumers are charged
both an entry and usage fee
 Ex: amusement park, golf course, telephone service
 A fee is charged upfront for right to use/buy the
 An additional fee is charged for each unit the
consumer wishes to consume
 Pay a fee to play golf and then pay another fee for
each game you play

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The Two-Part Tariff
 Pricing decision is setting the entry fee
(T) and the usage fee (P)
 Choosing the trade-off between free-
entry and high-use prices or high-entry
and zero-use prices
 Single Consumer
Assume firm knows consumer demand
Firm wants to capture as much consumer
surplus as possible

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 48

Two-Part Tariff with a Single
$/Q Usage price P* is set equal to MC.
Entry price T* is equal to the entire
T* consumer surplus.
Firm captures all consumer
surplus as profit.


©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 49
Two-Part Tariff with Two
 Two consumers, but firm can only set one entry
fee and one usage fee
 Will no longer set usage fee equal to MC
 Could make entry fee no larger than CS of consumer
with smallest demand
 Firm should set usage fee above MC
 Set entry fee equal to remaining consumer
surplus of consumer with smaller demand
 Firm needs to know demand curves

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 50

Two-Part Tariff with Two
$/Q The price, P*, will be
T* greater than MC. Set T*
at the surplus value of D2.

  2T *  ( P *  MC )(Q1  Q2 )
 more than twice ABC
C D1 = consumer 1

D2 = consumer 2

Q2 Q1 Quantity
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 51
The Two-Part Tariff with Many

 No exact way to determine P* and T*

 Must consider the trade-off between the
entry fee T* and the use fee P*
Low entry fee: more entrants and more profit
from sales of item
As entry fee becomes smaller, number of
entrants is larger and profit from entry fee will

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 52

The Two-Part Tariff with Many

 To find optimum combination, choose

several combinations of P and T
 Find combination that maximizes profit
 Firm’s profit is divided into two
Each is a function of entry fee, T assuming a
fixed sales price, P

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 53

Two-Part Tariff with Many
Different Consumers
Profit    a   s  n(T )T  ( P  MC )Q(n)
n  entrants
Total profit is the sum of the
profit from the entry fee and
the profit from sales. Both
depend on T.

 Total
 a :entry fee
 s:sales
T* T
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 54
The Two-Part Tariff

 Rule of Thumb
Similar demand: Choose P close to MC and
high T
Dissimilar demand: Choose high P and low T
Ex: Disneyland in California and Disney
world in Florida have a strategy of high entry
fee and charge nothing for ride

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 55

The Two-Part Tariff With a Twist
 Entry price (T) entitles the buyer to a certain
number of free units
 Gillette razors sold with several blades
 Amusement park admission comes with some tokens
 On-line fees with free time
 Can set higher entry fee without losing many
 Higher entry fee captures either surplus without
driving them out of the market
 Captures more surplus of large customers

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 56

Polaroid Cameras

 In 1971, Polaroid introduced the SX-70

 Polaroid was able to use two-part tariff for
pricing of camera/film
Allowed them greater profits than would have
been possible if camera used ordinary film
 Polaroid had a monopoly on cameras
and film

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 57

Polaroid Cameras
 Buying camera is like entry fee
 Unlike an amusement park, for example, the
marginal cost of providing an additional camera
is significantly greater than zero
 It was necessary for Polaroid to have monopoly
 If ordinary film could be used, the price of film would
be close to MC
 Polaroid needed to gain most of its profits from sale of

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 58

Polaroid Cameras

 Analytical framework:
  PQ  nT  C1 (Q)  C2 (n)
P  price of film
T  price of camera
Q  quantity of film sold
n  number of cameras sold
C1 (Q)  cost of producing film
C2 (n)  cost of producing cameras
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 59
Polaroid Cameras

 In the end, the film prices were

significantly above marginal cost
 There was considerable heterogeneity of
consumer demands

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Cellular Rate Plans
 In most areas in US, consumers can choose
cellular providers: Verizon, Cingular, AT&T and
 Market power exists because consumers face
switching costs
 When they sign up with a firm, they must sign a
contract with high costs to break
 Plans often exist of monthly cost plus fee extra
 Companies can combine third-degree price
discrimination with two-part tariff

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Cellular Rate Plans

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Cellular Rate Plans

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 Bundling is packaging two or more

products to gain a pricing advantage
 Conditions necessary for bundling
Heterogeneous customers
Price discrimination is not possible
Demands must be negatively correlated

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 64


 When film company leased “Gone with

the Wind,” it required theaters to also
lease “Getting Gertie’s Garter”
 Why would a company do this?
Company must be able to increase revenue
We can see the reservation prices for each
theater and movie

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 65

Gone with the Wind Getting Gertie’s Garter

Theater A $12,000 $3,000

Theater B $10,000 $4,000

 Renting the movies separately would result

in each theater paying the lowest
reservation price for each movie:
Maximum price Wind = $10,000
Maximum price Gertie = $3,000
 Total Revenue = $26,000
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 66

 If the movies are bundled:

Theater A will pay $15,000 for both
Theater B will pay $14,000 for both
 If each were charged the lower of the two
prices, total revenue will be $28,000
 The movie company will gain more
revenue ($2000) by bundling the movie

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 67

Relative Valuations

 More profitable to bundle because

relative valuation of two films are
 Demands are negatively correlated
A pays more for Wind ($12,000) than B
B pays more for Gertie ($4,000) than A

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 68

Relative Valuations

 If the demands were positively correlated

(Theater A would pay more for both films
as shown) bundling would not result in an
increase in revenue
Gone with the Wind Getting Gertie’s Garter

Theater A $12,000 $4,000

Theater B $10,000 $3,000

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 If the movies are bundled:

Theater A will pay $16,000 for both
Theater B will pay $13,000 for both
 If each were charged the lower of the two
prices, total revenue will be $26,000, the
same as by selling the films separately

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 Bundling Scenario: Two different goods

and many consumers
Many consumers with different reservation
price combinations for two goods
Can show graphically the preferences of
consumers in terms of reservation prices and
consumption decisions given prices charged
r1 is reservation price of consumer for good 1
r2 is reservation price of consumer for good 2

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 71

Reservation Prices
For example,
Consumer C Consumer A is
willing to pay up to
$10 $3.25 for good 1
and up to $6 for
good 2.

Consumer A

Consumer B

$3.25 $8.25 $10 r1

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 72
Consumption Decisions When
Products are Sold Separately
r2 R1  P1 R1  P1 Consumers fall into
R2  P2 R2  P2 four categories based
on their reservation
II I price.
Consumers buy Consumers buy
only Good 2 both goods

R1  P1 R1  P1
R2  P2 R2  P2
Consumers buy Consumers buy
neither good only Good 1

P1 r1
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 73
Consumption Decisions When
Products are Bundled
r2 Consumers buy the bundle
when r1 + r2 > PB
I (PB = bundle price).
PB = r1 + r2 or r2 = PB - r1
Region 1: r > PB
buy bundle
(r > PB) Region 2: r < PB

r2 = PB - r1
Consumers do
not buy bundle
(r < PB)

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 74
Consumption Decisions
When Products are Bundled

 The effectiveness of bundling depends

upon the degree of negative correlation
between the two demands
Best when consumers who have high
reservation price for Good 1 have a low
reservation price for Good 2 and vice versa
Can see graphically looking at positively and
negatively correlated prices

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 75

Reservation Prices
If the demands are
perfectly positively
correlated, the firm
will not gain by bundling.
It would earn the same
profit by selling the
goods separately.

P1 r1
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 76
Reservation Prices
If the demands are perfectly
negatively correlated,
bundling is the ideal
strategy – all the
consumer surplus can be
extracted and a higher
profit results.

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 77
Movie Example
(Gertie) r2

10,000 Bundling pays due to

negative correlation.

5,000 B

5,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 r1 (Wind)

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Mixed Bundling

 Practice of selling two or more goods

both as a package and individually
 This differs from pure bundling when
products are sold only as a package
 Mixed bundling is good strategy when
Demands are somewhat negatively
Marginal production costs are significant

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Mixed Bundling – Example

 Demands are perfectly negatively

correlated but significant marginal costs
 Four customers under three different
Selling good separately, P1 = $50, P2 = $90
Selling goods only as a bundle, PB = $100
Mixed bundling:
 Sold individually with P1 = P2 = $89.95
 Sold as a bundle with PB = $100

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 80

Mixed Bundling – Example

 We can see the effects under different

scenarios in the following table:

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 81

Mixed Versus Pure Bundling
r2 C1 = MC1
C1 = 20 With positive marginal
100 costs, mixed bundling
may be more profitable
90 than pure bundling.
For each good, marginal production
70 cost exceeds reservation price of one
60 •A and D will buy individually
B •B and C will buy bundle

30 C2 = MC2
C2 = 30

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 r1
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 82

 If MC is zero, mixed bundling can still be

more profitable if consumer demands are
not perfectly negatively correlated
 Example:
Reservation prices for consumers B and C
are higher
Compare the same three strategies
Mixed bundling is the more profitable option
since everyone will end up buying

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 83

Mixed Bundling with Zero
Marginal Costs
r2 120

A and D purchase individually.

100 B and C purchase bundled.
A Profits are highest with mixed bundling.



10 D

10 20 Inc. 40 60 80 90 100 120

©2005 Pearson Education, 84
Bundling in Practice

 Car purchasing
Bundles of options such as electric locks with
air conditioning
 Vacation Travel
Bundling hotel with air fare
 Cable television
Premium channels bundled together

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 Mixed Bundling in Practice

Use of market surveys to determine
reservation prices
Design a pricing strategy from the survey
 Can show graphically using information
collected from consumers
Consumers are separated into four regions
Can change prices to find max profits

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 86

Mixed Bundling in Practice
The firm can first choose a price
for the bundle and then try individual
PB prices P1 and P2 until total profit
is roughly maximized.


P1 PB r1

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 87

A Restaurant’s Pricing Problem

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 88


 The practice of requiring a customer to

purchase one good in order to purchase
Xerox machines and the paper
IBM mainframe and computer cards
 Allows firm to meter demand and practice
price discrimination more effectively

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 89


 Allows the seller to meter the customer

and use a two-part tariff to discriminate
against the heavy user
 Allows them to protect their brand name
 Uses to extend market power

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 90


 Firms with market power have to decide

how much to advertise
 We can show how firms choose profit
maximizing advertising
Decision depends on characteristics of
demand for firm’s product

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 91


 Assumptions
Firm sets only one price for product
Firm knows quantity demanded depends on
price and advertising expenditure dollars, A
We can show the firm’s cost curves, revenue
curves, and profits under advertising and no

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 92

Effects of Advertising
AR andfirm
If the MRadvertises,
are average
$/Q 1 and
its marginal
average and
firm doesn’t
shift to
MC the right -- average costs
rise, but marginal cost
P1 does not.


0 MR’


Q0 Q1 Quantity
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 93

 Choosing Price and Advertising


  PQ( P , A)  C (Q )  A
Q Q
MR Ads  P  1  MC  full MC of adv.
A A

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 94


 A Rule of Thumb for Advertising

( P  MC ) / P  1 / EP for pricing
( P-MC ) 1
P  MC  A Q  A
    Adv. to sales ratio
P  Q A  PQ

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 95


 A Rule of Thumb for Advertising

( A Q)( Q A)  E A  Adv. elasticity of demand

( P  MC ) P   1 EP
A PQ  ( E A EP )  Rule of Thumb

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 96


 A Rule of Thumb for Advertising

To maximize profit, the firm’s advertising-to-
sales ratio should be equal to minus the ratio
of the advertising and price elasticities of

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 97


 An Example
R(Q) = $1 million/yr
$10,000 budget for A (advertising--1% of
EA = .2 (increase budget $20,000, sales
increase by 20%)
EP = -4 (markup price over MC is substantial)

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 98


 The firm in our example should increase

A/PQ = -(2/-.4) = 5%
Increase budget to $50,000

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 99

Advertising – In Practice
 Estimate the level of advertising for each
of the firms
 EP = -10; EA = 0.1 to 0.3
Convenience stores
 EP = -5; EA very small
Designer jeans
 EP = -3 to –4; EA = 0.3 to 1
Laundry detergents
 EP = -3 to –4; EA very large

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 11 100

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