Pindyck PPT CH11
Pindyck PPT CH11
Pindyck PPT CH11
by Robert S. Pindyck
Daniel Rubinfeld
Ninth Edition
If a firm can charge only one price for all its customers,
that price will be P* and the quantity produced will be Q*.
reservation price Maximum price that a customer is willing to pay for a good.
first degree price discrimination Practice of charging each customer her reservation
variable profit Sum of profits on each incremental unit produced by a firm; i.e., profit
ignoring fixed costs.
The additional profit from producing and selling an incremental unit is the difference
between demand and marginal cost.
second-degree price discrimination Practice of charging different prices per unit for
different quantities of the same good or service.
block pricing Practice of charging different prices for different quantities or “blocks” of a
third-degree price discrimination Practice of dividing consumers into two or more groups
with separate demand curves and charging different prices to each group.
If third-degree price discrimination is feasible, how should the firm decide what price to
charge each group of consumers?
1. We know that however much is produced, total output should be divided between the
groups of customers so that marginal revenues for each group are equal.
2. We know that total output must be such that the marginal revenue for each
group of consumers is equal to the marginal cost of production.
ΔΠ Δ(P 1Q1) ΔC 0
Recently, for example, the first-class fare was above $2000; the regular (unrestricted) economy
fare was about $1000, and special discount fares (often requiring the purchase of a ticket two
weeks in advance and/or a Saturday night stayover) could be bought for as little as $200. These
fares provide a profitable form of price discrimination. The gains from discriminating are large
because different types of customers, with very different elasticities of demand, purchase these
different types of tickets.
Airline price discrimination has become increasingly sophisticated. A wide variety of fares is
peak-load pricing Practice of charging higher prices during peak periods when capacity
constraints cause marginal costs to be high.
FIGURE 11.10
Total profit π is the sum of the profit from the entry fee πa and
the profit from sales πs. Both πa and πs depend on T, the entry
fee. Therefore
π = πa + πs = n(T)T + (P − MC)Q(n)
To see how a film company can use customer heterogeneity to its advantage, suppose that
there are two movie theaters and that their reservation prices for our two films are as
If the films are rented separately, the maximum price that could be charged for Wind is
$10,000 because charging more would exclude Theater B. Similarly, the maximum price
that could be charged for Gertie is $3000.
But suppose the films are bundled. Theater A values the pair of films at $15,000 ($12,000 +
$3000), and Theater B values the pair at $14,000 ($10,000 + $4000). Therefore, we can
charge each theater $14,000 for the pair of films and earn a total revenue of $28,000.
The demands are negatively correlated—the customer willing to pay the most for Wind is
willing to pay the least for Gertie.
Suppose demands were positively correlated—that is, Theater A would pay more for both
If we bundled the films, the maximum price that could be charged for the package is
$13,000, yielding a total revenue of $26,000, the same as by renting the films separately.
mixed bundling Selling two or more goods both as a package and individually.
FIGURE 11.17
3. Mixed bundling, whereby the goods are offered separately at prices P1 = P2 = $89.95, or
as a bundle at a price of $100.
Blank cell P1 P2 P3 PROFIT
As we should expect, pure bundling is better than selling the goods separately because
consumers’ demands are negatively correlated. But what about mixed bundling?
With pure bundling, the price of the bundle is $100. With mixed
bundling, the price of the bundle can be increased to $120 and
consumers A and D can still be charged $90 for a single good.
Blank Cell P1 P2 P3 PROFIT
Sold separately $80 $80 — $320
Pure bundling — — $100 $400
Mixed bundling $90 $90 $120 $420
Given P1, P2, and PB, profits can be calculated for this
sample of consumers. Managers can then raise or lower P1,
P2 , and PB and see whether the new pricing leads to higher
profits. This procedure is repeated until total profit is roughly
Double Quarter
$5.84 Double Quarter Pounder $9.97 $8.16 $1.81
Large French Fries $2.31 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Large Soda $1.82 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
French Fries 7 RMB Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Drink 9 RMB Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
*1 RMB = $0.15
One of the main benefits of tying is that it often allows a firm to meter demand and thereby
practice price discrimination more effectively.
Tying can have other uses. An important one is to protect customer goodwill connected with
a brand name.
This is why franchises are often required to purchase inputs from the franchiser.
Average cost rises (to AC′) but marginal cost remains the
Π PQ (P, A) C(Q) A
But increased output in turn means increased production costs, and this must be taken into
account when comparing the costs and benefits of an extra dollar of advertising.
Now multiply both sides of this equation by A/PQ, the advertising-to-sales ratio.
vertical integration Organizational form in which a firm contains several divisions, with
some producing parts and components that others use to produce finished products.
transfer prices Internal prices at which parts and components from upstream divisions are
“sold” to downstream divisions within a firm.
How do firms along a vertical chain exercise such monopoly power, and how are prices and
output affected? Would the firms benefit from a vertical merger that integrates an upstream
and a related downstream business? Would consumers?
Suppose an engine manufacturer has monopoly power in the market for engines, and an
automobile manufacturer that buys these engines has monopoly power in the market for its
cars. Would this market power cause these two firms to benefit in any way if they were to
merge? Would consumers of the final product—automobiles—be better or worse off if the
two companies merged?
When there is market power of this sort, a vertical merger can be beneficial to the two
firms, and also beneficial to consumers.
If the two companies are independent of each other, the automobile manufacturer will take
the price of engines as given, and choose a price for its cars to maximize its profits:
ΠA (P PE ) ( A P ) (A11.2)
You can check that given PE, the profit maximizing price of cars is:
P * 1 ( A PE ) (A11.3)
Then the number of cars sold and the automobile company’s profit are:
Q 1 ( A PE ) (A11.4)
ΠA 1 ( A PE )2 (A11.5)
What about the engine manufacturer? It chooses the price of engines, PE, to maximize its
ΠE (PE CE ) Q (PE ) (PE CE ) 1 ( A PE )
ΠE* 1 ( A CE )2 (A11.8)
Π*A 1 ( A CE )2 (A11.9)
Hence the total profit for the two companies is:
Π* Π* Π* 3 ( A CE )2 (A11.10)
TOT A E 16
P * 1 (3 A CE ) (A11.11)
Now suppose that the engine company and the automobile company merge to form a vertically
integrated firm. The management of this firm would choose a price of automobiles to maximize the firm’s
Π (P CE ) ( A P ) (A11.12)
The profit-maximizing price of cars is now:
P* ( A CE ) 2 (A11.13)
double marginalization When each firm in a vertical chain marks up its price above its
marginal cost, thereby increasing the price of the final product.
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Why Vertically Integrate? (7 of 8)
FIGURE A11.1 (1 of 2)
quantity forcing Use of a sales quota or other incentives to make downstream firms sell
as much as possible.
Another way to see this is in terms of opportunity cost. The opportunity cost to the
integrated firm of utilizing one more engine is the marginal cost of engines. Thus we have a
simple rule: Set the transfer price of any upstream parts and components equal to the
marginal cost of producing those parts and components.
Now consider a firm with three divisions: Two upstream divisions produce inputs to a
downstream processing division. The two upstream divisions produce quantities Q1 and Q2
and have total costs C1(Q1) and C2(Q2). The downstream division produces a quantity Q
using the production function
𝑄 = 𝑓 𝐾, 𝐿, 𝑄1 , 𝑄2
In particular, is there a set of transfer prices P1 and P2, so that if each division maximizes its
own divisional profit, the profit of the overall firm will also be maximized?
Going through the same steps for the second intermediate input gives
Π2 P 2Q2 C2 (Q2)
Because the downstream division also takes P1 and P2 as given, it will choose Q1 and Q2 so
(MRMCd)MP1 NMR1 P1 (A11.18)
(MRMCd)MP2 NMR 2 P 2 (A11.19)
A simple solution to the transfer pricing problem is as follows: Set each transfer price equal
to the marginal cost of the respective upstream division.
In this case, the transfer price paid to the Engine Division will be below the price at which
engines are bought in the outside market. The reason is that the opportunity cost of utilizing
an engine internally is just the marginal cost of producing the engine, whereas the
opportunity cost of selling it outside is higher, because it includes a monopoly markup.
Suppose that Race Car Motors can obtain its engines from its upstream Engine Division, or
can purchase them as a monopsonist in the outside market. In this case, the transfer price
paid to the Engine Division will be above the price at which engines are bought in the
outside market. The reason is that, with monopsony power, purchasing one additional
engine in the outside market incurs a marginal expenditure that is greater than the actual
price paid in that market.
This is especially the case when the upstream and downstream divisions of the firm
operate in different countries.
To see this, suppose that the upstream Engine Division of Race Car Motors happens to be
located in an Asian country with a low corporate profits tax rate, while the downstream
Assembly Division is located in the United States, with a higher tax rate. Suppose that in
the absence of taxes, the marginal cost and thus the optimal transfer price for an engine is
$5000. How would this transfer price be affected by taxes?
In our example, the difference in tax rates will cause the opportunity cost of using an engine
downstream to exceed $5000. Why? Because the downstream profit generated by the use
of the engine will be taxed at a relatively high rate.
Thus, taking taxes into account, the firm will want to set a higher transfer price, perhaps
$7000. This will reduce the downstream profits in the United States (so that the firm will pay
less in taxes) and increase the profits of the upstream division, which faces a lower tax
P 20,000 Q
Its marginal revenue is thus
MR 20,000 2Q
CA(Q) 8000Q
so that the division’s marginal cost is MCA = 8000. The upstream division’s cost of
producing engines is
CE (QE ) 2QE2
To solve this problem, we set the net marginal revenue for engines equal to the marginal
cost of producing engines. Because each car has one engine, QE = Q. The net marginal
revenue of engines is thus
Thus 6QE = 12,000 and QE = 2000. The firm should therefore produce 2000 engines and
2000 cars. The optimal transfer price is the marginal cost of these 2000 engines:
PE 4QE $8000
Thus the total quantity of engines and cars is now 3000. The company now produces more
cars (and sells them at a lower price) because its cost of engines is lower. Also, since the
transfer price for the engines is now $6000, the upstream Engine Division supplies only
1500 engines (because MCE(1500) = $6000). The remaining 1500 engines are bought in
the outside market.