Ethics and Business: Suyanto, PHD., Ca Faculty of Economics and Business
Ethics and Business: Suyanto, PHD., Ca Faculty of Economics and Business
Ethics and Business: Suyanto, PHD., Ca Faculty of Economics and Business
, CA
Faculty of Economics and Business
MVV Proposed
Mission Enriched by our vibrant international network but rooted
in local wisdom, we develop strategic business leaders
with integrity, creativity, and knowledge needed to serve
Vision To be the leading graduate business school in Indonesia in
advancing knowledge of business and promoting
sustainable and ethical business practices by rising to the
international challenges
Values • Integrity
• Professionalism
• Objectivity and Fairness
• Academic Freedom
• Social Concerns
• Ethics isand Morality
the study of morality.
– Morality = The standards that an individual or a group has
about what is right and wrong, or good and evil.
– Moral Standards = norms about the kinds of actions that are morally right and
wrong, as well as the values placed on what is morally good or bad.
– Non-Moral Standards: The standards by which we judge
what is good or bad and right or wrong in a non-moral way.
But, don’t confuse with
Legal, Legal
but and
unethical ethical
Illegal Illegal,
and but
unethical ethical
Moral vs Nonmoral Standards
“Do not harm other people” “Do not eat with your mouth open”
“Do not lie to other people” “Do not chew gum in class”
“Do not steal what belongs to others” “Do not wear sox that do not match”
• YES View #1: corporations, like people, act intentionally and have moral
rights, and obligations, and are morally responsible.
• NO View #2: it makes no sense to attribute ethical qualities to corporations
since they are not like people but more like machines; only humans can
have ethical qualities.
• Mixed View #3: humans carry out the corporation’s actions so they are
morally responsible for what they do and ethical qualities apply in a
primary sense to them; corporations have ethical qualities only in a
derivative sense.
Arguments Against Business Ethics
• In a free market economy, the pursuit of profit will ensure
maximum social benefit so business ethics is not needed.
• A manager’s most important obligation is loyalty to the
company regardless of ethics.
• So long as companies obey the law they will do all that ethics
Arguments Supporting Business Ethics
• Ethics applies to all human activities.
• Business cannot survive without ethics.
• Ethics is consistent with profit seeking.
• Customers, employees, and people in general care about
• Studies suggest ethics does not detract from profits and seems
to contribute to profits.
Efficiency + Effectiveness = Profit
A woman was near death from a unique kind of cancer. There was a
drug that might save her. The drug cost Rp50.000.000 per dosage. The
sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow
the money and tried every legal means, but he could get together only
about Rp25.000.000. He asked the doctor who discovered the drug for
a discount or to let him pay later. But the doctor refused.
Should Heinz break into the doctor’s laboratory to steal the drug for his wife?
Why steal or why not steal?
The Heinz dilemma
Why should Heinz steal? Why should Heinz not steal?
He will be caught if he breaks into the
He will be in trouble if his wife dies. He will
1 laboratory.
be blamed for her death.
He will end up in jail.
If he’s caught and does some time in jail, he
His wife will probably die before he gets out,
2 will still have his wife to be there for him
so it will do him no good to steal.
when he gets out.
If he lets his wife die, everyone will think he If he steals the drug, everyone will think he is
is a terrible person. a terrible person.
It is his duty to save her. He promised to It is against the law to steal – people cannot
look after her when he married her. just break the law to suit themselves.
He must respect the doctor’s right not to be
5 Life is more important than property.
stolen from.
He would always condemn himself if he let
He would condemn himself for stealing, even if
6 her die, for not living up to his own
others did not blame him.
standards of conscience.
The Heinz Ethical Dilemma and Taiwan
Source: The Six Ethical Dilemmas Every Professional Faces (Hanson, 2014)