Chapter 29 Mechanical Separations 18
Chapter 29 Mechanical Separations 18
Chapter 29 Mechanical Separations 18
# 29 Mechanical Separations
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Classification of separation process on the bases of
separating agent
1. ) Mechanical Processes
• An operation in which the components of a mixture are separated
mechanically or on the bases mechanical characteristics into two or
more individual components
• Mechanical Separations are applicable to heterogeneous mixtures,
not to homogenous solutions. The techniques are based on the
physical differences b/w the particles such as size, shape or density.
2. )Physical Processes
Separation based on physical properties on the individual
components (e.g. distillation, absorption, adsorption, leaching and
solvent extraction)
a) Without involving thermal processes
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3. ) Chemical Separation processes
A phenomenon of separation of the constituent/s due to chemical
Reactions may involve energy (i.e. Exothermal / Endodermal)
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5.) Novel Techniques for Separation for process intensification,
energy conservation or quality improvement.
• Engineers innovate by conducting research to innovate compact, safe,
energy-efficient, and environment-friendly sustainable processes.
Ans.: In osmosis, water moves from solvent to salt side. In reverse osmosis, water is
forced out of solute side by applying pressure.
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Assignment # 3
Q. No. 2:
i. Discuss the importance and significance of the given mechanical separation
techniques with reference to specific chemicals/process industries.
ii. How can mechanical separation-oriented characterization be attributed for
quality management and production cost reduction ?
“Screening, Filtration, Flotation and Sedimentation, Clarification, Centrifugal separations,
Jigging, magnetic and electrostatic separations, Sonic processes, Agglomeration/ clustering”
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Mechanical separation processes
Mechanical separation for heterogeneous mixtures include separation
of solid from gases, liquids and solids.
Separations are extremely important in chemical
Separation is divided into 2 basic classes,
i. Diffusional separation, that involves the transfer of
material between phases.
ii. Mechanical Separations (main preview of P.T.)
Separation processes
Mechanical separation processes
Techniques of separation are based on physical properties of the particles e.g. size, shape,
viscosity and density of each component.
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Stationary screens and Grizzlies
• A grizzly is a grid parallel metallic bars fixed in a stationary
• The slope and the path of the material are usually are
parallel to the bars,
• Space between the bars is 2 to 8 inch (50 to 200 mm )
• Suitable for very coarse feed, as from primary crusher,
directly falls on upper end of the grid,
• More effective for free flowing solids having few fine
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Grizzlies: Single stage
Consist of a set of parallel bars held
apart by spacers, having predetermined
The slope and path of the material is
usually parallel to the length of the bars.
Suitable for coarse feed falls on the
upper end of the grid.
Large chunks roll and slide to the tails Multi-stage
discharge, small lumps falls through to a Grizzlies
separate collector.
Bars are made of manganese steel to
reduce wear, with spacing 2 to 8 inch.
Good with coarse, free flowing particles
containing only small amount of fines.
Industrial screens is made of woven, wire, silk' or
plastic cloth, metal bars, perforated or slotted metal
that are wedge- shaped in cross section
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Gyrating Screens:
Gyrating means move or cause to move rapidly
in a circle or spiral,
Mainly consist of a set of screens that are
stacked one upon the other ( largest screen at the
top and smallest is at the bottom)
Whole assembly is inclined at an adjustable
angle 16 to 30 degree along the horizontal axis.
Feed is introduced at the top screen to separate
different fractions, undersize, or fines, pass
through the screen openings. A single screen can
separate into two fractions,
Casing and screen are gyrated in a vertical plane
about a horizontal axis,
Mechanical Details of Gyrating Screens
Gyrating Screens has an eccentric drive or weights that causes the shaker to
move in an orbital path and designed for the highest attainable quality at the
cost of a reduced feed rate.
The material rolls over the screen & falls with the induction of gravity and
directional shifts.
Rubber balls and trays provide an additional mechanical means to cause the
material to fall through.
The balls also provide a throwing action for the material to find an open slot to
fall through.
The shaker is set a shallow angle relative to the horizontal level plane. Usually,
no more than 2 to 5 degrees along the horizontal plane.
These types of shakers are used for clean feeds i.e. final product will not
contain any oversize or any contamination.
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Gyrating Screens:
600-1800 rev/min, and screen dimensions
are 1.5 by 4 ft or 5 by 14 ft.
Between the screens, sometimes rubber
balls are also used, that are held in separate
As the machine moves, the balls tend to free
the blocked surfaces by striking them.
Screen being plugged by the presence of
solid particles is said to be blinded.
Revolving Screens/ Drum/Trammel:
Trammel screens consist up of cylindrical
frame surrounded by wire cloth or perforated
plate, open at both ends,
Drum rotates at a slight angle with screen
panels around the diameter of the drum,
Low efficiency and capacity.
The feed remains at the bottom of the drum
and as the drum rotates that keeps the screen
Oversized product moves towards end of the
drum, while the undersized filter through the
screen into a casing set below.
Constructional details of Revolving
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• It has been observed that the overlap is smaller when
particles are spherical (or close to a spherical shape) and is
larger when particles are needle-like, fibrous or tend to
• The main problems encountered in screen separation is
stickiness, sieve blockage, and agglomeration.
• All these problems increase exponentially as the screen
aperture decreases
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The objective of a screening operation is to separate a feed stream into two
fractions, an underflow that is passed through the screen and an overflow that is
rejected by the screen.
• Right system for faultless Performance for specific feeds,
• Main Parameters for Design;
Nature of feed, Feed rate to the screen surface, Percent undersize and oversize,
Screen aperture, Bulk Density, stickiness of materials, Particle Shape (natural
sand & gravel or crushed stone or mineral ore). Percent open area of screening
medium selected.
• Appropriate Selection of Separation scheme based of the phases of the feed,
• Universal “rules of thumb” for optimum depth of bed, according to of aperture
• Retention time and loading capacity for peak efficiency which influence
exponentially with bed depth.
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Classification of separation techniques according
to phases involved.
Type of mixture Techniques
Liquid–liquid Distillation Extraction Decantation Dialysis and
electro-dialysis Parametric pumping
Solid–solid Screening Leaching Flotation Air classification
Solid–gas Cycloning Air filtration Scrubbing Electrostatic
Solid–liquid Sedimentation Centrifugation Filtration Membrane
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Material balance over screen
Simple material balance can be written over a screen which are useful in calculating
Ratios of the feed
Desired cut diameter
Let F, D, and B be the mass flow rates of the feed, overflow, and under flow respectively
Let xF, xD and xB be the mass fractions of oversize material in these three streams.
Material balance over screen
The mass fractions of undersize material in the feed, overflow and
underflow are 1-xF, 1-xD and 1-xB
Since the total material fed to the screen must leave it either as
underflow or overflow
F= D+B
The material A in the feed must also leave in these two stream
FxF = DxD + BxB
Elimination of B from equation A and B gives
𝑫 𝒙𝑭 −𝒙𝑩
𝑭 𝒙𝑫 −𝒙𝑩
𝑩 𝒙𝑫 −𝒙𝑭
𝑭 𝒙𝑫 −𝒙𝑩
Material balance over screen
Separations by screen are almost never perfect.
Some undersize particles are usually left in the material retained
on a given screen.
Sometimes oversize particles find their way through the screen
into the undersize.
Completeness of the separation depend on screen efficiency
Various formulas have been proposed.
A uniform method of calculating overall efficiency however has
never been established.
Screen effectiveness: A measure of success of the screen in
closely separating the feed into over size ( which is retained on
the screen) and under size
A combines overall effectiveness is the product of the two individual ratios of EA and EB
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Screen capacity
The probability of passage of a particle through a screen
depends on the
i. fraction of the total surface represented by openings
ii. Ratio of the diameter of the particle to the width of an
opening in the screen.
iii. Number of contacts between the particle and the screen
Screen capacity
Efficiency can be improved at the expense of capacity
If loading is low, number of contacts between particles
and screen are increased which enhances the chances of
particles to pass through the screen on each contact.
Under loaded screens i.e. progressively efficiency
decreases, [in general low for particle sizes smaller than
150 mesh (0.1mm)]
Example 30.1 (McCabe smith 5th edition)
A quartz mixture having
the screen analysis shown
in table is screened through
a standard 10mesh screen.
The cumulative screen
analysis of overflow and
underflow are given in
Calculate the mass ratios
of the overflow and
underflow to feed and
overall effectiveness of the
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Gravity sedimentation process
Many mechanical separations are based
on the sedimentation of solid particles or
liquid drops through the fluid, impelled or
caused either by,
i. Force of gravity, or sedimentation.
ii. Centrifugal force.
In certain processes the objective of the
sedimentation process is to remove
contaminants from the fluid (liquid or gas),
To recover the useful particles,
In some problems, particles are
intentionally suspended in fluids to obtain
separation of particles into fractions
differing in size or density.
Gravity sedimentation process stages
The particles initially at rest with respect to the fluid in which the particles
are immersed,
Particles move through the fluid by an external force (e.g. gravity),
Motion of the particles can be divided into two stages,
i. First stage is the short period of acceleration during which velocity
increases from zero to terminal falling velocity.
ii. Second stage- when the particle is at its terminal falling velocity.
Initial acceleration affects are short range usually in the order of tens of
second or less.
Some separation methods, jigging and gravity separation, depends upon
the particle’s behaviour during acceleration period.
Goals of gravity sedimentation:
Gravity separation can obviously be applied, if particles density is greater than the fluid.
1) Produce a clarified (free of suspended solids) effluent.
2) Produce a highly concentrated solid sludge
Flow, gallons/day
Surface Overflow Rate (SOR) =
Surface Area, ft2
Solids, lbs/day
Solids Loading =
Surface Area, ft2
Differential settling method
Applications of centrifugal
To increase the settling rate, the force of gravity acting on
the particle, may be replaced by a much stronger Device
centrifugal force.
Centrifugal sedimentation have great effectiveness in
case of fine drops separation, and their much smaller size
for a given capacity as compared to the gravity based
sedimentation process.
Two main categories of centrifugal sedimentation i.e.
cyclone separators and centrifuges.
Dust laden air travels in a spiral path around and down
the cylindrical body of the cyclone. Device Stationary
Centrifugal force tends to move the particles towards thebut
wall, and the particles that move towards the wall Stream
towards the bottom.
• A cyclonic separation is a method of removing
particulates from an air, gas or liquid stream,
without the use of filters, through vortex separation.
Collection efficiency highly depends upon the particles trajectories with in the
Particles trajectories are difficult to measure but can be determined by empirical
Typical data for commercial cyclones is plotted in fig. 29.39, which shows a strong
effect of particle size and cyclone diameter on collection efficiency.
Fig 29.39 indicates that cyclones efficiency decreases with the decrease of
particle size,
Collection efficiency cyclones increases with the particle density as the
temperature increases and decreases for gases because the density of gases
increase with the rise of temperature.
Cyclones efficiency is higher at the full load as compared to partial load,
Sometimes 2 identical cyclones are used in series but efficiency of the 2nd cyclone
is less as compared to 1st one.
Settling time is limited by the
residence time of the liquid in
the bowl,
At the end of this time let the
particle be at a distance ‘rB‘
from the axis of rotation,
If rB < r2 the particles leaves the
bowl with liquid ,
Cut Point:
• A cut point is defined as the diameter that just reaches one half the distance
between r1 and r2.
• If Dpc is the cut diameter, a particle of this size moves a distance y=(r2-r1)/2,
during the settling time allowed.
• If the particle of Dpc is to be removed, it must travel and reach the bowl wall in
the available time, thus Rb=R2 and Ra = (R1+R2)/2, then the equation becomes,
Estimation of terminal velocity of liquid in the bowl & volumetric flow rates,
Equ. 29.76
Equ. 29.76
Calculation of residence time and qc
If thickness of layer becomes too small, that the above equation becomes
indeterminate, in these conditions the settling velocity can be considered
constant and given by,
Sigma value ; Scale up
2- Area of filter medium: The total volume of filtrate flowing from the
filter will be proportional to the area of the filter. The area can be
increased by using larger filters. In the rotary drum filter, the continuous
removal of the filter cake will give an infinite area for filtration.
3- Pressure drop;
The rate of filtration is proportional to the pressure difference across both
the filter medium and filter cake.