11/7/2019 Prepared by Mrs - Poonam Yadav
11/7/2019 Prepared by Mrs - Poonam Yadav
11/7/2019 Prepared by Mrs - Poonam Yadav
Poonam Yadav
Unit-1 Cover Points
Transmission media: Copper Wires, Glass Fibers, Radio, Satellites,
Microwave, Infrared, and Light wave.
Transmission Errors, Parity Bits And Parity Checking.
LAN Topologies, Star Topology, Ring Topology, Bus Topology, The Reason
For Multiple Topologies
The Concept Of Packets, Packets And Time-Division Multiplexing, Packets
And Hardware Frames
Direct Point-to-Point Communication, Shared Communication Channels,
Significance Of LANs And Locality Of Reference.
Example Bus Network: Ethernet, History Of The Ethernet, Sharing On An
Carrier Sense On Multi-Access Networks (CSMA), Collision Detection
And Backoff With CSMA/CD, Wireless LANs And CSMA/CA
Another Example Bus Network: LocalTalk
Example Ring Network: IBM Token Ring
Another Example Ring Network: FDDI
Example Star Network: ATM.
Coaxial cables were the first cable types used in LANs. coaxial cable gets its name
because two conductors share a common axis; the cable is most frequently referred
to as a coax. he components of a coaxial cable are as follows:
AM & FM radio
Maritime radio
Cordless phone
if we need to correct two errors in a data unit of the same size, we need to
consider how many possibilities?
Parity check
When using even parity, the parity bit is set to 1 if the number of ones in a
given set of bits (not including the parity bit) is odd, making the number of
ones in the entire set of bits (including the parity bit) even.
If the number of one bits is already even, it is set to a 0.
0110011 01100110
0111011 01110111
And when the number of set bits is already odd, the odd parity bit is set to 0
0110011 01100111
0111011 01110110
0110011 01100110
0110001 01100011
Sender side::--
the LRC
an error.
Steps to do CRC
Let r be the degree of G(x), append r zero to the lower order end of the
frame, so m+r bits
Divide the lower order bit stream by G(x)
Add the remainder to the lower order bit stream
Transmit the data.
• Eg. Frame 1101011011 using the generator
G(x)=X4 + X + 1
M(X) =100100
It is cost effective.
Cable required is least compared to other network
Used in small networks.
It is easy to understand.
Easy to expand joining two cables together.
A number of repeaters are used for Ring topology with large number
of nodes, because if someone wants to send some data to the last
node in the ring topology with 100 nodes, then the data will have to
pass through 99 nodes to reach the 100th node. Hence to prevent data
loss repeaters are used in the network.
The transmission is unidirectional, but it can be made bidirectional
by having 2 connections between each Network Node, it is
called Dual Ring Topology.
In Dual Ring Topology, two ring networks are formed, and data flow
is in opposite direction in them. Also, if one ring fails, the second
ring can act as a backup, to keep the network up.
Data is transferred in a sequential manner that is bit by bit. Data
transmitted, has to pass through each node of the network, till the
destination node.
Fully connected.
Not flexible.
Heavily cabled.
If more nodes are added maintenance is difficult.
Central hub fails, network fails.
Complex in design.
Carrier Sense Multiple Access
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
Wired Network :
– Received signal has almost the same energy as sent signal because either length of the
cable is short.
– This means that in collision, detected energy almost double
Wireless Network :
– Sent energy is lost in transmission
– The received signal has very little energy.
– Collision may add only 5to 10 percent of energy
– This is not useful for collision detection.
Three strategies
We need to avoid collision on wireless network
because they can not be detected.
The inter-frame Space(IFS)
Contention window
Flow diagram for CSMA/CA
Once received the token, the station either starts to transmit or passes
the token to the next station within one response window.
Token must be released if no data / control frame is required to be
transmitted. Token control frame is destinated for the successor.
Wiring center
Note: Hence multiplexed data are four time faster than normal link data.