The Only Certainty Is That There Will Be "Uncertainty": Risk Management
The Only Certainty Is That There Will Be "Uncertainty": Risk Management
The Only Certainty Is That There Will Be "Uncertainty": Risk Management
- Forwards
- Futures
- Options, and
- Swaps
A forward contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset on a
specified date for a specified price.
Buyer of option:
• right but not obligation
• pays fees
• potential unlimited profit
Volatility ()
a) Spot prices: In case of a call option the payoff for the
buyer is the maximum. Therefore, more the spot price more is the
payoff and it is favourable for the buyer. Incase of a put option,
more the spot price more are the chances of going into a loss.
b) Strike price: A higher strike price would reduce the profits
for the holder of the call option
c) Times to expiration: More the time to expiration more
favourable is the option. This can only exist in case of American
option as in case of European Options and Options Contract
matures only on the date of Maturity.
d) Volatility: More the volatility, higher is the probability
of the option generating higher returns to the buyer. The
downside in both the cases of call and put is fixed but the
gains can be unlimited. If the price falls heavily in case of a
call buyer then the maximum that he loses is the premium
paid and nothing more than that. More so he/ she can buy
the same shares form the spot market at a lower price.
Similar is the case of the put option buyer. The table show
all effects on the buyer side of the contract
In- the- money options (ITM) - An in-the-money option is an
option that would lead to positive cash flow to the holder if it
were exercised immediately. A Call option is said to be in-the-
money when the current price stands at a level higher than the
strike price. If the Spot price is much higher than the strike price,
a Call is said to be deep in-the-money option. In the case of a Put,
the put is in-the-money if the Spot price is below the strike price.
At-the-money-option (ATM) - An at-the money option is an
option that would lead to zero cash flow if it were exercised
immediately. An option on the index is said to be "at-the-money"
when the current price equals the strike price.
Out-of-the-money-option (OTM) - An out-of- the-money Option
is an option that would lead to negative cash flow if it were
exercised immediately. A Call option is out-of-the-money when
the current price stands at a level which is less than the strike
price. If the current price is much lower than the strike price the
call is said to be deep out-of-the money. In case of a Put, the Put
is said to be out-of-money if current price is above the strike