Technical and Business Writing: The Link For Good Workplace/professional Communication By: Aaminah Hassan
Technical and Business Writing: The Link For Good Workplace/professional Communication By: Aaminah Hassan
Technical and Business Writing: The Link For Good Workplace/professional Communication By: Aaminah Hassan
it’s neither prose which recounts the fictional tales of
characters nor poetry which expresses deeply felt
Technical writing is neither an expressive essay narrating
an occurrence
Technical writing is not journalism, written to report the
Technical writing does not focus on poetic images,
describe personal experiences, or report who won the
basketball game.
What Is Technical Writing?
Instead, technical writing is:
• In business writing you assume that you are writing for an audience
who understand the industry or function at a management level but
will be more interested in the broader impact of the topic (strategic,
financial, regulatory, competitive, customer) than the detail of the topic
• As a result you will generally use much less jargon, choose details
with care and aim to provide clarity on the topic and on why it is
important in a commercial context.
Technical writing has unique
characteristics and has specific
Why the Differences?
Time management
Variety of Readers
Reading for different reasons
Sentence structure
Word length
Word choice
Word order
Clichés Alternatives
as plain as day plainly, obvious, clear
ballpark figure about, approximately
few and far between rare, infrequent
• Avoid overusing intensifiers like “extremely,” and avoid absolutes like
“never, always, all, none” as these are almost never accurate.
Overused Intensifiers
absolutely actually assuredly certainly clearly completely
considerabl fundamenta
definitely effectively extremely drastically
y lly
highly in fact incredibly inevitably indeed interestingly
markedly naturally of course particularly significantly surely
totally utterly very really remarkably
Tone- Expression of an underlying
attitude that can be:
Casual Enthusiastic
Objective Serious
Persuasive Authoritative
Formal/Informal Friendly
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