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Lecture1-3 18360 Ch2-Stallings

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Transmission Fundamentals

Electromagnetic Signal
 is a function of time
 can also be expressed as a function of
 Signal consists of components of different

Time-Domain Concepts
 Analog signal - signal intensity varies in a smooth
fashion over time
 No breaks or discontinuities in the signal
 Digital signal - signal intensity maintains a
constant level for some period of time and then
changes to another constant level
 Periodic signal - analog or digital signal pattern
that repeats over time
s(t +T ) = s(t ) -< t < +
where T is the period of the signal
 Aperiodic signal - analog or digital signal pattern
that doesn't repeat over time
Time-Domain Concepts (cont.)
 Peak amplitude (A)
 maximum value or strength of the signal over
 typically measured in volts.
 Frequency (f )
 Rate, in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz), at
which the signal repeats.

Time-Domain Concepts (cont.)
 Period (T)
 amount of time it takes for one repetition of the
 T = 1/f
 Phase () - measure of the relative position
in time within a single period of a signal
 Wavelength () - distance occupied by a
single cycle of the signal
 Ex: Speed of light is v = 3x108 m/s. Then the
wavelength is f = v (or  = vT).
Sine Wave Parameters
 General sine wave
 s(t ) = A sin(2ft + )
 note: 2 radians = 360° = 1 period
 Figure 2.3 shows the effect of varying each of the
three parameters
 (a) A = 1, f = 1 Hz,  = 0; thus T = 1s
 (b) Reduced peak amplitude; A=0.5
 (c) Increased frequency; f = 2, thus T = ½
 (d) Phase shift;  = /4 radians (45 degrees)

Sine Wave Parameters
Frequency-Domain Concepts
 An electromagnetic signal can be made up
of many frequencies.
 Example: s(t) = (4/)x(sin(2ft) +
 Fig. 2.4(a) + Fig. 2.4(b) = Fig. 2.4(c)
 There are two component frequencies: f and 3f.
 Based on Fourier analysis, any signal is made
up of components at various frequencies,
 in which each component is a sinusoid wave, at
different amplitudes, frequencies, and phases.

Frequency-Domain (cont.)
 Spectrum - range of frequencies that a signal
 In Fig. 2.4(c), spectrum extends from f to 3f.
 Absolute bandwidth - width of the spectrum of a
 In Fig. 2.4(c), it is 3f – f = 2f.
 Effective bandwidth –
 A signal may contain many frequencies.
 But most of the energy may concentrate in a narrow
band of frequencies.
 These frequencies are effective bandwidth.

 Fundamental frequency –
 when all frequency components of a signal are
integer multiples of one frequency, it’s referred
to as the fundamental frequency
 (earlier example) f and 3f  fund. freq = f
 The period of the total signal is equal to the
period of the fundamental frequency.
 refer to Fig. 2.4 again!

Data vs. Signal
 Signals - electric or electromagnetic
representations of data
 Data - entities that convey meanings or
 Transmission - communication of data by
the propagation and processing of signals

Approximating Square Wave
by Signals
 adding a frequency of 5f to Fig. 2.4(c)  Fig.
 adding a frequency of 7f to Fig. 2.4(c)  Fig.
 adding all frequencies of 9f, 11f, 13f, ... 
Fig. 2.5(c), a square wave
 This square wave has an infinite number of
frequency components, and thus infinite

Consider a square wave
• Data rate R = 2 x f
• Double the bandwidth double the data rate
(other things being equal)

Data Rate vs. Bandwidth
 Case I: (Fig. 2.5(a))
 Let f = 106 cycles/sec = 1 MHz
 frequency components: 1f, 3f, 5f
 absolute bandwidth = 5f – 1f = 4f = 4 MHz
 data rate = 2 Mbps (1 bit per 0.5 us)
 Case II: (Fig. 2.5(a))
 Let f = 2x106 cycles/sec = 2 MHz
 frequency components: 1f, 3f, 5f
 absolute bandwidth = 10M – 2M = 8 MHz
 data rate = 4 Mbps (1 bit per 1/4 us)

 Case III: (Fig. 2.4(c))
 Let f = 2x106 cycles/sec = 2 MHz
 frequencies: 1f, 3f
 absolute bandwidth = 6M – 2M = 4 MHz
 data rate = 4 Mbps (1 bit per 1/4 us)

Analog and Digital Signal
Conversion: Examples
Some Terms about
Channel Capacity
 Data rate - rate at which data can be
communicated (bps)
 Bandwidth - the bandwidth of the transmitted
signal as constrained by the transmitter and the
nature of the transmission medium (Hertz)
 Noise
 Channel Capacity – the maximum rate at which
data can be transmitted over a given
communication path, or channel, under given
 Error rate - rate at which errors occur
Nyquist Bandwidth
 Given a bandwidth of B, the highest signal
transmission rate is 2B:
 C = 2B
 Ex: B=3100 Hz; C=6200 bps
 With multilevel signaling
 C = 2B log2 M, where M is the number of
discrete signal or voltage levels

Signal-to-Noise Ratio
 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
 = power of signal/power of noise
 typically measured at a receiver
 Signal-to-noise ratio (in db)
signal power
( SNR) dB  10 log 10
noise power
 A high SNR means a high-quality signal.

Shannon Capacity Formula
 The max. channel capacity:
C  B log 2 1  SNR
 note: SNR not in db.
 In practice, only much lower rates are achieved
 Formula assumes white noise (thermal noise)
 Impulse noise is not accounted for
 Attenuation distortion or delay distortion not accounted

Classifications of Transmission
 Transmission Medium
 Physical path between transmitter and receiver
 Guided Media
 Waves are guided along a solid medium
 E.g., copper twisted pair, copper coaxial cable, optical
 Unguided Media
 Provides means of transmission but does not guide
electromagnetic signals
 Usually referred to as wireless transmission
 E.g., atmosphere, outer space

General Frequency Ranges
 Microwave frequency range
 1 GHz to 40 GHz
 Directional beams possible
 Suitable for long-distance, point-to-point transmission
 Used for satellite communications
 Radio frequency range
 30 MHz to 1 GHz
 Suitable for omnidirectional applications
 Infrared frequency range
 Roughly, 3x1011 to 2x1014 Hz
 Useful in local point-to-point multipoint applications
within confined areas
Multiplexing Techniques
 Time-division multiplexing
 Takes advantage of the fact
that the achievable bit rate of
the medium exceeds the
required data rate of a digital

 Frequency-division
multiplexing (FDM)
 Takes advantage of the fact
that the useful bandwidth of
the medium exceeds the
required bandwidth of a given

 signal
 analog vs. digital transmissions
 channel capacity
 transmission media


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