Organic Store
Organic Store
Organic Store
To be located in and around Chennai it will cater the Households in each of its
locality .
The Location of the Shops would be idle for the customers to access with
spacing for parking their Vehicle.
The Location of the stores would be identified with criteria to meet both the
floating population and the nearby localities.
The Company intends to open five stores in the prime areas of Chennai City
and the proximity of the shops are identified based on purchasing power of the
customers & to cater different localities from a single point.
Added to this we would be developing our own products that would also be
distribution system is to leverage the risk involved and to attain better Margins.
The ROI in investing in the whole sale business is nearly 25% which would help
a better fund flow for the company as whole.
Godown Advance 5
C & F Deposit 5
Total 82
Start-up Expenses
Purchase of Stock each 10 lakhs for 5 stores and C&F 60
Promotional Activities 15
Cash in Hand 10
Other Current Asset (lcv) 5
Navdanya 25 Gurgaon 25
Fab india 20 Others 450
Others 435 Total 1000
Total 1000
SWOT- Organic Sector
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Wide variety of fruits and Short shelf life varieties Favorable Government Competition from
vegetables and other vision domestic industry
commodities can be grown Lack of farmer awareness
organically about agricultural practices, WTO offering global Threat from imported
products and technologies for opportunities products
Very less consumption of Organic farming
chemicals in India as Price -premiums in different Non-tariff barriers maybe
compared to developed Price competitiveness markets imposed by developed
nations. These areas can be
turned into organic Lack of market information Export opportunities in new
and ntelligence product/market (section)
Organic pockets existing in
different parts of the country Lack of Global market USA, Europe and Japan are
research rising markets
Differentiation can beeasily
created Inadequate post harvest Branding offers new
management and related opportunities for
Rising interest of farmers as specialized infrastructure to differentiation
well as Government support Organic food
interests in Organic production Rising demand for Organic
farming products
Lack of R & D in Organic
Various niches in fruits & food production Big retail stores/chains
vegetables can be created coming up
Unavailability of inputs
Increasing investments by used in the ystem New developments in post
Indian corporate firms in harvest technologies
agribusiness and specially Certification and labeling
in Organic farming Private sector keen to join
Less access to international Organic value chain
Issues in Organic Value Chain
Convert Farms to Procure Crops from Process. Pack & add Sales &Distribution
Organic &Organize Farmers value to products
3. Suminter India Organics Nexus India Capital USD 3 Million Domestic Sales 2010 –
(2008) INR 20 Crores
Potential CustomersGrowthCAGR
Retail Store:
Every customer should feel the store as a service hub . Here we should treat
the customer as a family member say when a customer enters the retail store
and prompts staffs should engage with them based on the purchase history
and preferences .thru which we are indirectly highlighting to the customer that
we are very well known about his need and we our self proving that we are a
care taker. By doing the above we are breaking the competitions.
By representing the best product, the retailers become an advocate for the
Design Store for Sales - Take advantage of cross-merchandising
strategies and impulse sale opportunities. Use lighting techniques
and creative displays to attract customers. Play videos for product
education, customer entertainment and any other up sell or
promotional tie-in.
Retail Store:
Every customer should feel the store as a service hub . Here we should treat
the customer as a family member say when a customer enters the retail store
and prompts staffs should engage with them based on the purchase history
and preferences .thru which we are indirectly highlighting to the customer that
we are very well known about his need and we our self proving that we are a
care taker. By doing the above we are breaking the competitions.
By representing the best product, the retailers become an advocate for the
Marketing Strategy (cont’d)
Retailing means selling of goods or services to final consumers for their
own consumptions and not for sale
Channel distribution
Whole Retail Stores
ONLINE Marketing:
We should have an account in Facebook and twitter and thru this portal we
can reach n number of people .This type of marketing will induce the customer
to walk in to the store
Marketing Strategy (cont’d)
Referral marketing:
Most of the stores want to penetrate thru its word of mouth .The best referral
sources are the customers and stores nearby our catchment area. Here
customer will refer others if satisfied with our products and services.We should
have a personal relationship with the customer .There are so many ways to
keep healthy relations with our customers. Say Eg – we can send our product
details to all our customer on a weekly basis. And if possible high net worth
clients will b managed by an efficient staffs say Relationship Manager .If the
customer have any queries or requirements he will be the one point contact for
our store .Here customer will have personalized approach and the same time
we will get lot of referral thru this customers By doing the above we should plan
to create a Organic Club .The club have its own features say Eg the club
member will get priority services and they will get the availability of perishable
products on daily basis.Here Our relationship manager have to call all the
customer at least once in a week. So that we can build strong bonding. Among
the competition and other factors the above relationship will give us a most
valuable space in the customer MIND.
Marketing Strategy (cont’d)
Partner UP:
We can make things happen quickly and cost effectively based on this activity
.The below are some eg to have partnership to promote our product
Car Dealers
Marriage Hall ( Rent more than 2 lacs/day) & related contractors
Life style stores
International Schools – Parents
City Famous Star Hotel Chefs- ( C & F)
People who supply fruits to all landing ships in Chennai
High End Furniture shops
Sathyam cinemas
Media & News Magazine – We can write up an article for a particular
magazine thru which we can promote our store
Marketing Strategy (cont’d)
Partner UP:
We can make things happen quickly and cost effectively based on this activity
.The below are some eg to have partnership to promote our product
Car Dealers
Marriage Hall ( Rent more than 2 lacs/day) & related contractors
Life style stores
International Schools – Parents
City Famous Star Hotel Chefs- ( C & F)
People who supply fruits to all landing ships in Chennai
High End Furniture shops
Sathyam cinemas
Media & News Magazine – We can write up an article for a particular
magazine thru which we can promote our store
5.1 Sales Forecast
INSTRUCTIONS: Use this topic to explain the Sales Forecast table.
20.04 22.04 24.25 26.67 29.34
EB(3% YOY)
9.00 9.27 9.55 9.83 10.13
1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80
15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
15.00 16.50 18.15 19.97 21.96
EB(3% YOY)
0.84 0.87 0.89 0.92 0.95
1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
35.04 38.54 42.40 46.64 51.30
EB(3% YOY)
9.84 10.14 10.44 10.75 11.08
3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60
15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64
1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80
5.2 Milestones
Describe the milestones (measurable activities) laid out in the
Milestones table.Type your topic text here.
Table: Milestones
Derivation of the Table
Quality Manager 25k/month*12 3.00
Managing Director 35k/Month*12 4.20
Marketing Director 35k/Month*12 4.20
Vehicle Staff(7.5k for Driver+4.5kfor Helper 12000*12 1.44
4 MarketingExe (1 distribution , 3 stores) Exe 5.76
Planned Investment
Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5
stock Purchase 321.41 368.63 439.93 524.94 628.22
Sales 418.64 526.61 628.47 749.92 897.46
Gross Profit 97.23 157.98 188.54 224.98 269.24