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Statistical Analysis With Software Application: Presented by BSMA 2-4

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Presented by BSMA 2-4
The process of utilizing computer
technology to complete a task.
Computing may involve computer
hardware and/or software, but must
involve some form of a computer
O A general term for anything that involves
delivering hosted services over the Internet.
These services are broadly divided into three
categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service
(IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The name
cloud computing was inspired by the cloud
symbol that's often used to represent the
Internet in flowcharts and diagrams.
O Social computing is the collaborative and
interactive aspect of online behavior. The term can
be understood in contrast to personal computing,
which describes the behavior of isolated users.

O Elements of Social Computing:

O Blogs
O Wikis
O Instant Messaging
O Open Source Development
O Concurrent use of multiple processors (CPUs) to
do computational work.

O Can be performed on shared-memory systems

with multiple CPUs, distributed-memory clusters
made up of smaller shared-memory systems, or
single-CPU systems.
O Denotes the connection of distributed computing,
visualization, and storage resources to solve large-
scale computing problems that otherwise could not
be solved within the limited memory, computing
power, or I/O capacity of a system or cluster at a
single location.
O Also known as High-Performance
computing frameworks is a form of
computing in which bunch of computers
(often called nodes) that are connected
through a LAN (local area network) so that,
they behave like a single machine.
Cluster Can be classified into two category Open
and Close Cluster.

1. Open Cluster: All nodes in Open Cluster are

needed IPs, and that are accessible
through internet/web that cause more
security concern.
2. Close Cluster: On the other hand Close
Cluster are hide behind the gateway node and
provide better security.
Types of Cluster computing
Load-balancing clusters

As the name implies, This system is used to

distribute workload across multiple computers.
That system
distributes the processing load as possible
across a cluster of computers.
High availability (HA) clusters

A high availability clusters (HA cluster) are

the bunch of computers that can reliably
utilize for redundant operations in the
event of nodes failure in Cluster
High performance (HP) clusters

This computer networking methodology

use supercomputers and Cluster
computing to solve advanced computation
Advantages of using Cluster computing

1. Cost efficiency: In a Cluster computing Cost

efficiency is the ratio of cost to output, that is the
connecting group of the computer as computer
cluster much cheaper as compared
to mainframe computers.

2. Processing speed: The Processing speed of

computer cluster is the same as a mainframe
3. Expandability: The best benefit of Cluster
Computing is that it can be expanded easily by adding
the additional desktop workstation to the system.

4. High availability of resources: If any node fails in a

computer cluster, another node within the cluster
continue to provide uninterrupted processing. When a
mainframe system fails, the entire system fails.
Pervasive Computing
O Also called ubiquitous computing, is the
growing trend of embedding computational
capability (generally in the form
of microprocessors) into everyday objects to
make them effectively communicate and
perform useful tasks in a way that minimizes
the end user's need to interact with
computers as computers. Pervasive
computing devices are network-connected
and constantly available.
What is Programming?
O Programming is the art and science of
translating a set of ideas into a program - a list
of instructions a computer can follow. The
person writing a program is known as a
programmer (also a coder).
• Programming is coding, modeling, simulating
or presenting the solution to a problem, by
representing facts, data or information using
pre-defined rules and semantics, on a
computer or any other device for automation.
O Programming is the implementation of
logic to facilitate specified computing
operations and functionality. It occurs in
one or more languages, which differ by
application, domain and programming
O Programming language semantics and
syntax are used when constructing an
application. Thus, programming requires
knowledge of application domains,
algorithms and programming language
Programming language logic differs by
developer. From a high level, good code can be
evaluated with factors such as:
O Robustness: Focuses on program
continuation capability, regardless of errors or
incorrect data
O Reliability: Focuses on correct design and
algorithm implementation
O Efficiency: Focuses on memory, hardware or
other properties used to optimize programs
O Readability: Proper documentation and
indentation availability, which provides insight
to other program developers or designers
What is Program?
O Program or Programming is a term used to
describe the process of a programmer developing
a software program by programming.
O An application, application software,
or program is software on the computer that
performs a specific function or task. For
example, Microsoft Word is a word
processing application that allows users to create
and write documents, and a browser, such as the
one you are using to view this page, is an
O Computer code or program
code is the set of instructions
forming a computer
program which is executed by
a computer.
O Line Of Code in Software Engineering (LOC) is
also known as Source Line Of Code. LOC is a
software metric which is used to measure the
size of a program of the computer by counting
the number of lines.

O LOC is generally used to envision(prediction) the

amount of effort that will be required to develop
a program. As well as LOC is used to estimate
programming productivity or maintainability once
the software is produced.
• Four(4) Physical Lines
of Code (PLOC)
• Two (2) Logical Lines of
Code (LLOC)
• One (1) comment line
•(One) 1 Physical Source Line of Code (LOC)
•(Two) 2 Logical Lines of Code (LLOC) (for
statement and printf statement)
•(One) 1 comment line

• Lines Of Code(LOC) is widely used and universally

• The LOC permits a comparison of size and productivity
metrics between diverse development groups.
• The end product is directly related to LOC.
• The LOC are easily measured upon project completion.
• SLOC (Source Line Of Code) measures software from
the developer’s point of view- what he actually does.
• In SLOC Continuous improvement activities exist for
estimation techniques.

• In LOC it is difficult to measure the SLOC in the

early stages of a new project.
• In LOC the Source instructions vary with
programming languages, designing methods and
with the programmer’s ability.
• In LOC there is no industry standard for
O The LOC can’t be used for normalizing if platforms
and languages are different.
O There is the only way to predict LOC for a
new app to be developed is through analogy
based on a similar software application.
O The experts of programming (programmers)
are rewarded for writing more LOC which is
based upon a misconception of higher
management by thinking that more the LOC,
means more the productivity of the
 Input- the value, signals or data received by the system from the

• raw_input ( prompt )

• input ( prompt )

 A code directing an output device to do something

 Output- the signals or data sent from the system as a result of

the process

• The simplest way to produce output is using the print() function

where you can pass zero or more expressions separated by
commas; it prints the specified message to the screen, or other
standard output device
O Running or running a program means

loading program binary image from

secondary storage to main memory.
When program run first time it's process
control block created(PCB) and exist
until program terminated.
A program in running state called a
What is Compiling?
O Compilation is the act of taking code
and converting it to ones and zeros
that a computer can understand and
Five Basic Steps of
O Decoding phase
O Tokenizing
O Parsing
O Compiling
What is Compiler?
O A compiler is a special program that
processes statements written in a
particular programming language
and turns them into machine
language or "code" that a
computer's processor uses.

O Dynamic
O Dynamic typed programming languages are those
languages in which variables must necessarily be
defined before they are used. This implies that
dynamic typed languages do not require the explicit
declaration of the variables before they’re used.

/* Python code */
num = 10 // directly using the variable
Static Typing
O Static typed programming languages are those in
which variables need not be defined before they’re
used. This implies that static typing has to do with
the explicit declaration (or initialization) of
variables before they’re employed.

/* C code */
static int num, sum; // explicit declaration
num = 5; // now use the variables
sum = 10;
sum = sum + num;
O The routine process of locating and
removing computer program bugs, errors
or abnormalities, which is methodically
handled by software programmers via
debugging tools. Debugging checks,
detects and corrects errors or bugs to allow
proper program operation according to set

O Debugging is also known as debug.

O Logic Error
O Syntax Error
O Compilation Error
O Run-time Error
O Arithmetic Error
O Resource Error
O Interfacing Error
What is Execution?
O Execution is the process by which a
computer or virtual machine executes the
instructions of a computer program.
O A type of imperative programming in which
the program is built from one or more
procedures. It directly instructs a computer
how to complete a task that you want it to
do in logical steps.
Arithmetical vs Logical
O Arithmetical/Mathematic O Logical operators are
al operators are
functions that take functions that take
numbers as arguments propositions and
and map onto a new
number. Logical map them onto
operators are functions either one of those
that take propositions
and map them onto value.
either one of those value.
Graphical User Interface
O A GUI (graphical user interface) is interactive
components such as icons and other
graphical objects that help a user interact
with computer software, such as an
operating system.
O Code of Colors in Programming
1. White = [ 255, 255, 255 ]
2. Black = [ 0, 0, 0 ]
3. A "perfect" Blue = [0,0,255]
4. A "prefect" Red = [255, 0, 0]
5. A "middle" Gray = [ 122, 122, 122]
O A primary concept in most high-level
programming languages. It is a block of
code that dictate the flow of control.

O In other words, a control structure is a

container for a series of function calls,
instructions and statements.
O A simple example of a control structure is,
if a then b else c.

O These statements will be included or

excluded based on the condition of a. This
simple notion of if then comprises the bulk
of even the most sophisticated software
There are many other types of control
structures than the 'if then structure’.
These includes:
O Jump or O Subroutines
unconditional O Co-routines
branch O Continuations
O Conditional branch
O Conditional halt.
O Loop, (essentially
a conditional)
O In almost every program you write,
you need to make decisions. For
example, if it is the end of the fiscal
year, bonuses must be distributed to
the employees based on their
salaries. To compute employee
bonuses, a program needs a
conditional control. In other words, it
needs to employ a selection
O Conditional control allows you to
control the program's flow of the
execution based on a condition. In
programming terms, this means that
the statements in the program are not
executed sequentially. Rather, one
group of statements or another is
executed, depending on how the
condition is evaluated.
Define Loops
O Loops are traditionally used when you have
a block of code which you want to repeat a
fixed number of times. The Python for
statement iterates over the members of a
sequence in order, executing the block each
O Contrast the for statement with the ''while''
loop, used when a condition needs to be
checked each iteration, or to repeat a block
of code forever.
Define Functions
O Function is a group of related statements that
perform a specific task.

O Functions help break our program into smaller

and modular chunks. As our program grows
larger and larger, functions make it more
organized and manageable.

O Furthermore, it avoids repetition and makes

code reusable.
Data Structures
O Data structures are basically just that - they
are structures which can hold some data
together. In other words, they are used to
store a collection of related data.

1. List
2. Tuple
3. Dictionary
4. Set
Presented by:
O Betco, Lovely Grace
O Bual, Kim Kyle L.
O De Lima, Angela Luz M.
O Dela Cruz, Allyza Jane
O Distor, Jason Jan Y.
O Entuna, Kristine
O Estrada, Arliah
O Gabriana, Chantal
O Intam, Marjorie
O Manalansan, Richjoy

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