Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
• What is Artificial Intelligence
• The need to learn about it
• Techniques of AI
• Resources
What is Artificial Intelligence?
• Branch of Computer Science
1. Artificial Intelligence: A
Modern Approach
1. Intellipat
2. Artificial Intelligence for
Humans 2. Sanjay Pathak
3. Paradigm of Artificial
Intelligence Programming 3. Eudreka
4. Artificial Intelligence: A New
5. Machine Learning Yearning
6. The Singularity is Near
7. Life 3.0 – Being Human in the
Age of Artificial Intelligence
8. The Master Algorithm
Online Resources
• Udemy
Deep learning using Python
• Laimoon courses
386 courses
PKR 3000-5000
• Intellipat
• Artificial Intelligence by Georgia Institute of Technology (free)
• Introduction to machine learning at
Answer key
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D
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