Report Scalaibility Blockchain
Report Scalaibility Blockchain
Report Scalaibility Blockchain
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
a thematic
thematic report
report prepared
prepared by
An initiative of the
1 An initiative of the
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
This report has been produced by ConsenSys The information and views set out in this
AG on behalf of the European Union publication are those of the author(s) and do
Blockchain Observatory & Forum. not necessarily reflect the official opinion of
the European Commission. The Commission
Written by: Tom Lyons, Ludovic Courcelas, does not guarantee the accuracy of the data
Ken Timsit included in this study. Neither the Commission
Thematic Report Series Editor: Tom Lyons nor any person acting on the Commission’s
Workshop moderator: Reto Peter Gadient behalf may be held responsible for the use
Report design: Benjamin Calméjane which may be made of the information
contained therein.
v1.0 - Published on 6 March 2019.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
The authors would like to expressly While we have done our best to incorporate the
acknowledge the following for their direct comments and suggestions of our contributors
contributions and feedback to this paper: where appropriate and feasible, all mistakes
and omissions are the sole responsibility of the
Observatory Working Group Members: authors of this paper.
• Javier Sebastian Cermeño
• Tamás Chlepkó
• Cristina Carrascosa Cobos
• Arnaud Le Hors
• Phillip Sandner
• David Suomalainen
• Konstantinos Votis
• Vlad Zamfir
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
5 Executive summary
Sustainability 12
22 Appendix
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Executive summary
In this paper we take a look at the current and likely future state
of blockchain in Europe through the lens of large-scale blockchain
platforms. Along the way we ask ourselves what factors, technical and
organisational, are likely to shape how platforms develop, and make
some observations and recommendations for entrepreneurs and policy
makers about best practice.
The timing seems right for such a paper. The blockchain ecosystem
has been steadily maturing over the past several years, and projects are
getting both larger and closer to going live, or have already dones so. This
is exciting, as we can expect several large platforms to attract significant
user bases over the course of the year. Observing these projects and the
development of the technology also allows us, perhaps for the first time,
to see the outlines of what a “live” blockchain ecosystem might look like
in the near term, as well as identify the main challenges and success
factors involved.
1 Note that, while they represent important challenges for the blockchain ecosystem as well, we do not explicitly address
issues of privacy and confidentiality in this paper. We intend to handle these themes as part of our workshop and thematic
report on security to be held in the second half of 2019.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
The good news is that Europe already has a relatively good track record
in all of the above. That makes us optimistic that our vision of a maturing
ecosystem on the brink of mass adoption is a correct one.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Survey the blockchain ecosystem in Europe today1 and you will find
an impressive number of startups and projects building platforms and
decentralised applications, not to mention literally thousands of white
papers, proofs of concept and Github repositories. You will also find a
vast and vibrant community of associations, non-profit organisations,
foundations, meetups and local, national and supranational government
initiatives working to further the development and adoption of this new
technology. What is harder to find are live platforms or applications with
large, active user bases.
So where is blockchain adoption headed in the near future?
From today’s vantage point, it seems likely that the first successful
implementations of large-scale, live blockchain platforms will come
in the form of very efficient, “permissioned” blockchains developed by
1 A good place to start is the ‘EU Blockchain Map’ we have developed at the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum, which
counts over 550 entries and is continuously growing.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Such consortia can take on many different forms and involve different
kinds of stakeholders. Below are examples of three of the most prevalent
consortia models:
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Just as TCP/IP and the rest of the Internet stack became the open, freely
accessible backbone of the Web of Information, we think that a small
number of global, decentralised blockchain networks will also emerge as
the backbone of a Web of Value.
These will allow these permissioned chains to work with each other by
helping to facilitate data exchange and interoperability between chains,
or even simply serving as a timestamp and settlement layer for other
chains, and so providing that key layer of trust.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
As we have mentioned, for blockchain-based
platforms to succeed they will need to be able
to communicate and share data, a property
that is usually referred to as interoperability.
While interoperability between blockchains
can be achieved in a number of different ways,
these can be broken down into two basic
We look more closely at the technology of Like scalability, interoperability is another of the
scalability in our deep dive in the appendix. key technological challenges in the blockchain
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
world at the moment. A lot of time and There are different ways to address the
effort is being invested in developing various environmental sustainability issues of
approaches and solutions, and we can expect blockchains. The most promising is by
that over time it will become easier and easier moving to a different consensus mechanism.
for disparate blockchains to work together. And indeed, much of the research and
This will be to the benefit of the ecosystem as a development in blockchain today revolves
whole. around developing alternative consensus
mechanisms, such as proof-of-stake, that use
We also discuss interoperability in more detail significantly less energy while delivering the
in our deep dive appendix. same amount of security. We discuss a number
of these in our deep dives.
2 See
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
roles on the platform are. They will need to A permissioned network will, for instance,
think of the appropriate participation levels need some kind of identity registry to hold
and how entities qualify for different roles, the credentials of its users for authentication
while having mechanisms in place to ensure purposes. Most if not all of the user data will
that all members are treated fairly. There also typically be kept off the chain, so the
should be clear criteria for who can vote on project will need a shared but encrypted and
consensus, who is allowed to have a complete access-controlled data repository. There should
copy of the chain (which may contain sensitive be a means for members of the consortium to
data), who can put data into the chain and communicate and share high volumes of data
who can process that data. with each other in a secure way. Then there
are the various connections to the outside
In a collaborative IT project, especially a big world, whether data oracles or transaction
one, participants will likely want to use shared submissions. A key management solution, with
tools and IT standards as much as possible, yet recovery options, is also something projects
these must also be compatible with the tools should consider.
and standards of each individual stakeholder.
Such tools and standards should be considered Projects should further keep in mind that
carefully and, to the extent this is feasible, blockchain and other technologies evolve
agreed upon ahead of time. quickly. It therefore makes sense to use a
component approach for the above-mentioned
Finally, projects should keep in mind that they layers, developing them as microservices that
will grow. A governance model that works for a can be swapped out as new options become
small group looking to quickly build a proof-of- available.
concept to bootstrap an idea will not work for a
large, live platform with hundreds of members.
The governance model should therefore also HOMOGENEOUS PRODUCTION
be flexible, allowing the project to evolve and
adapt as necessary. ENVIRONMENT AND POOLED
COMPONENT-BASED, SERVICE- Sharing is also a key factor. In successful
ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE projects, members tend not to build their apps
to connect to the platform, but customise
In designing their solutions, projects should be standard apps developed by the consortium,
mindful of the fact that the blockchain is often saving time and effort and ensuring
only a small part of the overall architecture and compatibility. This can, however, be a challenge
hence of the development effort. There will be especially when dealing with groups of well-
many other layers that need to be understood established enterprises with a long history
and engineered to fit into the platform as a of IT projects and their own well-developed
whole. set of standards, as well as differing levels of
blockchain expertise.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
the origin and the destination have in • Back-ups. The EU Blockchain Infrastructure
certain “signing authorities” associated should allow users to request regular back-
with the data. We cannot request that a up of their server instances and their data.
EU Blockchain Infrastructure should have • Roll-back / fork. The EU Blockchain
“interoperable blockchains”. Rather, we ask Infrastructure should, at some point in
for specific interoperability functionalities, time, offer “roll-back” functionalities. While
and expect these functionalities to expand blockchains are, in principle, immutable,
over time. there may be especially critical situations
• Digital identity. Blockchain-based where processes or data have been
government services applications are corrupted due to a bug or a security issue,
unlikely to be able to operate without making it necessary to roll-back or fork one
a strong underlying digital identity of the blockchains. Such roll-backs or forks
ecosystem. A decentralised identity should be exceptional, and decided only
ecosystem includes a wide universe of by the highest governance bodies of the
applications, devices and authorities, Infrastructure platform. Nevertheless, if they
allowing users to store identity credentials happen, it is important to have pre-existing
in the repository of their choice and governance, processes and functionalities
use them across multiple blockchains in place in order to make them happen
and applications. Such a decentralised quickly.
identity ecosystem could be designed to • Migration / living wills. The EU Blockchain
interoperate with the centralised national Infrastructure should not, in principle, lock
digital identity schemes and eIDAS, the the data of public services within a specific
European framework and platform for such blockchain technology. Governing bodies
schemes. should request that technology vendors
• Fiat currency payments. Many blockchain- generate “living wills”, i.e. high-level guides
based workflows involve some form outlining how the data could be migrated
of automatic payment when certain out of their technology into a standard
conditions are met (such as the completion database, should the need arise.
of a workflow). Given that blockchains and
banking systems are often two separate
environments, these workflows are unlikely THE LAYERS OF A BLOCKCHAIN
to be able to operate unless fiat currencies
are given an existence on blockchains, and INFRASTRUCTURE
can be manipulated by smart contracts. The
EU Blockchain Infrastructure could allow In order to meet the functional needs of
users to access tokenised fiat currencies, institutional users and end users, a blockchain
for example by allowing private financial infrastructure should likely consist of the
institutions to issue tokens in proportion following layers, from top to bottom:
of the amounts held by these institutions
in escrow accounts or by working together • An application and services ecosystem/
with the European Central Bank to issue layer, consisting of applications focusing
a central bank-backed form of tokenised on specific use cases, service providers,
euro. auditors and regulators, and governance
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Our purpose in writing this paper has been to in supporting blockchain research in a
shed some light on the “potential future states” number of ways, from the EU Blockchain
of blockchain infrastructure and platforms in Observatory & Forum, under whose
Europe assuming large-scale adoption, and aegis this paper has been written, to the
to examine the characteristics for success in allocation of up to EUR 340 million to
getting there, as far as they can be ascertained support blockchain projects through 2020
at this time. under the Horizon 2020 programme. While
these are laudable, the EU should not rest
As we hope we have been able to show, it on its laurels. Both the US and China have
is indeed an interesting moment for the expressed strong support for blockchain
blockchain ecosystem and industry in Europe, research, with the former even going so
as a number of large projects are beginning far as to include it as part of its USD 700
to go live and attracting large user bases. billion defence budget. We therefore
While this is encouraging, there are still many recommend that the EU continue its strong
challenges – both technical and organisational support, targeting both basic research
– that need to be surmounted. as well as supporting implementation of
infrastructure-related projects in particular,
We believe there is a role for policy makers to as well as research into non-technical
help support the industry in meeting these topics such as governance of blockchain
challenges, and the good news is that the EU projects (see next bullet).
has already shown a clear intention to do so. • Governance. Governance, as we’ve
In this last section, we offer a few concrete mentioned, is a very important topic and a
recommendations for policy makers to help key success factor for blockchain projects.
continue the momentum. Governance of decentralised technologies
and applications is also not very well
• Standards. Today if we want to go in the understood. Besides supporting research
direction of multi-layered interoperable into the topic, the EU should take a wait-
ecosystem of blockchains, both policy and-see approach, giving projects the time
makers and the blockchain industry, to experiment and learn before developing
ideally working together, should prioritise standards or considering governance-
the development of standards. Among related regulations.
these, we think the most important will • Ecosystem diversity. The EU can support
be standards for digital identities in a the ecosystem in other ways as well, for
blockchain context, and for interoperability instance by encouraging project diversity.
between blockchains. We think it best, for example, not to
• Research. It is no secret that research mandate specific technologies under the
is an important element to the success European Blockchain Infrastructure, but
of blockchain. Currently the EU is active rather encourage different technologies
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
When dealing with scalability, there are multiple technologies that
one can use or improve in order to make a solution work faster. These
technologies are related to four different layers:
This solution cannot be easily leveraged for large networks because
machines are heterogeneous performance-wise, meaning that the older
nodes would not be able to keep up if the settings make it too hard to
keep pace. Minimum requirements could be contemplated for machines
to run a client but it means that only a limited number of actors would
be able to afford the necessary hardware, resulting in a less decentralised
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Layer 1 solutions can be minor tweaks, for example adjusting the block
size or the block time interval. Or they can be major changes. Blockchains
can employ sharding, for example, which is a technique common in
conventional database technology. This is where you break down the
data to be processed into different partitions (shards) and have part of
the network validate the individual partitions, thus allowing for parallel
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
It is important to keep in mind that different consensus mechanisms
imply different trust, governance and security assumptions, among other
things, and so cannot be compared to each other simply on the basis of
transactions per second or other performance metrics.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
This type of solution is the most promising in terms of scalability. It also
often offers interesting tools for privacy. However, it heavily relies on
interoperable tools in order to function properly. When fully mature, layer
2 solutions will allow to connect multiple blockchains seemlessly.
An oracle is an agent that allows to transfer external data to the
blockchain for on-chain use. This is done through the use of smart
contracts that add information about real-world events to the blockchain.
Simple examples of data that are useful to import include temperatures,
prices or information about flight delays. Once entered on the blockchain,
this data can be used to automate processes based on real-world
events (e.g. if a train is delayed, an insurance contract automatically and
autonomously delivers the indemnification).
Why is it interesting?
Oracles provide a data feed about external events. Without oracles, a
blockchain would operate only in its own closed environment, limiting
greatly its capabilities.
1 The Lightning Network on Bitcoin and Plasma on Ethereum are examples of sidechains designed to help with scaling.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Applications are only as reliable and trusted as their oracles are.
An atomic swap is the exchange of digital assets happening between
assets from two different blockchains, without intermediaries. To take a
simple example, Alice can choose to exchange her digital assets (located
on blockchain A) against Bob’s (located on blockchain B), without relying
on a third party to complete the transaction.
Why is it interesting?
Atomic swaps increase the level of interoperability between chains
that are not otherwise linked. They are not specific to a certain type of
blockchain and can theoretically be implemented on any chain that
deals with digital assets.
Atomic swaps have so far only been successfully used in order to
exchange simple assets; the technology has not proven its usability to
transfer information.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
Appendix — Blockchain
What is a blockchain?
Blockchain is one of the major technological breakthroughs of
the past decade. A technology that allows large groups of people
and organisations to reach agreement on and permanently record
information without a central authority, it has been recognised as an
important tool for building a fair, inclusive, secure and democratic digital
economy. This has significant implications for how we think about many
of our economic, social and political institutions.
Blockchain gets its name from the fact that data is stored in groups
known as blocks, and that each validated block is cryptographically
sealed to the previous block, forming an ever-growing chain of data.
Instead of being stored in a central location, all the nodes in the network
share an identical copy of the blockchain, continuously updating it as
new valid blocks are added.
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability
The potential use cases for blockchain are vast. People are looking
at blockchain technology to disrupt most industries, including from
automotive, banking, education, energy and e-government to healthcare,
insurance, law, music, art, real estate and travel. While blockchain is
definitely not the solution for every problem, smart contract automation
and disintermediation enable reduced costs, lower risks of errors and
fraud and drastically improved speed and experience in many processes.
The vocabulary used in the context of blockchains is quite specific and
can be hard to understand. Here are the essential concepts you should
know in order to navigate this breakthrough technology:
Thematic Report Scalability, interoperability and sustainability