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Lecture 2 ELFP

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Acceleration Records

Mu  Cu  Ku  Mug Time History Analysis

Mu  Cu  Ku  FNL  F

Free Vibration Equivalent
Ku  FEQ Static Analysis
  Ku  0
Ku  FNL  FEQ Analysis

Ku  FEQ Response Spectrum

Response Spectrums
CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
• Model Code
– IBC 2000
• International Building Codes
• NEHRP Provisions
• FEMA 368-369 Provisions
• Incorporates most recent (1996) USGS Hazard Maps
• Guidelines
– ATC -40
• Applied Technology Council
• Federal Emergency Management Agency

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) based on 1996 USGS
probabilistic hazard maps
• Deterministic limits used in high seismicity areas where the
hazard can be driven by tails of distributions
• Hazards maps provide spectral accelerations for
– T = 0.2 Sec called Ss
– T= 1.0 Sec called S1
• Local soil conditions considered using site coefficients
– Fa for short duration
– Fv for longer duration
• Develop the design spectrum using “S” and ‘F

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Convert the Seismic Excitation to an “Equivalent Static Force”
applied at the base of the building, called the Base Shear.
Then Distribute the Base Shear to various parts of the Building
by using:
V=WC ( from F = m a)

• This formula is based on the assumption that the structure will

undergo several cycles of inelastic deformation and energy
dissipation without collapse. Force and Displacements in the
structure are derived assuming linear behavior

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• The old equation: V = (Z K C S I) W

• The new equation: V  C sW

Cv I
Cs 
– I = Importance factor, for a specific occupancy category, from UBC Table
– Cv = Velocity based ground response coefficient, for a specific seismic
zone and soil profile, from UBC Table 16-R
– R = response modification factor, for a specific structural system, from
UBC Table 16-N
– T = Fundamental; period of vibration, from UBC Formula (30-8) or (30-10)

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Step 1: Determine Seismic Zone Factor Z
• Step 2: Determine Seismic Source Type
• Step 3: Determine Near Source Factor
• Step 4: Determine Soil Profile Type
• Step 5: Determine Ground Response Coefficients Ca and Cv
• Step 6: Determine Fundamental period T

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Step7: Classify the Structural System and determine the
Response Modification Factor R
• Step 8: Determine the Occupancy Categories and Importance
Factor I
• Step 9: Determine the Seismic Response Coefficient Cs
• Step 10: Determine the Base Shear
• Step 11: Vertical Distribution of Base Shear into Lateral Forces

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Use the Define Load Case
Option and Select
Appropriate Code
• Structure can be analyzed
for several Codes at the
same time

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• For rigid diaphragm, the • For semi-rigid diaphragm,
total force will be applied as the force will be distributed
the center of mass at each node of the

Rigid diaphragm Semi-rigid diaphragm

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

X dir

X dir + Eccen Y X dir - Eccen Y

Direction and Eccentricity

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
• Method A
– Ct value shall be input according to the structure type

• Program Calculated
– Calculate the mode which has the largest participation factor in the
direction of load.
– Compare with the Method A period and determine the time period to
be used.

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• User Defined
– Use the user input time period and do not compare against the
Method A period.

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Overstrength Factor (Table 16-N)
– Global ductility capacity of lateral force-resisting system
• Soil Profile Types
– SA, SB, SC, SD, SE
– Ranging from hard rock to soft soil
– Ground vibration tends to be greater on soft soil than hard rock
• Seismic Zone Factor (Table 16-I)
– Zone 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4
– Effective peak ground acceleration as a function of g
– Recurrence interval of 475 years which gives a 10% probability
exceeded in a fifty years period

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Seismic Source Type (Table 16-U)
– Depends on maximum moment magnitude potential of a fault and slip
• Distance to Source (Table 16-T)
– Ground acceleration increases near the fault in Zone 4
• Importance Factor (Table 16-K)
– Depends on occupancy categories

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Maximum Inelastic Displacement (Eq. 30-17)
– ∆M = 0.7 R ∆s
– ∆M = maximum inelastic displacement
– R = overstrength factor
– ∆s = design level displacement by design seismic forces
• Drift Limit
– For structures having time period < 0.7s, Drift limit = 0.025 x story
– For structures having time period ≥ 0.7s, Drift limit = 0.02 x story height

– Actual time period calculated by Method B shall be used to calculate

the design lateral force for story drift and neglect the 30% or 40%
limitations in Section 1630.2.2.
– Design base shear minimum limit formula (30-6) also be neglected.
CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
• Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) based on 2005 USGS
probabilistic hazard maps
• Deterministic limits used in high seismicity areas where the
hazard can be driven by tails of distributions
• Hazards maps provide spectral accelerations for
– T = 0.2 Sec called Ss
– T= 1.0 Sec called S1
• Local soil conditions considered using site coefficients
– Fa for short duration
– Fv for longer duration
• Develop the design spectrum using “S” and ‘F

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Convert the Seismic Excitation to an “Equivalent Static Force”
applied at the base of the building, called the Base Shear.
Then Distribute the Base Shear to various parts of the Building
by using
V=WC ( from F = m a)

• This formula is based on the assumption that the structure will

undergo several cycles of inelastic deformation and energy
dissipation without collapse. Force and Displacements in the
structure are derived assuming linear behavior

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• A building is considered to be fixed at the base
• Seismic base shear,

V  CsW
Cs = The seismic response coefficient
W = The effective seismic weight of the
structure including the total dead
load and other loads (Next slide)

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

S MS  Fa S S
V  CsW

CS  Fa = Site coefficient short period , Table 1615.1.2(1)
 R Ss = Spectral accelerations for short periods, Maps
  R = The response modification factor, Table 1617.6
Cs need not be  IE  IE = The occupancy importance factor, Section 1616.2
greater than
2 S M 1  FV S1
S DI S D1  SM1
CS  3
 T
 IE  FV = Site coefficient, 1 sec period, Table 1615.1.2(2).
T = Fundamental period (in seconds) of the structure
Cs must be greater than
S1 = Spectral accelerations for a 1-second period, Maps
0 .5 S 1
CS  C S  0.044S DS I E
 
IE 

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• W includes:
– In areas use for storage , a minimum of 25 % of the reduced floor live
load ( floor live load in public garages and open parking structures need
not be included.
– Where an allowance for partition weight or a minimum weight of 50
kg/m2 of floor area , whichever is greater.
– Total operating weight of permanent equipment.
– 20 % of flat roof snow load where the flat roof snow load exceeds 150

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• R is dependent on structural system and ranges from 1.5 to 8
(bad to good)
• Fa is site modification for short period spectrum and ranges
from 0.8 to 2.5 (good to bad)
• Fv is a site modification for 1 sec period spectrum and ranges
from 0.8 to 3.5 (good to bad)
• I ranges from 1.0 to 1.5 (Normal to important)

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Calculation of seismic response coefficient ,
CS 
 
 I 
I  The occupancy importance factor
R  The response modificati on factor
S DS  design spectral response accelerati on parameter at short period

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Upper limit of seismic response coefficient ,
CS  for T  TL CS  for T  TL
R R
T  T 2 
I  I 

• Lower limit of seismic response coefficient ,

CS  0.01

R = response modification factor

SD1 = design spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1s
TL = long-period transition period
T = fundamental period of building
I = importance factor
CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
• Buildings and structure for which the 1-second spectral
response S1 , is equal to or greater than 0.6 g, the value of the
seismic response coefficient ,Cs , shall not be taken as less
CS 

R = response modification factor

S1 = spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1s
I = importance factor

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Computing Time Period, T:
– The fundamental period of the building , T , in the direction under
consideration shall be established using the structural properties and
deformational characteristics of the resisting elements in a properly
substantiated analysis
• Or
– Shall be taken as the approximate fundamental period, Ta .The
calculated fundamental period ,T, shall not exceed the product of the
coefficient for upper limit on calculation period, Cu and the
approximate fundamental period , Ta.

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Approximate fundamental period
Ta  0.1N (buildings not exceeding 12 stories)

N = number of stories

Ta  Ct  hn

h = height in feet

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Vertical distribution of seismic forces:
• The lateral force, (kip or kN) , induced at any level:

Fx  Cvx  V Cvx  n
wx hxk

where i 1
 i i
w h k

– Cvx =Vertical distribution factor.

– k = A distribution exponent related to the buildings period as follows:
• For buildings having a period of 0.5 second or less, k = 1.
• For building having a period of 2.5 seconds or more, k = 2.
• For building having a period between0.5 and 2.5 seconds or more,
k shall be 2 or shall be determined by linear interpolation

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
Modification for short period Response
CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
Modification for 1 Sec period Response
CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
• Adjust Maximum
Considered Earthquake
(MCE) values of Ss and S1
for local site effects
– SMs = Fa x Ss
– SM1 = Fv x S1

• Calculate the spectral

design values
– SDS = 2/3 x SMS
– SD1 = 2/3 x SM1

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar


S DS  0.167 g A A A

0.167 g  S DS  0.33g
0.33g  S DS  0.5g

0.50 g  S DS Da Da Da

Note a: Seismic Use Groups I and II structures located on sites with mapped
maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at 1-second
period, equal to or greater than 0.75g, shall be assigned to Seismic Design
Category E, and Seismic Use Group III structures located on such sites shall
be assigned to Seismic Design Category F.

Based On Short Period Response Accelerations

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

S D1  0.067 g A A A

0.067 g  S D1  1.33g
1.33g  S D1  0.20g
Da Da Da
0.20 g  S D1

Note a: Seismic Use Groups I and II structures located on sites with mapped
maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at 1-
second period, equal to or greater than 0.75g, shall be assigned to
Seismic Design Category E, and Seismic Use Group III structures
located on such sites shall be assigned to Seismic Design Category F.

Based on 1 Second Period Response Acceleration

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
• Seismic Design Category are used to select:
– Type of analysis
• Very Simplified
• Equivalent Lateral Load Procedure
• Response Spectrum
• Time-history
– Type of design and detailing
• Special Detailing
• Intermediate Detailing
• Ordinary Detailing
– Many other checks/requirements

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar


Regular structures, other than those in Item 1 above, up to 240 Equivalent lateral-force procedure
feet in height.

Structures that have vertical irregularities of Type 1a, 1b, 2 or 3

in Table 1616.5.2, or plan irregularities of Type 1a or 1b of Table Modal analysis procedure
1616.5.1 and have a height exceeding five stories or 65 feet and
structures exceeding 240 feet in height.

Equivalent lateral-force procedure with

Other structures designated as having plan or vertical dynamic characteristics included in the
irregularities. analytical model.


CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

Seismic Design Category Seismic Use Group Value of SDS Value of SD1

A I, II, III SDS < 0.167g SD1 < 0.067g

B I, II 0.167g ≤ SDS ≤ 0.33g 0.067g ≤ SD1 ≤ 0.133g

III 0.167g ≤ SDS ≤ 0.33g 0.067g ≤ SD1 ≤ 0.133g

I, II 0.33g ≤ SDS ≤ 0.50g 0.133g ≤ SD1 ≤ 0.20g

III 0.33g ≤ SDS ≤ 0.50g 0.133g ≤ SD1 ≤ 0.20g

I, II 0.50g ≤ SDS 0.20g ≤ SD1

E I, II - 0.75g ≤ SD1

F III - 0.75g ≤ SD1

I = Normal Buildings , (IE=1.0)

II = Important Structures (IE=1.25)
III = Essential Structures (IE=1.5)
CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
Seismic Design
Analysis Procedures Limit

Minimum Lateral Forces

A -

Simplified Analysis Seismic Use Group I buildings of light-framed

A, B, C, D, E, F construction three stories or less in height with
(1617.5) flexible diaphragms at every level

Equivalent Lateral Forces Regular structures other than those in Item I

D, E, F
(1617.4) above, up to 240 feet in height

Equivalent Lateral Forces (1617.4)

Other structures designated as having plan or
with dynamic characteristics included in D, E, F
vertical irregularities
the analysis model
Structures that have vertical irregularities of
Type 1a, 1b, 2 or 3
Modal Analysis Procedure (1618) D, E, F Plan irregularities of Type 1a or 1b
Height exceeding five stories or 65 feet
Structures exceeding 240 feet in height
Modal Analysis Procedure (1618)
D, E, F SD1 ≥ 0.2, Site Class E or F and T ≥ 0.7
With A site-specific response spectrum

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Seismic Load Effect (E)
– For equation 16-5, 16-10 and 16-17
E = ρQE + 0.2 SDS D
– For equation 16-5, 16-10 and 16-17
E = ρQE - 0.2 SDS D
where D = The effect of dead load.
E = The combined effect of horizontal and
vertical earthquake-induced forces
ρ = A reliability factor based on system
redundancy obtained in accordance with Section 1617.2
QE = The effect of horizontal seismic forces
SDS= The design spectral response acceleration at short periods

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Maximum Seismic Load Effect (Em)
– For equation 16-19 E = Ω0QE + 0.2 SDS D
– For equation 16-20 E = Ω0QE - 0.2 SDS D
E, QE, SDS are as defined above and Ω0is the system overstrength factor as given in
Table 1617.6
rmaxi = The ratio of the
• Redundancy (ρ) design story shear resisted by
– For Seismic Design Category A, B or C the most heavily loaded
– ρ = 1.0 single element in the story to
the total story shear, for a
– For Seismic Design Category D, E or F given direction of loading
20 6.1
  2 ( for US )   2 ( for SI )
rmax Ai rmax Ai

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Intended to account for inelastic deformations.
• Represent a measure of the amount of ductility allowed in
various types of building
• Typical Values
R = 8.0 for ductile steel frames
7.0 for ductile concrete frames
4.5 for ordinary steel frames
2.0 for ordinary concrete frames
5.5 for RC shear walls
4.5 for reinforced masonry shear walls
1.5 for unreinforced masonry shear walls

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Typical Values

3.0 for ductile steel frames (Special Case)

2.5 for ductile concrete frames
2.5 for ordinary concrete frames
2.5 for RC shear walls
2.5 for reinforced masonry shear walls
2.5 for unreinforced masonry shear walls
2.0 for ordinary steel frames

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

• Deflection
x = Cd dxe / I
dxe = deflection determined by elastic analysis
Cd = deflection amplification factor
I = importance factor

• To determine the elastic drift, use seismic design forces based

on the period without upper limit (Cu Ta)

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar
• Ss and S1, mapped MCE
spectral accelerations are 0%
to 300% and 0% to 100% in
the map.
• For example, if the map value
is 125%g, it should be input as

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

UBC-97 IBC-2000

V  CsW
V  CsW
Cs  CS 
 DS E
CS 
 DI
RT    T
 IE   IE 

Cv = 0.05 to 0.5 SDS = 0.13 to nearly 1.0

I= 1.0 to 1.5 IE = 1 to 1.5
R= R= 4 to 8
SD1= 0.05 to nearly 0.5

CE 72.32 - Design of Tall Buildings - January 2011, Dr. Naveed Anwar

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