Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Group Members
Saad Bin Tariq
Sohaib Saleem
Shahzeb Hamza
Muhammad Arslan
Big Data
• Huge Volume of Data that cannot be, stored and processed using the
traditional approach within the given time frame.
Big Data
How huge this data needs to be in order to be
classified as Big Data?
Big Data
Another Real Life Example
Big Data
A single Jet engine can
generate 10+ TeraBytes of data
in 30 minutes of flight time. With
many thousand flights per day,
generation of data reaches up to
many Petabytes.
Types of Big Data
• Structured
• Unstructured
• Semi-structured
Types of Big Data
• Any data that can be stored, accessed and processed in the form of
fixed format is termed as a 'structured' data.
• Data stored in a relational database management system is one
example of a 'structured' data.
Types of Big Data
• Any data with unknown form or
the structure is classified as
unstructured data.
• A typical example of unstructured
data is a heterogeneous data
source containing a combination
of simple text files, images, videos
Types of Big Data
• Semi-structured data can contain both the forms of data.
• It is actually not defined with e.g. a table definition in relational
• Example of semi-structured data is a data represented in an XML file.
Characteristics of Big Data
• Volume
• Variety
• Velocity
Characteristics of Big Data
• The name Big Data itself is related
to a size which is enormous.
• Whether a particular data can
actually be considered as a Big Data
or not, is dependent upon the
volume of data.
• 'Volume' is one characteristic which
needs to be considered while
dealing with Big Data.